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High-Tech [ A 1x1 between me and Azi ]

mickel would fire a grapple into the side of the building and sling himself up, along with fatso.
She smiled and got to window, pulling him in and the guy. Mike groaned as he was threw on the ground. "Well. Now that I don't wanna kill you. You are welcomed to swoop right in when you wanna." She picked up a pack, "You smoke?" She said and took out when and lit it, popping it in her mouth.
She scrunched her brows and shook her head, taking the it out of her mouth. "You can't breath? What the hell?" She said, confused for a second.
"Oh." She said shrugging. Robots were common now. "I see. So robot, who was your creator? Or your dad/mom do to say? Do you have a reason why you were created?" She said, "Wait. Excuse me for a second." She came back after a while without her suit and came back in regular clothes still smoking. "Go on. Also, did they program you with a certain feature? I know some have actual feelings like love, hate, regret and all that stuff."
"Really?" She said, with raised eyebrows. She closed her eyes, "Cool." She stated. She fixed her pure gold ring that had a strange marking on it, a strange marking was also on her arm. And if Mike would take off his suit, he had the same exact rings and tattoo. She threw cigar and threw it out the window,she out her hands on her face and rubbed her eyes. "Ugh.." She groaned and looked up at the robot. "Indeed he is a moron." She said and quickly cursed as she touched her strange marking tattoo. It seem to glow a little.
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She glared at him. "No it's not on fire." She went away and came back with some food. She ate some Sandwiches and she drank milk. She sighed and wiped her milk mustache away. "Want some?" She paused and furrowed her brows again, because he was a robot..
"Umm. Okay." She said passing him a glass of milk. "Drink up." She said happily. Her tattoo still burned but the food calmed her down.m
Mickel would bite the tip off his pinky and dip a small tab in the glass... once satisfied, he drinks, seemingly with swallowing.
She nods slowly and Mike groaned and got up, he shot a glare at both of the,. He grumbled and changed into a hoodie and baggy jeans in another room and came back out. He eyes the man, "Why you invite him here Kage?" He said in a deep voice. Kage shrugged. "He helped me carry you here, I would of feel face first to the cement if he didn't." She stared at him and nodded. It seemed like a signal. Mike eyes widened for minute but kept his cool. "I see." He said very seriously. He clenched his teeth as his tattoo began to burn. "Lemme see what I can do." He said and rummaged through some old looking stuff. He shot another glare to the man, "Touch her and you die," he stated. He leaned down to her and took out a knife. "I know.. Just calm down." She nodded. He gave her some cloth to bite on. He nodded and stabbed his knife deeply on her tattoo line. He traced from there, she tried not to scream and finally he was done, the burning had stop and a blood puddle was on the floor. "Better?" She nodded. "Good." He bandaged it up. He looked to the man again. "You- Never mind." He cleaned up the blood and started doing the same to his tattoo, he looked like he barley was feeling pain, he closed his eyes and muttered prayers,
"blood letting. Huh... oh, and touch me and i'll remove you head from your body." He says, as though it was an everyday conversation.
He opened one eye. It was golden-red. "Shh." Hs expression was softer and he closed his eye again. Finally finishing, he bandaged it up and cleaned the blood. He came over to Kage and sat next to her. His eyes faded back to their natural color. He petted his hair and looked at the man. He nodded to him, as to say 'what's up?'. Kage was still clenching her teeth, and she rocked back and fourth a little.
Mickel would not respond... after a moments silence, he goes to the window. "back in a moment. My generators dead." He fires a grapple into the window sill then simply steps out.
He shrugged, "Kage it's okay now." He said smiling, Kage looked at him with crazed eyes. "But-" he shook his head. "No. Shh. It's fine." He smiled and she nodded, he saw he got some blood on herself and himself. "Go change into that pretty dress i got ya'." He said chuckling. "I don't like dresses!!" He gave her a serious look. "Do you have a choice? Who is the bigger one here?" She pouted, "You are," he smiled and nodded, "It's a summer dress it's long and flowy. at least and it's black. It does not look too girly. It seemed nice enough that I got you something, using most of the money from the Assassination." She pouted but only to come back in a black simple dress. "This is so unfair!" He countered her, "So is life." She sighed and sat down for a moment,
"I'd say change into it." Mickel says from the window, then falls out of sight before they could fire at him.
Kage and Mike looked at the window. Kage and Mike shrugged. "We won't hurt you. Well, unless you do something to Kage or me." He said. "Why do you both want to make me wear a dress? A t-shirt and some sweatpants would be nice." She threw he hands in the air, her black dress flowing a little bit to the breeze. "She stood up and went to a room, she had this arm gear thing. She spoke, "Command: Power on." A hologram if screen appeared above her. She touched the map of the city she is in in front of her. She went on another page, looking at the targets they need to kill.
Mickel wouldn't have been there to hear what they were saying. He was busy kicking his generator until he thought of putting fuel in it~
Kage came back, "Dude there is a man out there and his award is.. Wait for it.." She was about to faint. "Ten thousand dollars!" She yelled. "His name is.. I don't know.. But that is a lot!!" She danced around happily and there off her arm gear. Mike laughed wildly and danced around happily too. They both settled down again and Kage was singing happily, she looked like a girly girl but she was some badass lady who killed goons in a epic High-tech suit.
Mickel would shortly peer over the sill, wondering if he was gonna get shot at for his earlier comment about a dress, or something.
She saw him peek from the sill but didn't say anything she shouted, "Like he said, you could come in." She said, frowning a little. "Mike, what's wrong?.." She asked as he stared off to space. "We could get a car... A new place... New things.." He said happily.
"i could cover the car." Mickel days as he clamber in. "damn generator breaks down at least three times a week." He mutters.

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