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Realistic or Modern High School Madness ~Anime~

Saruwatari looks at him when he sits with headphones in his ears barley noticing him then he takes out one of the headphones. "Hi man how are you?
"A-chan? Why does he call me that?" She watch him walk off. "That guy I swear. Makes mybad side come out. Well no time to think about that! I musts fine my locker and learn my around this school." She walked into the school trying to learn her way around.
"You're talking to me?" Akio asked surprised. He haven't had a normal conversation in a long time. The most normal was getting kicked out of the car by his manager because he was being annoying. It was new that the boy even noticed him as a human being rather than some famous rich kid.
He looks around. "Na casper the friendly ghost." Puts out his hand to shake it. ((DAmn sorry I gotta go to the dentist didnt see that one comeing)
Akio chuckled, "Yea I'm doing fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. What about you?" It was weird and the comments he made were cheesy but who could blame him? Its that or asking how the weather was.

(Alright cya when you get back)
Takane watched as the random boy left and she sighed. She heard some louds screams of disappointment and she noted that the beloved Aiko had probably escaped them. Takane ushered Mira to the entrance ceremony and looked for a place to sit. You see, she wasn't the most friendly girl most of the time because people would judge her for her money and what she would do in free time. Though to her this didn't seem abnormal because she figured that everyone had just as much money as she did. Realizing that Mira had already gone to her freshman friends and was busy being pursued by boys, Takane felt a bit left out.

"I still can't believe that Naka-sensei isn't here. Oh maybe Yuki is..." she murmured and as she walked past the Junior section she saw the 'famous' Akio. She tried to figure out what was so 'amazing' about him and why all her friends wanted her to at least talk with him. Takane didn't understand what talking to him would do so she would always politely accept the request, but she realized after some time that her friends just wanted to get information about him. One thing she didn't like was being used for people to get close to others.
After learung her way around the school she saw other students heading to the entrance ceremony. She headed there then looked around. She then looked next to her and noticed a girl standing next to her.

Takane noticed that she had been standing near the Junior section for quite sometime now. When she turned she noticed a teal haired girl standing next to her. "Oh my bad. I didn't mean to block your path" she said and moved out of the way and headed up towards the seniors' section where she sat down between some of her friends. She kept looking over at the sleeping form of Yuki who was sleeping at the back of the gym not paying attention to the girls sitting or standing around him.

"Oh no your fine!" She smiled at her. Thenthe girl walked over to the senior section. "Oh she's a senior." She looked around again for a empty seat. She found one and sat down.
"Ah no this is my second year here," Akio chirped happily. It was nice talking to a boy for once. "What club you joining?" he asked. Akio was thinking of joining basketball again. He had loved that sport at a young age and played it a lot when growing up.
Yuki stirred as he heard people talking about sports or something of that sort. He opened his eyes and looked around still half asleep. He noticed some girls sitting at his feet and he tensed for a moment, before he relaxed once again. "Ugh this entrance ceremony takes too long" he muttered under his breath and rubbed his dark red eyes. As his messy raven colored hair fell in front of his eyes he looked for someone to talk to. He saw Takane surrounded by her senior friends, and Mira with hers. Yuki could see Amu sitting down in an empty seat and Akio talking with some purple haired boy. He had played basketball with Akio last year when he decided to join the team. The two talked occasionally, but weren't normally together because of their difference in friend groups.
"I am going to join the Kendo club. But I am intrested in the music club." He smiles at him. "So what does this entrance ceremony thing do?"
Akio smiles back, "Well first, if it ever starts then the student body or principal makes an announcement about the school building and rules. Afterwards, club representatives from current years will do their thing and get students to join in on them. Not really sure. I don't listen much," he gave Saruwatari an apologetic look and notice Yuki across the room and called him over. The used to be former basketball mates. He was one of the people Akio could be normal around.

The ceremony was late starting. The principal was nowhere in sight so Daiki took charge. He walks up the stage with a smile plastered onto his face. "Good morning students! Welcome to Highschool. I am Yoshihiro-sensei, teaching you all about history. As you may know, the headmaster is running late so in the meantime, please hear for our club representatives!" He swiftly turns and eyes Sumiko, the music club supervisor and waves the microphone at her, not knowing what he was doing.. @kawiibunnygirl
He takes his other headphone out when he walks onto the stag and hits pause on the music shoving the headphones into his pocket.
Sumiko noticed that she was being waved at so she walked up to the stage and smiled at everyone. "Good morning students! I'm Sumiko Nakamura, but you can call me Naka-sensei. Now I guess I should say what I am supervising. I'm the 11th home room teacher, music teacher and the music club supervisor! I do hope that you all will enjoy my classes!" She said giving them a smile and brushed back her long black hair. She had a couple flower hair pins to make her hair less ordinary. As she continued to talk about some of the perks of joining the music club.

Yuki noticed that he was called over by Akio and he stopped as his very popular older sister began talking to everyone with much happiness to her voice. "Oh no. Please don't say anything embarrassing!" He said as he sat down and slumped in his seat.

"Akio tell me when she's done speaking.." Yuki complained and looked back the stage where Sumiko was answering questions from a couple students.

Akio laughed. "What? Don't like the attention?" he teased knowing the boy was getting flustered over his sister's behaviour. "Oh look, I think she's done," he stated moments later.

Daiki threw Sumiko a thumbs up as she was answering questions. He had no idea what he was doing but since it looks like the ceremony was saved then it was safe to say it was going fine even without the headmaster.

"Who would like the attention? She's so embarrassing..." Yuki answered and then saw a couple class reps waiting to be called up once Sumiko was done talking. She waved at a couple students before walking down. Yuki saw that Takane wasn't up for the senior rep and he poked Akio.

"Hey is there a girl with long silver hair behind you?" He asked as the freshmen's home room teacher began talking. Mira was soundly sleeping in her seat as the teachers droned on, drool threatening to drip down her chin. This was noticed by her friends who quickly nudged her shoulder.

Threlm would be focused on what the teachers are saying not really caring what Yuki and Akio are talking about.
Akio looked at Yuki weirdly before sighing. He walks up onstage being the "hero" he was. "Hello all~" he said into the mic. Before he got to say anything more, screams of girls echoed throughout the building. Akio mentally facepalmed as the squealing died down. "I'm Akio Takeshi, 2nd year in 11th grade, representative for basketball club." As he said that, he winked into the crowd hearing some more screams. "I hope some of you will apply for basketball. We're in need of members. Thank you, I hope we have a great year." Akio then walks down the stage and sat back down in his seat like nothing happened, smiling at Threlm and Yuki. I'm so pro.

After Akio finished with his not-so-long speech, Daiki motioned for Takane to come up seeing as she was ready now.
Threlm nods at Akio as he walks back. "Well you seem popular?" He says curiously. And leans back in his chair. He is also smiling at Akio.
"Don't even ask," Akio groans. "But if you insist, I'm the top male model in the highest modelling company." It was tell now or never and he didn't like keeping secrets.
He laughs a bit to himself. "Congrats man. But I am not sure if I should be saying congrats seeing as you don't look like you take much pride in it mate?"

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