High Expectations


I mean, he's not defined by his sexuality. I don't mind the jokes and the nudging his character that way (hell I like Fletcher and would love for the PC to get to know him), but please don't fetishize his potential gayness.
1. Ask him to open the door. (4. Using techniques of seduction/subterfuge/being annoying.)

"Damn," you say, still watching the woman walk away. Fletcher shoots you a dirty look, and you turn to him. "I'm... sorry," you say.

He looks a little surprised, but doesn't say anything.

"I didn't mean to be quite so difficult or make you quite so uncomfortable," you continue.

"...Apology accepted," Fletcher says hesitantly.

"Wouldn't you feel better if you used worldspeaking to open the door? If you knew what was on the other side? I'm just curious," you ask.

"Definitely not," says Fletcher without pausing for so much as a heartbeat.

"Why? Are there dead bodies up there or something?"

"No!" Fletcher stares at you incredulously. "You are completely different from any other Silver Tongue I have encountered. I can't for my life figure why they let you in."

You smirk impishly, taking a step toward him. "Is different good?"

He frowns. "Stop."

You take another step. "Would any of the other Tongues try to open the door?"

He steps back. "No, because they have a lick of fu- ...of sense."

You rest your fists on your hips and look him level in the eyes. "I just thought someone as cool as you seem would take me up there."


"Just say a word or two-"

"I won't."

"-or whatever you need to do to open the door, twiddle your fingers-"

"I can't."

You fall silent.

He laughs bitterly. "That's me, a freak of nature. Can't worldspeak to save my life. They keep me around to do the odd jobs nobody else wants to do and to mind the library." He draws himself up, staring a challenge into your eyes. "Maybe I can't worldspeak, but I'm smarter than any of the snots here. So, no, even if your... whatever you're doing... worked, you wouldn't be getting up there."

  1. "Well, if I need a book, I know who to ask. I'm sure you can out-librarian the best of them."
  2. "That's hilarious. Were you born dysfunctional like that?"
  3. "It's not right, them forcing their unwanted work onto you!"
  4. Write In.

(Since there was a strong showing for exploring further, the next thing that'll happen after a brief conversation will be heading to the training rooms. Under what conditions that happens is entirely up in the air...)

@Unwavering Knight, @JayTee, @Reinhardt, @Genon, @simj22, @Stormblessed, @ApfelSeine, @KamiKahzy, @Riuma, @Eldecrok, @Syrenrei
Number 1. Snappy, with a hint of a dismissive condescending attitude fitting for a a PC talking to an NPC.
xD I'm just waiting for someone to say,
"Number 1. Positive, with a hint of warmth and friendliness fitting for a PC talking to a love interest."
xD I'm just waiting for someone to say,
"Number 1. Positive, with a hint of warmth and friendliness fitting for a PC talking to a love interest."

Too late, I ruined it forever. Now it's only a condescending dismissal! 8D
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4. "It's not right, them forcing their unwanted work onto you!" Then go on lecturing about how much more important he could be if he opened the door. Make him opening the door sound awesome.
4. "It's not right, them forcing their unwanted work onto you!" Then go on lecturing about how much more important he could be if he opened the door. Make him opening the door sound awesome.

He literally can't open the magically sealed door. Cannot.
He literally can't open the magically sealed door. Cannot.

Oh. I thought he was still being stubborn. Then 4. "It's not right, them forcing their unwanted work onto you!" Then, when the conversation wraps up, find someone else to open the door.
4. and then throw in some flattery so that if you need things in the future, he's suitably softened up to you to help. I bet this guy knows all sorts of obscure stuff that will be useful in the future, and he sounds pretty cute, so let's continue the train of niceness. It makes no sense to spurn a potential ally.

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