High Expectations

Just wanna clarify that option 2 is about demanding he do something for you in exchange for you giving up on it, not the reverse. xD

So really, it's a question of whether Lysander is into strip teases.
1. Try to talk him into going up.

"Please?" you say, giving Fletcher your best puppy dog eyes.

He crosses his arms. "No."

You sniffle a little, eyes welling up with tears. "Pleeeaaasse?"

His lip curls in a sneer. "No."

You quickly drop the act, rolling your eyes. "Haven't you ever wondered what was up there?"

His posture shifts slightly. He looks... scared? "I haven't, and you shouldn't either. Go back downstairs. Please."

You think for a minute, then grin, drawing closer to Fletcher until there's maybe an inch between you. He shrinks away from you, muttering, "What are you..." Color is difficult to pick up here in the dark, so you can't tell if he's blushing. When you walk your fingers up his chest playfully, he squawks again and stumbles away from you - and the door. You cheer triumphantly and extend your hand towards the doorknob, but then it twists seemingly on its own and the door slides towards you. You back away, and a tall, willowy woman steps out. She's wearing the robes everyone else is, but they are a more decorated variety, with gold cords tying the sleeves tighter around her forearms and with lacing down the front that pulls it closer around her body. Her hood is down; her beautiful, open face shifts into a surprised expression.

"Oh!" she says softly, liltingly, as she closes the door. "I'm sorry! You must be the new one." Her doe eyes light upon Fletcher, and she smiles. "Hello, Fletcher."

He flinches almost imperceptibly, but inclines his head. "Greetings. I was explaining to this young one that the fourth floor is off-limits."

He's shaking. You're 99% sure he's shaking. Maybe he has a crush?

The woman laughs, and it fills the air like the smell of sugar turning to caramel. Maybe you have a crush. "That's alright, Fletcher, I understand." Turning to you, she wags her finger. "He's right, you know. I hate to sound grotesque, but I would not wish the punishment for trespassing upon my worst enemy." Sighing, she smooths the front of her robes. "Well, I must be off. Take care." She turns and cups her hand, whispering something into the wood. You hear the click of the lock as she flounces away, but you're more focused on her retreating behind.

Fletcher seems to almost melt from relief when she's gone. "See? Now come on, let's go to the lodging rooms so I can be rid of you."


  1. Apologize
  2. Don't Apologize


  1. Insist on exploring elsewhere
  2. Acquiesce to going to bed.
  3. Tell him to use worldspeaking to unlock the door.
  4. Write-In

@Unwavering Knight, @JayTee, @Reinhardt, @Genon, @simj22, @Stormblessed, @ApfelSeine, @KamiKahzy, @Riuma, @Eldecrok, @Syrenrei
1. Apologize, then 4. Manipulate him into using worldspeaking to unlock the door.
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1. Apologize then 4. Try to use flirtation/flattery to try to convince him to unlock the door with worldspeaking
2. Don't Apologize (sorrynotsorry)

4. Ask Fletcher what exactly is the punishment while slowly working your way towards that room where we heard the noise from earlier.
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A mixture of using multiple embedded commands (example: Wouldn't it ease your curiosity to open the door via worldspeaking?), flirtation/flattery, and asking him to do very small and easy requests and then following up with the real request.

I will say, there is much you have yet to learn about Fletcher, fufufufu
The hilarious thing is I didn't set out with Lysander being gay in mind. xD

You guys are the ones who decided to strip for Fletcher and force him into accompanying you and whatnot. xD
The hilarious thing is I didn't set out with Lysander being gay in mind. xD

Pfft, Lysander isn't gay. He's a PC, and and PC's are Whatever-gets-me-my-goal/wealth/power/loot-sexual.


Don't Apologize: Our plan didn't work because we were interrupted by that lady. Obviously not our fault and nothing we need to apologize for. Maybe we can seduce her to get up there instead?

Go to bed. Obviously this isn't working right now, maybe we can sneak up there in the middle of the night.
1) 2. Don't apologize. You're going to look weak.

2) 3. Continuously pester him about factually wrong facts about the dead bodies in the 4th floor until he goes mad from your tirade and eventually acquiesces to your demands to open the goddamn door. 
Wow, so Lysander is a bottom.


If we're going the gay route, at least take charge, as in push him against a wall once we're in his room, one hand sliding under his tun--


Haha i forgot this was a quest run by a mod. None of that shit for you lot.
I mean, as a mod, I am very aware of the line between erotic content and fun content and can brush riiiiiiight up against it without crossing.

So really, I'm the BEST person for that.
I mean, as a mod, I am very aware of the line between erotic content and fun content and can brush riiiiiiight up against it without crossing.

So really, I'm the BEST person for that.


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