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Fandom Hidden enemy hxh

Akashi would fallow Aiolos to the tower. “Hello welcome to the battle tower if you are here to register please sign in and take your number” Akashi signed in and took his number of 105
Aiolos signed in and got the number 106. He would look at Akashi and say "I have to uhh look around and see if there's any puppets worth my time."
"Good show me the way then if they're any good we can definitely take them and bring them into the fold."
“Haha well it’s a student of my teachers student so yes he will be good but we need to go up a few floors to get to him have you been here before “
“Haha well it’s a student of my teachers student so yes he will be good but we need to go up a few floors to get to him have you been here before “
"Yeah I've been here about twice before and I stopped out of boredom as opposed to loosing." Aiolos said with a slight smirk at the thought of his army expanding.
“Haha well it’s a student of my teachers student so yes he will be good but we need to go up a few floors to get to him have you been here before “
"Yeah I've been here about twice before and I stopped out of boredom as opposed to loosing." Aiolos said with a slight smirk at the thought of his army expanding
Over the speakers you hear “ contestant 106 come to arena 1, contestant 105 come to arena 2” Akashi looked at Aiolos so you up there
Over the speakers you hear “ contestant 106 come to arena 1, contestant 105 come to arena 2” Akashi looked at Aiolos so you up there
Aiolos would nod and casually wave as he headed to the first arena stepping onto it with a frown.
Aiolos would nod and casually wave as he headed to the first arena stepping onto it with a frown.
“Welcome contestants here are the rules no weapons and no killing you win if you earn more points when time runs out or if you manage to knock your opponent out of the ring or unconscious. Now fight” the opponent standing before you is a very bulky man when the match began he rushed you with his hand held back
“Welcome contestants here are the rules no weapons and no killing you win if you earn more points when time runs out or if you manage to knock your opponent out of the ring or unconscious. Now fight” the opponent standing before you is a very bulky man when the match began he rushed you with his hand held back
Aiolos would wait and then perform a quick sweep to knock the man's feet from under him so that he would fall forward from his momentum. From there aiolos would catch him and with minimal effort heave him out of the ring.
Aiolos would catch his fist and turn into the punch and heave the man fully over his shoulder and out the ring with minimal effort.
“That’s match, Contestant 106 is the winner and based on your performance you will proceed to lvl 300 unless you wanted to start back at lvl 200 where you left off last time”
“That’s match, Contestant 106 is the winner and based on your performance you will proceed to lvl 300 unless you wanted to start back at lvl 200 where you left off last time”
Akashi would enter the ring with a man jumping around boxing “great a show off” the judge walks up and says the same rules “ready fight” as he says this Akashi would step forward and punch the man while he was in the air into the wall “that’s match you will proceed to lvl 300”
“That’s match, Contestant 106 is the winner and based on your performance you will proceed to lvl 300 unless you wanted to start back at lvl 200 where you left off last time”
"Nope send me there that should be a better challenge." Aiolos said calmly.
"Nope send me there that should be a better challenge." Aiolos said calmly.
(2 days pass and we reached floor 500)
“Aiolos we finally made it to the fun area let’s see if we can find a new team mate”
As Akashi says this you see on the screen next is the up and coming Attilius vs Gorah
“Hmm this seems interesting
(2 days pass and we reached floor 500)
“Aiolos we finally made it to the fun area let’s see if we can find a new team mate”
As Akashi says this you see on the screen next is the up and coming Attilius vs Gorah
“Hmm this seems interesting
Attilius walked into the ring and pointed at Gorah and said "you will be my opponent" as he said this Gorah was now able to see his nen beast as Attilius would be covered in a red aura he vanished using his flash step appearing slightly behind Gorah he got him into a choke hold with his left arm and conjured his Katar and slightly pushed it into his back and said "surrender"
Attilius walked into the ring and pointed at Gorah and said "you will be my opponent" as he said this Gorah was now able to see his nen beast as Attilius would be covered in a red aura he vanished using his flash step appearing slightly behind Gorah he got him into a choke hold with his left arm and conjured his Katar and slightly pushed it into his back and said "surrender"
Gorah was in shock “what just happened”
Attilius walked into the ring and pointed at Gorah and said "you will be my opponent" as he said this Gorah was now able to see his nen beast as Attilius would be covered in a red aura he vanished using his flash step appearing slightly behind Gorah he got him into a choke hold with his left arm and conjured his Katar and slightly pushed it into his back and said "surrender"
Gorah was in shock “what just happened”
Aiolos would smirk as he thought about how useful that guy could be he would then say quietly "we're in the right place to find strong puppets."
Aiolos would smirk as he thought about how useful that guy could be he would then say quietly "we're in the right place to find strong puppets."
Akashi looked at Aiolos I have one that you might like better but let’s get signed up first
Gorah after finally realizing that he lost surrendered
Akashi looked at Aiolos I have one that you might like better but let’s get signed up first
Gorah after finally realizing that he lost surrendered
Akashi signed up and got the number 50 as he got his number he heard “contestant 50 come to stage 3”
Akashi looked at Aiolos I have one that you might like better but let’s get signed up first
Gorah after finally realizing that he lost surrendered
Aiolos got the number 68 when he signed up and sighed waiting for his match to begin.
Aiolos got the number 68 when he signed up and sighed waiting for his match to begin.
Akashi stepped onto the stage and saw a man who looked like a clown with a tear drop waiting “now the undefeated Hisoka will be fighting the newbie Akashi

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