Heroes of Tomorrow

Tyler Celtic



Ty kneeled to her level. "Nope. My name's Ty. But I do know him. Do you have a name?" If there's one thing he could do it was talk to kids without freaking them out.

Astra rolled her eyes. "I could see you just fine up there... It's insulting you know..." Astra didn't really feel like giving this person her name, not until she'd found her Ex-Mother. "You sure you don't know Bolt?"
Astra rolled her eyes. "I could see you just fine up there... It's insulting you know..." Astra didn't really feel like giving this person her name, not until she'd found her Ex-Mother. "You sure you don't know Bolt?"

Tyler Celtic



"Well looking down and bending my neck hurts. Besides it's polite for eye-contact. As for Bolt. Yeah i know him. He's a friend of mine. Also my superior and shit like that." He didn't catch the curse, shrugging it off. It was just a word afterall.

Tyler Celtic



"Well looking down and bending my neck hurts. Besides it's polite for eye-contact. As for Bolt. Yeah i know him. He's a friend of mine. Also my superior and shit like that." He didn't catch the curse, shrugging it off. It was just a word afterall.

Astra didn't seem bothered by that. "Maybe I don't care to be polite. I need to see him, cause Mrs. Groves doesn't want me to stay with 'em anymore. Plus Suzy is a bitch... She made fun of my leg. Then she cried when I punched her." Astra now wore a triumphant smirk. "I knocked a tooth out! Mrs. Groves got mad and was like 'Astraea Conover, you are never gonna get adopted with behavior like that, go find your father and don't show your ass round here again'. But I didn care! I didn get no fuckin food there either! Say, how old are you?" She asked, looking at Ty suspiciously. She didn't really notice her slip up with the name either. 
Astra didn't seem bothered by that. "Maybe I don't care to be polite. I need to see him, cause Mrs. Groves doesn't want me to stay with 'em anymore. Plus Suzy is a bitch... She made fun of my leg. Then she cried when I punched her." Astra now wore a triumphant smirk. "I knocked a tooth out! Mrs. Groves got mad and was like 'Astraea Conover, you are never gonna get adopted with behavior like that, go find your father and don't show your ass round here again'. But I didn care! I didn get no fuckin food there either! Say, how old are you?" She asked, looking at Ty suspiciously. She didn't really notice her slip up with the name either. 

Tyler Celtic



He chuckled. Hearing her name, he paused but hid any emotion. Ty gave her a small smirk. "Suzy is a bitch then. A dumb one at that. As for my age, i'm 28." Tyler processed the name, along with her appearance. Was it actually her?

Tyler Celtic



He chuckled. Hearing her name, he paused but hid any emotion. Ty gave her a small smirk. "Suzy is a bitch then. A dumb one at that. As for my age, i'm 28." Tyler processed the name, along with her appearance. Was it actually her?

Astra smiled in triumph, nodding. "Knew it! That's why I punched her!" She frowned down for a minute and pulled up the leg of her grey sweat pants to try and fix the metal digging into her skin. "Mrs. Groves said no one would want me, so I had to find... The man who did nothing and make him take me back. Is he the albino dude? If so, I shoulda kicked him for lettin 'em take me!" She grit her teeth and glared at where Alexander had last been.
Astra smiled in triumph, nodding. "Knew it! That's why I punched her!" She frowned down for a minute and pulled up the leg of her grey sweat pants to try and fix the metal digging into her skin. "Mrs. Groves said no one would want me, so I had to find... The man who did nothing and make him take me back. Is he the albino dude? If so, I shoulda kicked him for lettin 'em take me!" She grit her teeth and glared at where Alexander had last been.

Tyler Celtic



"Well then Mrs.Groves is a bigger bitch with no fucking brain cells. You seem like a cool kid. But don't blame Bolt. He probably couldn't help it. Between you and me, he's kinda dumb sometimes." Ty joked slyly. He patted her head, and stood up, stretching.

Tyler Celtic



"Well then Mrs.Groves is a bigger bitch with no fucking brain cells. You seem like a cool kid. But don't blame Bolt. He probably couldn't help it. Between you and me, he's kinda dumb sometimes." Ty joked slyly. He patted her head, and stood up, stretching.

Astra swatted at Ty's hand, her gaze turning to a glare. "Don't touch me..." Then she adjusted her eye patch and began to head out. If Alexander couldn't be there when she needed him, if he had let them take her, then he didn't need to know her. If this Ty person knew him, she didn't want anything to do with either. She could survive. Something told her she'd done it before...
Astra swatted at Ty's hand, her gaze turning to a glare. "Don't touch me..." Then she adjusted her eye patch and began to head out. If Alexander couldn't be there when she needed him, if he had let them take her, then he didn't need to know her. If this Ty person knew him, she didn't want anything to do with either. She could survive. Something told her she'd done it before...

Tyler Celtic



Ty got bored of waiting and wandered off. He roamed the city, his phone buzzing with alerts every now and then.




From onto the city, Hilbert would be looking around in order to catch up for the last twelve years he hadn't been here. It was strange coming back to this city even though it wasn't the city he grew up in. Still he had spent quite a bit of time here so it was sort of like a home away form home for him. Something about it seemed nostalgic in a way as he looks back on all the fun times he had here. Though... for some reason there was more of fighting for his life than having fun. Well no time like the present to have fun now.

"Let's see... oh an Italian restaurant... perfect." He would head inside an Italian restaurant and would order some carbonara. Form there he would enjoy his meal.



Tyler Celtic



Ty got bored of waiting and wandered off. He roamed the city, his phone buzzing with alerts every now and then.

For some reason, Astra followed him. Probably because he had cash. It would have been easy to take the wallet, but she was fairly sure he'd hear her coming. What she needed was a distraction. Time to play up the nervous card. "U-Um, mister! Please! I-i don't wanna be lone..." She whispered, coming to a halt a few steps away from him. When he came closer, she'd snag the wallet and run. At least she'd try to. 
For some reason, Astra followed him. Probably because he had cash. It would have been easy to take the wallet, but she was fairly sure he'd hear her coming. What she needed was a distraction. Time to play up the nervous card. "U-Um, mister! Please! I-i don't wanna be lone..." She whispered, coming to a halt a few steps away from him. When he came closer, she'd snag the wallet and run. At least she'd try to. 

Tyler Celtic





He raised an eyebrow, recognizing the trick that he had used himself to pickpocket as a child. "You realize that after acting independent and strong, the nervous tact won't really fool me right?"

Ethan Tahoma


Ethan arrived home, removing his super rad armor and placing its individual pieces into a little container that's hidden away from everyone else who could come into contact with it. This was the time The Wolf became just boring old Ethan, but still having the effects of his neuro enhancer still alive. 


It was then he fell asleep, in the middle of the day. With a completely unlocked fucking door.

Zoe paused for a second.

A few precious moments of her actually being quiet before the Punk brushed a hand through her vividly colored hair and gave Mr. Light a wide grin as response.

"So, you mean to tell me you'll not only pay me but provide other benefits. Just for beating up some bad guys? Why didn't you say this in the first place? I've been looking for another place to stay anyways, the ol' apartment doesn't even know the difference between freezing cold and scorching hot, I tell you, for someone with metal skin it can be quite the hassle to get rid of all the rust too." Zoe remarked with a waving hand gesture before leaning back into the couch, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"So, where do I sign? Just don't tell me I have to wear some tight spandex in some weird color scheme. I don't want to join some kind of boy band."

Tyler Celtic





He raised an eyebrow, recognizing the trick that he had used himself to pickpocket as a child. "You realize that after acting independent and strong, the nervous tact won't really fool me right?"

Astra froze, looking up at Ty in a sort of angry confusion. Still, she had to keep up the charade. "W-what do you mean? I-i just don't want to be alone...." Now it was time for her to try with some real feelings. "You knew who I was, didn't you... You knew who I was, meaning you probably knew if he really wanted me.... Did he want me? Or did he forget about me right after." A hint of malice laced into those words as she glared up at Ty. "It doesn't really matter which way, because he still let them take me, but I need to know."




A sixteen year old girl walked into an alley. That sounds like the start of some sick joke, right? Well, it was a sick joke for somebody who watched this particular girl walk into the alley. Rera continued walking, stretching her arms above her head when she heard a familiar click. It was the sound of a gun. "Hehe...drop the wallet girl..." 

Rera's smile curled upwards without having to turn back. "Who's wallet? Mine or yours?" She couldn't believe how this trick worked, and that the mugger reached for his own pocket. Within a split second, a metallic knock was heard and the gun was flung far into the distance. The man stepped back in shock, looking at his hand. "Nasty, a mutant." He chuckled and swung his fist at Rera.

The purple haired alien girl watched the fist fly at her in slow motion. The man's form was bad, but just that much raw power that human males possessed might actually hurt, well, anyone who was defenseless. The instant the fist made impact with the right side of Rera's face, she jerked to the side a little bit. Only a little bit. "Wow. Dazed? Here, let me hit you agai-" "No."



"It's Rera's turn to hit."


"Rera." The girl lay a hand on her chest like some entitled Queen of Austria.

"You're...referring to yourself in third person-" The man shut up and looked up...yes, up, at the alien girl.

Rera had floated into the air and stared down at the man with intimidating red eyes. The man slowly stepped back in fear, only seconds before Rera zipped forwards and slapped the man across the face with enough force to knock him out. "Rera did a good." The girl wiped her hand and casually skipped into an Italian restaurant with the arcade tokens the mugger kept in his wallet. Damn, would he be mad when he woke up...

Astra froze, looking up at Ty in a sort of angry confusion. Still, she had to keep up the charade. "W-what do you mean? I-i just don't want to be alone...." Now it was time for her to try with some real feelings. "You knew who I was, didn't you... You knew who I was, meaning you probably knew if he really wanted me.... Did he want me? Or did he forget about me right after." A hint of malice laced into those words as she glared up at Ty. "It doesn't really matter which way, because he still let them take me, but I need to know."

Tyler Celtic



He sighed suddenly feeling devoid of emotion. ty shook his head. "I don't know." He opened his wallet, gave her a stack of cash and walked away.




A sixteen year old girl walked into an alley. That sounds like the start of some sick joke, right? Well, it was a sick joke for somebody who watched this particular girl walk into the alley. Rera continued walking, stretching her arms above her head when she heard a familiar click. It was the sound of a gun. "Hehe...drop the wallet girl..." 

Rera's smile curled upwards without having to turn back. "Who's wallet? Mine or yours?" She couldn't believe how this trick worked, and that the mugger reached for his own pocket. Within a split second, a metallic knock was heard and the gun was flung far into the distance. The man stepped back in shock, looking at his hand. "Nasty, a mutant." He chuckled and swung his fist at Rera.

The purple haired alien girl watched the fist fly at her in slow motion. The man's form was bad, but just that much raw power that human males possessed might actually hurt, well, anyone who was defenseless. The instant the fist made impact with the right side of Rera's face, she jerked to the side a little bit. Only a little bit. "Wow. Dazed? Here, let me hit you agai-" "No."



"It's Rera's turn to hit."


"Rera." The girl lay a hand on her chest like some entitled Queen of Austria.

"You're...referring to yourself in third person-" The man shut up and looked up...yes, up, at the alien girl.

Rera had floated into the air and stared down at the man with intimidating red eyes. The man slowly stepped back in fear, only seconds before Rera zipped forwards and slapped the man across the face with enough force to knock him out. "Rera did a good." The girl wiped her hand and casually skipped into an Italian restaurant with the arcade tokens the mugger kept in his wallet. Damn, would he be mad when he woke up...





As Hilbert was enjoying his carbonara, he would see unexpectedly see someone he wasn't exactly expecting here right now. He did a double take and once he knew who it was he would wave his hand toward Rera.

"Hey Rera, Dad's eating pasta over here," he said as he would tell a waiter to bring a menu for her just in case. It was good to see his kid's face again though it still seems weird calling her his kid but hey that doesn't matter. What matters is that he can eat some Italian food with his daughter who probably just finished busting a crook's ass.


Mr. Light

"Don't worry, I haven't seen many heroes who do that nowadays."  Mr. Light chuckled at the girls enthusiasm before getting up and walking out of the room before coming back with a clipboard.  "All we need is your name on the top, and your signature on the bottom.  The middle has everything I have explained with the addition of heal benefits and that if you get hurt on the job, we can not be sued for it."  He looked at the elevator "If you want to see the room then please let me know.  We give you the necessities, beds, a closet, a bathroom, etc.  Welcome to HOT."  He gave a cheery and welcoming smile, extending his hand for a handshake.
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Sierra and Rin

"Mother Earth" "Zapper Lamp"

"Okay then...since the new recruit thing-a-ma-doodie is happening, might as well go and do something with my life instead of sit here on my ass like a mother. Oh wait, I am a mother." Sierra chuckled and quickly slapped her daughter on the back, who immediately woke up. "Wuhh... CLINTON WON POPULAR VOTES!" The girl jolted awake and gasped, looking around frantically for something to cling to. Naturally, it was Sierra's face. "Mom, I wanna meet the recruit."

Before long, Sierra burst through the door and waved to Bolt, carrying a child in her arms. The girl stuck her tongue out at the new recruit. "Hello miss! Welcome to Heroes of Tomorrow!" Rin jumped off of Sierra's arms and bowed courteously, as did Sierra. "Pleasure to meet you. It's Mother Earth." 

@Shammy the Shamrock @Vampunk




Rera was not expecting dad at all. Normally she'd stay cool under situations and not let them get to her, but the very thought of food just popped into the sixteen year old's mind. She turned to the table and waved before tapping her foot. She blasted forward through the store in the blink of an eye, with a hollow 'whoosh', and appeared in the seat across from Hilbert. "Rera's so happy to see you!" A grin spread across her face as she immediately began looking at the menu. 





Sierra and Rin

"Mother Earth" "Zapper Lamp"

"Okay then...since the new recruit thing-a-ma-doodie is happening, might as well go and do something with my life instead of sit here on my ass like a mother. Oh wait, I am a mother." Sierra chuckled and quickly slapped her daughter on the back, who immediately woke up. "Wuhh... CLINTON WON POPULAR VOTES!" The girl jolted awake and gasped, looking around frantically for something to cling to. Naturally, it was Sierra's face. "Mom, I wanna meet the recruit."

Before long, Sierra burst through the door and waved to Bolt, carrying a child in her arms. The girl stuck her tongue out at the new recruit. "Hello miss! Welcome to Heroes of Tomorrow!" Rin jumped off of Sierra's arms and bowed courteously, as did Sierra. "Pleasure to meet you. It's Mother Earth." 

@Shammy the Shamrock @Vampunk




Rera was not expecting dad at all. Normally she'd stay cool under situations and not let them get to her, but the very thought of food just popped into the sixteen year old's mind. She turned to the table and waved before tapping her foot. She blasted forward through the store in the blink of an eye, with a hollow 'whoosh', and appeared in the seat across from Hilbert. "Rera's so happy to see you!" A grin spread across her face as she immediately began looking at the menu. 






Hilbert let out a small chuckle as he would see Rera eyeing the menu. "It's great to see you to. I wasn't expecting to see you here of all places. It's been twelve years since we left this city. What brought you here?" He asks as he continues to eat his carbonara. It has been twelve years since he started to take care of Rera in Starlight City. My how time flies but now wasn't the time to get nostalgic. That just means he's getting older which he doesn't really care for. In any case perhaps he could learn of the city's status from his daughter here who seems to have been here longer than him.

Tyler Celtic



He sighed suddenly feeling devoid of emotion. ty shook his head. "I don't know." He opened his wallet, gave her a stack of cash and walked away.

Astra tucked the cash in her pocket and wearily headed back to the tower. Tears threatened to spill, but she took a deep breath and knocked. "Mister Teasla?" She asked, knocking again. "Mister Alexander?"

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock @Vampunk



"Mother Earth"

Sierra sighed and got up, opening the door. "Don't you know it's rude to knock twice? What do you want?" She looked down at the girl once again, though avoiding direct contact. If Sierra looked directly at someone, they often times collapsed in fear. Either way, the world around Sierra began to grow slightly cold since she wasn't too happy to see the girl.

@Echo Dreamsong ( @Shammy the Shamrock @Vampunk )
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"Rera came here for two reason only. One, amazing pasta, and because of the stupid crime." Rera quickly placed an order for pasta and leaned against the back of her chair, grinning at Hilbert. "Did you come here for any reason other than pasta?"

Rera brushed her purple hair off of her face, which also left a few particles of purple radiation to float down to the ground and disappear after sizzling. She had grown quite a bit since she was a kid, but her wide smiled wasn't there all the time either. "Okay, maybe you came here only for the pasta."




"Mother Earth"

Sierra sighed and got up, opening the door. "Don't you know it's rude to knock twice? What do you want?" She looked down at the girl once again, though avoiding direct contact. If Sierra looked directly at someone, they often times collapsed in fear. Either way, the world around Sierra began to grow slightly cold since she wasn't too happy to see the girl.

@Echo Dreamsong ( @Shammy the Shamrock @Vampunk )

Astra looked away and crossed her arms, letting out a slight growl. "Mrs. Groves told me to find Mister Alexander... She wants him to do something 'bout me 'cause she's too lazy to do it herself... Is he in there?" She asked, trying to peer around Sierra. She was fighting a battle between dread and hope. Maybe Alexander would take her back and they could be happy, but there is also the possibility that he never really wanted her and ditched her for a new family. One that wasn't a problem.

( @Shammy the Shamrock @Vampunk )



"Rera came here for two reason only. One, amazing pasta, and because of the stupid crime." Rera quickly placed an order for pasta and leaned against the back of her chair, grinning at Hilbert. "Did you come here for any reason other than pasta?"

Rera brushed her purple hair off of her face, which also left a few particles of purple radiation to float down to the ground and disappear after sizzling. She had grown quite a bit since she was a kid, but her wide smiled wasn't there all the time either. "Okay, maybe you came here only for the pasta."




"Well... I came because I was curious in how the city was doing after twelve years. That hero group, HOT, became pretty big. I remember when I was helped the leader, Bolt, out a few times. I wonder if he's still the leader? I wouldn't put it past him to still be the leader but you never know. Anyways... so meta human crime still going around huh? I can't say I'm surprised... Anyways looks like your doing alright." He would then eat some of the breadstick appetizers he had ordered earlier and wondered a bit.

"So... you wouldn't know about the status of Empire City would you?"

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