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Fantasy Heroes of Seira | OOC



laugh hard, run fast, be kind
Roleplay Availability
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Welcome to the OOC for Heroes of Seira!

I'd like to start off by talking about some character ideas we may have.

Also if you have any questions feel free to ask them here.
Will we have to create a formal D&D character sheet for this? Will our characters be separated from one another and have to find one another? How common is it for people to be transported into this new land? What are our left and right limits being murder hobos, guild leaders or even nation rules(are we allowed to do these things)? What is the technology level?
Will we have to create a formal D&D character sheet for this? Will our characters be separated from one another and have to find one another? How common is it for people to be transported into this new land? What are our left and right limits being murder hobos, guild leaders or even nation rules(are we allowed to do these things)? What is the technology level?

1. If D&D wins, I'll be having everyone make a standard sheet.
2. I considered the idea but I think it'd be best if your characters traveled together at the beginning, so you can all get a feel for the RP.
3. The rarity may give away some things I'm planning for later so I have to stay quiet for now. Sorry!
4. As Teller says in the intro, "You are the ending to the story...", the world is yours to explore, conquer, pillage, help, etc. Though he did also say he'd like you to at least Charnom before exploring the entire thing.
5. Mostly generic fantasy stuff, swords, bows, daggers, magic, etc. There may be some more things introduced, but again I don't want to spoil anything.
Hmmm...it's hard to say exactly what I'll want to play until I know what system we're going with. I got invited by a friend, so I don't have much of a clue what I could do...

Is the transportation raw or can it result in changes in the characters? Could someone become of a different species after being transported or something, for instance?
Hype. ^^ I am unsure of what a D&D character sheet exactly entails, but I feel like playing a lady character. This much I know so far. XD

Like I mentioned earlier, I am new to the whole tabletop way of roleplaying.
Is the transportation raw or can it result in changes in the characters? Could someone become of a different species after being transported or something, for instance?

The transportation would result in changes in the character such as the aforementioned change from human to another .

Hype. ^^ I am unsure of what a D&D character sheet exactly entails, but I feel like playing a lady character. This much I know so far. XD

Like I mentioned earlier, I am new to the whole tabletop way of roleplaying.

The sheet shouldn’t be too much of a problem, there a lot of online resources that make the creation process really easy and I’ll be helping out with any problems that may arise. If you’d like to start thinking of a character than it’d be great if I could get some informtation on who they were before they got transported, perhaps they were a cop and so they go in with a sense of justice and possibly even without a hesitation to kill, or maybe they were someone under the witness protection program who’s grown to distrust those around him and slowly regains a sense of trust by staying with the group, or maybe they’re an average joe with a family and a good income who finds themselves fearing more for the safety of those they left behind than their own safety. Those are pretty generic archetypes but they’re mostly meant to give an idea of how their life on Earth will affect who they are/who they will become in Seira.
I don't know if this helps any, but my current rough draft is a kid who was adopted. His parent never had time for him, and he joined the military. He came home and tried college, work and the normal routine and felt lost like he didn't belong. Meanwhile, his friends in the military have moved on to bigger and better things.

He struggles with a sense of belonging and getting close to people. An unresolved question why he was never good enough for his family, military and normal life.

It gives gameplay wise a level 1 character who has a history with fighting but not the type in this new world. RP-wise an interesting concept where he's pretty open to moral dilemmas and pretty vulnerable to outside influence seeing how he's despite to find somewhere to belong.
Hm. Im still working out the kinks/difficulties with my character. Tough trying to decide between a veterinarian and a chef...
Shoot, I usually go for generally friendly characters, but I might just go with someone who wants to pillage things once I learned of the opportunity.

Also hi TheLoyalAcorn TheLoyalAcorn ! We're in another RP together.
starry-octopus starry-octopus
Hell yeah it seems our RP interests seem to align lol. A character that likes to pillage the village? What type of back story were you considering for the most part? And who says the resident looter cant be a guy with a heart of gold lol.
That would be funny. A gamer getting transported into a new world and goes full skyrim mode and starts hoarding/looting everything because he knows how these fantasy worlds work. He's super friendly but puts buckets on peoples heads as he plunders the bank.
starry-octopus starry-octopus
TheLoyalAcorn TheLoyalAcorn

LOL yep. And honestly, I have no idea except that they might be a gamer who took the concept of looting literally. So they might be nice. Maybe...
That would be funny. A gamer getting transported into a new world and goes full skyrim mode and starts hoarding/looting everything because he knows how these fantasy worlds work. He's super friendly but puts buckets on peoples heads as he plunders the bank.
starry-octopus starry-octopus
Character in Question: *sees enemy guard* -> *hides in cardboard box*

By the by StorytellerLathos StorytellerLathos when will the poll officially close so we can decide on whether there will be a tabeltop system for this?
It seems we won't be using a system, the poll ended with "No" winning by two votes. With that settled I should be able to get the CS Thread up soon.

I'm interested if you are still taking people
Sure, there's room for one more.
It seems we won't be using a system, the poll ended with "No" winning by two votes. With that settled I should be able to get the CS Thread up soon.
Alright. I'll be out on a trip from tomorrow to Monday so I don't think I'll be able to get a character up in the meantime, but I'll work on mine when I get and meanwhile keep an eye on the OOC as much as possible.
Alright. I'll be out on a trip from tomorrow to Monday so I don't think I'll be able to get a character up in the meantime, but I'll work on mine when I get and meanwhile keep an eye on the OOC as much as possible.

Okay, thanks for the heads up.
I won't be able to get my character up until late next week, gonna be busy the entire week- Ah.
Hmm when will there be work done on the rp? No offense but people tend to start dropping rps because they see no progress made in attempt of actually making an effort and talking with their participates...
Hmmm I'll give the GM another week, in the meantime I will start sketching out my bare bones character. If I don't see any progress then I will probably drop, dunno yet.

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