• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villains


Something edgy



Hello! I'm glad that you are interested in this roleplay. Or maybe you're not, and you just want to read something. In that case, I guess I'm pretty happy you picked my thread!

If you
are going to be in this roleplay, here are some things you might need to know:

This is a pretty laid back, comedic roleplay. Don't expect this roleplay to be super serious, but seriousness isn't totally outlawed!

As with any other roleplay, please don't make your character overpowered! That would suck. But you already knew that, right?

That being said, feel free to make your character as interesting or obscenely normal as much as you want. You have free creative reign! (Well, besides the 'OP' part.)

I will probably update this thread with important plot points in case others would like to join late during the roleplay.

Don't be a meanie. I mean, in OOC. You can be a meanie in the roleplay.

I don't really know what to say anymore. To the next tab you go!

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current events, as of 5/18

- It is currently night time.

- Ani and Victoria are walking together and talking.

- Maria is walking through the streets alone, and received a message about Cyberpunk.

- Victor is on the shadier side of town.

- Jenny (Cyberpunk) is on her skateboard, riding around on the streets, planning to infiltrate a gang base.

Please feel free to correct me or add anything that is missing.
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current events, as of 5/20


-It is currently night time.

-Ani, Victoria, Maria, and Victor are together.

-Crowley and Cyberpunk are together, speaking on a rooftop.


-Crowley killed a bunch of gangstaz.

-Maria discovers the dead gangsters and runs into Victor in shock

-Ani and Victoria go over to see what's going on

-Victor sends a cement truck to Crowley, 'cause why not?

-They exchange hits, Crowley flies away.

-Cyberpunk is on a rooftop, hacking a gang base. Crowley meets her on the rooftop and now they are speaking.
Current events, as of 5/22

-It is currently night time.

-Cyberpunk, Crowley and Cain are together on the rooftop.

-Reinforcements are coming to the gang base Cyberpunk is hacking.

-Maria, Victoria and Victor are sorta just standing around, they are near the gang base and saw the reinforcements coming.
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