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Realistic or Modern Heroes and Villains

SirGrey said:
Name: Hero title: Smoke Stalker. Alter Ego: Owen Wright
Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance:Smoke Stalker

Owen Wright:

Hero/Villain/Other: Neutral, leaning towards Hero

Skills: Owen has the ability to disappear in a puff of smoke, though it requires focus. He can also project smoke, either around him or or at someone. Owen is a skilled in boxing and martial arts. He also is a trained in gymnastics. His detective skills also help as he can read a person, knowing if they are lying.

Background: Owen grew up in the suburbs. Nice home nice family. He sees them every once in a while. Owen grew up as a quiet kid, but a smart and tough one. He manged to graduate and move out to Dangerville to follow his dream. Become a cop. He had always like the idea of helping people and bring justice. Cracking a few heads along the way wouldn't be too bad either. He moved up through the ranks pick, becoming a detective. With keen investigative skill, no nonsense, and a good puncher. And a few other skills he has. Had them since he was born.

Only problem is there seems to be a bunch of people running around doing the polices job. Superheros, Vigilantes, Morons. The government uses them for things we 'can't handle'. Now Owen doesn't have hatred for these supers. After all there helping. Its there ideals. They fly in stop the bad guy, give a speech, and bang there gone. They never go after the real threat. People in power. The corrupt, the evil, the powerful. Someone has to do something. So Owen using 'gifts' he has born with he became, Smoke Stalker. He will weed out the corrupt, the vile, the unprincipled. He will show them that they are not safe.

Personality:Owen is a quiet man. Not afraid of people, but if he doesn't meet them he will shed no tears. He can be mean at times, with a strong sense of justice. He not normally one for a joke. He has a strong distaste of people in power, believing them to be dishonest. He also has no love for superheroes. Though not out right hatred he views the goals of them as missing the real evil. He does have a lighter side, though he won't show it.

Weaknesses: Is just a human in terms of strength and agility, even if his is trained one. His 'disappearing skill' takes time and needs focus. He can also let his anger get the better of him. His distrust of authority and lack of respect for supers can also hinder him. He also likes to think he knows best which can hinder him.

Equipment: He has a few tracking devices, a standard hand gun if need, a extendable baton, a pack of cigarettes and a featureless face mask.

Weakness: Is just a human in terms of strength and agility, even if his is trained one. His 'disappearing skill' takes time and needs focus. He can also let his anger get the better of him. His distrust of authority and lack of respect for supers can also hinder him. He also likes to think he knows best which can hinder him.


hello!! you have been accepted ^^

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