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Champion Of Christmas
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The world we live in is a much darker, and far stranger place than the average person could ever comprehend. If the average citizen of your average city knew just how scarily accurate some of those grainy videos online were, they'd never sleep again. Welcome to The Agency. At least, that's the nickname that the many employees worldwide have come to know it by. Sometimes the things that go bump in the night need a little bumping of their own, and the staff here are the ones that get to do the fun bit. It's thankless work, and no one outside these walls will ever know you did it, but you'll end up saving the world more times in a week than you'll be able to count. For whatever reason, you've found yourselves wrapped up in the darker side of reality and attracted the right kind of attention. Far luckier than most in your position. Before, you were surviving on your own, maybe with the help of a close friend or two. But, now you'll have benefits! At least, until you're horribly mauled. Or eaten. Or disintegrated. Or warped into an alternate dimension.

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