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Fantasy Help Wanted: Reward Upon Completion

An ungodly shriek projects from the beast as Buras brings the blade to embed in the assailant. The mass begins to thrash about, forcing Buras to fight for his grip on his ax for a moment before tearing it out of the still-thrashing body. The creature hastily unclasps itself from the woman's now limp body, slithering across the floor with great speed though being visibly injured incredibly. Gliding across the floor, it slides along the wall to finally reach the rock above. Taking position on the ceiling before hanging out of reach above the group in the dim glow of the torches. It begins to let out a hiss of sorts as it trains its eyes on their new foe.
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"Well, this isn't going how I planned," Akima muttered as she looked up. She tightened her grip on the sword, her eyes darting around for any noticeable weaknesses. But in the dim light, she couldn't see a thing. She knew it was injured, she could smell the blood, but she didn't know where, but that's where she would aim when it came back down. Akima didn't carry a bow, or even a cross bow like many other elf of half elves did, so she couldn't preform a ranged attack.
After the large wind blew, he felt like whatever was next door, just arrived. He stumbles a little up, the wind actually startles him as he wasn't focused. Everything was happening too fast, why does this always happen? He looks around, his eyes widen as this... this, abomination attacked us. We already lost somebody, he couldn't respond in time as he saw the barbaric man attack this monster. How can this be possible? He just promised that he wouldn't let this happen, yet the first thing that happens, he's already lost someone. He gets up and then grabbed his holy symbol with his left hand, reaching up in the sky with his right.

"Pelor be my weapon!" he shouts with anger as then the holy symbol glows, and then a dim glowing mace appears in Dante's hand. He grasps around the mace, he looks at the creature that suddenly went up the wall. He lets go of his symbol and then raises his left hand.

A white light glows from his hand, it gets brighter and brighter, hoping that it can shed some light up on the ceiling. His eyes dart around the ceiling, expecting it to land on him.
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The stretch of beast hung staring at the burly Buras, preparing his great ax another swing. Dante, recovering from the daze of the attack, shouts a prayer. As a dim mace materializes in his hand, he radiates a holy light from his other. As the light gets brighter, the party can see the creature retreat from it, so much even one may say that smoke could be seen coiling from the abomination, its oozy ever-moving body mass flaking at the light's presence. Yet another loud shriek emerges from the creature as it slinks back, slithering along the smooth ceiling stone, and begins the process of attempting to slip under the barred door - the rooms only exit now, technically.

The holy light from Dante's hand illuminates the room, helping provide vision to the now still body of the female barbarian our adventurers were travelling with. She lay, her breathing shallow, attempting to keep the blood from choking her. Her neck took the worst of the attack, a portion of it being a mesh of bloody torn flesh. The blood flowed cleanly from the wounds, pooling at the head of her body as her companions stood prepared to fight the monster. Her eyes grew wide as she struggled to fight against the blood-loss. Before anybody can catch the beast, it has slipped under the door and disappears from sight into what lies beyond the door.

(Update) Another haunting laugh echoes through the halls into the chamber, ringing along the walls and sending a chill through our adventurers.

(Dante: +2 v. Grue), (Party Member Lost: Morale decreases)
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Buras, frustrated at his prey escaping, yelled once again. If they hadn't heard him talking earlier, it would have been safe to assume yelling was all he did. Hurrying over to the barred door, he nearly rips the door off it's hinges just to remove the bar that was keeping it shut and opens it. Nothing, the slime had gotten away for now. He would find it, and he would finish what he had started. None has escaped his ax since it was first forged, until now.

But it was gone, and there was a chest that needed to be looted. So over to the chest he went, and quickly pocketed the bag of gold that was in it. Inspecting the food and the blue potion on the bottom of the chest, wiping some of it up with his finger and sniffing it even before wiping it on his pants, he figures that there's nothing else in there that he could have. "What did the she orc have on her?" he asked the group, not ashamed of practically saying loot the body. Death happened, it was a simple fact of battle. She didn't need what the living wanted.

Lawrence Wolfe

"May thou be feasting and drinking, in Valhalla for a full night. Odin shall be your guide, Thor shall be your blade. There it is, you see your mother and father, your people back to the beginning. There it is they called. Rest among them now, In the halls of Valhalla; where the brave may live forever" Lawrence bowed his head in respect, a fist thumping unto his chest with steel features. Alas, the Knight turned towards Buras with an ugly glare. "The woman, is not for your filthy hands to work over." Wolfe viciously snapped, bowing before the young female to place his hand upon her head, closing those wide eyes. Filled with a wild struggle against death. Her flesh still warm. The armoured man, placing her hands unto her lap. Straightening the legs and torso, so she peacefully slept within the pool of blood that now stained his knees crimson.

He clambered to his feet, picking up the broadsword to face the depths of the dungeon once again. However, turning towards the barbarian with a fury evident in his features. "Do you have an OUNCE of respect for the dead? She keeps her belongings. Now get a move on." He raged, chest rising and falling with a rising hate. Those whom had no regard for the death of comrades, were the lowest he imagined a man could fall.

"The dead are dead." Buras said, stepping towards the armored man and not backing down. "What good does she have for armor? Weapons? Money? None. Or do you want them to sit here and rust, laying useless all because you don't want to touch them?" This was the way of his people, leave nothing to waste. It was insult to the dead in his culture if you leave them with everything. But he's been traveling long enough to know the strange ways of these low landers.

"Now move, before I make you get out of my way." He said staring down the larger man, chin raised and chest puffed out. He would not step down for this man. He didn't look that tough. He's seen some battles, he could tell that much. But odds were it was nothing like what Buras has had to face on an almost daily basis.

Lawrence Wolfe

"I don't know about you, or your ways- but you shalt not place a hand on her body." He snarled, once kind eyes flashing dangerously. Of course, perhaps his belief of Valhalla preyed on his mind, knowing she'd need her belongings to reach the hall of the brave. "I've seen men like you, I've killed men like you. You know not of me, nor this woman whom you stand over. She is not loot, she is not part of this mission." Lawrence, squared his shoulders, feet shifting to adopt a defensive and prepared stance. He'd seen men torn apart since the tender age of fourteen. Visited battlefields beside a man whom he was sworn to trust. He'd seen the darkest depths, alas- showing weakness was no option. Not in the eyes of his gods.

Odin, far-wanderer, grant me wisdom,

Courage, and victory.

Friend Thor, grant me your strength.

And both be with me.

"I will not move, not for the likes of you or any man." Wolfe's teeth were gritted so tight, his words became slightly muffled. Enamel creaking under the incredible pressure, that now built his hands into fists. Skin taut, and knuckles white. "Praise be to Odin, I will kill you too If I have to. Leave her body be."

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That damn laughter, it's always the thing the damned does, but he'll make sure to be the one to shut it up. Dante leans back at the wall, trying to catch his breath. Even though those spells were simple, casting them at that rate and enhancing light at the same time took a lot of mental focus, which was painful. Everything happened way too fast at the wrong time for him, he just wants to catch his breath. However, there isn't at time to rest, is there? He looks at the two muscled men, arguing over what to do with the corpse. No, there isn't a time to rest. The armored man wants to honor the dead, while the very barbaric one wants to loot it. Dante agrees with honoring the dead, but to argue with that man? It's a death sentence. Whatever this looks like, it's about to get ugly. He thinks for easy compromise, easier said than done. He leans off the wall and just stands there, not wanting to walk up to those men due to they might turn on him.

"What's the point in holding more than what you can carry? We already have weapons, too many and we'll be slowed down, and that armor wouldn't look useful on any of us, and we'll just waste more time looting. There's no point in taking anything from the poor woman. What's the point in a little bit of gold when we're going to have as much to see fit for a dragon." he tries to sound calm, it's really difficult for not wanting to mess up his speech. He tries to smile, but it's more of a worried expression he makes.
The room filled with electricity as the two warriors set themselves against one another. The cool breeze blew through the room, coming from the now open door leading into another dark hallway. Finally, Dante begins to speak up, attempting to settle the heat of the conversation. His holy light diminishes quite a bit, returning the room to its previous dim torch-lit ambiance causing the shadows of our group to dance on the walls alongside the carvings of the knight and wizard. Anybody paying particular attention could tell there is a soft scratching coming from the dark hallway in which the monster escaped, upon even more inspection footsteps could be heard coming from the entrance hall, but they come to a stop before coming to anything near detectable level.
"And I've done the same for men like you. Those that think themselves better then me. Men that call me barbarian because I was raised in the mountains. I call you barbarian, for letting her equipment rust and die with her down here." He was yelling at the man now, opposite of the clenched teeth grumbling of the armored giant. "What makes you better? You are soft! You haven't seen battle! What you Low Landers call battle, children in my village play at! You would be ripped to pieces if you stepped onto The Mountain!"

Suddenly, the violence that he was denied fighting that monster erupted out of him. Pushing Wolfe, hard, away from him, he prepares his great ax. "And I'll cut you down and claim your sword! I will slay the beast that killed her with it, give it one last moment of glory before I break it over my knee!" Perhaps it was that laughter, or the atmosphere. What ever it was, it was messing with him.

Lawrence Wolfe

With a slight, unsure stumble back almost falling, Lawrence growled. Armour setting him once more in place, drawing his broadsword with a chime of war. "I have seen your mountains, I have fought amongst your men and I know that you exaggerate. Your mountains may be harsh, but I have seen true war. I have seen men scream, beg and groan for release to the afterlife. I HAVE SEEN- WAR." His voice had gone from a rumble to a roar, as if Thor himself possessed the man. "SHE DESERVES PEACE, SHE DESERVES TO TAKE WHAT SHE CAN TO THE HALLS OF VALOR, NO MAN CAN DENY A WARRIOR THAT" Suddenly the broadsword was brought across in a sweep that smashed into the barbarians calf. Wolfe, a trained Knight, disowned and the heart of scandal; once calm had simply unleashed a divine fury. This place was poisonous to a man's soul and mind it seemed.

Another prayer to his god was called, this time for a reason of bloodshed. Face contorted into a passionate throw of emotion that could rock any man right down to the bone. This was a soul, who wasn't afraid of death. This was a man- who believed with such faith there was absolute certainty within himself, his gods, and in death; Valhalla waited.

Hail Thor-show thy might,

Let thunder roar and lightning strike!

Hurl thy hammer into the fray,

And let thine enemies know fear this day!

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(Apologies for the late reply)

The breeze that entered the room and extinguished the torches startled Cilantro, a chill ran up his spine as he could feel the presence of a beast in the room. When the creature attacked the woman, Cilantro focused his energy and his hands combusted into blue flames. The flames didn't hurt the gnome and they only casted a small glow that merely illuminated half of his arm. By the time that Cilantro had a visual and a clear shot, the slimy serpent slided out the door.

'Damn' the gnome thought, frustrated that he hadn't been useful in the battle. Cilantro showed some respect to the dead party member and was about to investigate the loot of the chest until the knight and the barbarian started to argue. He was still intimidated by the barbarian, but he knew he had to step in for the sake of the quest. When the knight attacked the barbarian, he decided it was enough and he walked between the two figures that towered over him. He outstretched his arms and palms, even though it wouldn't do much, and yelled "Gentlemen please, we shouldn't fight each other, this is exactly what the enemy wants!"
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Dante felt a chill up his spine when the barbarian went aggressive on him. However, it went worse when the argument increased to physical combat. Looked like things went ugly, but that doesn't mean it's going to get worse. Too bad he wasn't focused on anything but the fight going on in this room. However, he was surprised when the old gnome went in between to two, that gnome has more courage than Dante, that's for sure. Dante grabbed his symbol again and was prepared this time. Feeling like something bad will happen to the gnome or the other two swordsmen, his eyes concentrate on the three, waiting for another action. He already failed once, he's not going to do it twice in a row.
Buras back stepped quickly enough to avoid the worst of the strike, but still got a cut on his calf. And with ax raised above his head and a scream swelling in his throat, he prepared to charge the man down and show him what battle was truly like. That is, until the elderly gnome stepped in between the two. He had only gone a step before he stopped himself. Huffing and puffing, he slowly lowers his ax. "I will do as you say, elder. But what of the weapons? The will never again be used for what they were made for. They want peace as much as she does, and they cannot have it if they rust down here, forgotten to the world."

His body still screamed for him to rip that armored giant limb from limb, but the elder had spoken. He would not attack that man, not until after this was done. "Let us go. Nothing has escaped once my ax has tasted it. And it does not want that creature to be the first." And with that, he turned his back on the man, though it took a visible force of will, and headed to the now open door. "Let us finish what we have come here for, and the equipment to rot next to the dead."
Anastasia jumped backwards as the creature lunged for the large man, and another woman, who was out of her line of sight. The woman cringed from the sounds of horror as the creature devoured the women from their party. She glanced at the now dying woman, knowing that there was no hope of survival for her. She pitied the woman, death within minutes of their departure made her realize exactly what she had gotten herself into. She noted that she would have to be more cautious in the upcoming battles.

She rolled her eyes as the two men bickered over the body of their lost party member. Of course I would join a party of men. She thought to herself. "Children" She muttered the word under her breath, dripping with poison. She had seen her fair amount of death, just like any other adventurer, and she agreed they should take whatever they could from her course. If this dungeon was as difficult as it was said to be, they would need as many supplies as they could get.

As the suggestion was made for them to get going, and stop bickering, she spoke "Yes, please, we don't have time for arguing over morals right now." She sighed and followed the large man into the other room, her daggers hanging by her side, hoping she would be able to use them in the next area.

Sorry for the kinda half-assed response, I saw this chat was exploding and felt like I needed to contribute lmao. After today i'll be on much more I hope
Payton - Solo

Payton paused with great haste as the chill of the corridor sent shivers down his spine, he had come here out of curiosity. He was no stranger to death's cruel embrace, but his decision to blindly follow into this decrepit dungeon of intrigue, was questionable at best - perhaps even the worse decision he'd made yet - but alas, he remained all the same... His whole life was built upon the simple motto of 'High Risk, High Reward' and this was no different. Up until now he hadn't said a word, and he didn't intent to. He'd never, not once, operated in a group, or team. He'd be damned if he started now, chances were the majority of the current group were likely going to investigate the commotion beyond the door before them. If the sweet echo of combat was any distinction, it was favorable to avoid. These noble adventurers would likely kill each other, Payton was fine with that - as long as they weren't killing him.

Payton scoffed at that, he was smart. they probably weren't, he was best off alone. He didn't stick around to enter the door, rather, he crept off down a twisting side-path; he was a master of stealth, it would take someone with supernatural hearing to detect his departure. he was confident no such adventurer was present. Payton was a man of sound intlligence, he understood how dangerous these dungeons were - yet unlike most - he understood the majority who die in them are big muscled brutes, or arrogant sword-masters who think they're the gift of the gods. Whilst Payton was no master of combat, he was certainly no slouch. A spear, sword, and shield were helpful. But it was his wits, and subterfuge which really shined.

Besides, he wasn't prepared to share all the bountiful loot this great terror held. In fact, no matter what manner of beast lay within, h was confident in his ability to get by
mostly undetected.If not, well, he was well accustomed to the occasional scuffle. Be it a duel, brawl, bandit ambush, or menacing ogre.

(Payton is now alone, he has departed the second group with little introduction, and hasn't seen the first main group)
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"Son of a!" Emmanuel nearly cursed out at his terrible luck, he was talking to his small group then all of a sudden all of them dissappear. 'Could never trust one of those buggers, always gonna leave you behind.' With a huff he moves on ahead alone like nearly all of his previous adventure. He clears his mind and focus on the mission.

'Truly something odd about this place, could necromancy be at play here?' Emmanuel took out his bow and gripped it in his hand just in case he sees a enemy, he walks quietly and stealthy, making sure to make any noice or set any traps.

He suddenly heard loud noises, 'Sounds like a argument' Emmanuel thought, he quickly head towards the commotion and notice another group, 'Is this the first group the Tankard was talking about?' Then hears the arguments, something about mountains and seeing war and who's better than who, blah blah blah.'That group certainly not gonna make it.' All of the sudden a very short man whom Emmanuel presumed to be a gnome, saying they should not be fighting and that this what the enemy wants. 'Smart man' then noticed that after a few comments he noticed the group head towards another door. 'I should probably keep an eye over them, I'll introduce myself at a right moment.' With a newfound plan in his mind, Emmanuel follows the group stealthily and quietly.

((I was part of the second group but it seems some people wanted to be separated so I thought I'd join you guys, the main group))
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Cilantro personally believed the fallen warrior's loot could've stayed there, it wouldn't be very useful seeing as they'd end up finding, crafting, or buying better weapons anyway. The gnome was glad that he had resolved a violent argument peacefully and after the resolution, he foraged the chest for anything of interest. Picking up the vial of blue liquid, he pondered what it was. With all his experience in adventuring and potion making, it could be a lot of things just based on the color, it could be mana, an intelligence booster, colored water, even a transmogrification potion, he'd need to observe further to truly identify it. Next he picked up the papers and attempted to read them, but with the dim light and the barbarian making the suggestion to continue, he put both items in his satchel and followed the rest of the party out the door.
Dante takes another sigh of relief as the conflict was settled. Sort of, hopefully. At lest they can continue their adventure. He follows the group, being in between the line. It reminds him of the hallway again, however, that creature roams this place somewhere, this time it's safe, no, it's the best decision to light up the area. He raises his right slightly hand above his head, and takes a moment to focus, his hand clutches and then releases. A white light glows from his hand, but he doesn't focus as hard as last time. So the light is as bright as a torch, it's good enough light rather than the dim light this dungeon offers. Instead of the spell, he stays focused on keeping his guard up, being prepared this time.
((@Archon Please proceed to the 2nd IC Thread to play.))

As the swelling conflict simmers, the group continues down the hallway. Dante, radiating a holy light from his hand, allows the group to see this hall is carved, rather than the rough cave-like hall they traversed previously. Smooth tiles lined the walls with a smoothly carved floor, the long hall running less wide than the first hall. A glow can barely be seen emanating from the right of an archway at the end of the hall. Dante's light reaches the end of the hall, and a howl surprises the group as the creature shrieks. Slithering down the wall and through the top of the archway, its gooey body smokes and flakes.

As our group of adventurers meet the center of the hall, the tiles spread from the walls to the floor. Some of the floor tiles have been cracked, with age or possibly by force. Without the party's knowledge, another adventurer - his group just short behind - follows outside of Dante's holy light, at the entrance he watches the other group as they continue their journey. The hidden adventurer was unable to spot the source of the hideous shrieking at the end of the hall from where he stood, unfortunately.
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Larry follwed the others cautiously, letting them lead the way. Eventually he caught up to them inside another room. Before him is quite the scene with evidence of others having been recently here. In the middle of the room he sees the mangled corpse of a woman, her upper body seemingly devoured by some creature. "Ugh.." The image is too much and, turning away from the body, he throws up. It's the first corpse he's ever scene but fortuntetly no ones around to notice his reaction. Composing himself, he notices a light coming from nearby amd decides to investigate bit is suddenly shocked back by a shrill shriek coming from beyond the light. "What the...?" He draws his sword with shaking hands and slowly proceeds towards the light...
Buras, being in the front, lead by Dante's light continued forward in the light. Almost able to gaze through the archway, a soft click can be heard followed by a short whistling. Buras stops walking as his leg goes numb, a small prick of pain in his calf. Akima and Anastasia, following the group, also feel pricks in their calfs, as their left legs go numb. Upon further inspection of the wound, a small metal pin soaked in a green oil can be pulled out. The adventurers not on the tiled area were not shot by these pins, and heavy armor was not pierced. A scratching is heard from around the archway, before a metal gate slams shut in the distance.

Larry proceeds towards the light to bump into a masked adventurer that he was sent with, slinking in the smoothly carved hall. The light source being a large group of people, one of them in particular was using his hand to illuminate the hall. Emmanuel had time to hear Larry approach, but nowhere to run, and no time to get anywhere, unfortunately.

@Beowulf @SimpleReading @FireMaiden @Guy @Archangel Emerz
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"Stop!" Buras shouts, raising a hand to enforce the command. Bending over to examine his now numb leg, he slowly grabs a small pin that was lodged in his calf and pulled it. It was coated in a sickly green oil, and was starting to turn his fingers numb. So, quickly dropping the pin and wiping his hand off on his clothing, he scans the rest of the room. "A trap. Is anyone else's leg numb." he spoke loudly, for everyone to hear. Then he heard the sound of something metal slamming on the floor. It was never a good noise, metal hitting the floor. So, he took out his great ax and tried to see further into the darkness. His now useless leg wouldn't be of much help. If anything it was a hindrance. he wouldn't be able to gather the much needed momentum of his fighting style. He would be on the back foot, somewhat literally, in a fight if it came down to it.
Anastasia walked behind the men anxiously. She had been hearing things throughout the dungeon, and waited for the next sign of a attack.

Her heart skipped a beat, as she felt a prick on her lower calf and suddenly foubd herself unable to move it. She jumped to the right in her good leg, and caught herself on the wall, to stop from falling over. She looked at the large man in front of her, and saw him pull out a small object from his calf, she looked down, seeing a similar one in hers. She yanked it out quickly, happy that at least it wasn't barbed. "Oh come on!" She muttered. "Can't move mine either" she said unenthusiastically. "Dammit" she cursed under her breath, as the sounds of clanking were heard in the distance.

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