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Help out a young adventurer? (Closed)

Silly Little Guy

chargingdenki still! Just wanted to switch it up!
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So uh- Hi for starters ig lmao. I’ve been doing RP for about 2 years so I’m not totally new to this stuff. I’ve been using RpNation for about a year, I can navigate this site. All that stuff

Recently I’ve wanted to get into DND though! But I’m not really sure how to get started… I was hoping someone on here would be willing to guide someone new through their first adventure!

I know the basic gist of the game. Roughly how it works. I have a character made. I just need a guide pretty much. Anyone interested in helping out?

I hope I posted this on the right section- If not I can move the thread! Don’t mean to inconvenience anyone!
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So uh- Hi for starters ig lmao. I’ve been doing RP for about 2 years so I’m not totally new to this stuff. I’ve been using RpNation for about a year, I can navigate this site. All that stuff

Recently I’ve wanted to get into DND though! But I’m not really sure how to get started… I was hoping someone on here would be willing to guide someone new through their first adventure!

I know the basic gist of the game. Roughly how it works. I have a character made. I just need a guide pretty much. Anyone interested in helping out?

I hope I posted this on the right section- If not I can move the thread! Don’t mean to inconvenience anyone!
I've dm'd a campaign before and it is quite fun (if you meet the right people)

Dnd has a close place in my heart becuase of the artistic freedom,use of imagination and fantasy elements. Since you already have a character in mind have you created a dnd charcater sheet already?If not dnd beyond charcater creation is a good tool to use.

However since you said you know the gist of the game already do you need help with any dnd lore or rules? (Asking because guide sounds a little vague considering there's a lot of ways you can go about with dnd - everything from spells,races,classes,features, monsters and ofc the many different books that helps with building all sorts of other charcaters,npcs or worlds)

**But let's not overcomplicate things!My friends usually prefer to simply play the game for fun and just use whatever comes to mind to create some wacky and chaotic sessions...😅
(Although you do get some people who min-max and play to win the game in the most bizarre ways you can think of)
I actually made my character on DND beyond- I don’t have a character sheet on RpNation though- Not sure where I need to make one/what needs to be included in it

As for what I’m looking for- Mainly I want a group to help me through my first game. I put guide in there because I don’t know what I’m doing really and might ask a lot of questions. I understand like the basic idea of the game, most lore I can look up. I don’t understand things like- How you know when to add each modifier. How to know which die to roll. Stuff like that is where I’m lost
Np then not sure how long it'll be to find a group but I can help you with most of the simpler stuff. Your charcater sheet should tell you mostly what you should roll and ad but if not I'm sure I and maybe other people on this site can assist!
i dm dnd but not planning a pbp game. these days, i either run games mostly in discord/roll20 which as far as i know im not allowed to recruit to yet. I'd make a sheet on dndbeyond at first.
Assuming I can find enough players, I am starting a campaign here shortly. I figured with holiday breaks coming up people might have a bit more free time and might be interested in doing a little chilly tale.
Assuming I can find enough players, I am starting a campaign here shortly. I figured with holiday breaks coming up people might have a bit more free time and might be interested in doing a little chilly tale.
I appreciate the offer! I actually got offered to join a campaign though- I forgot to update this thread with that information

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