Advice/Help Help making a roleplay ad interest check thingy? QwQ


Rosemi <3 (slow replies atm)
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Hi! I'm new to this site (very new, just joined a little over 30 minutes ago new), and while I spent a bit of time lurking around the site before actually joining, I'm still a bit clueless as to how it works.
If someone could help answer some questions I have about making a roleplay ad thing, that'd be amazing!

My questions:
- What information should I include? Is there a thing as oversharing and making way too long of a roleplay ad?
- Would it crowd the ad if I typed up any of my ocs' information?
- Am I allowed to seek both a 1x1 roleplay and a group roleplay? I'm interested in both and want to post an ad for both.
- What is bumping a roleplay ad or thread/post?
- Could I link any google docs pages with characters or plots? Or does that go against any guidelines?

And these questions aren't very related to the roleplay ad, and are just me trying to better understand the site and its rules:
- What is considered as nsfw content? Obviously there's excessive gore and s#x, but does it apply to anything else, such as two characters making out or kissing, or taking note if a character has a bloody wound?
- How do I view posts I've bookmarked? I've bookmarked a few staff posts that detail guidelines and links and what not, but I can't find the section with them now QmQ

Thank you to everyone who's taking a bit of time to answer these questions! :D
Welcome to the site!

- What information should I include? Is there a thing as oversharing and making way too long of a roleplay ad?
Include all information that will be useful for your potential rp partners to get interested in your ideas. It should be clear what your interests are and what you expect from the roleplay and potential partners (post frequency, length, style etc. if any of these are important to you)

- Would it crowd the ad if I typed up any of my ocs' information?
You can always use tags like SPOILER or CHAPTER to make some information hidden until clicked. Check BBCode Guide for some basic info on tags.

- Am I allowed to seek both a 1x1 roleplay and a group roleplay? I'm interested in both and want to post an ad for both.
Yes, there are separate sections for that. 1x1 and Group Interest Checks. If you want to roleplay not on site but somewhere else, your ad should go into Off-site Ads, regardless of it being 1x1 or Group.

- What is bumping a roleplay ad or thread/post?
Since there are a lot of users posting their interest checks, the older ones keep getting pushed down and get off the first page. Adding a new post in the same thread brings it back to top. This is called 'bumping a thread'. You're allowed to do that once per 24 hours.

- Could I link any google docs pages with characters or plots? Or does that go against any guidelines?
It is not allowed. Roleplay-related information must be hosted on the site. See our Community Guidelines and Recruitment Rules for more information.

- What is considered as nsfw content? Obviously there's excessive gore and s#x, but does it apply to anything else, such as two characters making out or kissing, or taking note if a character has a bloody wound?

I will add the quote from our rules here:

Erotic Content and Extreme Gore
RpNation is NOT a PG-13 rated site, but does cater to users who are under the age of 18. As such, users are prohibited from posting, encouraging, or requesting any explicit erotic content; both written words and media. Sexual roleplaying (smut, erotic roleplay) is not permitted and strictly prohibited from all RpNation web space, including private messages and the private workshop.

Users are also forbidden from using RpNation to solicit, imply, instruct, or lure others offsite to conduct erotic roleplay or share erotic content.

Mentions of kinks, fetishes, or sexual terms are subject to be removed and at risk of also receiving warnings.

The Omegaverse/ABO genre is sexually explicit. If you wish to use the non-sexual social dynamics you can use alternative terms to express that. Some options include social hierarchy, dominance hierarchy, and caste system.

Extreme written descriptions or media (photographic media, animated media, videos) of gore or violence are not allowed. Illustrated gore or violence can be posted, but must be placed within a spoiler BBCode tag.

Users are discouraged from making 'wall virginity' posts (i.e. posting on a user's profile with "I've stolen your wall virginity!" or other sexual references).

Sexual content is not allowed and will result in account suspension. Having bloody wound is fine. The general rule of thumb for gore is: if description can make you physically sick then it's likely too much.

- How do I view posts I've bookmarked? I've bookmarked a few staff posts that detail guidelines and links and what not, but I can't find the section with them now QmQ
Click on your avatar in top-right corner of the site. You'll see a menu open, which will have two tabs. First is 'Your Account' and second is 'Bookmarks". You will find your bookmarked threads there!
Welcome to the site!

Include all information that will be useful for your potential rp partners to get interested in your ideas. It should be clear what your interests are and what you expect from the roleplay and potential partners (post frequency, length, style etc. if any of these are important to you)

You can always use tags like SPOILER or CHAPTER to make some information hidden until clicked. Check BBCode Guide for some basic info on tags.

Yes, there are separate sections for that. 1x1 and Group Interest Checks. If you want to roleplay not on site but somewhere else, your ad should go into Off-site Ads, regardless of it being 1x1 or Group.

Since there are a lot of users posting their interest checks, the older ones keep getting pushed down and get off the first page. Adding a new post in the same thread brings it back to top. This is called 'bumping a thread'. You're allowed to do that once per 24 hours.

It is not allowed. Roleplay-related information must be hosted on the site. See our Community Guidelines and Recruitment Rules for more information on.

I will add the quote from our rules here:

Sexual content is not allowed and will result in account suspension. Having bloody wound is fine. The general rule of thumb for gore is: if description can make you physically sick then it's likely too much.

Click on your avatar in top-right corner of the site. You'll see a menu open, which will have two tabs. First is 'Your Account' and second is 'Bookmarks". You will find your bookmarked threads there!
Thank you very much!! That cleared up a lot. :D
- What information should I include? Is there a thing as oversharing and making way too long of a roleplay ad?

There is~such a thing as making it too long. You have to consider your target audience here. Two factors to consider are:

A) How much text do you expect there to regularly be in the RP. If you want to work with people with faster and more consistent replies, you are likely at aiming at an RP with relatively shorter posts. The kind of person who's into that is likely to be less into reading a large amount of text. One thing I've often been told about my own interests checks is they can be "overwhelming", though I am not personally very bothered by this as this is partially the point of making them like I do.
B) NEVER just assume people find your own content cool/interesting in of itself. Most of the time, people you manage to get some interest from will ultimately still be mainly focused on their own characters or some other angle they want to explore. A huge ramble on lore or your characters or the like is likely to prove a detriment rather than a boon in my opinion.

As for what information to include or not, it’s different for 1x1s and groups. Group ones consist of your roleplay’s pitch as well as logistical information like post requirements, rules and such. Be sure that it’s clear what the plot is, and who the player characters too.

1x1s are more personal since beyond the “what” the roleplay is, you also have more emphasis on “who” are you roleplaying with. A basic introduction to who you are, as well as your interests and preferences should go in it. In particular, preferences regarding the logistical details I mentioned above, in addition to a few others of that type like where you prefer to roleplay and where you prefer to communicate OOC. Further it might be a good idea to add preferences about the kind of partner you’re looking ti work with if there is anything concrete you’d like from one. Lastly it might be good to mention if theorems anything a potential partner should be really aware of about you if you partner up.

Would it crowd the ad if I typed up any of my ocs' information?

I would generally avoid doing that unless your selling point IS your OCs. Personally I put a short summary info on a tab for my character section, as in that section they are the selling point, but outside of that just informing the other person you're using an OC should be enough explanation, and then you can talk about the details once you have found someone interested on the actual selling point. If the characters are indeed the selling point, then that's another story and it makes more sense to put their info, though I would still try to be as much to the point and focusing only on the most relevant information for the person to know to judge if feel being in a story with that character is or is not enough to carry an RP with them.

Am I allowed to seek both a 1x1 roleplay and a group roleplay? I'm interested in both and want to post an ad for both.

Yeah. Generally speaking you want to make separate interest checks for the group ideas and the 1x1 bundle of ideas (group RP interest checks usually just focus on one idea, and only one interest check at a time too, as trying to run multiple of them can be quite a challenge and is not recommended unless you already know what you're doing in that department). My 1x1 interest checks do open the possibility to turn some plots into 1x2 type plots if multiple people are interested in the same one.

I’ll leave at that this time, @onmyioji pretty much answered the whole thing anyway. In either case, best of luck and happy RPing!
There is~such a thing as making it too long. You have to consider your target audience here. Two factors to consider are:

A) How much text do you expect there to regularly be in the RP. If you want to work with people with faster and more consistent replies, you are likely at aiming at an RP with relatively shorter posts. The kind of person who's into that is likely to be less into reading a large amount of text. One thing I've often been told about my own interests checks is they can be "overwhelming", though I am not personally very bothered by this as this is partially the point of making them like I do.
B) NEVER just assume people find your own content cool/interesting in of itself. Most of the time, people you manage to get some interest from will ultimately still be mainly focused on their own characters or some other angle they want to explore. A huge ramble on lore or your characters or the like is likely to prove a detriment rather than a boon in my opinion.

As for what information to include or not, it’s different for 1x1s and groups. Group ones consist of your roleplay’s pitch as well as logistical information like post requirements, rules and such. Be sure that it’s clear what the plot is, and who the player characters too.

1x1s are more personal since beyond the “what” the roleplay is, you also have more emphasis on “who” are you roleplaying with. A basic introduction to who you are, as well as your interests and preferences should go in it. In particular, preferences regarding the logistical details I mentioned above, in addition to a few others of that type like where you prefer to roleplay and where you prefer to communicate OOC. Further it might be a good idea to add preferences about the kind of partner you’re looking ti work with if there is anything concrete you’d like from one. Lastly it might be good to mention if theorems anything a potential partner should be really aware of about you if you partner up.

I would generally avoid doing that unless your selling point IS your OCs. Personally I put a short summary info on a tab for my character section, as in that section they are the selling point, but outside of that just informing the other person you're using an OC should be enough explanation, and then you can talk about the details once you have found someone interested on the actual selling point. If the characters are indeed the selling point, then that's another story and it makes more sense to put their info, though I would still try to be as much to the point and focusing only on the most relevant information for the person to know to judge if feel being in a story with that character is or is not enough to carry an RP with them.

Yeah. Generally speaking you want to make separate interest checks for the group ideas and the 1x1 bundle of ideas (group RP interest checks usually just focus on one idea, and only one interest check at a time too, as trying to run multiple of them can be quite a challenge and is not recommended unless you already know what you're doing in that department). My 1x1 interest checks do open the possibility to turn some plots into 1x2 type plots if multiple people are interested in the same one.

I’ll leave at that this time, @onmyioji pretty much answered the whole thing anyway. In either case, best of luck and happy RPing!
:O Thank you as well! I'm drafting my roleplay ad right now, and this helped a lot.

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