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Realistic or Modern [Help! I'm stuck with a bunch of needy gods/goddesses!!] OOC

Gizaira Gizaira
I think for mythology it would be interesting to not have it be limited. So there could be unique character relations between each rper that wouldn't be seen in the average Gods Rp. As for claiming Gods sure! Though I still want the majority to be original characters.

StrawberryDreamer StrawberryDreamer
Once I upload the Character sheet it will be based on first come first served.
Hmm...Okay, well can have Hypnos, Dionysus, and maybe Nona (the Roman equivalent of Clotho, one of the three fates) if I can convince two people to play her sisters... hint hint

SheepKing SheepKing
I would prefer at most a person can have two characters. Though I may let you slide with three but that's a maybe.
I was thinking about having you two as coworkers or roommates maybe but that was the only way I could think of having two humans.
Yeah, I didn't really notice the singular use of human in the outline, so I accidentally made another human character. I deleted him to avoid confusion, unless you guys think that another human would be interesting. I, personally, just made him because I didn't fully read the outline, a mistake on my part.
SheepKing SheepKing StrawberryDreamer StrawberryDreamer
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Really, it would be cool if I could, but I think StrawberryDreamer StrawberryDreamer would have to agree since this is adding a new role that would affect the original human. I would probably make an original god if it doesn't work out.

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