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Realistic or Modern Hell's Angels OOC


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ


Questions, Banter, chit-chat!


Hi! I'm in the middle of working on my CS, and I wanted to ask a few things.....
When it comes to their role in heaven, can we choose anything?
I chose something a little odd... But I think is really interesting. For my character to be the guardian angel inside Opal, and is responsible for the "magical" properties of the stone... I go into more detail in the CS, but is that okay?
With the "powers", is it more of a general thing, or does it need to be specific, aka, only one or two specific powers?
I'm probably being pretty stupid asking this, but virtues and vices are likes and dislikes, yes...?
Is there anything I should know, like any more info, restrictions etc, before I post my character?
Thanks! Sorry for asking so many questions... I hope my character works out and is to your liking! ^_^
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Hi! I'm in the middle of working on my CS, and I wanted to ask a few things.....
When it comes to their role in heaven, can we choose anything?
I chose something a little odd... But I think is really interesting. For my character to be the guardian angel inside Opal, and is responsible for the "magical" properties of the stone... I go into more detail in the CS, but is that okay?
With the "powers", is it more of a general thing, or does it need to be specific, aka, only one or two specific powers?
I'm probably being pretty stupid asking this, but virtues and vices are likes and dislikes, yes...?
Is there anything I should know, like any more info, restrictions etc, before I post my character?
Thanks! Sorry for asking so many questions... I hope my character works out and is to your liking! ^_^

There are no stupid questions^^
Virtues are positive character traits, Vices are bad ones.

I'll go over the CS's with my Co-GM and then get in touch if I need you to change something.

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