A Drifting Spirit
So I probably should have done this a week ago but I'm sorta shy when it comes to this kind of stuff. WELL HERE I AM ANYWAYS. I'm a nice person I promise! I like puppies and cupcakes and neon/pastel colors. I wish my life's aspiration was to become a YouTuber (that would be so awesome) but instead I'm in school for engineering. I hope to make a lot of friends here ♥
Hey there! I'm Bryce and I'm actually going to be heading to college in the spring for a degree in electrical engineering. What field of engineering are you interested in or have you not decided?
That's cool! Is it your first year? I'm going for a degree in civil engineering and management. I'm hoping to get a career in construction and construction management.
Yeah, it'll be my first year in an actual college, though I took lots of college classes in my high school and even out of school. They're just the basic courses like math, english, art, etc.
Welcome to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.
KyroMontresor KyroMontresor I'm actually a sophmore at my university. I'm going into my second year but I took a few courses over the summer and took AP languages classes in high school. I'm just really young because I started school a year early.

The Mechanist The Mechanist Thank you for the welcome! I too have found myself being a huge fan of romance stories. They're just great.
Welcome fren, from the local panda/otter/octopus enthusiast!
Hopefully you find everything you're looking for! I myself can usually be found lurking around the fantasy forums, general chat areas, and (of course) the discord chat :3 feel free to come say hi any time ^D^
Welcome fren, from the local panda/otter/octopus enthusiast!
Hopefully you find everything you're looking for! I myself can usually be found lurking around the fantasy forums, general chat areas, and (of course) the discord chat :3 feel free to come say hi any time ^D^
Thank you! Wait you said panda. I freaking LOVE pandas. I would die for a panda if it asked me to.
Hey hey, no prob. Being shy is no crime, so feel free to take your time when you need it :) Just look at Archtoddler Archtoddler : she pretty much also got an intro a week late and she's already a happy member of two RPs, or more (your cute way of writing also kinda reminds me of her for some reason :P )

Everyone has their own aspirations and the world needs the normal professions too, no? The world would be one bad place to live if everyone was just making youtube videos all the time. So you go there boy/girl! Brave and smart decisions can both be hard.

In any case, welcome to RPN! I hope you have a great time here and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask! ;)

Oh and since you like puppies


Tail Waggling Princess Puppy.GIF Puppy Girl Shake.gif brotherhood dog.gif tumblr_n58ebwmgZm1qm5nqro1_500.gif
Idea Idea -senpai, it wasn't a week in my case, it was three days :P (still, that was pretty late, I'm still a little embarassed about it O///O )

:bishiesparklesl::angel:If anyone wants to check it out, here https://www.rpnation.com/threads/my-late-introduction-but-here-i-am-3.348321/ <3 :bishiesparklesr:

But since I'm here, welcome to the site W A N D E R L U S T W A N D E R L U S T <3! I'm sure you will have a ton of fun here and makes lots of friends cause everyone is so kind and welcoming <3<3:hearteyes: here. Oh and I'm sure you cna become whatever you want, just work hard and you can reach your dreams! Go for the stars (or youtube star if you prefer) :D!
*Waves* W A N D E R L U S T W A N D E R L U S T
Welcome, Puddin'!
Thank you darlin!
Hey hey, no prob. Being shy is no crime, so feel free to take your time when you need it :) Just look at Archtoddler Archtoddler : she pretty much also got an intro a week late and she's already a happy member of two RPs, or more (your cute way of writing also kinda reminds me of her for some reason :P )

Everyone has their own aspirations and the world needs the normal professions too, no? The world would be one bad place to live if everyone was just making youtube videos all the time. So you go there boy/girl! Brave and smart decisions can both be hard.

In any case, welcome to RPN! I hope you have a great time here and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask! ;)
o///////////o Oh my god staaaahp you're gonna make me blush! But keep going
I'm pretty happy here already even though I involved myself in not too much I think? I would love love loooove to join more though.
I hope I'm making a good decision with my life choices ^^' I kind of go with the flow of things y'know.
Thank you for the welcome though! I hope we can be friends owo AND THANK YOU FOR THE PUPPIESSS Ahhhhhh I love them!

FOR ANYONE WHO ASKS - I am a girl~

But since I'm here, welcome to the site W A N D E R L U S T W A N D E R L U S T <3! I'm sure you will have a ton of fun here and makes lots of friends cause everyone is so kind and welcoming <3<3:hearteyes: here. Oh and I'm sure you cna become whatever you want, just work hard and you can reach your dreams! Go for the stars (or youtube star if you prefer) :D!
Thank you! I feel like we're connected now. Like we're fellow kouhais. Maybe one day I'll try it but for now the stars are telling me study up for atmospheric sciences and calculative physics TwT

Welcome !!!
Thank you!
o///////////o Oh my god staaaahp you're gonna make me blush! But keep going
Stop what cutie?

I'm pretty happy here already even though I involved myself in not too much I think? I would love love loooove to join more though.
Well, my RPs are always open and willing to receive new members (if they don't die in the meantime and those members are willing to put up with me and my rules). Though it is wise for you to hold back, biting off more than you can chew is a mistake I did a few times and would rather not do again.

I hope I'm making a good decision with my life choices ^^' I kind of go with the flow of things y'know.
It's a feeling I can share, of hoping to be doing the right choices. I think the most important thing is to learn and not to waste. Don't waste the choices you already took, make the most out of them, but learn as much as you can to maximize your chances of making a good decision everytime. That's how I prefer to approach things anyway.

Thank you for the welcome though! I hope we can be friends owo AND THANK YOU FOR THE PUPPIESSS Ahhhhhh I love them!
Well, if you want us to be, then by my standards, we already are friends :)

And no prob, I love puppies too. I'd give you more now, but the place I'm on has really shitty internet.

FOR ANYONE WHO ASKS - I am a girl~
Alrighty. Sorry, these days it's a bit of a landmine to even use pronouns...
o///////////o Oh my god staaaahp you're gonna make me blush! But keep going
Hehe, Idea-senpai is a ladies man XD

Thank you! I feel like we're connected now. Like we're fellow kouhais. Maybe one day I'll try it but for now the stars are telling me study up for atmospheric sciences and calculative physics TwT
We're connected? *W* <3 <3 Yay! :D Yay! :D Yay! :D

Then study those things, and you're gonna be bestest! Maybe you could even start a youtube channel about it when you're done, right? I mean, Idea-senpai said something about watching this science youtube video today, so those are out there too, right? <3 ^33^^D^^;3^
Stop what cutie?

Well, my RPs are always open and willing to receive new members (if they don't die in the meantime and those members are willing to put up with me and my rules). Though it is wise for you to hold back, biting off more than you can chew is a mistake I did a few times and would rather not do again.

It's a feeling I can share, of hoping to be doing the right choices. I think the most important thing is to learn and not to waste. Don't waste the choices you already took, make the most out of them, but learn as much as you can to maximize your chances of making a good decision everytime. That's how I prefer to approach things anyway.

Well, if you want us to be, then by my standards, we already are friends :)

And no prob, I love puppies too. I'd give you more now, but the place I'm on has really shitty internet.

Alrighty. Sorry, these days it's a bit of a landmine to even use pronouns...
>//////////////> - accurate representation of my emotions right now. I can't handle compliments for my life.

I would love to join them - currently at home for another month bored as hell. All my partners are really spaced out in terms of posting so I can take on a few more things.

I agree! I don't like wasting my time so might as well make the most of whatever you do. Like getting your money's worth.

YES. Friendship ^^ -happiest day of my week so far-

It's okay I still got to witness the puppies and it's okay with the whole gender thing. Better to be careful and unspecific so I can just tell you than for you to say something and get yelled at for nothing in my opinion.

Hehe, Idea-senpai is a ladies man XD

We're connected? *W* <3 <3 Yay! :D Yay! :D Yay! :D

Then study those things, and you're gonna be bestest! Maybe you could even start a youtube channel about it when you're done, right? I mean, Idea-senpai said something about watching this science youtube video today, so those are out there too, right? <3 ^33^^D^^;3^
I can see the ladies manness pouring into my veins.

YES MORE FRIENDS YESSSSS!!! We're all connected now. So basically you guys are my best friends now.

Awww thank you ♥♥♥ I hope I am since the school I want to transfer to has hard science classes ^^" I see youtube channels about science stuff all the time. My baby brother and I like to do the experiments we see in my mom's kitchen lol

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