Hello, Killer~ (OneHellOfACatLover & Tigress)

"I thought you died with your family, then I got in fights at school when I heard your name. They were saying really rude things.. I got teased a bit for fighting, too. I was known as your secret admirer for a long time. Then I ended up beating the shit out of some stupid jock-head for saying that you got beat and burned at that one kid's party.. He said he was one of the kids there.." Eli sighed. "But I fought for you, Jeff. No matter what people said. This cut on my arm? This is like a paper cut compare to what happened to anyone who made fun of you."
"Well what he said about me being beaten and burned was true. So thanks for beating him up. Which reminds me.... I need to put them to sleep/....." he mused, looking at his knives thoughtfully before looking back at Eli. "So you fought for me, thinking I was dead, when I was really going around and killing others? What did you think of the killings? What was your first thought when you heard my name.?"
"I never thought it was you, not until yesterday.." Eli shrugged. "I wondered why the hell you didn't put any of the other kids to sleep." She chuckled and looked at Jeff. "In recent years, I've been sitting around my house. I dropped out at age 16 because of drama, and I also kind of got expelled.. I never went to another school so I call myself a dropout. That's why I never questioned it much."
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Jeff simply snorted, leaning back against the wall. "I've been living here for seven years, killing off raandom people with the help of the others. Hunting is fun. Really fun~"
"Let's go then." Eli said, pulling her arm back from Jeff. "We can kill that bastard together." She smirked devilishly and pulled a butterfly knife from her pocket. "Come on, let's go." She said, standing up and holding out her hand for Jeff.
Jeff simply picked up his knives with a grin after slipping on his shirt and hoodie. "Well. You seem eager enough to become a killer. Let's see if you can actually kill" he growled before racing out of the house and into the moonlight.
Eli followed closely behind Jeff with what seemed like a permanent smirk on her face. She ran to the football field, where the jock-head is normally playing football or kissing some random cheerleader. "Who makes the first move? Me or you?" She said, her red eyes glowing in the moonlight.
Jeff grinned slightly when he noticed the jock and slipped his knives into his pocket. "I want to see if he remembers me.... After all, I am basically wearing the same thing that I wore all those years ago when he burned me..." he whispered, stepping out ofto the field and walking towards the jock and the cheerleader in his arms.
"I'll stay behind you, but I'll keep my distance until he makes a move or the girl in his arms tries to run. Hmm. Maybe I can get the girl and you can get him." Eli snickered and played with the butterfly knife in her hands, smirking when she saw them look up. "Aw look who it is, it's Jeffy." The jock teased. "Is that Eli, too? Hah! I knew Eli was in love with a killer!"
Jeff grinned manically, stepping closer to the jock. "You remember me then.... I suppose you remember what you did to Liu? You sent him to juvi, you bastard...." he growled, pulling out his knives with a manic laugh.
"Yeah, so?" The jock raised his eyebrow as the cheerleader got up and tried to run. "Not on my watch!" Eli giggled and attacked the girl, sending them both tumbling before she pinned her down. "We don't need any witnesses, now do we?" She asked before grinning. "See you in hell." Eli muttered before getting this kill over with, she sliced the girl's throat and stabbed her in the chest before turning to Jeff, smirking.
Jeff chuckled. "what do you know, a natural killer" he said with a shrug before slashing at the jock, slitting his throat and stabbing his heart multiple times before tepping back, giggling as the body fell to the ground. "Go t sleep...."
Eli walked over to Jeff and slung a blood-covered arm over his shoulder. "That was satisfying." She chuckled, and looked at Jeff. "Red's a good color on you." She laughed and patted his back. "We should probably go before someone sees the bodies and calls the cops, last one there has to admit something secret!" Eli teased, knowing she'd get there first. She darted off through the town and into the forest. When she got to Jeff's house she jumped up onto his counter, aiming to scare him when he came in.
"Why do you think I love blood?" he said with a huff before running after her. "Even if I get there last I won't admit anything!" he easily called after her, slipping around the house once she hd vanished inside and entering in through the back door. He held the knife against her back lightly. "You won't scare me...."
Eli screamed and fall of the counter and onto Jeff, laughing. She buried her face in Jeff's shoulder and continued laughing, it was she was going completely mental, which she was.
Jeff just sat there, letting her laugh. After a few minutes though, he frowned and lightly tapped her cheek. "No. I won''t let you change into the same thing as me. You must remain sane."
"Have you ever heard of a sane killer?" Eli laughed a bit as she rolled off of Jeff and onto the floor. "Why should I stay sane? Where's the fun in that?" She said, looking over at Jeff. Since she was laying down, her hood no longer covered her face and there was blood everywhere on it, as if she painted her face in it.
"Because what happens when you meet someone that you love and you give up your life of killing. You'll need your sanity then" he stated to her simply, watching her closely.
Eli rolled her eyes. "Funny thing is, the person I love is the reason I'm a killer now." She looked over at Jeff and gave him a cheeky smile. "I won't give up a life of killing for another killer, that makes no sense." She giggled.
"Come on, you can't be serious about loving a killer. If I didn't know what insanity was like I would call you insane" he said, lightly hitting her upside the head before moving away from her and laying don on the cold stone floor with a sigh.
Eli sighed and stood up. "I'm going hunting.." She muttered before walking out of the door and walking through the forest. It was nearing midnight now, so the sky was pitch black with glittery stars and the moon. Eli walked to the park, glad to see nobody was there as she walked to the willow tree and glared at the carving on it. She sat against the tree and pulled her hood over her head more, making herself more sure nobody would see the blood on her face.
Jeff followed her from a distance, keeping an eye on her. At the sight of the carving though, memories flooded his mind and he stepped out of the forest and walked over to her. "Eli.... It's me, isn't it. The killer you fell for." he whispered in shock and surprise.
"It took you this long to figure it out..?" She asked, not even bothering to look up at him. "Who did you think I fell for? Slenderman? BEN? Jeffery Dahmer?" Eli chuckled half-heartedly and twirled the tip of her knife on her finger.
Jeff looked away. "I don't know. I never thought you'd fall for me. Or anyone would fall for me. I am incapable of returning any feelings of love, there's no point in falling for me..." he whispered, not looking at her.
Eli just shook her head. "That's what you think, Jeff.." She sighed and pushed the blade harder to her finger. "It doesn't matter if there's a point or not. We all love who we love. It's our heart's desicion.."

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