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Fandom Hell City

"Juuzou." The albino looked up from the ground to see Naru toss one of his knives to him. He caught it by the handle, looking at it for a moment before he looked up to the girl. "Thanks~." he said, going back to hunting the ground for any remaining knives, too focused on his thoughts to really care about finishing the fight with Naru. He never really had any intentions of killing Naru, she seemed fun, but man did Mia just hit the top of his kill list. He grinned at the thought, after all, who would steal his knives and think he wouldn't go after them?

@NyxNightmare @LordGowther @Lilah Tunth
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Naru looked over at Moses, her eyes widening with awe. "Woah! You are really focused! Kuro-san, is there anything you need me to do?"

She wanted to help all she could, and if it meant following around a Kuro then she would. She continued to skip around splashing through trippy puddles of illusions, swinging her hammer around playfully. She still had a slightly bad feeling about the explosions, but if Funland was being protected by Moses then she assumed things would be fine, after all he was a Kuro for a reason.

Jax flinched visibly at the boy's words and seemed to sink into himself in shame. He didn't mean to stare. He just didn't want to interrupt. Interrupting was a thing that had been punishable in the facility. "I-I don't mean to look, stare." He said almost too silently to hear. The rain around them was crashing down hard and seemed to distort his words to his own ears. What he could hear, however, was Alaric growl. "Fucking rude." He hissed. "He should learn some damn manners." Jax frowned and spoke out loud in response, not knowing it looked like he was talking to himself. "He's not rude. I'm the one in the wrong." It was only when conversing with Alaric that Jax didn't stutter. Alaric made a sound that sounded like a sigh. "Whatever. Not like I can control your actions." He said.

@TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98
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(For once, I couldn't think of a long post to write for Ciri 0.0. And yes, you shall have your hot cocoa scene pending Emmanuels response :P )

Cirillia Vines

Ciri was a bit surprised when Emmanuel hugged her, especially so short after what he'd witnessed her do. Maybe he didn't think she was crazy after all? She giggled when he ruffled her hair and hugged him tighter, smiling. "Yay!" She shouted happily, glad that he accepted her more...colorful..side. She didn't want to lose him over something so simple as killing someone, well..simple in Hell City, anyway. She was brought out of her thoughts when Emmanuel addressed the green guy that had stumbled in earlier covered in blood, she tore her attention away from Emmanuel to see the guys reaction to Emmanuel's words. She had to admit, it was a little off-putting to have him stare at them, especially considering he seemed crazier than she was.

Though, it was a bit rude of Emmanuel, the guy could've been trying to ask them something important or something. He seemed depressed by what Emmanuel had said, she smiled reassuringly at him and spoke gesturing to their wet clothes "It's okay. Though, I'd suggest heading inside somewhere before we all catch a cold from this rain."



(Again, couldn't think of something to put)

Trinity nodded, she had to admit she was curious to see what exactly Madhu had planned, especially if it involved an 'explosion' for an added bonus. "Alright." She told him, following him. "I am curious to see what exactly it is you're planning after all." She continued, attempting to get a peek at what it was he was writing, but failed miserably due to her being a lot shorter than he was. As long as it wasn't silly like blowing up half of the city with a massive firework or something, she was sure whatever he was planning would be interesting.
Driving through a few streets, it didn't take them long at all to get back to Shop. Placing the car on it's side as it slides it's way inside coming to a well timed stop he opened his door and walked out, adjusting his vest and dusting himself off slightly he began leading Milo down a few hallways. Showing off some vehicles while showing off some guns and other gadgets "Normally people find more interest in the things that go 'boom' but people like the Joker often like getting knives..So this is what we've come up with." opening a door, a table in the center of the room and ontop was various blade like weapons, some being the traditional metals and some having stronger and sharper metals.

"Here are some more traditional weapons, of course we have a healthy range of knives to suit any of your more 'unhealthy' needs." continuing on Joseph also gestured towards the walls which were stocked with odd shaped Katana's with lights over them. Swords with integrated guns in them they had anything for any taste.

After finishing showing off the weapons Joseph turned around to Milo, his face meant business and taking out his note-pad and pen he looked up to the man
"So what is it you'd like to buy?"

Moses sighs and says "It's fine. Though, I suggest trying to find the girl to help you. She's an absolute pushover compared to me, meaning it's likely you'd have a better chance of not being killed if you work with her. Knowing the sort of thoughts that run through the heads of Joker and you, you're just gonna tag along anyway. Follow if you wish" he said in his regular monotone, matter-of-factly voice as he gave her a genuinely kind smile. He instantly retracted the huge aura and drew his sword, Honjo Masamune, which he had stolen from the Tokyo National Museum many years before. He started towards the Funland at a brisk pace, watching him walk was like seeing time itself slow down..... @NyxNightmare @Lilah Tunth
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Natalia checked the the time on her phone then sighed. Another long day has pasted yet she still had so much to do as always. Nat gave the men who occupied her the rest of the night off. She decided to go to a near by restaurant, since she hasn't ate since breakfast. She choose a seat by the window and soon started to drift off into thought, enjoying the peace while it still lasted.

"Seeing as we are on good terms--I think--I would like to ask you some questions. You do know what the embassy is here for, right?"

He leaned back against the bed, looking up and sighing as he stared at the ceiling. His eyes traced along the different ripples in the paint on the ceiling, the ripples themselves like mountain ranges and valleys that created an inhuman world of neon and--obviously--paint. He chuckled at the thought before focusing on the man sitting in front of him, curious as to how much the bartender knew.




He had an after thought though as he got lost in Alexander's features, how he wished to go back and redo what has been done. To make right which has been wrong for so long that he has gone through each stage of denial and back. His hands quivered at the thought of his failure, before naturally forming to a pose that would normally hold a cigarette. He had developed a fixation for it.

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Alexander was surprised by the questions but nodded slightly. "I know...some things, though I'm not sure if they're entirely correct. You can never actually believe some of the information in this city. It gets rather distorted." He explained before quirking an eyebrow in worry. From what he'd gathered, Goodrich was not a bad nor necessarily stoic man, but the way he was acting now was solemn and sad. It made Alexander want to do something to help, even if he wasn't entirely sure he could do anything. It was almost physically painful to see the look on the other man's face. Even with his minimalistic vision, it was still somewhat heart breaking. After a few seconds, Alexander noticed the subtle twitch of Goodrich's fingers. At first he was confused before he remembered the man asking him for a cigarette earlier. Whatever was going on in his head right now, Alexander was sure it wasn't anything happy.

@SSgt Goodrich

Milo walked along the rows of knives and blades, a look of absolute glee on his face. This place was almost like heaven though it was missing one thing: candy. Lots and lots of candy. He picked up a particularly wicked looking knife and flipped it around in his hands, testing out the weight. Despite his status and long list of crimes and kills, Milo wasn't a big fan of torture or aimless murder. Killing was fun when it was done properly. He also didn't enjoy dragging things out for too long. It made for a rather boring fight. At Joseph's words, Milo smiled. "Explosives are much to volatile. You mention the Joker. I understand he's a fan of what he considers...madness, right? I'm...similar and different. I'd much rather cause insanity. There's a bit more order to it. I like control. I like being in charge." He explained as he tested the edge of the blade on his thumb. Even without too much pressure, it managed to cut through his skin with no problem. Milo smiled and licked the drop of blood from where it'd welled up. "Sweet." He said to himself. It was true. His blood sugar was high enough to the point that he could literally taste it in his blood. "I'd like a couple of these," Milo held up the knife he still had in his hand. (Check attachment)

@Sinister Clown

Jax searched his head for the right words to say, having difficulty with trying to say something that wouldn't make the girl and boy mad at him again. "I-I don't have anywhere to g-go." He stuttered. The way he spoke, it seemed like the cold was causing his stutter. "Talk like a normal person, Jackson. They're not gonna kill you if you speak a bit more confidently." Alaric chided. If he could, he would be rolling his eyes now with his arms crossed. "How do you know?" Jax asked before choosing to ignore Alaric if he decided to answer back. "Do y-you both live in t-the city?" He asked. "I-I'm new here."

@TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Knife.jpg.7c7952e70813e86d7abd5dd62b31ea41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Knife.jpg.7c7952e70813e86d7abd5dd62b31ea41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Naru excitedly leaped up and down as she followed the man. Falling into step beside him she beamed. "But I believe you are very skilled, and what's the point if you aren't in the face of danger?" She spoke a little mischievously. She waved to Juuzou as they disappeared; all of the innocent dead bodies left behind from the rather pointless fight. I suppose it wasn't all that pointless though, I got some intel and made a new play-mate!

She couldn't help but gaze down at the weapon Moses possessed. "That's a beautiful sword." She commented, she could almost see her reflection in it as they moved. Still mesmerized by the sharp object she almost didn't notice the scene in front of FunLand. Smoke once again covered some of the premises, but just as Moses had assured, no critical damage had come. Yet, for someone else it did. And he lay in the middle of a crater. Jumping down to the body Naru didn't hesitate to poke the dead body. "Helloooo. Hmm...seems like he's really done for eh?" @LordGowther
"Um, yeah." To be honest, Emmanuel has completely forgot that he still in the rain. He doesn't mind it so much, but thinking about his clothes sticking to him like a second skin is uncomfortable.

"Ok, everyone's feeling good," Emmanuel announces and pulls away from the hug. Yes, he is completely ignoring the fact that the green teen is talking to himself. Totally not creepy at all. Now, let's get out of here.

"Hey, we can go to my house! Alicia won't mind having you over! Madu's probably at work." Emmanuel tugs Cirillaia's arm to the direction to his home. "You can like borrow Alicia's clothes or something." Emmanuel starts to ramble about the stay-over as if they are having a sleep-over.

Emmanuel ears picks up the older teen's voice. He looks down, conflicted. He shouldn't. This guy is a stranger.



As Madhu writes his letter to the leader of the Hell's Den in his office, it takes him a while to finally notice the underboss behind him, trying to have a peek of his work. He stops at mid sentence to turn in a way that Trinity can see the screen. He tells her to grab a chair if she wishes.

"There are certain ways to bring down your enemies." Madhu continues to type the letter. "I think that having the city's biggest newspaper stand on our side would be intresting. What would the everyday people react when they read and hear who has been the cause of their misery? Revenge? Revolution?"

Madhu cracks a grin as he looks at his screen and pressed send. "I have have no idea if this will work, but I think things will be intresting when all of Hell City starts to stir once more."


((I dont know what I am doing with this guy any more. Please take him to the waffle house.))
Before Natalia even knew, the carbThaddeus used to get there was already dedtoryed. Thaddeus was a hardcore road rage, and looking behind him, you could see many flipped over cars and corpses on the street. A stop sign was bent in a 90° angle, probably where Thaddeus rammed the car into. Stepping out the demolished Prius, he kicks it down the block as he walks into the restaurant. Even though the for was an automatic slide in, he was too impatient, and kicks the door down as he spots Natalia. Walking over, he sits down across from her, the waiter quickly setting a menu down in front of him.

"Let's talk business."

@Robyn Banks
Juuzou watched Naru and Moses disappear as they walked away, waving his hand a little at Naru in return, but her back was already turned so it did not matter. 'Ah, how am I going to find that girl - Mia?' He grinned as a thought came to mind. "Naru called her a clown, so if I follow them, I will probably find her, and my knives!! " he spoke to himself excitedly and charged off after Naru and Moses as to not lose them too much, after retrieving all the knives on the ground around him of course. He had about a total of 15/56 knives and his scythe now as he trailed after Naru and Moses.

@NyxNightmare @LordGowther @Lilah Tunth
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"Well Hello there, great to finally meet you too. Though you did leave a bad first impression earlier." She said casually smirking as she put her hands on the table. She already knew what to expect from him since she heard the rumours about his short temper, So she wasn't that surprised at his entrance. Natalia took a couple glances outside to look at the damages. I'm going to have to pay for most of it. She thought, sighing internally.

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Cirillia Vines

Ciri frowned slightly when he released her, half wishing she could've hugged him for several more minutes, though the rain was becoming increasingly annoying by the passing minute. Though, her expression lit up nigh instantly when he mentioned her coming over to his house and staying for a while. "Awesome! That'd be great!" She shouted happily, bouncing up and down excitedly. She began to walk in the direction of his house when the creepy green guy started talking to himself, again. Though..she really had no right to call anything creepy given her..tendencies. She frowned slightly and turned to him, remembering how it felt and was when she was alone, especially in the rain. She ignored him talking to himself and simply looked from him to Emmanuel. "I'm sure Emu wouldn't mind you coming with us, if only to get dry until the rain passes. Right Emu?" She told him, finishing her question by looking up at Emmanuel. "Besides, he doesn't seem that strong if he tries anything anyway." She whispered low enough for Emmanuel to hear, and hopefully low enough for Jax not to.



(Literally all I could think of >_> Casual posts such as these are complicated D:)

Trinity nodded and sat down, a bit embarrassed that he had noticed her being obviously nosy. She listened intently at what he was saying, and he had a point. Sure, the Mafia could simply threaten everyone to do what they wanted. But people responded better to what they read and their own emotions, not forced objectives and orders. She nodded slowly when he finished speaking. "Interesting..I would've never thought of something like this, honestly." She told him. "And you're right...the Joker couldn't possibly stand up to the entire city at once." Noticing the time she stood from her chair, "I hope it works out. It'd be a really interesting development, and I'm sure the Boss would be extremely pleased to know we finally have them on our side." She spoke, walking for the door. "I'm gunna head out and grab some dinner, care to join? I'm fairly sure you haven't had anything to eat in the past several hours, unless you managed to eat while I wasn't looking." She continued, laughing softly.
"Distorted? Well, that is to be expected, any passing of information may become distorted once it has become subject to word-of-mouth."

His eyes drifted from his shaking hand to Alexander, whom has taken a very calm and relaxed demeanor. By association, he began to feel the shakes turn to twitches and twitches turn to rest as his hands eventually unclasped themselves and rested upon his leg. Now relaxed, he took his right leg and flung it over his left knee, crossing them slightly in an effort to more correctly distribute his weight on the bed.

"I am looking for someone. A fugitive. Goes by the name of Natalia."

Unknowingly, his hands went straight to his left pocket, which held a pocketbook, to produce a picture of the fugitive. She was seen, tired and defeated, in a mug shot shortly after her capture. He took special note to point to the bags in and around her eyes.

"For future reference, try not to look for these obvious bags. They are probably gone considering the fact she is no longer in custody and is not forced into a four hour sleep regime."

Joseph nodded, noting it down he also did the math "Five hundred." ripping the page out he passed it over to Milo and began walking off "Take them with you, I'll be waiting for your payment if you don't have it already. Remember no longer than a week, Thaddeus isn't a patient man after that." he smiled "However I hope to see you again, good day sir." taking a formal bow he left the room. (Don't really know what to do with him right now, I'll figure out something xD )



Sin was back at home, it was late at night when he checked the time it came up with "Midnight..Well, I guess things are just about to liven up from all the crap that's been going on lately." looking out his window, smoke from destroyed buildings were still being put out by the remaining good people left in Hell City willing to clean up after everyone else's mess. Crashing down onto his couch he took off his coat and shirt, taking the remote and turning on the TV. "Someone really needs to take control of all of this destruction..But, that's not my job." looking off to the table, two documents of his targets "Dallas & Alexander..Looks like tomorrow I have a busy day."

Madhu looks up from his screen. When is the last time he ate, he wonders. Ever since the tower HQ went down in shambles today, the thought of having food never entered his mind. Madhu turns off the large device he wrote his letter on and gets up from his chair.

"Dinner sounds nice." He says and gets his coat. "Where to?"


((This for now. Waiting on Scyth for the other part.))

(Waffle House is best meme)

Trinity nodded and walked out of his office, turning to make sure he was actually following and she hadn't just rudely walked out in him in silence after asking him if he wanted to have dinner. "Well. I was personally thinking that Waffle House on the corner a few miles down the street from old HQ." She told him. "But, if you have somewhere better in mind that's fine too. Though, I doubt much is open this time of night, and it'd probably be quicker." She continued, shrugging.

She stopped once they reached the immediate outside area near where everyone was parked and turned to him, waiting on an answer.
Moses, upon seeing Dust's dead body, immediately stomped his foot into it, making the crater MUCH larger, and destroying the body completely. " He is now." He said. He suddenly stood up and remembered he had left the blonde, stitched fellow behind when he had unsheathed Honjo Masamune. He proceeded to spin his sword in one slow rotation in the air. Juzou would immediately see the world start to contort, invert, and spin all around him, causing him to throw up from the sheer amount of dizziness. @JynxParanoia @NyxNightmare
Alexander's body tensed completely when he heard Nat's name. I-It couldn't be the same person... Alexander refused to think that before he was finally shown a photo of her. It was hard to make out the details with his limited sight but it was still undeniably her. Alexander had been friends was Natalia for a long time. Only six years apart, they'd spent a lot of time together as kids and she was one of his most frequent customers at the bar before she'd left and come back. Alexander really did not want to lie. He'd just became friendly with Goodrich and now he'd discovered that the man was after his friend. Natalia had done some rather unpleasant things in her life but she was still his friend. He was at a loss as to what to do, tell the truth or lie. Both weren't very good options and he mentally flipped a coin. Stiffly, he nodded his head in understanding. "I've seen her around the city before." He chose to say. It was neither a lie nor the complete truth. Regardless, it made his stomach sink and his heart clench.

@SSgt Goodrich @Robyn Banks

(Uh oh. Alexander's in double trouble from both Sin and Stephan @SSgt Goodrich @Sinister Clown)

Milo smiled brightly and nodded his head. "I'll have the cash here soon." He promised before grabbing the merchandise and sprinted off. He was in a rather good mood, though when was he not? Nothing ever seemed to dampen his cheery demeanor. Not even death, nor blood or chaos. It was actually kind of eery.

Jax gave a hesitant smile when he heard the girl's first response, oblivious to the words she'd whispered to the other boy. Alaric, however, heard it loud and clear and it made him mad. The same head-shattering pain from before returned causing Jax to almost double over and fall to his knees. He hissed loudly under his breath before losing control of his limbs and instead, receded into his mind. Bright green eyes were traded for a sickly yellow/green color instead as Alaric smiled a rather vicious smile. "Hmm, well where is this house you speak of. I'd rather not stay wet in the rain for much longer." He said. His tone of voice was completely different from Jackson's. Much more confident, self-assured, as well as eery. There was a glint in his eyes that promised pain if someone took so much as one wrong step and Alaric would gladly deal it out. Almost in a bored fashion, he crossed his arms across his torso and waited for a response.

@TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98
Thaddeus laces his fingers together as he stares at Natalia, his leather coat still covered with red smoke. He pulls out a small pamphlet from inside, handing it to her.

"Since your the Mafia, I need to know what you want. What interests you."

@Robyn Banks
"May I ask where then? Any leads?"

Stephen knew he hit the jackpot. If Alexander has seen her around the city, no doubt he could get the information he will need to clean up the city in the first place. It was the beginning of a long battle, one that will take many months and most of his time, but he was well prepared to become the protaganist of his own story. Ready to be strong enough to lead the people of 'Hell City' from darkness, through his own inner light, and direct them against the evil found in the corporations and crime syndicates. He sighed in relief, his left hand folding the photo and placing it back in the pocketbook. His smile seemed to reach from ear to ear.

"This is very good news to hear. Again, thank you."

(Anyone got any suggestions on what my guy should do because right now he is just driving around a wrecked city.)
Emmanuel stomps away when Cirillaia invites the green teen to his house. He doesn't stops the girl or tells her no. He agrees with Cirillaia; the guy looks pretty weak.

That thought quickly shifts when he hears the guy speak again, but his voice is different. He doesn't sound the same.

"Ciri, get behind me!" Emmanuel whips around to face the older male. His hair and eyes are still brown, but he is confident that he can attack faster than that guy. Isn't he glad that he was being rude. He feels stupid for feeling bad for this guy. "As if I'll take you, stupid!"



"Waffles this late at night?" Madhu's eyebrows lift up but there is a smile on his lips. It is not often that he would eat something sweet for dinner, but he cannot deni he wants something nice and quick energy. "Why not."

Madhu follows Trinity out.

((This is so shortlol oooh well))

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