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Fandom Hell City

Milo watched in vague amusement as Thaddeus' rage seemed to explode out of control. "Oh my. How fun!" He cheered, clapping his hands in some show of glee, following behind the rest as he chased after the ongoing fight. "This is why I love this city. It's simply the wonderful chaos and insanity." He said, almost in awe, before turning away from the enraged man and instead to the one who'd been with him as well. "So, weapons." Milo brought the top back up. "Whatdya got?" He asked, not caring much about the fact that now was not the time for business deals

@National @Sinister Clown

Alexander was shocked by Goodrich's sudden outburst, his eyes widening in display before narrowing in, not pity, but empathy. There were some memories Alexander himself never dared to allow to resurface but the way the other man was currently acting. these were quite horrible. "Mr. Goodrich, I never said you were made of sugar nor do I think that in any way." He said soothingly. "I think it best we stay indoors, huh?" He asked before gently pushing Goodrich in the direction of the kitchen. He did not make the man sit, however, and waited for him to do that himself while Alexander tinkered around in the kitchen. Despite being blind, Alexander was a pretty decent cook. It was something he'd learned at an early age and also something he quite enjoyed. Within twenty minutes, he had a decent meal cooling on top of the counter and a half-delusional man to worry about.

@SSgt Goodrich
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@ScytheMeister7 @Tylor guillory (Bleh, I had no idea what I was doing with the last post so we'll just go with continuing the trade xD )

Joseph looked over to Milo who seemed to be enjoying the show. With a slight smile he nodded "Of course, I'm glad that none of this made you uninterested..That's bad for business you see." taking out a note-book and pen he looked back up and continued "So you like knives yes? Well we have things ranging from the original katana, knives sword, to your modern day ones. We appreciate customer faith more than anything, so paying first would be encouraged however if you must you can come back to our Shop and see for yourself."
Thaddeus wasn't even affected by the blasts as he slams himself into Six, the giant pile driving through the bird boy. Thaddeus's gravity also pulled in Six, which would make escape almost impossible.

@Tylor guillory
@Sinister Clown @Lilah Tunth

Maria and Elizabeth Jones

As soon as Maria touched his hand her mind was instantly thrust into chaos, chaotic laughter and horrifying images filled her sight. A man hit a woman with a bottle, approached a child, then everything went red. Finally it was over, Maria snatched her hand away as soon as her brain would let her, stumbling backwards upon meeting the Jokers' gaze and tripping over Elizabeth. She wasn't harmed, not physically, but on the inside the images and laughter were still repeating themselves. Why did it bother her so much? She's killed people before, watched her sister torture them, even tortured people before herself.

Why did the images make her so scared, or was it the Jokers aura itself that did? Slowly she brought her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, trying to calm herself down. It wasn't real..calm down..it wasn't real.. she thought to herself. She refused to realize the real reason the images bothered her so much, she refused to admit it.

Shortly after Maria had tripped over her Elizabeth came to her senses. Once she realized Maria was freaking out she crawled over to her, "
Maria..w-what's wrong? W-what did he do to you?" Elizabeth asked her, but got no response. Maria was too busy remembering their parents, days often went by just like what she had seen when she touched the jokers palm. She hated her past, she hated their parents.

Elizabeth looked from Maria to the Joker, once more filled with hate for him, but she made no moves to attack him now that she knew what he was capable of. She simply inched over beside Maria and sat up staring between him and her. He said he didn't mean it when he choked her, but that was an obvious lie.
Six was beginning to get angry he let off explosion after explosion not caring what he blew up anymore."Why don't you just go away already your interfering with my plans! Damn you!" Dust yelled as Six kept attacking @National
He stumbled, almost falling, into the nearby chair in the dining room. He had taken the initiative to seat himself, almost embarrassed by his outburst but nonetheless still frozen stiff by the memories in the rain. He remembered the raid, how it was supposed to be an easy in-and-out job, and how he was leading 'Ghost' squad in their first major drug bust. The drugs were big money, but no amount of money could make up for what he lost . . .

"... I apologize for the shouting, not just for you but your neighbors also."

His voice had returned to its normal tone, strong and unwavering, unlike the shouting he had done earlier. He rubbed his temples lightly with his left hand, his right hand grasping the holster of his pistol to lay it across the beautiful, plaid covered table. He found it slightly tacky, but the aesthetic Alexander carried almost fit the structured squares of plaid. Structured, strong-- but warm and welcoming. Like a farmer's coat when he offered you the cup of sugar you asked him for.

"I appreciate the meal. I would not know any other stranger who would so easily offer a house and food."

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Thaddeus slams again into Six, his gravity pulling the guy in. He grabs Six by the throat, throwing him into the grind as the gravity intensifies the attack.

@Tylor guillory
"What's your problem you child? Did my explosions scare you oh poor baby. Well guess.what this isn't the place for you then! Hell city is filled with people who will piss you off so get use to it! If you went after everyone who pissed you off you'd eventually die!" Dust said for Six who was struggling under the gravity."Well I guess I have no other option if I'm going I'm taking as much with me as possible! " Dust said and Six began to glow brightly. White light seemed to move threw his body as his Aura rose more and more. @National
Alexander smiled. "I'm not like most strangers. For one, I'm blind." He joked, trying to lighten the mood. Pulling out two plates from his cupboard, he laid them down on the dining table after filling them with the rice dish he'd just finished. "You don't have to worry about my neighbors. They've most likely done worse themselves." He explained, thinking back to the somewhat...obscene sounds he'd heard just the other night. His female neighbor was a rather active woman. "I hope you enjoy the food. Cooking was something I was forced to pick up." Alexander said.

@SSgt Goodrich

Milo nodded his head enthusiastically, bunny ears bobbing up and down as he did so. "I look forward to this. I've heard a lot about Gears of War co. and its merchandise." He said. "Lead the way to the Shop. I like browsing." He said with a grin.

@Sinister Clown

(Is it because Alexander nearly stripped in front of Goodrich? @Robyn Banks)
Joseph sighed and nodded "Of course, please come with me." walking back over to the car he got in the driver's seat, taking down the shield it connected back with the car. Starting it up he revved it for a bit before putting his window down "I hope this isn't a waste of my time.." he muttered to himself.

He took the time to take some silverware to the table and in doing so, replied to his comment on cooking.

"I wouldn't think I was ever forced into anything. I have always had opportunity, and I could have gone and done anything I wanted."

Stephen took extra care not to tap the silverware against the plate too much as he ate, he had lost his touch for fine eating from having to wolf down meals during the limited breaks he got. He also never had anyone to judge him while he ate, but now that he thought about, Alexander couldn't judge him either. He was blind.

The thought brought a chuckle to his mind, his cheeks unknowingly tinting pink at how rude he was being. He found this more embarrassing than his outburst, so in an effort to hide his emotion, he stuffed his face with another big spoon of rice.

As for the rice, it was something out of heaven. Or so he thought--

The officer had not eaten a home cooked meal since he left his house at 18, and seeing that he was 43, he could not truly remember the home food that his own mother would make him but that did not stop him from enjoying the meal Alexander prepared that day.

"The food is good. Thank you again."

Emmanuel does not paying attention when Cirillia walks close to the man that attack them. He does not notice the girl's stabbing or the hitching of the man's laughter and bones and flesh ripping. The boy stands still, breaths in deeply, and thinks what just happened. He feels like the world have lifted off from his shoulders. Why did he not think about beating someone/something up earlier?

Feeling better, Emmanuel looks at Cirillia to see how she is doing. He knows that something like this shouldn't bother the girl who lives in Hell City, but still, she's a girl. She's really tiny and light! Emmanual can pick up Cirillia up so much easier than his little sister, or maybe Alicia is just fat.

The boy turns and freezes. His senses are in high alert when he sees the girl he thought he knew standing over the body and kicking him over. He cannot see how the man's belly is with his gold aura around the man, but he has in idea how the body could look like. The gold band and the thread coming out of his shoulder have turning brown with blood sweeping through and being cooked over an over again.

The worst of all is her smile.

Emmanuel takes a step back from Cirillia when she approaches him. He looks at her with wide grey eyes, finger twitching, and doesn't - can't - say a word.


Madhu raises his eyebrows at Trinity's action. He is not expecting that. Instead, the older underboss was expecting Trinity to run to the battlefield herself, maybe with a small team, and find the fiend that did the bombing. He is surprised, pleasantly so, that she has stayed. He smiles causing his eyes to crinkle.

"You're doing well, kid," Madhu says and pats Trinity on her back. He starts to lead Trinity towards the busy mafia members. "Now come on, we can't just stand around like this."

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Milo heard what Joseph said but brushed it off, not really caring what the other man thought. Right now, he was more interested in seeing the Gears of War co. weapons Shop, a very famed place in the city. Swiftly, he slid into the car along with Joseph before sticking another lollipop in his mouth. Due to all the sugar, his body was positively buzzing with energy and while he was practically aching to use it, Milo didn't want to start a fight with the person who was about to supply his weapons. It was bad nature to do so. Instead, he hummed softly under his breath and drummed his fingers along his thighs in tempo to his own made up song.

@Sinister Clown

Alexander laughed. "I say forced but it was more of a mandatory thing. When you're kicked out of your home for supposedly plotting and killing your father and also for being blind, you have to pick some things up to keep yourself alive." He said matter-of-factly. The memories made him tense momentarily but he quickly hid it. "I'm glad you like the food. There's no need to thank me at all." Alexander spoke quickly to change the subject. He slid his blacked-out glasses off his face after taking a bite from his plate. Despite his lack-of sight, the glasses still tended to strain his eyes whenever he wore them for too long.

@SSgt Goodrich
The Sergeant ate in silence for the rest of his short meal, letting the final words linger in the air as the sound of rain was just outside. He noticed Alexander tense up, quite obviously. To him, it was a clear sign of discomfort and moreover; a sign to trek carefully. The silence he allowed was only to prevent a conflict that may arise from him asking too many questions though when he took his plate to the sink, he dropped a question.

"Would it be wrong to ask you for a favor?"

Alexander looked up when he felt Goodrich move from the table towards the sink, spoon still stuck in his mouth. Quirking and eyebrow, he placed the spoon onto his plate and turned to face the other man better. "A favor? Of course. Go ahead." He said, curious about what Goodrich wanted to ask.

@SSgt Goodrich

Cirillia Vines

Ciri stepped forward a bit when Emmanuel had moved away from her. "W-What's wrong Emu?" She asked him, frowning once she realized his expression, and that she had completely snapped in front of him. Between the weight of the rain water soaked up in her ears and the depression of realizing she had probably just scarred him for life her ears flopped over pitifully in her face, she tilted her head a looked at the ground sadly, searching for words that would make her seem less completely crazy to her.

"I-I..I'm sorry you had to see that Emu..I.." She began, struggling to find further words. "I saw him hurt you and...it made me mad that he did, the fact that he would hurt a kid like us for no reason." She continued, beginning to cry. She was sure he thought she was completely psychotic by now, and by the time he re-gained the ability to run after the shock wore off he would. "I'm sorry.." She told him, sinking to the ground and bringing her knees to her chest before wrapping her arms around them, crying.

You think I'm crazy..don't you.." She asked. "I don't blame you..I'd think I was crazy if I saw me do something like that too.."


Trinity didn't expect Madhu's reaction, she was sure she had messed up somehow, instead he was actually pleased with what she had done. She nodded and smiled lightly, "Thanks.." she told him. As they walked towards the mafia members she grew curious as to what it was he expected her to do next, were they going to go out and see the problem for themselves or was he going to try to teach her more about running the Mafia beyond combat?
He took a deep breath before asking the favor, something he had gotten used to at basic training.

"I have no place to stay tonight. The embassy is not yet open and I fear I may be targeted if I head to some random hotel. May I



His voice trailed off like a jet streak in the sky, something that appeared in the heat of the moment, but disappears once noticed by anyone. He couldn't help but focus on the silence that surrounded his pause before he spoke out just to end it.

"Stay here?..."

Jax shivered as he pulled on his shirt, carefully. The blood was beginning to dry and stick uncomfortably to his skin. It had been a few days since he'd last managed to take a proper shower and right now, there was nothing he craved more. "Stop whining, brother. We'll be fine. Just break in somewhere and take a shower." Alaric said, obviously impatient. He didn't really care much about their current state. "I can't d-do that, Alaric." Jax said as he continued to walk about the city's streets. He glanced around at the buildings that surrounded him and nearly tripped over a young girl and boy conversing on the side of the street. His dazed state had caused him to almost blank out and he now worried about scaring them off with he sight of himself covered in blood. "S-sorry!"

@TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98

Alexander was shocked by the request but he wasn't adverse to it. Instead, he smiled and nodded his head. "I would be more than happy to lend you room and board for however long you want. It wouldn't be very nice to let a new friend die because I kicked them out." Alexander stood up and put his own empty plate into the sink to wash later. "Let me give you a brief tour of my apartment so you'll know where things are. I normally don't have people over so it may not be the cleanest place in the world." Despite his words, the apartment was far from dirty. It wasn't exactly spick and span but it was still pretty clean decently furnished.

@SSgt Goodrich
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Stephen closed his eyes and smiled silently; his favor had worked and now he was on the way to gaining the trust and companionship of one of the major people in 'Hell City'. While he was lead around the apartment, his eyes wandered among the antique collections of the blind man:

Old photographs, from family more likely than not, and all sorts of modern arts such as vases, paintings and even a small statue. The man was well cultured.

No matter, he took in the details that Alexander gave him, noting the locations of important things such as phones, coat hanger, nightstands, and most of all--

keys, food, and water. He knew he would not spend much time within the apartment, but he thought that he might as well enjoy some of the luxuries that come from owned homes. He looked Alexander directly into his cloudy eyes.

"I... Really appreciate this. What room shall I be sleeping in?"

Alexander cocked his head to the side and smiled. "It's no problem at all. I'm happy to help." He said before heading towards the never before used guest room. He'd never been more glad to have bought an apartment with two bedrooms. His original thought was that it would be for whomever he wanted to...date, but with the way his life went with the bar and everything else, Alexander had no time to go out and really meet people. Plus, he was sort of shy when it came to speaking to people outside the bar. "It's not much and probably a bit dusty, but hopefully it's not too bad?" He said.

@SSgt Goodrich

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