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Fandom Hell City

LordGowther said:
(@JynxParanoia relax, I just never got a chance to ever test that out. xD )
(I am confused by what you mean here... Like stop being dramatic kind of relax or youre happy that you finally got to use that move?)
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Natalia didn't even look at the pamplet, still looking straight at him. " I want rifles, Mg snipers, pistols, handguns,and machine guns. I need them as soon as possible. You think you can handle that?"

LordGowther said:
(@JynxParanoia relax, I just never got a chance to ever test that out. xD )
(Well, nevermind anyways lol I accidently deleted that post while trying to edit it, my phone slowed down so bad and kinda froze cuz I have no Wi-Fi where I am at And sometimes it helps to try to move the screen and it deleted it T_T So not happy about that.)
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Alaric smirked and uncrossed his arms, though that was all he did. The kid's outburst was actually kinda cute and it made him laugh. "Stupid? I'm pretty sure there are some better insults out there that you can think of." He said before walking over to the boy and patting him on the head. "Don't hurt them." Jax asked. Alaric merely shook his head. "Don't worry, brother. I won't harm them." He promised before turning his attention back to the two kids. "The name's Alaric. The other me, the 'nicer' one, is Jackson." He said, introducing himself. "We're new to this dear old city, here, and were hoping someone would be...kind enough to show us around." Alaric raised an eyebrow expectantly.

@TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98

Alexander felt highly uncomfortable and tried hard not to show it. "She's been in the bar a few times. I..." Alexander's hands began to shake. He'd never liked stressful situations nor did he like lying. It made him feel dirty. Dirtier than even killing someone. Unshed tears began to well up in his milky eyes and he scrubbed his face furiously to make them disappear. "Please don't hurt Nat. She's a good girl. She's done some things, but then again, who hasn't in this city?" Alexander looked up from his lap even though he could no longer see, his aura once again having given out under the pressure. There was desperation plain in his features and he prayed to whatever higher power that might exist, that Goodrich wouldn't hate him.

@SSgt Goodrich
Thaddeus rips his own pamphlet in half.

"You don't even look at my own pamphlet. I hand made that myself. I HAD TO GO THROUGH THE PAIN OF INSTALLING A PRINTER."

Thaddeus slowly starts to calm down before looking at Natalia.

"I can get you those weapons by tomorrow. Now, for payment, I want your part of the West harbor."

@Robyn Banks

Cirillia Vines

Ciri could tell Emmamuel didn't like the fact she had invited the guy over, she didn't blame him now that she though about it, it did seem a bit rude to invite some random guy to a friends house. She followed after him in silence when he stomps off, not looking to make sure if the other guy was following them or not.

When he spoke and Emmanuel told her to get behind him she turned swiftly, her hand resting on a dagger. Something was very different about this weak guy they had just met, he seemed..off. Possibly more psychotic than Ciri was. She stared at him and clung to Emmanuels arm protectively, she wasn't afraid of the guy in the least despite his freaky presto-chango deal.

Quite frankly if he tried anything she was ready to do exactly what she just did to the man that tried to attack them to him. Ciri glared at him when they laughed at them, oh how lucky he was to have not just witnessed her pouring her rage into the beaten bloody corpse a ways up the street. She giggled and smiled to herself when he said he wouldn't hurt them, yeah he had missed the scene from earlier entirely. Not to mention she still had a pistol in her satchel.

She stared and looked him over once he finally introduced himself and his alternate persona. "I see..You're interesting, I like interesting. But. I'm not putting Emu in danger because I'm curious." She told him pointedly. So what if he said he wouldn't try anything? She says lots of things, half the time she doesn't even understand the things she says.



(Wiffle House)

Trinity laughed softly and smiled. "They don't just serve waffles you know?" She told him, making her way to her car. "In-fact, their steak is pretty good." She continued, walking over to and opening the drivers side door. "C'mon, we can use my car if you want." She told him, sitting down and starting it while shutting the door behind her.
"And why would I give you that? Especially for weapons that I'll probably need again in a month. " She said scoffing his request. She thought it would be more than idiotic to give him the harbor for such a deal. She was smart enough to understand that wasn't a good deal.

Thaddeus puts his hands together, his deadly glare not changing, his eyes still red.

"Of course not for just a months worth. Just like I did for the Jokers, I will give you a whole year and a half's shipment of your essentials in exchange for the harbor."

@Robyn Banks
His aura, which had been stemmed and dormant now burst into its old, righteous fury. The aura seemed to leash out at him, his eyes showing one of anger. He knew how many times she had appeared on the news, or on fliers spread on all the subways and crossroads. Why did he house the fugitive.

"Do you understand what she has done?! She is a terrorist! And a law-breaker!"

His voice was seething and brewing over as his aura continued to lash at his. To say he was angry was an understatement, he was the Omega. He was the end of all good. He had become Wrath, the deadly sin. The earth would crack and rumble over his mission, 'Hell City' would be reduced to ash, and his hand would be the one to pull Natalie out of the dirt and drag her back down into the hell he came from.

God have mercy.

"Where is she?! Where is the girl?!"

@ScytheMeister7 @Robyn Banks
"Stupid fits you perfectly." Emmanuel takes a step back and bat the hand that pets his hair. The boy did not like this stranger from the start and with the guy's sudden change of attitude, this teen is just shady as heck. "And shaddy. How do I know you're not lying and stab us in the back? Look for someone else to show you around."

The guy's sudden change of attitude reminds Emmanuel of Cirillaia. Emmanuel takes another step back, bumping into Cirillaia.


((School. U guys go on w/me lol)
"...Sorry, Not interested. I make a good amount of profit from that harbor and I don't think I'm ready to give it up yet." Natalia said solemnly. She looked dead into his eyes as she spoke so he knew she had no doubt about her decision. She knew this would ultimately lead to him going against her. But she was better at making enemies than friends in her opinion anyways so it wouldn't be surprising.

Surprisingly, Thaddeus didn't flip out. Ironically, he is one if the best negotiators this city has to offer. His eyes close and open slwoly as he looks at her.

"Fine. Regular pay its is then. Are you sure you don't want to look at our new weapons? We just finished our three most powerful weapons."

@Robyn Banks
Naru couldn't hold in her psychotic laugh as Moses sent the man's body even deeper into the ground. "Haha! You really are something. I hope he likes the viewwww." She waved down to the earth. Turning to look up at Moses she tilted her head slowly.

"It appears to me you have a lot of hidden talents." She set her hammer alongside her, whipping out her blade to carve the word Hidden into her arm. Holding it out to inspect a little she added a Jester hat over the H. Smiling with content she placed the knife back into her pocket. "Who do you think did such a thing Moses? You don't suppose Tr-Mr.J would notice the giant crater in the middle here? I must admit Funland has been quite the hot spot for destruction lately." Naru skipped around. She found it incredibly difficult to remain still for too long. Although she still kept an eye on Moses she wondered what sort of aura he was using to cause someone out there pain. @LordGowther
Moses looked up. Although it was impossible for him to show it in any sort of way, he was extremely amused. For once in his life, he actually laughed. " No, I'd know that aura....along with that barbaric yelling anywhere. It was just a.....Colleague in chaos you could call him. Anyway, his name is Thaddeus. The man has a TERRIBLE temper. Not to worry, Joker doesn't care so long as the Funland itself is undamaged. " He said as he sheathed his blade. @NyxNightmare @National
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"Sooo, like a chihuaha?" Naru giggled, it was the only thing she could imagine at the moment. She remembered having one as a child and as much as she loved animals that evil thing would never shut up.

"His name is Thaddeus, like the Greek work for courageous heart. I suppose it fits." She edged closer to Moses as he sheathed his sword, a slight cast of disappointment crossed her face but it happened so fast one would barely notice unless they were paying close attention. "You said colleague earlier. Storyyy timeee!" She twirled, raising her hands in the air with excitment. It was quite odd given several clown members were in the background complaining about the previous bombing mess as they were rebuilding. However night had just as much fallen so some were retiring. Others taking a break to go out for the night. The stars hadn't fully appeared, yet a semi translucent shape could be seen of them preparing to dance in the sky. Naru looked at Moses intently, waiting to hear about Thaddeus. @LordGowther
Alexander stood up abruptly, causing his chair to slide and fall over rather violently. "I don't know! She was at the bar earlier today before our conversation was interrupted." He felt suddenly lightheaded and reached out to grip whatever was closest to him. His head felt like it was moving is constant circles and swirls of colors, colors he'd never been able to see before, erupted before his eyes, making him uneasy and nauseous. "Don't yell. Please." He whispered. Alexander's cheeks felt wet and when he went to wipe them, he realized he was crying. Hesitantly, he looked up. "Of course I know what she's done. I grew up with her. And aren't we all?" This time, Alexander wasn't saying that as a joke. "There's not one innocent person in this god-forsaken city! Don't even try to convince me that you haven't done horrific things in your own life. No one's a saint. Not even the nicest people here. I'm not telling you where she is! You can do whatever you want with me, but I'm not going to give her up just because you decided to-" Alexander's words got choked off as his throat seemed to close up. The air around him became thick and suffocating, completely cutting off his breathing. His mouth turned dry as he dropped to his knees and held his face in his hands. For a brief second, it felt as though he was slowly dying before his vision returned to black and he fell unconscious.

@SSgt Goodrich (Uhh...I have no idea what I'm doing. This just seemed like an interesting way to spice up the story, so...)

Alaric grinned at the girl. She was pretty interesting too. While Jax hadn't seen what she'd been doing to that poor guy earlier, Alaric sure had. It was one of the perks of being a backseat driver. "Feelings of interest are reciprocated." He told her before turning back to the boy. "Aww, don't get your panties all in a twist. I'm as harmless as a fly." He said, batting his eyelashes in a mocking manner. He casually stepped under the overhang of one of the store fronts to get out of the rain before speaking again. "I have no intentions of killing anyone for another oh..." He glanced at his wrist as if he had a watch. "Twenty-two hours or so." He finished before looking up at them with an amused glint in his eye. It was true. He was currently feeling no murderous tendencies at the moment. "By the time that's over, I should hopefully have Jax out of this city. He can't survive well here. You're city is a bit...hellish." He said before laughing at his own joke

@TripTripleTimes @Mitchs98

Cirillia Vines

Ciri smirked as Alaric continued speaking, she suppressed her laughter as best as possible when he cracked a smart ass comment to Emmanuel. It was both funny and pissed her off that he had said it at the same time. "Sorry but, if Emu doesn't want you to come you're not coming. I might show you around the city tommorrow, but not tonight. Interesting or not." She told him, smiling softly. "Sorry~" She continued in a sing-songy voice.

She turned from the man, still clinging to Emmanuels arm, and tugged on it gently. "
C'mon Emu before we get sick." She told him in a much kinder tone than she had given Alaric.
Dallas continued drving looking at the destruction, he felt bad. Thats when someone began talking to him on the radio, and surprise it was the government men, thay had said that he was needed elsewhere for a small bit. He sighed and turned the car back into the direction of the CCG base, possibly going to pass anyone up on the way.

*Desert, Unkown Location, UNAP Base, 4:30 AM*

Men began marching to cars, trucks, and helicopters. Others ran to man tanks and APCs. Heavily armored men climbed into the APCs with 4-6 helmet and gas-mask wearing men. Soon enough this lead to a convoy with 45 vehicles and over 2,500 men. Behind them was an armored car with two small flags and a Heavy machine gun on it and inside was the man who delivered the strong speech, accompanied by 2 other commanders. It was 30 minutes later and soon a town was in sight. A sign read, "Hell City", and thats when several transportation vehicles halted and formed a line. As for the helicopters, they landed behind the convoy line. However, the 5 tanks continued on until they reached a certain range away from the city then it happened, "Ready the cannons," said a man on a radio. In which the tanks man guns elevated to a certian point, in which they were pointing towards the city. The man in th emetal mask and general uniform stepped out of the car and to the convoy line in which armed men started getting out of their vehicles of transportation and forming a line behind the general. "Look in front of you and see, that this is our destiny. If we take this city, if we tame it. Then the world will see our power and we will gain more members. So watch today as the city burns, then tommorow we will take it," the man stated. An officer ran up to him a saluted him, "General Kaiser, the cannons are ready to fire on your command," the officer had stated handing the General a radio phone. Kaiser pushed the button, "All tanks, you have my permission to fire at will, i expect you to unload as much High Explosive shells and Shrapnel shells you have, now destroy these buildings to allow an easier victory for our men," the General said into the radio. Men inside the tanks smiled and said in unison, "JAWHOL!" in which the cannons volley fired sending 145MM shells crashing into the streets and destroying anything in a 25-35 meter radius. They hit buildings and caused them to loose pieces, they broke the ground up, they destroyed vehicles, they burnt any dead or almost dead bodies, they went all over. (This is a raid on the city, so i am interacting with everyone.)

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