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Fantasy Heliopolis ~ The City of Magic. (In desperate need of new players.)

Samantha chuckled softly at this, before nodding slowly at him. "I see..." she mumbled a bit softly at him, a flash of hatred showing in her eyes, only for a split second, as he mentioned that he was working for the anti-terrorist unit, however. "Well, if there's anything I can do to help, then I shall." She said softly, giggling a bit, as she moved to follow him. "Do you know what they looked like? Maybe they ran past me." She added, smiling a bit still as she spoke, no amount of the pure hatred in her eyes that normally showed nothing could be heard in her voice. "I can help as much as I can, but... I do have my own things I need doing here." She then said, after a few moments. "I... I've been trying to look into Heaven-class magic. I overheard some rumor that the dead Northgard royal family had something like that. The ability to make sentient-humanoid puppets, that is." She continued on, an odd tone of happiness in her voice, as she began speaking of the Northgard Royal family. "I mean, could you imagine it! You'd never have to worry about not having someone to talk to!"

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Jules walked down some catacombs listening to the ranting student and the caliber of her expertise made his eyes wide open with wonder and intrigue “They wear clown masks and plastic crowns.” he said walking upstairs after listening to what Samantha had said about heaven class magic “Y’know, in some countries heaven class magic is the first step to deification” said Jules “As for the puppets, I imagine that they’re more like ornately crafted castle guards. Talking to one of them would be like talking to a normal humanoid.” His eyes went wide again as a sudden realization hit him “The one at the speech sounded oddly androgynous” he soon stroked his chin saying “Do you think Pandemonium might be using some puppets of their own?” He looked around at the long, branching catacombs becomming faster in his step as he wished to persue the pandemonium members without knocking anyone or anything over.

ZeiruliousMakavar ZeiruliousMakavar
A look of forlorn sadness flashed on Samantha's face as he commented on the puppets of Northgard. "I see..." She mumbled softly, almost as if she was remembering something from long ago. "I suppose that would make sense, wouldn't it." She continued, before smiling once again, shaking her head softly. "I'm not sure if Pandemonium has anything like that." She said softly, before stopping, looking around a bit. They'd gotten rather deep inside the labyrinth halls of the old library, at least several floors down. "Rumors have it, that the Northgard family lost that ability centuries ago." She said, a blank tone in her voice suddenly as if her voice finally match the look in her eyes. "If Pandemonium does have sentient humanoid puppets, then someone behind the scenes has Northgard blood. Are you implying that someone from that family, is not only alive.... but helping terrorists?" She then said, blankly staring at him.

"I highly doubt that." She then said, tilting her head in a rather similar fashion to the person Jules was hunting, as she gave a rather emotionless smile. "After all, the Uppland rebellion wiped them all out, didn't it?"

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Jules stopped as well and started listening to what Samantha was saying ‘Does she have a connection with the Northgards’ he wondered glancing over to the books, but soon looked back once he realized that they were all hardcover fiction titles. He soon looked toward Samantha with a shiver, but kept a brave face before explaining “It would be just the thing they’d do to insure the prolifferation of their ten heros faith by conquring Heliopolis using Pandemonium as a front to substitute using their actual army.” He sat down on one of the benches before saying “Their propoganda has a common theme of Anarchy and chaos while their philosophy seems to mirror that of the ten heros, But then again just because they have puppets doesn’t necesarily mean Northgard” He soon looked in samantha’s direction while letting his soul energy charge up “The northgard puppets were porcelin—“

ZeiruliousMakavar ZeiruliousMakavar
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Samantha chuckled as he mentioned that the Northgard's puppets were made of porcelain. "And what makes you so sure about that?" she said, interrupting him. "The only people who would know exactly how the Northgards made their sentient puppets. Would be the Northgards." She added, still smiling that emotionless smile as if she knew something that he did not. "So unless miraculously, you are not only from Northgard but also a member of that prestigious family, you have no way in confirming if they really are made of Porcelain." She said softly, chuckling a bit still."And you are not, correct Sir Jules Carmichal." she said, leaning in to whisper his name as she spoke. "Try not to speak such idiocy in my presence, would you." She then said, before stopping, as she had practically skipped her way to standing on a balcony, that overlooked one of the dozen or so atriums that went down several hundred floors.

"Oh, right... I'm sure you noticed it by now..." She then said, smiling softly as she spoke. "You can't detect my aura, can you?" She then said, a devious smile on her face now, as the shadows deep within the library began stirring as if some force awoke them.

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The girl looks nervous around. Sweat flowing down her back. People know that blood magic is ranked as S or higher, depending how you make use of it. But then noticing how Constantine changes the topic, she lets out a sigh of relief.
"That's.. right. Sorry... I forgot..." She apologises "My mind... isn't really clear right now..." She adds.

The sweet scent of her home fills her with happiness; so many hours with reading her favourite books, learning new spells and so on. Talking of that. "Well... if we're already here... we can start practicing" she says, her mood lightens already again. She turns to him. "Follow me please!" the girl demands him, while going into her living room. Jay points at her couch, meaning Constantine to sit down and wait until she gets the books.

After a while, the little girl steps inside, but with no sight at all, since her books are blocking it. It's a stack full of books. From spells of rank D up to even rank S! But she wouldn't know even the book she reads currently joined. It's embarrassing for her to admit but this book's labeled "How to communicate with persons: Males"

Jay placed the heavy stack onto the table, while itself bends under the weight if the books. "So. Here you are, we are going to practice a few spells so you get better at this, alright?"

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Jules was getting impatient with Samantha as he followed behind her lambasting him. She was unwittingly confessing to him before he said “I know this because such puppets used to show their face outsude of the palace long before you were alive” explained Jules “They used to be used as desciples of the ten heros faith and their entire bodies were glossy white and could only be something like Porceline or ivory. Maybe, your one of their newer ones designed to appear perfectly human given how soulless you appear to be!” Jules let her speak again letting her walk through towards the Atriumwhere hundreds of floors could be seen at once. “No, I can’t” he said Grabbing Samantha’s shoulders and before she would know it, she’d be standing in the middle of the Heliopolis Police Department “I have a likely suspect who might know a couple things about the attacks!” he announced looking at the nearest officer.

ZeiruliousMakavar ZeiruliousMakavar

Watching as the girl wanders away, he steadily followed her with a groan. He didn't plan on studying on his day off, it was much more productive if he taught her how to work out rather than learn new spells. Sure he signed up for getting a tutor, one that hopefully didn't involve the same boring tactics his uncle had him do, but he thought he might be able to bypass the whole thing. "Do we really have to study?" he whined, he was pretty good at adjusting to things, not really caring about the fact that there might have been a terrorist just mindlessly running around, he figured the authorities would deal with it, considering it was their job after all. Constantine could be considered laid back, but it was practically just him being lazy.

"How many books on this stuff do you have?" he mused, walking in behind Jae into her living room. Flicking his brownish yellow eyes over the living room, he couldn't help but cringe at the sight of the pile of books. Constantine wasn't too heavily into reading, he could hardly sit still and study, he was only able to get into the school he was in now because his last tutor brought the fist down on him. Constantine was surprised he had been able to keep up for an entire year without help, though he found himself proud because of it to only start lacking in the ability department the very next year. "Are you like hiding mountains of them somewhere else?" he asked a little baffled.

Hyelin Hyelin
Samantha blinked softly as he pulled her into the police station. "Well now... How forward of you." She said, chuckling softly, not resisting the arrest. "But, are you sure you caught me?" She then asked, smiling up at him still, a soft chuckle in her voice. "Are you really sure?" She asked, her voice suddenly sounding as like the person who had interrupted the Gran Maester's speech. An overlapping of multiple voices, both male and female. "Oh, I really did hope you weren't that smart Mister Carmichal." She added, chuckling a bit softly. "I guess, my teasing was just a bit too much for you." She continued, chuckling a bit, as she stood up approaching the front door to the station, though still handcuffed. "Human bones." She then said, her voice returning to normal as she looked back at him. A soft, but once again blank smile on her face once again. "That's what they're made of. The summoner offers up their own bones to make sentient puppets." She added, before once again, vanishing as if being digitally removed, the handcuffs falling to the floor.

Once again, reappearing within the old library, in an area deep underground several hundred floors deep, Samantha let out a soft sigh, as she slowly shook her head. "Well, this is going to be difficult to deal with..." She mumbled softly to herself, as Pierrot appeared behind her, his head tilted to the side slightly. "We'll need to expedite things if we're planning on getting my revenge on that blasted Maester," she said, letting out a soft sigh, placing the mask she had worn to the speech, back upon her face. As several others, wearing the same mask and looking nearly identical to her moved around, from in the shadows of the library. "I guess, we'll play a little game with the anti-terrorist task force."

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The girl chuckles at his comment. "You can tell. But there are way more books I own. I have a lot of time reading them you know? I'm not really good with talking to people... yet befriending them" she whispers, while sitting down next to him. "I assume that you aren't the type of person who likes sitting around... how about you just continue your workout while learning a few spells?" She suggests smiling at him.

Without even giving him time to response she gives him two books. One with spells of rank A and the other one is sadly the "How to communicate with people" book. "Those books are very precious to me. Treat them right will you?" she asks him, her head tilted lightly.

Flopping down near Jae, he accepted the books handed over to him, his eyes crossing over the titles carefully. "It's fine, I shouldn't be jumping around, it is kind of rude to exercise when you are trying to help," he huffed with a subtle frown. Constantine let his eyes dance over the covers, switching between the two books before noticing the second one. "You want me to learn how to communicate with people?" he mused with a raised brow.

"I'll read it but, I didn't realize that was something needed for class," he shrugged casually with a slight chuckle coming from him. He looked over at Jae carefully, "You know, you don't need a book to talk to people, you talk to me just fine. Besides, I think you'd do just fine without one." he stated placing it down on his lap. After that comment, he went over the actual spell book. Constantine cringed at the thought of learning another spell but dived in anyway. Constantine flipped through the first few pages, going over the summary first.
Jay looks at him with her face quickly turning red. "N-N-No it isn't needed for class... ugh why won't I look at the books first, before I give them away..." She curses herself.

She puts her hands on her face to cover it and shakes at his comments. "That's not true... I suck at talking in general, that with you... It's just a coincident.. Anyways... you could try that method... it'll help you to remember it better..." She whispers looking at him again, her face still red like a tomato. "... guess you can call me tomato-Jay..." the girl sighs at her own dumb comment. "What you have now is a S rank spell book.. that's what I wanted to give you... originally..." Jay adds looking down.

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Jules looked at Samantha sternly as the officers arrested her “You’ll need to have some explaining to do then” He said once the vocal multiplex came back again as the officerse dragged her into the building and suddenly, they were holding nothing. “She’s gotten away!” exclaimed the officer witnessing her vanish “Where do you think she went?” Jules thought for a moment saying “There must be more in the old library, it’s the perfect place to hide with all its expansive floors”
ZeiruliousMakavar ZeiruliousMakavar or anyone else who’s there
Samantha let out a soft sigh, as she slowly shook her head slowly. "We must work quickly as well," She stated, as Pierrot nodded at her, backing away slightly. "It seems my identity has been compromised, so they know we work out of the Library." She added, sighing softly, as she shook her head slowly once more. "Send out the drones, make sure that I am left undisturbed." She added softly, chuckling a bit, as she slowly moved, as the copies of her slowly scattered, moving about towards the many entrances to the old library. She smiled softly at this, watching everything slowly, as Pierrot moved off, to go do as he does, and recruit more people to the cause. "Trust me Maester, by the end of this week, your blood will paint this city's streets..."

Constantine leaned back, pausing his skimming of the pages, “Are you sure we should even be looking st this stuff, I didn’t peg you for someone to read ahead of our classes,” he commented, he had picked up on the level of the book when he read over the first page or so. “I thought you’d be a goodie two shoes,” he added with a grin. “I guess this is your way of rebelling without doing anything, having S ranked books,” he jested casually.

Flicking his brownish yellow eyes up, he caught the sight of her trying to cover her face. She was pretty embarrassed it seemed. When she calmed down he couldn’t help but let his grin broaden at the sight of her regaining to her old self. “I mean, I’ll study as much as I can but it might not work, I’ve got s thick skull so it’s hard to get me to remember this type of thing,” he teased, looking back down at the book. He wasn’t entirely lying, he’d try to study, and then when he would get frustrated then he would just do some exercises, work out his frustration before trying that same routine the entire night.
She smiles proudly at her books. "I even have higher ranks you know? So c'mon! Let us try a fee shall we?" the girl says with a big grin creeping up her lips. "C'mon I even have a own room for practice!" she adds commonly, as if it would be something normal. "Aaaaand you can even use it for your work out!"

She stands up taking the man by his hands and chuckles lightly. "You'll see, it'll be fun!" the girl tries to motivate him, through her cheering personality. "I'll find something for you to easily learn! Promise" Jay smiles at him while pulling him into the room. "Welcome to my library full of books!" she introduces the room with open arms. "Make yourself home. Were going to spend a lot of time in here"
Heliopolian Police Department...
An emergency broadcast would soon go on, overriding any display that was active at the time, as was the right of the Heliopolis Police Department. The announcement was simply a photo of Samantha duPont, her school photo to be exact, with the words "Wanted alive for allegations of ties with the terrorist organization Pandemonium. If seen, please report to your nearest anti-terrorist squad office as soon as possible. Warning! The suspect is considered armed and dangerous, do not approach!" The image and words stayed locked on the displays for roughly around 30 minutes.

Tonstad39 Tonstad39 Hyelin Hyelin Shaded Shaded
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