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Fantasy Heliopolis ~ The City of Magic. (In desperate need of new players.)

“Good job!” said Mr. Carmichal putting the quiz he was reading off on the pile “So now we’re actually going to do something kind of fun: The psychic excercize. I’m all about getting to know you all even though I forget some of your names.” He soon grabbed the remote off the eraser holder “Now, would you mind getting the lights” he said turning the projector on and it would project TV static and feint white noise as the volume was low “Now, chrystal balls used to be only reserved for the most talented of psychics as they had to put both electricity and soul energy into the ball.” He paced away from the screen Now we have electricity and televisions whitch can easily be reused as electric chrystal ball. All a screen is weather its on your phone or your tv is a medium for visual imagery to be placed upon it, you can project anything you want: Thoughts, visions of the future, a view of a distant area or even memories. Now who wants to go first?”
Samantha made no effort to step forward for the class project that the teacher put forward, having no interest in 'getting to know' anyone in that class. In fact, she couldn't wait for the class to end, so that she could get on with her day and head to her last class of the day, a self-study class. One that would let her gain access to the library, and any books or scrolls that she had a license for. She shuffled a bit, slowly looking around as she went back to observing the classroom, specifically her fellow students. She paid short attention to both Constantine and Hyunjae, the two fellow students she had been forced to partially interact with. She smiled softly, chuckling a bit, as she silently watched them for a bit longer, her eyes drifting back to the teacher after a while.
"Good job Sam..." she thought. Though she only let that thought through while the others are locked behind a big iron door, called her mind. Nobody. Nobody actually can read her mind, not if she wants to. She looked at the clock. 20 minutes left?! She hits her head on the desk. Ughhhhhhh...! Why do I have to do this?!
She heard chuckling from the teacher, Sam and this guy who was talking to her.

Her mind wanders to this guy. His name was Constantine, well, why not talking to him? "Hey you" she said. "Seems like you aren't mentally here in this lesson, huh?" she asks him not caring much about it.
“Now don’t be afraid” encouraged Mr. Carmichael “We all have some stupid thoughts.” Mr. Carmichael soon remembered when he did the excersize and how there were small tvs when he did the excercize, at least untill someone interrupted “I was waiting for you actually!” said Mr. Carmichael turned toward samantha who had just interrupted “It’s just a simple astral projection exercise, just come on up here and project what you wish the class to see!”
The brute looked around casually until he heard someone who caught his attention. It seemed like he was all about having conversations while his teacher was doing their job! Flicking his hazel eyes over to another girl he watched as she spoke to him, was it that obvious he wasn't paying attention, "I mean, I've never mentally been here," he jokingly whispered to himself before hearing a tidbit of what Mr. Carmichael was saying. Considering he had started the last interruption he figured he owed it to his teacher to some degree to offer his assistance. "You aren't really 'here' either are you?" he whispered back before shooting his hand up in the air. "I'll try it, sir," he offered up though he wasn't entirely sure of what he was trying. He was positive Mr. Carmichael might tell him how to do it but if he failed it'd be alright because he was the only one willing to try it. At least, Constantine thought it would be ok.
“Alright well come up here” said Mr. Carmichal motioning Constantine to the front of the room. Once the tall student was by His side he instructed “Now project your essense into the projecter and imagine it showing whatever it is you like” He soon pointed up at the projector before explaining further “Like what you feel when casting a spell, but without the incantation. Project what you wish that is reflective of yourself” he broaght his hands up toward the projecteor is as if to demonstrate how to guide psychic energy.
Shrugging himself out of his seat, Constantine brought himself to his legs standing at a decently tall height while his jacket sagged against his frame for a moment. Bringing a hand up to scratch at the back of his head, Constantine had walked up to where his teacher had directed him to stand. Relieved that Mr. Carmichael was explaining how to project his essence into the projector, so as he stood there he kept quiet. He could feel the same energy as when he cast a spell, like explained, he made a quick flick of his wrist and a twitch from his fingers to encourage the image he wanted to appear. A foggy cat popped up, coming in and out before sitting still. Constantine looked the cat over before letting his mind go blank, the cat vanishing. He truly thought it might be harder, but he had a knack for small magic abilities or maybe he was just lucky.
The static dissappeared as the Mr. carmichal turned the volume up when a feint mew can be heard through its speakers before going black. He remained silent for a good couple of seconds while the student appeared to be concentrating. The cat made of clouds appeared before the projector only to vanish a couple seconds later. He soon watched for a few moments more just to see if Constantine had more to offer.
"Sorry, that's all I had in me for now," he informed, he hadn't done very much and let alone keep it for very long. Constantine would just have to get over it, start practicing on his own to strength his magical ability. He had trouble understanding magic itself but he can use it if he wants to, but when he starts asking questions about how he did it, it all goes downhill. He was to an extent embarrassed at his lack of magical effort, he was practically normal compared to the other magic users, he wondered even now, how he had managed to keep going through his first year.
“That’s fine” said Mr. Carmichael Patting constantine’s back “You’ll get better throughout the semester, don’t worry” he let the student return to his seat befroe standing stoically in front of the room while the screen remained black. “Now, who here wants to be next?” he asked looking around the room for raised hands or stannding students.
Once again, Samantha made no effort to volunteer for the class project, silently crossing her arms before her chest once again. She then smirked softly, as when no one else volunteered for a few moments, the screen showing blank for a bit. Once those moments passed, the screen flickered a bit, before flashes of images cycled through. Images that showed what appeared to be a medical laboratory, being viewed by someone who was strapped to a medical bed. The images, which lasted for nearly ten minutes, seemed to show a story of someone who had been illegally experimented on. Strange magical experiments were done on them, and mental feedback of agonizing pain, that caused some of the students in the class to faint foam upon their mouths as the sensory feedback overloaded their minds, Samantha among them. The very last scene showed something strange.

Pierrot Marionette...
The very final scene of the grotesque show showed someone slowly moving to look in a mirror. As they did, the commonly seen visage and outfit of Pierrot Marionette was seen. Just as they reached the mirror, only their masked face could be seen, as they moved a gloved hand to their mouth, shushing as they put a single finger to their mouth. "Prying into others minds isn't very nice Mr. Carmichael. Such a naughty school you have." He then said, as his normal cackling laughter could be heard, throughout the school... knocking all but a few of the faculty out. It would be nearly 30 minutes before the students would begin waking up. A quick check by any of the faculty awake, would show the source either came from an empty seat in Carmichael's class, or outside the city limits as if someone was trying to hide their presence.

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Mr. carmichal was impressed at the level of skill in projecting, but his eyes were popped wide open once he turned around. A horror movie played out before his very eyes. ‘Is this her memories?’ he thought worridly as the slideshow progressed through gruesome image after grusome image. When it finally got to the very bizzare image, his gaze turned to anger as he recognized the face of Pierrot. He was on the Heliopolis most wanted, Jules had volenteered to help out as a forensic Mage. He soon did his mindstand spell witch helped him remain consious even though an intense wave of tiredness overcame him he kept his mind present just as the spell had run its corse and suddenly everything became black for Mr. Carmichael was slumped over a student’s desk as the positions of their heds almost made the two look as though they were making out.
"No.. nonono.." she run up to everyone, even though she was incredibly tired all of a sudden. That has happened one time already... She had to help the others. Mr. Carmichal hit his head on a desk, she moved him via a spell to his seat at his desk, so when he wakes up he doesn't get immediately a shock. She checked on the others if anybody else was awake. Because if so, she had to help him or her out.

After good half an hour most of them are slowly waking up again. The first was Mr. Carmichal. She went to him. "Are you alright? You hit your head on the desk, luckily it's not as bad as it may look..." She stated, trying to ban the worries out of her voice.

Samantha was one of the first to wake, shuffling as she slowly looked about, her hand on her forehead. "This again..." she mumbled softly, as she glanced at the now blank screen, which was filled with static. She let out a soft sigh, before stretching her neck, popping a few of the joints that had become stiff. She slowly looked around, as she noticed both Hyunjae and Mr. Carmichael were already awake. She made no move to help, only adjusting her blouse, and skirt.
“Uhhh” said Mr. Carmichal opening his eyes as if waking up from a nap “I what know?” he rubbed his head only to feel a tender spot on the forehead as the projector displayed static. “W-wait, was i standing over there” he said pointing to the table “Besides, what in the gods name did Pierrot do?” The fullest extent of the attack hadn’t fully set in yet, heck his mind was even lost in terms of what class was supposed to use the room right now.
Hearing the pop sound, she immediately looks to Sam. She didn't seem bothered by this, not at all. But still "Hey Sam are you alright?" she asked her a little worried.

Then suddenly Mr. Carmichal asked something out of context. "Jules" she said calmly. "Calm down. We have to look for the others, not that someone is injured. I already checked here. They shouldn't be injured, maybe a little shocked, but that's all." she continued silently. "These 'attacks' come to happen more often. He has something. Something dangerous." explaining it to herself, then looking to her teacher again.
“I know” said Mr. Carmichal “I’ve helped the Heliopolis police on multiple occasions, I know what these people are capable of and that’s Mr. Carmichal to you!” He stood up and noticed empty desks “you’re right Samantha, we do need to find them.” He turned toward the remaining students “I’ll email all of you the homework when this is all said and done, class dismissed.” Just like that, he walked out of the room down through the heiroglyph laden hallways looking for any signs of cloaked figures or staff weilders. When he couldn’t find them inside the building, he closed his eyes and decided to perform some sould searching around the academy complex.
"Mr. Carmichal. May I help out in any way?" she asked patiently, while going next to him. She hated that. Always when that happens her family gets sick. Every. Time. She wanted her family to be safe. Not the other way around. Like it is now.

She looked around, not noticing that all student have already left the building. "Huh, that's weird" she whispered. Walking slowly up and down, she saw a cloth; it was tiny and was stuck on a door. She crouched down and picked it up, it was red, with little black threads in it.
She didn't think much about it, maybe a student got stuck and it ripped apart, or similar. But her teacher, Mr. Carmichal looked for short at her. "Is something?"
Samantha overheard a few students and faculty talking about what had just happened, it seemed that Pierrot didn't just hijack their screen, but every screen within the school grounds. Many students were worried that an actual attack might happen sometime soon. Though it was somewhat common for the Pierrot to send out some sort of warning before attacking a location, it normally wasn't for weeks until something happened. Just long enough for people to relax and forget about the warning. She shuffled a bit, as she meandered the halls, before heading into the library, showing her license to the automated golem that would have blocked the way in for students who did not have a proper license, she quickly moved to the A-ranked section, and began picking random books up.

"You know it's not nice to sneak up on people..." she then said, not looking up from the book she was taking notes on, as a hooded person, one whose face could not be seen, appeared behind her. The hooded person said nothing, just stood behind her. "Do not fret, I am fine. Just a mild headache. Worry about something else that actually needs doing Shade." She continued, after letting out an exasperated sigh. "Go tell the others to stop sending you to check on me, every time something happens." She finished, not once moving to look at him, as she Cloaked man bowed slightly, and faded into the shadows, the cloak not really moving, as if he was floating. Or not physically there.
He was upset at the break to his concentration, but despite that, he still said “Yes of course you can.” said Mr. Carmichal to Hyunjae “Just go and look for any suspicious robed figure then come back to my office, okay?” He walked behind Hyunjae and followed her down the hall when she picked up the cloth. Mr. Carmichal grabbed the cloth and held it up to his eye “Well this certainly is something” he said putting the cloth in his pocket “Now, i’ll go get my things and you try and go somewhere safe while I take care of stuff” he said getting his phone out and tapping the word Emergency before holding it flush against his ear.
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She wanted to help but as Jules said that she should search after a safer place, she had to accept that. She went outside only to see a shadow vanishing. She doesn't think much about it, it could've been a big bird flying around or else. On her way home nothing really happened, only that she got home earlier.

After dinner and some conversations with her parents, she went to sleep.
(Sorry that it's so short uwu)
Samantha sighed softly, shuffling about the next day as she meandered around the city. Due to the perceived attack on the school, the school was closed for the whole week, to make sure no one was there if an attack did, in fact, take place, save for the faculty, to minimize the casualties. She smiled softly to herself, adjusting her skirt a bit again, as she looked around once more. She knew from experience that some students still found their way to the school, whether from forgetting the school was closed or from maliciously entering it. What she did know, was that the other schools were still open, as they weren't involved in Pierrot's plot yesterday. Just that one location. While she overheard that the Maester's were discussing how to go forward, she had no plan to be bothered by the closing of the school she went to and used the opportunity to wander the city.
Within the city was numerous businesses from videogame stores to coffeeshops. Buses drove past with advertisments plastered on their sides while locals spoke in their native Heliopolian tounge. various tenples were interspursed with appartments, Resturants, convenience stores and even the odd metro station. Exemplifying the city’s Magical and Industrial splendor.

Jules sat in a local coffee shop with his laptop open as he sent copies of the classwork and homework to each one of his students. So that none of the class members lagged behind in the week long closure. However, Samantha’s email got mixed up with another student’s during this franzy to keep everyone up to speed. She would get lesson materials for invocation class as biographies of two gods as well as an array of confidence and shapeshifting related spells in hieroglyphs with their romanized pronounciations came straight into her email.
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Samantha blinked softly, looking at her tablet when she got the email as she passed the coffee shop Jules was in. She shook her head slowly, sighing softly as she ignored the email, it only being a curriculum update, thinking nothing of it. She then let out a sigh, returning her tablet to her skirt pocket, she continued wandering the city, soon crossing the street, smiling to herself softly as she did. As she did, she slowly put her headphones on, returning her thoughts to the silent world of music.

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