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Realistic or Modern Haven’t thought of one yet

Max took deep breaths and nodded before she hung up looking at Jon scared to death "I'm fine, Jon are you okay? Do i need to call an ambulance?" She asked as tears fell down her face

Clayton frowned seeing his bruised knuckles raising an eyebrow "Time off? My fucking old lady was near death and she still can't be alone! I can't just up and leave Theo, call a nomad."
Theo grit his teeth. “I don’t wanna argue with you Clay but right now I need you on the run with me. Well have you back before midnight for crying out loud. Or take her to the club. Lori can watch her.” He muttered.

Jon frowned some and just reached up to her, cupping her face. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He muttered and shook his head. “No hospital.” He mumbled and with a lot of effort he pulled himself to sit up against the wall looking at his now red floor.
Max whimpered siftky shaking her head "You're bleeding, Jon you're bleeding bad." She whispered stroking his cheek gently before she got up to clean up some

Clayton shook his head glaring at him "No damn it! She cant be alone and Im not leaving her like this." He muttered
“Clayton... this isn’t a question.” He told him seriously. “Not this time.” He muttered and glared at him until carmen got out the car carefully and shuffled over to him letting them talk for a minute. “Well?” He muttered.

Carmen frowned telling him to just go with them and she would get to max and Jon’s. “It’ll be okay babe. Promise.” She murmured and kissed his cheek, rubbing his shoulder. She couldn’t have anything happen here at their house. Not right now.

Jon frowned and just held a hand to his side where his brother had used a switchblade to cut him deep. “Wet towel please.” He got out quietly just watching her and trying to stay calm.
Max whimpered and nodded quickly getting a wet rag going to the door when she saw Carmen through the peep hole whimpering when she looked at her "Theo....he....he stabbed him but he wont go to the hospital." She whispered

Clayton took deep breaths and nodded some "You let me drive her and we get this fucking settled." He muttered to Theo before he quickly took Carmen to Jon's place and went off with Theo
Carmen frowned watching Clayton leave and wondering what was going on. Why Theo was acting this way. She walked inside and sat down on the couch watching Jon carefully. “He’s just shown up at our place and demanded Clayton go with them.

Jon grunted a little, still leaning up against the wall and groaned louder as he pressed the damp cloth to the stab wound hard, gripping Max’s hand with his other and trying to keep his eyes open. It wasn’t the stabbing that he was struggling with. It was the beating he’d been given. He was sure he had cracked ribs and a possibly internal bleed but he couldn’t go to the hospital.
Max frowned more and shook her head some "I fucking hate him." She spat looking over Jon seeing how pale he had gotten "Jon I have to call an ambulance, we'll say you got jumped on the street or something." She said trying to get him to reason with her

Clayton drove with Theo not liking this one bit. He felt off about it all "Theo what the hell is this for? Somethin aint right." He said as they pulled up to an old house in the middle of the hills.
Carmen frowned watching him some waiting for him to argue it as usual but he didn’t respond at all just sat there staring into space not looking with it at all. “Call them.” She told her quickly and got up going to get another damp towel and pressed it up to his side putting the pressure on again for him.

Theo grit his teeth and looked over at him. Not yet.” He spat at him under his breath and waited til everyone had caught up then got off and took Clayton inside with him and only Clayton. “Don’t make a move to look panicked. Just keep walking.” He muttered to him quietly.
Max nodded quickly calling 911 whimpering and put pressure on his wound after they were on their way taking deep breaths "Carmen...Carmen I don't know what to do." She said starting to have a panick attack

Clayton frowned more and followed him inside keeping a stone face though he wouldnt admit it out loud, this place gave him the worst feeling amd he felt unsafe.
She shook her head and made her go sit down while she tried to keep Jon's attention focused if only a little until the paramedics arrived and she moved away, watching them carefully and chewing on her lip, worried about him. She had no clue what had been happening at the club but this worried her a lot.

Jon was fading in and out of consciousness the whole time until they called that they were moving him and let Max join them in the back of the ambulance.

Theo eventually walked into a room with him and shut the door behind them, doing a quick sweep of the room then looked back at him. "The Niners have got one of our own on their payroll. They're always one step ahead of us. I've been keeping Jon safe by keeping him out of the way but I didn't have a choice today. Everyone made comments about how weak of a leader I would be if I didn't punish his attitude.... I don't know who it is but as long as they think you know nothing as well then you and Carmen are both safe but I need you back in for this. I can't work this all out by myself Clay." He pointed out
Clayton crossed his arms and frowned more "You got any idea who it might be?" He asked needing to know if this person was part of the reason Carmen was shot "Heard you fucked Jon up pretty bad, that really worth it?" He asked

Max followed giving her sister a scared look before they closed the doors taking a deep breath as she held Jon's hand while they worked on his rigjt side.
He came around again a little bit and reached over for her hand gently. He hurt a lot all over but he thought he was probably gonna be okay. He hadn't wanted all this fuss over it.

Theo frowned watching him, "No and that's the problem.... Yeah he was but it was no worse than what any one of you would get if you were behaving the way Jon has been. I love my brother but he's dumb as a box of rocks. He's never seemed to realise that there's something more going on." He muttered.
Clayton gave a nod and sighed heavily "Look, we need to scout EVERYONE understand? We gotta figure out who the fuck this is." He muttered shaking his head some leaving the topic of Jon alone for the moment

Max held his hand as he woke up after being looked over "Hey there, how are you feeling?" She asked quietly still worried about him
Theo nodded in agreement, leaving the package they were dropping off on the table and walked out with him again to take everyone home.

Jon frowned some and just gave her hand a squeeze "I hurt.... But I'm gonna be okay I think.... Are you alright?" He asked her tiredly
Max nodded softly and kissed him gently "I'm fine." She whispered quietly as she felt a few tears fall down her face

Clayton nodded and left with them going straight to Jon's to pick up Carmen frowning when he saw the blood on the floor "What the fuck happened here?"
She shook her head frowning some, burying her face in his hands, "I tried to clean it up... I got dizzy... Did everything go okay on the ride?" She asked him quietly, reaching up to him so he could help her stand up.

He nodded then frowned, "Why are we at the hospital though? I thought I said no hospital." He mumbled and frowned, "This is gonna get us in trouble." He muttered.
Clayton sighed heavily and went to her pulling her into his arms"Hey hey its all fine okay? Calm down alright?" He said softly

Max frowned and looked at him in shock "Are you serious Jon?! You were passing out from blood loss I had to get you here or you wouldve died." She explained
She frowned some and held onto him tightly. “Can we go home now?” She mumbled. “Please?” She just wanted to be curled up away from the mess that had become their lives recently.

Jon frowned some “I would have done alright. You’ve put me in danger bringing me here.” He muttered. “I don’t get the scout near my room that carmen did.
Clayton nodded and picked her up bridal style while walking her to the car "Im so sorry beautiful." He whispered softly to her giving a heavy sigh

Max frowned more and shook her head "I'll fucking get you one then, you could have died Jon!" She spat now angry at him for him being mad about her decision "Did you want me to just watch you bleed out and die?!"
She shook her head. “It’s not your fault. None of this is.” She mumbled frowning some and staying quiet in the car until they got home, heading up to bed with him and curled in close to him, holding his hand tightly. “You stay safe for me okay?” She mumbled.

Jon grit his teeth and frowned “for once in your life will you just trust me and do as I tell you to instead of fighting against me all the time.” He grunted
Max frowned more and shook her head "Fine next time I'll fucking let you die." She spat and took a deep breath feeling a few tears fall down her face "Would that make you happy? Be a good old lady and listen to your commands?"

Clayton held her close to him and kissed her cheek gently "I promise babe." He murmured before he started to fall asleep with her in his arms
Jon glared at her for a moment. “When it concerns safety matters yes!” He snapped at her again and grit his teeth sighing heavily. “You don’t seem to understand that everything I do is to keep us both safe.” He spat at her again.

Carmen frowned falling asleep snuggled in close to him until she heard banging on their front door waking her up at 4 in the morning.
Max frowned more "Well maybe its because I'm still fucking learning this shit and you won't tell me as goddamn thing ever! How am I supposed to know all this?!" She spat

Clayton frowned and quickly pulled his gun having been awale from probably the past hour just watching her carefully. He got up and went to the door looking out the peep hole to see who it could possibly be.
Carmen frowned waiting until she heard the door open and then heard Theo's voice on the other side, heading downstairs carefully to keep an eye on things, not trusting anyone besides Clayton for the moment. "What are you doing here?" She muttered, pulling Clayton's hoodie around her tighter.

Jon frowned and glared at her again, "Like you haven't watched your sister going through this shit for years, don't act dumb with me, you never listen. It's always gotta be your way or the high way and I'm fucking sick of it." He spat at her.
Theo looked over at Carmen shaking his head "Club business, doesnt concern you." He muttered before he turned his attention back to Clayton

Clayton frowned some and shook his head "You need to watch how you talk to my old lady." He spat before he turned to look at Carmen "I got this babe, go back up to bed."

Max glared at him shaking her head more "I was too fucking strung out to ever pay attention or remember any of that shit and you know it." She spat before she stood up "Or your sick of it huh? Well guess what I'm fucking sick of this shit too, you wanna fucking protect me? Protect us but all you do is fucking lie to me?! And dont say you didnt because I fucking found the needles in your goddamn medicine cabinet again. You want to protect us yet youre always arguing with every single person at that club and you make all of them hate you so they dont give a shit if you get hurt. Yeah thats fucking protection Jon!"

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