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Fandom Harry Potter next gen (open)


Deliciously insightful one
Hey guys, this is a special request that is quite special for me. It is based on the idea I have long ago when I wanted to write a fanfic, emphasize on "wanted". This will be a mix of canon and OC, and I will list certain OC with special notes on how I picture them. I understand if you don't want to do this for reason of OC not being really your creation, but if you do accept and is willing to RP them, I'll be very grateful.

The story is based around two OC and some next gen kids of the Harry Potter generation, when a girl (1st OC) entered hogwarts and met the children on both Potter and Weasley family on the train, and also a boy (2nd OC) before the sorting ceremony. From the children she found her best friend (originally I thought this to be Lily) , and along with the boy they have classes and hang out together.
However, the timid boy was from a Slytherin family he so dislike and eager to separate from. His older brother was like a copy of Tom Riddle, popular, sly but knows how to please everyone. He quickly formed his group, and only a few noticed that it almost mirror the former group of death eater. And before the brother's graduation, he had a year to make the boy miserable.
I intended that the kids will first create a bond, then after the brother graduate they see another death eater rising. Also the play on how the boy will develop, for better or for worse, and also the Potters and Weasleys from an outsider point of view.
This was long before the cursed child came out, and I have no knowledge of the Cursed child.


Canon: (grouped based on possible school year) (can be added) (Not all has to be played)

James Sirius Potter

Albus Severus Potter
Rose Granger Weasley

Lily Luna Potter
Hugo Granger Weasley

OC: (can be added)

1st OC: a girl who became friends with Potter & Weasley family. I picture her to be more opitimistic and energetic, or the very least lively.

2nd OC: a boy from Slytherin family but sorted in different house. I picture him to be more timid/ quiet in the beginning. Had bad relation with his brother, may have been verbally abused.

*I first came up with these two because I wanted to see the girl influencing the boy to be braver and more confident. Since I'm leaving this RP in your hand, this is a note for your reference.

Brother of the boy (optional) : I thought of him to be an npc, but you are welcome to play him too. He should play a leader role in his friends and will influence the universe. I also thought his family is loyal supporter of the dark lord but was sly and was never vocal about it.


I never did write the story, but I thought long about the story, the universe and the people inside. I even thought about the school, the teachers, and admittably different outcome of some of the former generation. I won't say my logic is flawless, but if you do join, or just curious, and wanted to know about something ask away.

As for writing, it should be readable, and in third person.

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