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Fandom Hamilton AU - Additional IC

Eliza hugged him as hard as she could and just cried. "If I had lost you I don't think I would have lived much longer."

"I didn't know, I thought you hated me, I thought you'd never forgive me." Alexander whispered. "I felt so alone. I've lost so much, Eliza. My father left, my mother died, my cousin killed himself, I've been kicked out of ten foster homes, I lost Burr, I lost you, and then I lost..." Alexander couldn't even mention his son without choking up. "I won't do it again. I promise."
Lafayette sort of jumped as she shouted at him. He looked over at her, and sighed. "I am gonna go out for a bit. Text me if you need anything."

With that, MJ stood up and left, walking down the stairs and into the cool air of the parking lot. He sat on a concrete divider, and rubbed his face. To his surprise, he had grown stubble. He then remembered that he had been so obsessed with visiting Peggy every day, that he had forgotten to shave. He huffed and scratched at his chin. Was he being too clingy as a boyfriend? Was she mad at him still being friends with Hamilton? He just didn't know what to do. He couldn't just cut ties with him. Alex was one of his first friends after he moved here from France. But what if his friendship made him lose the person he loves? MJ reached up a hand and pulled out his hair tie, letting his hair fall down around his head, before looking up at the sky.

"wait, MJ!" Peggy protested, but he was gone. She broke down into sobs, hugging herself miserably and curling up, but that hurt so she could only have curl up. Where were her sisters? Her dad? Why was she all alone?

Angelica had been walking into the hospital when she saw Lafayette leaving. She was about to say hi, but he was already in his car. 

Soon, she reached Peggy's room and entered it. "Peggy...?" She asked concerningly, seeing her sister in distress. 

@Alexander Hamilton
"wait, MJ!" Peggy protested, but he was gone. She broke down into sobs, hugging herself miserably and curling up, but that hurt so she could only have curl up. Where were her sisters? Her dad? Why was she all alone?

(You can't out feels me, you bastard, orphan, decorated war vet.)

Angelica had been walking into the hospital when she saw Lafayette leaving. She was about to say hi, but he was already in his car. 

Soon, she reached Peggy's room and entered it. "Peggy...?" She asked concerningly, seeing her sister in distress. 

@Alexander Hamilton

Peggy just cried louder, bitter and hurt by Lafayette's actions and feeling more abandoned than she had before. She was so alone she'd started to imagine Angelica with her.

Angelica had been walking into the hospital when she saw Lafayette leaving. She was about to say hi, but he was already in his car. 

Soon, she reached Peggy's room and entered it. "Peggy...?" She asked concerningly, seeing her sister in distress. 

@Alexander Hamilton

(Lafayette is sitting in the parking lot. He isn't in a car.)
"I didn't know, I thought you hated me, I thought you'd never forgive me." Alexander whispered. "I felt so alone. I've lost so much, Eliza. My father left, my mother died, my cousin killed himself, I've been kicked out of ten foster homes, I lost Burr, I lost you, and then I lost..." Alexander couldn't even mention his son without choking up. "I won't do it again. I promise."

Eliza kissed him gently. "I promise I'll be a better girlfriend. I'll wear more makeup, I'll dress better, I'll do everything you say. You'll never want to leave me again." she said, desperate for his love.

(You can't out feels me, you bastard, orphan, decorated war vet.)

(Be nice)
Eliza kissed him gently. "I promise I'll be a better girlfriend. I'll wear more makeup, I'll dress better, I'll do everything you say. You'll never want to leave me again." she said, desperate for his love.

Alexander shook his head. "I don't want to leave you. I'm scared that you'll leave me." Alexander whispered.
Eliza kissed him gently. "I promise I'll be a better girlfriend. I'll wear more makeup, I'll dress better, I'll do everything you say. You'll never want to leave me again." she said, desperate for his love.

(Be nice)

(Lafayette is sitting in the parking lot. He isn't in a car.)

(Well fuck.)

Alexander shook his head. "I don't want to leave you. I'm scared that you'll leave me." Alexander whispered.

"Peggy...?" She said, countering her sisters loudness. Angelica waited a few moments and sat on the bed next to her. Rubbing Peggy's shoulder, she said. "What happened? Did it have to do with Lafayette?" Angelica tried to be gentle with her speech as she said that. 

@Alexander Hamilton
(Well fuck.)

"Peggy...?" She said, countering her sisters loudness. Angelica waited a few moments and sat on the bed next to her. Rubbing Peggy's shoulder, she said. "What happened? Did it have to do with Lafayette?" Angelica tried to be gentle with her speech as she said that. 

@Alexander Hamilton

"Go away! You abandoned me! I don't care! GET OUT!" Peggy screamed. Her heart rate monitor started beeping faster and faster.
"Go away! You abandoned me! I don't care! GET OUT!" Peggy screamed. Her heart rate monitor started beeping faster and faster.

After a couple of minutes, Lafayette wandered back inside, taking the stairs up to Peggy's room and knocking on the door, quickly putting up his hair.
She nodded and took his hand. Tears fell freely down her face as they walked hand in hand through the city.

Alexander took her back to her house, opening the front door for her. "I'm going to go home. I'll see you tomorrow." Alexander kissed her temple. "I love you."
"Go away! You abandoned me! I don't care! GET OUT!" Peggy screamed. Her heart rate monitor started beeping faster and faster.

"Peggy. Calm down. It's not like I can come here every single day. I didn't abandon you. I've visited you the past couple of days." Angelica replied calmly, hearing a knock on the door. She opened it. "Lafayette?" She said, beckoning him to come inside. 

@Alexander Hamilton

@Safety Hammer

(Sorry that took a while...)
After a couple of minutes, Lafayette wandered back inside, taking the stairs up to Peggy's room and knocking on the door, quickly putting up his hair.

"Peggy. Calm down. It's not like I can come here every single day. I didn't abandon you. I've visited you the past couple of days." Angelica replied calmly, hearing a knock on the door. She opened it. "Lafayette?" She said, beckoning him to come inside. 

@Alexander Hamilton

@Safety Hammer

(Sorry that took a while...)

Peggy was too distraught to care. She was sobbing and screaming, holding her hands over her ears as her heart rate monitor struggled to keep up with how fast her heart was beating.
Peggy screamed loudly before going completely still. Her EKG faltered and an alarm went off. Nurses ran into the room and ushered Lafayette and Angelica laugh as one started CPR. @Safety Hammer
Peggy screamed loudly before going completely still. Her EKG faltered and an alarm went off. Nurses ran into the room and ushered Lafayette and Angelica laugh as one started CPR. @Safety Hammer

"PEGGY!" Lafayette shouted, as he tried to claw his way back into the room. This wasn't happening. Was she going to-


No, she can't die. He wouldn't allow it. He wasn't going to lose her like Mom and Dad. Not like Marie.
"PEGGY!" Lafayette shouted, as he tried to claw his way back into the room. This wasn't happening. Was she going to-


No, she can't die. He wouldn't allow it. He wasn't going to lose her like Mom and Dad. Not like Marie.

One of the nurses shut the door and ushered Lafayette and Angelica away. "Her heart gave out, probably a stress response of some sort. We should be able to revive her. How about you two go down to the gift shop and get her something for when she comes to?" The nurse suggests.

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