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Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

"That's pretty cool I'm a White lighting Tiger known as a Byakko" showing off little sparks from my hands " I hope we can get along"
Aouli nodded his head not sure what to say in this situation. He kept his mouth shut in fear that he will mess up and stay something stupid again. "I-I'm Aouli Hale." He said to Baykko, remembering he never introduced himself. He let out a small sigh of relief when he said his name and not the first thing that popped into his head.
Nahla had at some point in line turned on her music to full volume and used her sound-proof headphones to listen to it. Doing this had caused Nahla to zone out so much that when she did realize what she was doing, the only people still waiting were herself and some kid who was probably about to pee himself. Nahla rolled her eyes at the boy. - Wonder where everyone went - Nahla thought as she looked around. Nahla was about to just leave, seeing as no one else was there, until who she assumed was a counselor grabbed Nahla by the arm and dragged her into a room with headphones still on. Inside, Nahla gazed at the fire and the herbs that were giving off a strange aroma.

Nahla looked towards the women in the room taking off her headphones as the women gave her a slight glare. Then sitting down on the opposite side of the fire from the women, Nahla waited for her to speak. "Thank you for finally listening. Now, this is a fairly simple process. For this to work your mind must be a blank slate, which the aromas will help with. So please close your eyes and we can begin." Nahla was a little reluctant at first but closed her eyes anyways and listened as she continued. "You cannot change until you truly accept what you are. Think back to your childhood. There were times when strange and unexplainable things happened to you." She waited until she was sure Nahla had come up with some events in her mind. "Those were all because of you. Your powers were uncontrolled and reacted to a strong emotions you had at the time. The most common times such events occur is when you were angry, sad, or fearful." Nahla opened her eyes when she said this. "Now hold on a moment lady I am going to have to stop you right there. Your telling me that only my emotions caused these things to happen?" The women stayed calm and responded to Nahla, "I do say this and trust me you are not the only one who had trouble believing it as well." Nahla once again rolled her eyes and just decided to go with it, which from the women's face, seemed to make the other happy.

"Now then, when you transform, at least for the first few times, you must feel a strong emotion. The trick is figuring out what that emotion is. Hold out your palms face up above the fire." Nahla was very reluctant when it came to this, fire had always been a huge no no for her as it always caused her skin to dry. Infact the lady had to pull Nahla's hands above the fire for her. As the women began to hum Nahla became more freaked out and began to question why her father sent her here, until the women let go. "To learn to successfully shift you must feel a strong sense of helplessness. Think of a time when you felt powerless to do anything." Nahla thought back to about the time when she had been at her school's pool and a group of girls had been picking on her about her skin condition and how she would never be as pretty as the rest of them. They then started to chase her until Nahla had been standing at the edge of the pool. The main girl of the bullies had grabbed Nahla by the neck and started to suffocate her until her eyes began to see the back of her head. That was when Nahla opened her eyes and looked down to see...nothing, well except for her skin condition appearing everywhere on her. The women across from her seemed just as surprised as Nahla at this and said, "Strange normally that should have worked. I don't see why it couldn't have unless..." The counselor then took a pail and splattered Nahla with water. It was then that Nahla looked at herself to see her whole body covered in scales and patterns. Her hands webbed and long tail with fins on the end swaying behind her. The counselor smiled, "Ah it seems I guessed right. You are a half merperson. Now go to the cafeteria and as for changing you will need to figure that out yourself."

Nahla left the room and was bewildered by the sight of her. As she made her way into the cafeteria area she looked around at all the other people who had changed as well. Not sure where to start interacting, Nahla stood still and looked around. Forgetting that her tank top and shorts were still completely soaked.
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"Ahaha the shy ones are always the cutest in these type of moment" I sit there giggling to myself sitting beside Aouli
(@MkZer0 can you please make your posts into 3rd person, please? It makes for more consistency. :3 )

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Aouli blushed a bit before scooting away from the two guys. "I-I'm not cute." He muttered. "And sorry, I'm not used to people getting so close." He said as once again shifted uncomfortable in his seat.
Andrew smiled "aww is someone getting a little shy?" He started snickering
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"Ahaha I guess your not one to be around lots of people" he said laughing more patting Aouli's back
Aouli jumped at the touch and moved away accidently hitting Agate with his tail. "S-Sorry! I don't know how to control this thing." He muttered as he grabbed his tail and pulled it toward him. "A-and no...people te-tend to hate me...so I'm not used to people...talking...to me." He mumbled as he once again grabbed his hood. @MkZer0 @Penance @Drumonkey
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'Hate him? Reminds me of me.' He thought "eh so what if people hated you?" He said grinning "Doesn't mean you cant talk to others"
"Hmm want me to show you a little trick to it" he says as he turns wiggling his cat like tail under Aouli's nose "Just think of it like your arm well a extra arm"
No one chose to sit next to Ivan, for which he was grateful. However, he couldn't get away with not making friends this entire time and decided the sooner the better. He spotted another dragon earlier, but didn't have the nerve to approach him. However, now it seemed like his best option so he stepped outside. He found him at a table with a few others having some relatively awkward conversation. He doubted he could make it too much worse and walked up to them. "Uh, hi" he sat down without another word and hoped he wouldn't suffer instant rejection.
In my family I couldn't...maybe here will be different. Aouli jumped again. "A-are you talking to me?" He asked as he tried to stay low. I really hate my height. He let his tail go and concentrated to wrap around his waist. When it did he smiled victoriously as if what he did was an amazing achievement. @Shog @Penance @MkZer0
Andrew saw the new dragon boy sit down 'another dragon? This one looks like ice' he thought "geez people just love being over here. Whats your name?" he said to the new dragon

"HI there dude want some cake or something" he says as he holds a plate up still tickling Aouli's nose

"I-Ivan" he said, instantly hating himself for his stutter even if it was just a small one. "What about you guys?" He wasn't sure what to say. He was never good with people to begin with and he just put himself in a group and was at least momentarily the center of attention. Hopefully that wouldn't last long. "No thank you. Anything that doesn't have meat in it just tastes... wrong right now."
"A-Aouli." He muttered quietly relieved that someone else is the center of attention. His stomach growled and he blushed. "B-be right back. Unless you want me to leave! Then I'll leave you alone." He exclaimed worried he said something wrong. @Shog @Penance @MkZer0
Shog said:
"I-Ivan" he said, instantly hating himself for his stutter even if it was just a small one. "What about you guys?" He wasn't sure what to say. He was never good with people to begin with and he just put himself in a group and was at least momentarily the center of attention. Hopefully that wouldn't last long. "No thank you. Anything that doesn't have meat in it just tastes... wrong right now."
"Im andrew." He said "most definitely the one and only" he said doing a bowing motion
"Well then I'm Agate nice to meet you" taking a bite of the cake looking back at Aouli and then Ivan.
Aouli quickly went and got a LOT of raw meat and brought it back. He couldn't explain it but raw meat sounded delicious. He immediately took a raw piece steak and ate it. As soon at the meat touched his teeth it began to fry but he ate it before it charred. "That was good." He said before eating another raw piece of meat. @Shog @Penance @MkZer0
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"People hate things they don't understand. I was never hated just avoided since I had the perchance to put people to sleep I was mostly left alone." Zadock shrugged nonchalantly then looked at the newcomer. "Hi Ivan I am Zadock. Are you an ice dragon perhaps?"

@Shog @Penance @Peaceswore
"Yah" Ivan replied. "What about you?" He looked off into the distance and, once more, longed to visit the mountain. At least if he ever got homesick the snow could help him. "Where are you from anyway?"
Andrew raised his hand "the swamps in New orleans is my home. Haha it was fun messing with people there. They'd all think i knew voodoo or something. Ah good times." He said laughing

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