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Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

Zadock entered almost silently not sure what to think after some of the things he had seen exit the tent. He was lost deep in thought when he heard the woman prompting him about the emotions causing the change and Zadock frowned most of his life he had felt with muted feelings, the only true joy or sadness he felt was caused by the books and stories he read or told, then he remembered the joy he caused when he read stories to people and when he was younger in kindergarten he would read the students to sleep for nap time then he blinked and knew he had changed. Zadock looked down and noticed the clothes he had on before were gone he was now in black dress pants, a gold button up shirt a black vest and had a gold and black striped tie on. The last things he noticed was a pouch on his hip and his socks had changed to pure white and seemed to absorb sound, Zadock looked at the woman as he felt a story rise to the front of his mind. "You are half Sandman, you must be careful with your gift. Your your eyes cause drowsiness, your voice can cause sleep and a sprinkle of your sand can do that as well and now that you know your hunger may change and you may want Dreams instead of human food you used to eat." Zadock sat for a second processing this information then he stood up smiled and bowed then walked out carrying his book with him remembering a faint memory from when he was very young...
Once everyone left Aouli stood up and walked at the very back of the crowd. He entered as quietly as possible and practically begged that he wouldn’t be called out till everyone else had finished. He sat in the very back partially hidden by the taller guys that stood in front of him. He watched as the others began to transform and was in complete awe.

Wow. They look awesome. Wait. Do I have to do that!? Nonono With my luck I’ll end up looking stupid, or ugly or I’ll just embarrass myself! He thought as he clenched his hood tightly. “Hooded Child you are next.” The woman said. Please tell me there is another person with a hood on. “It’s okay I don’t bite.” The woman said gently. Aouli knew she was addressing him and he stood up slowly and walked over to her, not once lifting up his head, the closer he got the more nervous he became.

“First off you need to accept what you are. Once you do then I will tell you what you need to do to transform.” The women said with a smile. Aouli just stood still looking at his feet, his hands were in his pockets as he tried to think these over. Honestly I wasn’t that surprised with the announcement. I mean it explained so much. Everyone saw me as a freak when I was at home. Hell! Even my own mother! I messed up some TV without even meaning to and suddenly everyone hates me! So yeah I am a freak! I accepted this a long time ago! He thought angrily as he clutched his fists that were still in his pocket.

He took a deep breath and exhaled, but soon a bunch of terrible memories flooded into his head, clenched his hood tightly as he tried to calm down. He remembered the time he touched a TV and it suddenly short circuited, he remembered the time his mother beat him blaming him for anything that went wrong and the fear in her eyes, he remembered when his step father entered his room against his will every other night. Anger swelled up inside and electricity began to dance around him.

“Child calm down. You are finished, take a deep breath. Lightning dragon? Intresting.” The councilor said as she removed her hand from Aouli’s shoulder, her hair standing on end. Aouli opened up his eyes and looked around. He noticed everyone got shorter then it dawned on him. He actually grew. He looked at his hands and saw they were covered in blue scales, his nails had grown into long claws. He felt his back was heavier than before and looked behind him. His eyes widened when he saw that he had wings. Electric blue wings at least two feet long each wing sported five long feathers. He even had a tail!

He marveled at his appearance before he began blushing at the realization that his cloths were now torn and that he had accidently shocked a few of the others that were near him. “I-I’m sorry.” He muttered before pulling down his hood and blushing with embarrassment. He quickly ran out, but tripped on his tail and fell on his face. He began to blush even worse as he picked himself up, running out holding his nose and ignoring the people laughing at him and his embarrassing display.
Haru was in one of the rooms with another strange woman with some unique fumes going around the place. "Sit down madam," the woman said to Haru who was now then sitting down. "Now what that is going to happen is somewhat simple. Clear your mind, the aromas will help with that. With that, please close your eyes and we can begin or else this can't be done." Even though Haru still had doubts on this place and somewhat believed that it could be a cult, she followed her instructions and closing her eyes and relaxing. The woman continued with saying, "go think back to your childhood. There were times when strange and unexplained phenomena happened to you." She then reach into her memory to remember some such as a random paper lantern appearing behind her while in the middle of a forest at night, people running away from the beach because they saw a tsunami wave, though there wasn't one, and one of her dad doing an impression of Opera Man, and how terrible it was. "Those events were all because of you,' the woman said," your power was uncontrolled and reacted to a strong emotion you had at the time." She then remembered while in the forest how she feared that she would die from being lost in the darkness of the wood and how she feared of a tsunami coming after feeling the ground rumble, though it was from construction behind her. "Alright," the woman said," you may open your eyes now."

When Haru opened her eyes, she noticed all the change. With a quick minute to discover what had happen to her, and to make a quick scream at every discovery of her new self, she then realized she had fox ears, a fluffy tail, fur all over her, paws for hands, white hair, and a fox's shadow instead of a humans. "Don't panic," the woman said, being calm the entire time," let me explain this two you. You should remember your mother. Your father might have said that she was also taking care at the Inari shrine where he met her, only to leave after a you were a few weeks old. That was both true and false. The truth is that your mother did work at the shrine and left, it's just that she had a different job than your dad. She was a herald, a kitsune. Your dad and her fell in love and had you." Haru replied with," wow, I never thought of that." The woman then continued with," Yeah, now I'm sure you're hungry, so go get yourself some lunch. I can't tell you how to shift back nor what line for food is the fastest, so you will need to figure those out on your own."

"But," Haru said," I'm like this. I can't go out like this." The woman then replied with," don't worry, everyone else will transform as well, don't worry about it, you look fine." With that, Haru went to the door. "I guess this isn't an evil cult," she said before opening the door. "Oh get out," the woman said. With that, Haru started to go over to where the food was.
The cafeteria wasn't hard to find at all. It kept with the tropical theme. IT had a thatched roof, though he was sure there was something more sturdy under it. The walls were made of logs and pressed together. The entire thing was elevated off the ground with crisscrossing beams under it. He climbed the small set of stairs and entered. Inside had tiled floor of triangular designs. He was surprised by the variety of food around, but it only made sense for how many different cultures were here. All he really wanted was a burger and had it made for him right then and there. He picked up a few other things as well, such as an apple. He found a tall table in the back corner and occupied it. There was a balcony to his right with several sliding glass doors that lead to outside seating. He watched everyone else enter and pick out their own table. He was watching for another dragon half-breed, just so he could at least have some similarities with someone. While he was waiting he took a bit of his apple, but quickly spit it out. It just didn't taste right. He inspected it for anything suspicious, but couldn't find anything. Then it occurred to him that dragons were supposed to be carnivores. Maybe it would taste better once he was human again. Before eating his burger he carefully picked off anything that might make it taste foul and just let them scatter across his plate without care.

(@Airagog Just do you don't crush every building you get in (especially the cafeteria) I'm going to say they are magically enchanted to be tougher and withstand even your weight. Just so there is no confusion, you did nothing wrong and I am just doing this so you don't have to make a special effort to avoid breaking buildings with your weight. (fatso (JK))
Andrew walked in the cafeteria and eyeballed some people's new look. Some were cool and some were intense. 'Heh i aint judging..much' he thought. He arrived at the counter and asked for a pizza. When he got it he went to the outside tables. He put his feet on top of the table and started eating. "Man, this is the life."
Aouli went to the cafeteria and looked around. He didn’t care much for his new height since he was now far more noticeable. He quietly went over to the food and grabbed some food. He then quietly walked back to the tables, but to his dismay every table had at least one occupant on it. Where should I sit? Maybe I should just eat outside. With a small sigh he looked for a table that had the fewest amount of people.

He found a table that only had a guy who could do something with shadows, he forgot. Anyway he sat on the opposite side and as far away as possible from the guy. He still kept his head down as he began to eat. @Penance
Bull waited outside the cafeteria, gingerly trying to place a foot down on the steps before pulling it back, pacing from side to side. 'Wooden tropical building... Yeah best not to go in.' He thought to himself as he looked like a cat staring at a bath. He watched the others shuffle in around him, all of them too self absorbed to notice him. 'They're kind of small.' He thought as he spot a kitsune, (Sina) he called out to her, "Um... Miss can you help me?" He said his fingers poking together sheepishly. "I'm um, to heavy to get in without breaking it I think. Can you perchance get me a New York Strip, medium rare with a salad for me please? No sauce and no dressing."

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Peaceswore said:
Aouli went to the cafeteria and looked around. He didn’t care much for his new height since he was now far more noticeable. He quietly went over to the food and grabbed some food. He then quietly walked back to the tables, but to his dismay every table had at least one occupant on it. Where should I sit? Maybe I should just eat outside. With a small sigh he looked for a table that had the fewest amount of people.
He found a table that only had a guy who could do something with shadows, he forgot. Anyway he sat on the opposite side and as far away as possible from the guy. He still kept his head down as he began to eat. @Penance
Zadock cleared his throat and tapped Aouli on the shoulder and in a quiet voice asked "Uhh can I sit with you?" Zadock held a tray with a burger and some fries and stood somewhat awkwardly not willing to make eye contact. Aouli could see the fine dress clothes he wore as well as the socks and pouch at his side.
Aouli couldn't help but flinch at the touch of the man. He scooted over and nodded. "S-Sure." He muttered as he tried to keep his wings and tail as close to himself as possible. He glanced at the man and noticed his monster appearance was that different from a human, though he did wear fancy clothing. Aouli noticed he was staring and quickly turned back to his food. "Sorry." He mumbled before taking a bite. (If you touch his wing or tail you will get electrocuted fyi) @Drumonkey
Andrew saw two people, an electric dragon looking guy and a nicely dressed guy, sit away from him. He smiled "aw you guys gonna make me feel alone." He said with sarcasm
Peaceswore said:
Aouli couldn't help but flinch at the touch of the man. He scooted over and nodded. "S-Sure." He muttered as he tried to keep his wings and tail as close to himself as possible. He glanced at the man and noticed his monster appearance was that different from a human, though he did wear fancy clothing. Aouli noticed he was staring and quickly turned back to his food. "Sorry." He mumbled before taking a bite. (If you touch his wing or tail you will get electrocuted fyi) @Drumonkey
(Thanks lol) "No need to apologize. I thought I looked a bit weird too. I am part sandman but my name is Zadock, nice to meet you." Zadock looked him up and down and his eyes seemed to glow slightly brighter. "So what are you my good sir?"
After waiting a while as everyone had filed into a councilor's room, Demetria's imagination then began to get the best of her. So, instead of still standing and leaning against the side of the talk stage, she then began to push through the crowd and then making it to the front of the line. She was absolutely astonished when she saw such stunning creatures come out from the rooms. Half a draconian, half a shadowy figure, half a minotaur, half a flaming aviary. Demetria was astonished, a gasp escaping her lips. But why were they half and not fully transformed? Oh, that's right. We're half breeds. Demetria thought to herself, feeling scorn at the though of being only half of something.

She pushed to the front of the line, then being first to go. She drew in a deep breath, as she then walked into the room. She was faced with a woman with brunette hair, who was a bit older than the first, the speaker. She sat on a rug which decorated the floor, and there was a fire pit directly in front of her knees. Above the fire was a metal grate with herbs that released an interesting mixture of aromas into the air. Demetria coughed. "What the hell is this, some kind of cult sacrificing? No way I'm doing this." She said, albeit the entire scene quite alluring to her senses. She was intrigued to learn what she would be, but this didn't look right at all in her mind. "Excuse me? Please sit." And if I don't..? she thought. Maybe this woman was some sort of spellcaster, and she transformed those ordinary people into such magnificent beasts. The seated woman shot her a glare, almost as if forcing her to sit by some mysterious influencing power. So, after a moment's hesitation, Demetria finally obliged, sitting down cross-legged in front of the fire as well, opposite the side that the other woman was on. She faced her, seeing her image through the flickering flames.

"So, what's this for?" She said, her head tilted in confusion. "Well, this is a very simple process. Your mind must be a blank space, however, that in which these aromas will assist in." The woman seemed to avoid her question. "Close your eyes and we can begin." Demetria thought to argue and be disobedient, but decided against it and hesitantly closed her eyes. "You cannot change until you truly accept what you are." she noticed the woman didn't say 'who', but what she was. "Think back to your childhood. There were times when strange and unexplainable things that had happened to you."

She seemed to then pause, as is waiting for Demetria to gather such thoughts and memories. "Those were all because of you. Your power was uncontrolled and reacted to a strong emotion you had at the time. The most common times such events occur is when you were angry, sad, or fearful." the woman said, again stopping. When she had sensed that Demetria had accepted such things, those being much influenced by the mix of aromas, she then spoke again. "When you transform, at least for the few times, you must feel a strong emotion. The trick is figuring out what that certain emotion is. Now, hold your palms out face up above the fire." Demetria thought to herself about how crazy this woman was, preaching to her all this insane stuff. Careful not to stick her hands into the fire, she peaked through one eye and brought up her hands as told, then closing her eyelid again. The woman placed her hands on Demetria's. There was no real result of what had happened, except for when the councilor began humming.

After a couple long minutes, she told her to take back her hands. "To learn to successfully shift, you must feel a strong sense of helplessness." What? Helplessness? No way I'm going to feel that. she thought to herself. "Think of a time when you felt powerless to do anything. Just think of a memory where that emotion is overpowering, and then maintain focus on it until you no longer feel yourself changing." None of these words made sense to Demetria, but she obliged. She didn't understand the words of the councilor, any how she would change and supposedly feel that happening, as well as when it would cease.

She didn't feel in control, as her thoughts began to pile up in her mind automatically, without even her own consent. When younger, sometime in her young childhood, Demetria lived abused by her parents. They were nothing but wastrels of people, neglecting and refusing to care for their daughter. They were alcoholics, and she often saw them in some sort of drunken rage. Her parents would get very physical with one another, and both of them would blame Demetria for their unhappiness with each other. Every day she would be sent off to school with bruises, every day she was given a different excuse by her all-controlling mother on how she obtained such wounds. Her father was in on it as well. She would never want to come home to such people, and because she always wore such rags, and not quite showered too often, and never brought a lunch to school and always had to beg everyone else, Demetria was always avoided and never accepted by anyone. Her parents didn't quite care about her appearance or health, and it was very detrimental to her to many areas, from mental to physical to emotional. One day, however, she had not been told a lie to cover up her abusive markings, and had finally broke down to the school councilor about such pushed away feelings. Both her parents were soon arrested for such acts, and Demetria couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of absolute guilt. It was her fault for her parents being sent away. Something deeply psychological changed that year within Demetria, and she wasn't quite the nice little girl that she was anymore. She began to be rude, arrogant, and sarcastic like her parents, being provoked at every small little detail.

"Stop. You're finished." The councilor woman said finally. Demetria had soon opened her eyes. She thought ask the colors were blurry when she saw her skin as gray, but she then looked up from the woman across from her, who was still normally colored. Her skin had slightly perspired, dotting along her gray skin. She then ran her fingers through her hair, shocked when they stopped at something thick and hard. The texture reminded her of some sort of wooden carapace, as they curled around in a furling crescent-like shape. Demetria, wide-eyed, then dropped her hands in her lap, but, instead of feeling her smooth skin, there was fur, dark and thick fur that reminded her of a sheep, but longer. "What the hell did you do to me!" She commanded. "Give me a mirror!" The woman obliged and handed her as such. Demetria brought it up to her face, and practically almost dropped the plate of ornate glass.

She was gray all over, but the rest of her upper body seemed to be the same, except for the dark devilish horns that protruded from her skull, as well as her bloody red eyes that used to be a light sky blue. She looked like someone who had just came out of a Supernatural episode as some demon spawn. She looked down at her legs again, which were appearing to be exactly like a goats, fur and hooves. Demetria stood up, her goat knees shaking and unsteady. She had been the same height as before, only about an inch or two taller because of the hooves. Her horns were a few inches tall as well. "So what do you want me to do now? Go out like this?!" Demetria sounded a little hysterical, raising her voice. The woman nodded. What she hasn't noticed was that a purple mist followed her palms and fingertips, as well as huge dark wings that broke out from her back, ripping through her red sweater. When she turned to leave the room, she was blocked, this looking back at the rather large crow-like wings that followed her. "You are a Satyr, but unlike any I've ever seen. You seem to possess some demonic qualities as well." And at that, Demetria suppressed yelling, and threw down the mirror that was in her hands, sending it shattering onto the floor below her. She stormed out of the room, hooves smashing and cracking the glass shards while doing so, as her large black wings folded downwards and out of the way of the doorway.

What had this woman done to her, changing her to something demonic and not even close to mundane. Demetria noticed everyone—now in their changed forms—begin in a certain direction. She then followed, feeling very self-conscious of herself. She arrived at the cafeteria, but was in no mood to eat.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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Aouli looked at the man across the table and opened his mouth to say something, but immediately shut it. He then looked over at Zadock. "I'm..I-I....." He froze...he forgot his name. How did I manage that! What was it! Alilo, no, Aluoil nono! I can't remember!. It had been ages since he last introduced himself and was now slightly panicking on what do. So he did the obvious thing and said the first thing that came to mind. "I'm uh Static!" He suddenly exclaimed before pulling his hood down and laying his head on the table completely embarrassed. @Drumonkey @Penance
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"Hello there young man please sit down and clear your mind" he slowly slides the chair around and sits down eyeing the women feeling the flames around and inhaling the smell of many different aromas "Now close your eyes and think back to your childhood memories be filled with your emotions and accept what you are." closing his eyes and dozing off he begins to remember when he was 10 at a sleep over with friends to play games but it was strange he was playing the game with the TV not even plugged in.

Everyone begun looking at him weird and calling him a freak for now after that day throwing and hitting him things so he stopped going to school all together but accepted that he was freak and lived with it for the rest of his life becoming more of a prankster and playful guy he explored what was wrong with him but never found and clear answers but now he's found them

Shooting from his pants a white long tail with black stripes popped out his teeth turned to fangs his fingers turned to claws ears popped from the top of his head matching his white hair
"Oh my a beast known to be on pair of dragons you are a Byakko and you seem to have no problem controlling yourself maybe your known as a prodigy child" stands up out of the chair feeling the shocks of lighting run down his arm to his claws "Thank you....for helping me figure out this" leaving the room in silence and out into the way towards the cafeteria
Penance said:
Andrew laughed and clapped his hands "way to keep your cool there buddy!" He said
"I am Zadock, a sandman. I am new to my powers so please stay awake with me." Zadock chuckled a bit at his pun but then looked Andrew up and down. "what are you? Also no need to be so embarrassed... static was it?" @Penance @Peaceswore
Aouli stayed quiet as he let go of his hood. "Static? I actually like that...but my name is Aouli Hale, sorry, I panicked and said the first thing that came to my mind." He muttered as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. @Drumonkey @Penance
Drumonkey said:
"I am Zadock, a sandman. I am new to my powers so please stay awake with me." Zadock chuckled a bit at his pun but then looked Andrew up and down. "what are you? Also no need to be so embarrassed... static was it?" @Penance @Peaceswore
Andrew smiled then sat up straight "I am Andrew, a shadow demon" he said with pride "be afraid, be very afraid" he then started laughing "nope couldn't do it with a straight face."
Penance said:
Andrew smiled then sat up straight "I am Andrew, a shadow demon" he said with pride "be afraid, be very afraid" he then started laughing "nope couldn't do it with a straight face."
"Well if you both would agree to it Andrew, Aouli. You two will be my first friends here and that would mean the world to me." Zadock pushed arounds some fries on his plate and took a bite out of his burger but it wasn't really satisfying for him. "Is it just me or is the food off here?" @Penance @Peaceswore
Andrew shrugged his shoulders "eh its cafeteria food what'd ya expect?" he said taking another huge bite out of a slice of pizza
"I-It taste fine to me." He mumbled as he took another bite though this time his burger actually fried and turned into black char. Aouli looked at food depressed and slumped his shoulder before pushing away his plate. "I wasn't hungry anyway." He muttered as he rest his head his arms. Friend? Ha! More like soon to be traitors. Should I even bother?
Peaceswore said:
"I-It taste fine to me." He mumbled as he took another bite though this time his burger actually fried and turned into black char. Aouli looked at food depressed and slumped his shoulder before pushing away his plate. "I wasn't hungry anyway." He muttered as he rest his head his arms. Friend? Ha! More like soon to be traitors. Should I even bother?
"No this is different it tastes lackluster... Wait it is because I transformed. This form feeds on other things, dreams actually. If you are having trouble with your food then either get something raw or try to change back to normal." @Peaceswore @Penance
Wondering towards Aouli "Hey I'm Agate I heard a few people talking I hear your a Dragon" the static shooting back and forth from my ears as I look down at him

Aouli jumped slightly when another person talked to him. "Ye-yeah I've w-was told I'm a li-lightning dragon." He muttered. Why are so many people talking to me? True it has only been three people so far, but the last time three people talked to him was when they were throwing him insults.
'A shy lighting dragon? Thats something you dont hear everyday' he thought "yeah it seems dragons are popular thing" he said jokingly

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