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Realistic or Modern ⚛H.Y.B.R.I.D Haven⚛

Archdemon said:
Don't worry, I won't have them in there for a week, maybe a few days but the whole week thing is more of a side effect of him still being pissed off from getting soaked.
National said:
Well I don't think Santios can technically get imprisoned anyway, so... Do I like just make him take it off or? @Archdemon
I mean, I think what Arch said would make sense, considering the circumstances. While it true that the hybrids do have vary states of mental health, if they pose a threat to other hybrids or fight of heir own free will, wouldn't it make sense to stop them? I mean, hybrids wouldn't be able to realistically roam the island if they're too dangerous and try to pick fights.
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National said:
I understand that, but I do not believe it is a weeks worth punishment.
Hmm... Maybe, IC, we can leave this descision to the hybrid council? Santios not included, of course, as he's a defendant. I mean, that would give the council something to do, and maybe Santios won't be imprisoned for a week.
@Mitchs98 Ciri's so nice ;~; I feel sorry for her.

On the other hand, though, there isn't much Jacques can do. After rifling through my uncle's old first responders book, it says best thing for a broken rib is ice, painkillers, a comfortable position, and maybe a self-splint. Just a warning for future reference, in case you think Jacques isn't doing anything, I'll try and have him do his best. Sorry if it causes an inconvenience.
Lotusy said:
@Mitchs98 Ciri's so nice ;~; I feel sorry for her.
On the other hand, though, there isn't much Jacques can do. After rifling through my uncle's old first responders book, it says best thing for a broken rib is ice, painkillers, a comfortable position, and maybe a self-splint. Just a warning for future reference, in case you think Jacques isn't doing anything, I'll try and have him do his best. Sorry if it causes an inconvenience.
Yeah. Broken ribs are srs bsns. I know exactly what Jacques is doing xD . And I feel bad for her too, lmao
NightCasterZ said:
Lila stood up after the incident. She didn't want to interrupt the others and so went away, listening to music. She wasn't very happy and still quite weak.
Liz followed after the three of them. "May I join in?" She asked politely. "I am quite a good cook." She added as she looked at them all.
That uh. You realize Lila just got fresh stitches put in and wasn't exactly fully examined, rite
NightCasterZ said:
uhhhh.... I know that the stitches happened and i know the doctor started working on ciri instead. Uhhhhhh... yeah?
The stitches would kinda pop if she literally got up and started walking around so freely, I'd assume ._.
MermaidShireen said:
IRL I know how to deal with knife and bullet wounds, bruised ribs, not broken ones. Stitches. You know, the easy stuff.
Sounds cool. Most of the stuff I'm doing by fiction, but I do have a first responder's book my uncle used to own for other stuff.
NightCasterZ said:
@Lotusy Care to reply to Lila attacking her stitches, whimpering and whispering?
If you really want, you can have Lila get up. Jacques needs to tend to Ciri right now. He can't do too much.
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NightCasterZ said:
shes having her mental breakdown/nightmare right next to them.
But you know, so is Jack with his PTSD, not to mention Jacques is working on Ciri now. It's pretty chaotic.
Now Ciri is being worked on, Lila is having a huuuuge breakdown on the floor. You'll need to read my post to grasp it fully. As btw, the one w/ multiple paragraphs and not the most recent. Also Liz, Sariko, Blake, Quinn and god knows who are gonna eat

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