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Realistic or Modern ⚛H.Y.B.R.I.D Haven⚛

Zareh said:
You guys really respond quickly...welp more catching up to do xD
xD Yus. Because we loves dis. :3
@TheHappyPikachu So, to what extent are we holding Sariko accountable? I understand that something took over her free will, but at the same time, she's responsible for the injury of two hybrids. Where do we draw the line?
Lotusy said:
@TheHappyPikachu So, to what extent are we holding Sariko accountable? I understand that something took over her free will, but at the same time, she's responsible for the injury of two hybrids. Where do we draw the line?
Hmm... I really dunno, it's up to you. :3
Lotusy said:
Well, it was really a question for everyone. I'm not sure, myself. Where do we draw the line, @Zareh?
Hmm... well I don't want to reveal too much but part of that was her choosing too, but most was still against her will. IT's hard to say really, I mean, if there was a punishment she would probably just forget about it tomorrow, it's kinda hard to enforce discipline on someone who won't remember said discipline... xD
I gotta go to school now!~ (I'll post later when I can. :3 Probs in media... xD )
Lotusy said:
Well, it was really a question for everyone. I'm not sure, myself. Where do we draw the line, @Zareh?
I'm not sure, perhaps a minor punishment of some kind? I'm not too good with law and court systems.
Kayzo said:
Someone catch me up.
Ciri and Lila are currently dying VIA Sariko ass kicking. Marcus and Oceanbunny's character are flirting. Sariko is being comforted by Quinn. Lila is being treated by Jacques. That's all I remember.
That moment when everyone in the RP is waiting for someone else to reply. xD
I'm not going to school today because my fever went from an 8 to a 8.5 from a pain scale of 10 so I'll try my best to post today if I'm feeling up to it.
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]I'm not going to school today because my fever went from an 8 to a 8.5 from a pain scale of 10 so I'll try my best to post today if I'm feeling up to it.

Kk!!~ Don't push yourself. :3 Hope you get well soon!!!~ :D :D :D
Kayzo said:
@Archdemon what FE game did you get?
I actually got both, I've already finished conquest since you can't really grind in that game or play any other mission which has a unit you can recruit except for the very first one, the rest are children recruitment missions.

Also I'm sorry I've been gone this entire weekend! I've just been playing FE Fates pretty much since I got them. Sorry for holding anyone back if you've tagged me in the IC tab.

@MermaidShireen @National @Z Greatest001 did you guys move on from Jack or are you still waiting on me?
National said:
(I kinda can't have him imprisoned asnit really screws up the plans I have for Santios. @Archdemon also it seems illogical that they are being imprisoned for a week for an fight. Don't you agree? @Z Greatest001 )
Don't worry, I won't have them in there for a week, maybe a few days but the whole week thing is more of a side effect of him still being pissed off from getting soaked.

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