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Realistic or Modern Hᴉdden

Sunday, August 30th

The Hole in the Ground

A thousand cracks pierced the air as the energy from the aura ripped away the rest of the ribs, shattering them. The creature was sent onto its back, falling on the thick trails of colors. GRRAAWWWW!! It cried, like a screech, like the wind, and, most importantly.

Like victory.

The colors jumped all about the monster's body, skirt, limbs, face. Emerald and purple overtaking white. Wisps of white smoke sizzled off the creature. The etheral bits of its steaming off, leaving an unmoving, mummified corpse, drained entirely of its color. Above the white mummy, the mist gathered, turning into the shape of a...

"Pangolin..." Correy whispered. Damn. And who said watching Animal Planet would never come in handy?

For a moment, it blazed with an amber-gold color, before the color faded to white, and the wisp of a creature disappeared.

"Daaaaamn. Bro was
old." Leona grinned as she walked over to the mummy. It was falling away to dust. The dust falling away to nothingness. "We did it!" she suddenly exclaimed, launching herself at Imogen. Giving that girl a big, tight hug, she launched herself at CJ, "You guys did it!" and then Wally, "Damn you're all fast learners!" and then jumped to Belle, only to be distracted by the flitting hummingbird of bright colors which looked at her curiously. Leona missed, tripping over a gold ball and falling on her face.

"...So, this wasn't part of the creature?" Correy muttered, picking up the cold metal. It felt cold. Not freezing, just... plain cold. The violet-blue coyote swished its tail, looking at her expectantly. "Wha... oh. Uhh..." Correy threw the ball, the Coyote swiftly shifting from one shadow to another, launching itself in the air, and catching it.

"Ow..." Leona said on the floor.

"I don't think so, it was part of the ring you were trying to read earlier," Imogen said. the red panda back on her shoulder.

"Speaking of which... how are we going back up?" Correy said aloud. She looked at Belle, and the flitting hummingbird, which had landed on top of Belle's head and was now preening itself. "Any chance the little one can fly us up?" she jested.

"If not," Leona said from the floor, "I think we'll have to go down the tunnel!" The girl pointed from her prone position where the cylindrical hole in the ground opened up to a place where the light barely revealed before there was nothing to see but darkness. "Damn, it's dark in ther-- Wait a minute," she said, propping herself up. "Who's doing that?"

After several quizzical looks, Leona added, "The light. There shouldn't be light in here like this."

Correy's butterfly returned to her shoulder, causing the blonde to shrug lightly.
What am I doing... It's not really physical. Right? Her grain-field eyes set on the small, stainglass bug. You confuse me.

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"...Oh shit, you're hurt." Belle looked up, confused. "Belle, your arm." Belle glanced at her left arm. Seemed fine. Then, she glanced at her right. "Eep!" She squealed. "I-it's n-nothing! I'm p-perfectly fine guys." I'M GONNA DIE I'M GONNA DIE OH MY GOD I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! Belle, despite trying to play it cool but she was pale and now sweating profusely. "TOTES FINE." She shrieked, taking off her hoodie and gazing closer at the wound. It wasn't too deep. Her breathing slowed down, but Belle still looked panicked.

Belle's job was done - she watched the monster as Wally and Christina landed their attacks. It was covered in swirling purple and emerald - her colors. She flinched when it screeched, it's final screech. Wisps of smoke sizzled like someone had thrown it on a grill. And then.. the smoke turned into an animal. A Pangolin, Correy said. "That looks way too cute to be inside of a meany monster." Then, Belle giggled when Flynn's coyote caught the ball of.. metal. The coyote caught the ball of metal that Correy threw for him. Heh. Must be fun to have a pet like that, eh?

Well. She liked her hummingbird.

"Speaking of which... how are we going back up?" Correy said aloud. She looked at Belle, and the flitting hummingbird, which had landed on top of Belle's head and was now preening itself. "Any chance the little one can fly us up?" Belle looked at Correy, horrified. "You'll squish her!!!" She squealed, cupping her Hummingbird gently in her hands protectively. Her hummingbird nuzzled her cheek again.

"I think we'll have to go down the tunnel!" "Aww.." Belle sighed. Guess it wasn't over just yet.

Sunday, August 30th


Correy snorted, making grabby hands at the hummingbird for Belle's view. Forgetting about her mask yet again. The butterfly flickered.

"Onwards, team!" Leona pointed to the tunnel with great vigor.

On the Road Again

Squeak, squeak!

They were far enough in they couldn't see where they'd come from. The tunnel just barely curved, and the light only extended as far front or back as one could see. Leona still couldn't figure how the light was to be. It seemed to naturally exist. Except where it didn't.

Squeak squeak!

The coyote's ears twitched.

Squeak squeak!

"Does anyone hear that?" Imogen asked.

Squeak squeak!

"What the heck," Leona said, "it sounds like ba-AAAH" Leona screamed, a bat in her face.

"AAAHH" another simultaneously screamed, startled. The blonde was none other than...

"Diana?" Leona blinked, her Dragon swirled around her.

"Leona? Guys?" Diana looked from one student to the next, the bat hanging on her extended arm. "Hehe, this the Breakfast Club?"

"Why are you here!" Leona demanded.

"What? Me? I felt spirits so I--"



"DON'T EVEN DENY IT. I heard you and your dad talking about going downtown-- OHMYGOD YOU SEALED IT! That's why the stupid Corrupted was so far out!"

"Leona, I sensed the corrupted, it fizzled out--"

"CUZ OF US!" Leona made a sweeping motion indicating everyone.

"...What? N
ice," she beamed, nodding. "Real nice. Had no idea you guys were--" her face fell, "You're not all on their side, are you?" her eyes going from Wally to Correy to CJ.

"THEY'RE BEGINNERS! And so what if they're on our side?!"

Diana looked alarm, though her voice maintained a astute calm, whether forced or not was a different story, "You guys, you can't join their side," she looked squarely at Leona, her eyes just barely narrowing, "You can't
control this power-- it's not even that, it's what I'd describe as evil--"

"Look, we're just trying to find the way out," Correy said, an edge to her voice. She was getting irritated. And it was getting harder to mask it. "Good or evil or ugly, out of all that, I choose alive, and preferably in my bed by the end of the night." Whoops. A little too much sass. Blame the wearing adrenaline.

Diana laughed guiltily, "Oh jeez, hear me talk! You want out, follow me--"


"Right. You can always follow Leona. Who'll be going the same way as me, because there's only one way out," Diana replied evenly, flashing her signature 'President' smile.

Oooooh my god, I could knock their heads together, Correy thought, forcing a smile.

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Wally sighed. People were arguing, that wasn't good. In truth wally didn't really know either of the girls very well, The battle was over, but with it was Wally's believed usefulness. The boy was a natural leader. Good at plans, bringing people together, and leading the charge. His attacks and orders were swift, and to Wally...what others called chaotic, he could finally make sense.

But clearly this stopped when the battle was over, because Diana and Leona were arguing over...something or other. "Sides? Their? Sealers?" We don't know any of that." He said looking puzzled. "We just were out and about when the floor kinda collapsed." He shrugged. "I don't know why or what that thing was, but it attacked us. Self defense and all that?"

Wally brightened a bit when Diana said there was a way out. "At least we're not trapped here." There was a sigh of relief. "Anyway. Let's get going. I Want to get out of here before my grandma gets worried.." His foice trails off.

"Whatcha say?" He was looking at Leona and Diana. "Why don't we head back to my place. Grandma should be asleep by now, so if we stay downstairs in the shop, we can probably talk or something, none of us knows what's going on."

Wally sighed.

"And that really sucks."
I'm gonna give myself a migraine if this keeps up...” christina thought at the final shriek of the demon.

While the battle had apparently been completed with the defeat of that incessantly loud demon, it would soon come to pass that the war was far from over. Specifically speaking, a war had been brewed between Leona and Diana, the latter of whom it was a complete shock to come across in a place as desolate as where they were. As the discussion continued, the girls were eventually able to halt their squabble after Corey's intervention, deciding (though rather superciliously) that there was only one way out and they were all going that way. Of course, as the group resumed their walk, Christina's thoughts did little to quell her of her lingering suspicions. While it was clear that Leona appreciated their ability to (barely) handle the monster that could've killed them... it was far from an ecstatic thought that the girls were ever so casually discussing matters that clearly involved the entire group as if they weren't even there. She was just about ready to speak into the ill attained silence until Wally beat her to it...

"Anyway. Let's get going. I Want to get out of here before my grandma gets worried.." His voice began to trail off.

"Whatcha say?" He was looking at Leona and Diana. "Why don't we head back to my place. Grandma should be asleep by now, so if we stay downstairs in the shop, we can probably talk or something, none of us knows what's going on."

He then sighed.

"And that really sucks."

Christina nodded, placing her hood back over her hair. She'd completely forgotten how messy it probably looked after a fight like earlier. “I'd rather not make it a habit to be sneaking into my house past midnight, however... I'm more concerned with knowing what exactly you two were talking about than any sort of curfew right now... Sparky would probably give me away, anyhow.” She spoke, first to Wally and then directed toward the two leaders before them. “Diana? Leona? You guys mind filling us in on all of this? I don't plan on going home and trying to google away an explanation for this mess. In fact, from the looks of it, I'm beginning to doubt that I even could.” The lion, meanwhile, was walking nearby her, almost examining Diana with curiosity, but otherwise remaining as stoic as earlier.
"Sides? Their? Sealers?" We don't know any of that."

Diana laughed apologetically, nodding in embarassement,

"We just were out and about when the floor kinda collapsed."

Now Leona looked embarrassed. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that. That was my bad."

"Why don't we head back to my place.

Both girls perked up... Before, they'd never thought of just sitting and talking it out. Both had motivations. Leona wanted food, and a house always had good. Diana didn't want them thinking Leona's side was the only side, and felt bad they had to see the argument, wanted to redeem herself in their eyes.

Diana? Leona? You guys mind filling us in on all of this?

Both girls nodded.

"I don't plan on going home and trying to google away an explanation for this mess."

Diana laughed, "You are my type of girl! Jokes aside, I do apologize. I came in assuming everyone knew. I'll do my best to explain it all," she said, and looking hesitantly at Leona, nodded over at her. "We both will."

Seeing that, Leona blushed. "Y-yeah."

"Well," Diana sighed. "Looks like we'll have to go aaalll the way to the middle."

"Actually... we don't..." Leona tentatively offered. "I'm recharged."

Diana looked at her, a bit puzzled. Correy too, she remembered the dragon girl saying something of the sort back during the fight. Leona looked around, then at Diana, "You don't hold no sentimental values to this place, yeah?"

"I thought you Awakeners would," Diana jested, but when Leona narrowed her eyes, she raised her hands, "Joke, luv, joke. Do whacha gotta do, I'm game."

Leona raised her fist. The dragon's head appeared around her arm, snarling, gums pulled back and revealing teeth. She slammed it against the wall.

The rocks shattered, spraying everywhere, but for some reason, no-one was hit. It was like something had protected all of them... "This way!" Diana waved at them, and then winked at Leona, "Thanks girl."


Flynn had left with an apology, he had to be home before someone noticed! Imogen too, she had been away too long and couldn't afford another demerit.

Correy knew Kim was probably stoked she was gone all night. Her mom left too early in the morning to notice anything. So she went with Wally, CJ, and Belle to Wally's place. By that time, she was starving, and tired.

The ones who went to Wally's house would have noticed something: the baby version of their spirits were around them, showing like the actual animals, not even see-through unless touched, then their colors would wisp about until whatever solid object was moved away from their bodies, or they moved away. The lion cub, the bear cub, (both cubs are very small), the baby hummingbird, and the caterpillar.

Leona and Diana looked in awe, and at each other. "How's that happening?" Leona asked Diana.

"I was about to ask you," Diana said back with an apologetic smile. "Damn. We need my dad here, huh," she looked at each member of the group in the eyes, "But I'm here, and I'll do my best," she finished with a sure smile.
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Hdden Chapter 2: Oracle Island


Nothing but thunder roared amidst the brutal tempest that seemed to tarnish the sanctity of the world. Before each resounding crackle, giant slits of lightning pierced the night sky, momentarily bathing the world in light until vanishing into the nothingness above. A man, somewhat old and graying in his extensive beard, could be seen stumbling through the darkness with a single flashlight piercing into the nothingness before him. Ever so often, his cargo fishing waders or his vest would catch against one of the invasive branches or twigs that blocked his path.

Confound it!” He exclaimed, snatching his already worn pants from the twig in a hurry. For a brief moment, the wind almost blew his bucket hat right from his head, forcing him to catch it as an afterthought.

As if the rain wasn't bad enough, the wind was beginning to pick up, howling about him. He was surrounded by nothing but trees and wilderness, and was visibly beginning to succumb to his exhaustion. However... a different sort of howling suddenly caught is attention...

His eyes widened as he turned ever so slightly, having been hunched forward to push against the ruthless winds that threatened to throw him from his own two feet. He flashed his light behind him to confirm his suspicions and to his horror, what appeared to be the eyes of some unnamed beast, glowing at the flashlight's glare, peered at him from behind the foliage. To add to his fright, the sound of a low, feral growling began to surround him, so much so that the deafening thunder became quiet. He turned and ran.

His feet moved so quickly it almost seemed as if he'd only touched the ground every other step, and he didn't dare look back. He could already feel the presence of the beast giving chase, and before long, the snapping of a twig from behind him confirmed his suspicions, though he was already running at full speed and was unable to proceed any faster. His panting soon turned almost to a frightened exclamation as he could feel the immense presence of death closing in... until through the forestry, he saw a light. With haste, he rushed toward it, trying with all of his might to battle that crippling fear that one feels when they've lost an already losing battle for dear life. Much to his surprise, the light was actually closer than one would think, and before he knew it, he was no longer running along a muddy, dirt path, but on solid pavement.

An indentation in the ground suddenly caught his footing, breaking his speed and forcing him face first into the stone walkway, throwing his flashlight from his hand as it crashed against the pavement, cracking and flickering off. He looked up in horror. He'd fallen, and most definitely the pursuing beast should have caught him. He held his hand over his head and trembled, almost entering a fetal position, praying with tears beginning to form in his eyes, as what little life he had left was soon to be taken from him. This lasted for what felt like minutes until slowly, he looked up...

...It was gone... The beast was gone.

He remained silent for a moment, looking forward and then backward again, then to either side, daring not to hope for even a moment. He then looked forward. All that stood before him ...

... was a large mansion...

There was only an activated porch light, but in this brief moment of reprieve, it looked like nothing more than a godsend to him. He slowly stood, wiping his drenched face and proceeding with utmost caution, eyes pacing to and fro almost as rapidly as his still racing heart. Looking down, he saw his broken flashlight and grabbed it, examining the cracked lens. He moved forward and walked to the front door, his hands still atremble. Knocking a few times, he waited for an answer...

… nothing.

He knocked once again, looking behind him each time to make sure the noise wouldn't attract anything else that may have been awaiting his return to the dark of the woods. He called out, timidly but loud enough for anyone present to hear. “Hello?” He knocked once again and looked at the handle. He questioned his actions for a moment, and then briefly turned it as he heard a slight click. The harsh wind picked up once again, swinging the handle and the door from the man's grasp and slamming it against the nearby wall. The man stood there for a moment, slowly making his way inside...

“Hello? Anyone here?” His voice echoed into the silence of the halls as he turned back. Rain was beginning to wet the wood of the flooring on the inside where he now stood, and out of decency, he walked over to close it. After grabbing the handle, what felt to be an even stranger wind snatched the door from his hands again, this time slamming it shut. The slamming of the door startled him, but soon the atmosphere became eerily silent. “Hello?” He called out, albeit quieter. “I'm sorry to intrude but, you see, my ship crashed on the docks here and I... well I had to get out of the rain... but then something started chasing me and-- and I came across--” He stopped. Something else was beginning to drown out the sound of his voice: the sound of...

He stopped for a moment, looking around. The grand staircase before him seemed to tower above his being, and the doors to either side of him seemed to be the source of the music. He stepped further into the grand hallway, looking around and then walking over toward where he could hear the music getting louder. Before long, he was in a dining hall, clean and well cared for, though it was dark. “Please, somebody... I just need a place to stay for the night until this storm clears...” His footsteps echoed in the clearing until he stopped. The eeriness of the mansion was quickly beginning to take its toll on the man's willingness to stay, however, he proceeded. That is, until he felt something crack underneath the weight of his foot. He looked down and lifted his boot, his eyes widening in horror. What appeared to be the bony remains of a hand was now cracked into several pieces before him, and with it, the rest of the clearly decomposed corpse.

The lightning struck again, this time, so loud that he jumped, falling backward as he tried his hardest to catch his increasing panic in his breath, resisting the urge to release it in a shout. As the lightning struck, the man looked over to the other side of the room, eyes tracing the area for any signs of life. Instead he saw more of the bodies, some piled atop each other, some appearing to have been there for centuries. He stood, barreling forward to flee the area until he was stopped once again. Eyes, those same eyes from before, glowing in a glare of light, monstrous and bearing down on him, peered from the darkness of the hallway. They looked at him from above the staircase, only this time they came with fangs, which grinned menacingly at the trapped being. He turned and ran for the exit, gripping the handle and trying to turn it in any direction. It wouldn't budge, and there appeared to be no locks present. He turned as the figure of the beast slowly began to descend the staircase toward him, its fang ridden grin growing wider and wider by the moment. Unable to control him self any further, the man released his screams, only to be drowned out by the final roar of thunder...

Arc 1: Policies & Politics...

Monday, September 14th, 2015

@ 7:47 a.m.

And speaking of screams...


She was half dressed, only wearing a beater and a pair of boxers, and her hair was literally everywhere on her head. Her screams were so loud and violent that they'd startled even Sparky, who covered his small, bulldog ears with his paws while he buried his face into the sheets on her bed. So much for a good morning's sleep. Christina, on the other hand, would have none of his lackadaisical nonsense that morning. Quickly, she grabbed her ever so favorite device... her dog whistle, and blew on it. Instantly, Sparky shot up, his ears now perked and the rest of his being at full alert. “You! Yes you! Shoes, now! TEN-HUT!!” The dog looked around confused for a moment, and then barked, jumping from the bed and out of the door...

...Okay that's not entirely true. In his clumsiness, he actually leapt from the bed with one of Christina's bed sheets still stuck to his hind paw. He collapsed the landing, ran in circles in a panic until it came off, slid across the floor, slammed into the door, looked at her sadly until she came over and opened it, barreled out of the room slamming into the hallway wall, and then continued his ever so “graceful” trek down the hall, but that's all besides the point. He was going to complete his orders or destroy the house trying. Either way, Christina was already late. She quickly ran to the closet and grabbed her trusty blue jeans and black shirt with a large, pink heart on it, rolling her eyes in dismissal of the aesthetics of such a crummy shirt. “It's okay. I'll have my sweater on over it the whole day, anyway.” She said, throwing on her clothes and grabbing her books which were literally all over the room, throwing them in her backpack along with her laptop. With her items gathered and her body clothed, she ran over to her vanity dressed and grabbed some cologne (she absolutely hated the trashy strawberry perfume that she smelled most girls wearing). She sprayed herself and then looked in the mirror. The only problem was her hair, and that was a quick fix. She reached into her dresser, rummaging around for something. “Son of a-- dammit, where's my--

“Looking for something?” A voice teased. Christina looked back to see her mother, leaning contrapposto against the wall with a red ribbon dangling from her hand. “I washed it for you. This was a gift from your--”

I know, mom.” She said, quickly taking the the ribbon and tying it around her hair, pushing the rest of it into a bun with a hair tie and then throwing on her hood. “You don't have to remind me.

“Well, you need to take care of it, anyway.” The woman knew better than to mention from whom the ribbon was a gift if Christina didn't want to discuss it. There was a sudden crashing to be heard down the hall. The woman looked down the hall in confusion, and after realizing the source of the noise, glared at Christina. “You didn't...”

What? It's not like he'd be doing anything else right now besides watching me get dressed! And what's a few broken vases? He needs the exercise!

“Christina Ricé Janoska, you are the laziest--” She was suddenly cut off by a kiss on the cheek as Christina grabbed her things and rushed out the door.

Love you mom, bye!!” She quickly grabbed her shoes from Sparky, pet the dog as he barked, put them on and was out the door, rushing to the bus stop... it didn't take long, but she was beginning to see a small, glowing crimson lion cub running beside her.

Late to school almost every other day... some vice president I am, huh...?

Alright guys! As promised, this is the start of chapter 2 of hidden, as it officially starts today.

And as you all know... it's my turn to GM this shit. >3

So school it up via posts and do what I know you're all great at! Any questions, contact me via skype and I'll address it to Kal and post my answer to it in the OOC Thread once we have an understanding, that way if anyone else has the same question they can read the answer to it there! Otherwise, I hope ya liked the prologue and I hope you enjoy this chapter! > w <)/

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In the Month that's Passed

C.J. accepted Diana's proposal, ran for, and won the station of Vice President of Student Council.

She is currently assigned as the liaison to the Homecoming Committee.

The rumors: C.J. is actually Diana's enforcer, C.J. is actually Student Council's enforcer, C.J.'s rival in gang war is Wally, who dissed her by [all rumors have varying versions of this part], and now if you see them in the hall, run, because it's powder keg waiting to explode, C.J. is actually secretly in love with Wally and their rivalry is for show
[this rumor is likely originated from Drama/Theater club, who is putting on a production of West Side Story].

Wally's rumors have gone down, as it were. It's like someone behind his back is discouraging them... But there are some prominent ones, like the C.J. rival/romance one. Still, he has a solid group he can call his own, and his diner is doing better than ever. They are making so much money that they can refurnish the area outside and purchase tables and chairs for outdoor seating.

Belle is now as popular with the boys as she was with the clubs, though they are more subtle, trying to work their way into her friend groups or clubs (good for the clubs, getting more members). With a rumor going around that a scary, hooded boy is Belle's boyfriend, everyone is dancing around asking her out, trying to confirm the truth.

Belle's club members are all talking about how wild and sweet it would be if Belle was on Homecoming Court. This turned into 'how wild and sweet' it would be if Belle was Homecoming Queen.

Since Belle is in so many clubs who will be involved with helping the Homecoming Committee, she was first encouraged to be liaison, and then slowly as the popularity of the idea of her becoming Homecoming Queen spread, they worked out a different liaison [Homecoming Committee members are not encouraged to run for Homecoming Court due to the high change of looking like there was impropriety in conduct or biasedness, it's basically an unspoken rule they don't get nominated.]

Correy managed to stay under the radar, but that's because her entire self revolves around faking normalcy and being the median. With the rumors floating about C.J.'s gender, she started a betting pool. In truth, she thought she was adding to a pool that already existed, and she stills believe this, but her betting pool is the only one that's actually going, the rest are side bets and rumors.

She has secretly had her eye on Imogen, increasingly intrigued by this girl who really does look tough, but seems genuinely polite and conscientious whenever they happen to talk (mostly in their shared class with Mr. Robertson).

Correy's mom is acting... oddly more pepped. That extra skip to the step. That pleasant hum when she thinks she's alone. Subtle indications. According to Kim, mom dearest has a new beau. Correy is on a mission to find out who the man her mother is dating.

[OOC your bet in the betting pool if your character would bet on this]

Flynn was asked out by, and is now dating, Charlie. They are a cute, high-energy, prankster couple. Double trouble.

Flynn and Belle run into each other the most often, their social circles overlapping in many places. He often makes jokes or good-natured jests that hint at 'Belle's secret scary boyfriend', which perpetuates the rumor.

He is an auxiliary member of the Soccer Club.

Flynn's circle are humming about how he would totally fit the role of Homecoming King.

Imogen has had more run-ins with Mr. Anderson, catching him smoking a few more times than not. He now, when he sees her, has a second cigarette waiting for her. Very few words are ever exchanged.

The tough aura around her keeps anyone from messing with her, but her 'keep to oneself' nature and her 'answer with civility' philosophy has kept her from too many rumors sprouting.

Robert has been adjusting well, making a few friends despite his quite nature. In fact, because he is quite and reserved, he has drawn in some mature types, who enjoy he is not a loud, yapping, or braggart type. With this, he has a nice study group he can fall back on.


In order of most to least, by category!

(Popular or Infamous means you're more widely known than not, aka you are recognized when you walk around the halls. Neutral means you are not widely known, aka only recognized by those you know back when you pass down the halls. The meter represents how much of your category you are, hence no meter for neutral.)








Neutral: Correy, Robert

Current Date:

September 14th, 2015

Homecoming Dance is this Saturday...

Ballots for court nominees come out today in class.
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Wally's Dream "Oh my, my..."
Wally's Dream

He would break out of a daze, refocusing on the elderly woman in gypsy layers, a red-and-yellow embroidered cloak topping off her clothing. Fake gold coins dangled from the border of the hood, catching the full-sun's light and throwing it into his eyes.

Before him, under the weathered woman's hands, a layout of tarot cards. In the center...

"The Emperor..."

On each side of the Card, north, south, east, west, lay two cards each. Face down. All except the top east card. Face up. The World. The woman reached with her trembling hand to the next card, the top south card...

The sun glinted off the tarot card, burning his eyes. Burning... burning...
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Correy was hiding on the staircase, pressed against the wall, listening.

"...ah...ke...to..." And then a giggle.

Damnit. I can't hear anything from here. It was the tone, though. Correy didn't need to hear the words to know her mother definitely sounded happy. And not 'buisness deal just closed' happy. Who was she taking to in the kitchen? This was getting more and more suspicious... Alright Anne, I'm getting to the bottom of this. There was getting to be more and more merit to what Kim's conjecture.

"Hey. Hey Correy!" came a hushed voice behind her, making the blonde stiffen, her short hairs standing on end.. "What are you doing?" Kim whisper-yelled,

"Kim-- damnit-- I'm going to school!"

"Hee hee, I scared you, didn't I?"

"...Do you wanna walk to school?"

"SO MEAN!" she whisper exclaimed.

"Why are we whispering?"

"Why are you hiding?"

"...Aahhggghh shut up and walk."

"Walk?" Kim looked like a puppy, kicked, downtrodden, abandoned.

"I meant to the car!" Correy facepalmed. "Why are we related."

"Because you're the luckiest sister in the world!" Kim said with a big ol' thumbs up.
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Her dad kept leaving way earlier than normal. Belle was't really one to pry (well. Belle was absolutely one to pry. Just not one to pry her father.) but it was certainly strange. He kept telling her he was just trying to beat the traffic to his office and get some extra work done early, but her dad loved to sleep in, as much as he possibly could. Sometimes Belle would have to shove him out the door five minutes before he had to be at work.

She was skeptical, but she trusted her dad.

"Hey, Belle!" "Belle, art club meeting today!" "Hey Belle, you should sit with us at lunch!" "Belle, hiya!"

Belle beamed, waving to each person who called out to her as she walked down the hallway. A lot of times she didn't even know who they were, their faces somewhat familiar but at the some time, not really. There was never a moment during the day where someone wasn't fighting for her attention, and while it was flattering, it was certainly overwhelming. But Belle was still on Cloud 9, a shining bright star and enjoying it tremendously.

And on top of it all, she had a GOSH DARN BABY HUMMINGBIRD.

Not many people noticed, but the few that did joked about her being a Disney princess. Which Belle loved. She often whispered to her hummingbird, like a gossip friend who followed her around throughout the day. Sweet nothings like, "I think I did well on this test." or "this is the best costume I've made yet!" and other things, like "pleaseifyoucantalkwhat'stheanswertomymathhomework".

Belle made a huge effort to stay into touch with the people from Urban Exploration, even dragging her dad to Wally's grandparent's diner at one point. But she was so swamped, and so many other were trying to hang out with her that she often forgot. Well, she did see Flynn often. His new girlfriend was really cute. Belle was happy for them. A lot of people wondered why she was sometimes seen calling out a greeting to some plain old boring kids like Correy or Imogen and even the scary Wally.

A lot of boys had been looking her way, and as oblivious as Belle was, she could still see it. But Belle just wasn't ready for a relationship. Her last one.. ah.. hadn't gone so well, and she'd had so much to do, she just didn't feel ready to devote her time to someone.

Belle slid into her seat in Ms. Watson's class, people waving to her from all around, and Belle smiled and waved back. "Oh, homecoming ballots~" Belle chirped as she was handed one by the teacher, opening up the folded piece of paper, skimming through the list of names, quietly humming to herself as she saw her own name -


The entire class could hear Belle gasp loudly, freezing up. She read the ballot again, making sure it was her name. Yep. Yep yep. It was.


Belle relaxed. She had a dress to plan.
"Crap crap craaaaap."

Wally cursed as he ran out the door of the diner, face somewhat covered in milk from hastily downed cereal. He had vowed that this week for sure he wasn't going to be late! I mean sure, he vowed that pretty much every week. Also yes, he did pretty much break it every week, without fail...ever since grade one.

He sighed and slowed down, looks like he was out of luck...again. Maybe next week? The boy's careful optimism slowly faded. He probably wouldn't make it then either. For once, it wasn't even his fault! The business around the diner had been crazy, and while it meant his grandparents were making more money than ever, so they wanted to touch up the place a little. Only two problems: His grandpa insisted he do everything himself, and that his grandpa was too old to do half the work right.

The end result? Late nights of Wally grinding away and working long after his grandpa went to bed. The boy wasn't about to let his grandpa waste away on labor.

But man...he was tired. The dream he had hand'd helped either. He could barely remember it. Something about sun...and...cards maybe? It was confusing. He'd woken up early, and for some reason really couldn't fall asleep again for what felt like the longest time.

So now, here he was, running late. Same old wally...The boy shook his head and stopped brooding when he saw a certain girl up ahead. At least if he had to be late, it didn't have to be alone.

"Hey! Christina!" The boy said, cheering up a little. "How's sparky?" Wally jogged up beside her. "UP to any misadventures lately?"

"This is not a bus."

"Ah, correct you are sister!" Kim cleared her throat, "THE WHEELS ON THE CAR--"

"Do me a favor? Shoot me."

"I don't have a gun!"

"Then buy one, and shoot me," Correy deadpanned.

"I'd need a permit!"

"OH my GOD. Become twenty-one, apply for a permit, get the permit, go to a gun store, buy a gun, buy ammo," the elder sister said pointedly before Kim could interject, "Then come over to my miserable house, surrounded by cats, and shoot. me."

"I--" Kim held her mouth open, looking left and right and left and-- "Yeah, that's pretty solid."

"Thanks. I try... Heh. Speak of the devil..."

"What? Why are we speaking about me? Correy? Why are we pulling over? Who are those strange people? OhmygodCorreyPlsIdon'tWannaDie."

Correy pulled the light grey mom-mini-van beside the bus stop. Rolling down the window, she greeted, "Hey strangers, want some free candy?"
Oh my God... seven fifty-eight-- wait nine?! No...!” Christina's heart was racing as she beamed forward at full speed. She had to resist the urge to pounce in the air for some apparent reason... supposedly the side effects of these spirits wasn't going to wear off anytime soon... Eventually, though, the bus stop was in plain sight, and no one else was present, which meant that it had either come early, or it was just her lucky day--

"Hey! Christina!" It was Wyatt, who seemed to be in a fairly good mood. "How's sparky?" He jogged up beside Christina. "UP to any misadventures lately?"

… Evidently, her heinous habits of being an introvert hadn't been cleaved, either. She hated being around people when she was in a mood like she was this morning, and to top it all off, she was late... but so was he. She came to an abrupt stop as the lion cub stopped nearby as well, almost sliding in the grass on which it chose to run, and running back to Wally, walking around him in a circle as if looking for a certain something, or in its case a certain someone.

What the hell happened to that aloof beast that could care less that he was nearby, back in the cave?” Christina thought, eyeing the anomaly of a lion cub. She shook her head and then looked up at the greeting boy. “Hey...”-- “Wait a minute... how the hell does he know about my dog? Since when did canine pets become more popular at school than their owners?” … “Sparky's... he's doing fine. We had to take him to the veterinarian a few days ago because he tried to eat a--

There was suddenly a car slowing to a stop... Christina stopped talking for a moment and looked on, trying not to stare, as there was no guarantee that this was for her. She didn't know anyone with a car that looked like this one, so it was likely for Wally. At least... that mindset would've prevailed until the car window rolled down.

"Hey strangers, want some free candy?" It was Correy. And there was someone in the passenger's seat next to her, someone a bit younger.

Hey...” Christina was quite reluctant to speak. She'd gotten used to these two, barely, but not nearly enough to be taking rides from them. She hated owing people favors. However... “Today is my first day as Vice President. What the hell would I look like showing up to school late on my first day?” ...

Should Correy have offered the two a ride, Christina would get in the car without question and sit in the rightmost passenger seat, behind Kim. Trying to be polite, she'd hold her end of conversations in the car all the while trying to stay quiet for the most part, if she felt it didn't involve her, as it would be obvious that the discussion of underground spirit activity couldn't be discussed around the younger sibling. The lion cub would've been placed in the least crowded part of the girl's backpack and kept "hidden" for most of the ride.
"Hey, are these your friends?!" Kim said from the passenger side. "HAI FRIENDS! You are now my friends. Oh my god Correy, YOU HAVE FRIENDS!" Kim began tearing up, reaching out to hug her sister. Because the bus stop was on the driver's side, Correy could turn and death-glare her sister without the other two seeing.

Turning back, she said,
"You guys wan'a ride?" thumbing the back of the car.

"WHAT! NO!" Kim exclaimed, "NO BOYS IN THE CAR!"

"Yeesh Kim, it's fine," she ruffled her sister's hair for the sake of being in front of CJ and Wally, "And I'm sure Anne wouldn't mean Wally," she finished as she ushered the two in.

"BUT GUY-- Wait, Wally? Omigosh," Kim twisted her body to see the two passengers in the back seat, looking directly at the tall boy, "
You're THE Wally that Correy talked about!?"

Correy could feel her cheeks turning bright red,
Kim I will throttle you, you're giving them the wrong impression! "She means when we moved I talked a lot about SpringPine and how we'd play and stuff as kids, you know."

"YEAH! Holy crap you're tall. Is that your girlfriend?!" she looked at C.J. "OH MY GOD you are so badass and pretty, dude, Wally, you are frickin' lucky man!"

"Kim, please. You don't even have sugar or caffeine, how are you this hyper?"

"Hyper, PSH. This is natural!"

It went like this, along with the replies of Wally and C.J., with Correy internally promising death more and more times. But, then, there was this smile on her face she just couldn't get rid of...

* * *

Throughout the ride Kim had been playing with the 'puppy' that Correy could clearly see as a bear cub, so it was scaring the crap out of the elder sister. Don't eat Kim. Don't eat Kim. Omg Kim don't pull at its ears it'll EAT YOU. Oddly, though, all Fluffy did was look lazily around from Kim's lap. When they parked, Kim grabbed the 'pup' and scooted out the door. "MINE NOW!" she gave a mischievous glance at Wally before literally sprinting off.

...Yup. Take a gooood look Correy. That's what you're related to. Correy was so red in the face she quickly mumbled, "See you guys after class," and headed towards her classroom like it was nobody's business. The little bug that had been resting around in her shirt pocket only seemed to come out after she'd settled into her desk in Mr. Robertson's class. Hey little guy... a smile flickered to life on her lips. It sat on the top of her nail, chillin'. It was so small, this caterpillar... So you're the one giving this power, hmm?

It was an interesting power. The things she could do in the labyrinth weren't things she could do outside of it, like here at school. But for some reason,
just on C.J., Wally, and Belle, along with their animal companions, she could place small illusions. Tiny ones. Inconsequential. It was almost like making a suggestion. Hence C.J.'s beige lion looking like a beige tabby, and Wally's brown bear cub looking like an odd (yet adorable-- wait, did she just think that?) brown puppy with a short tail.

Belle's didn't need any mask, neither did this caterpillar. Mr. Robertson had caught them with their pets, but all he had said, or hinted more like, was to keep it out of the sight of teachers who may frown upon it... aka Ms. Ericon.

So far, no run-ins, so it was all good.

Correy was so far in her head that she almost missed the names on the ballot...
Wait. WAIT. No way. HAH!

An uncontrollable grin took over Correy's face. "Yes. This is happening."

One flick of the wrist mean one checkmark. Another meant two. Both Flynn Wright and Belle Arieye had gotten a vote.

They were allowed to choose up to four nominees for candidates, but Correy stopped there, folding up her ballot and pushing it to the edge of her desk.
This is lookin' good.
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Wally found that Kim was quite the fun person. Sure, she seemed to drive Correy up the wall and it took her more than a few explanations as to no, Christina and him were in fact no dating. Still, she was alright...

That didn't mean Wally wasn't a bit uneasy when Kim ran off with Fluffy. Okay, Fluffy would be fine...and he wasn't worried enough to call the bear-cub back, but...

"Is she going to be alright?" Wally said, pointing towards Correy's sister. He shrugged. "Eh, what could go wrong? She can probably handle Fluffy." Wally chuckled. If Kim was Correy's sister, the strong teen had a feeling she would be fine. Well...at least he hoped so. The last thing he wanted was for Fluffy to beat the crap out of something. Although the cub was pretty harmless in this state...hopefully.

Still, Wally had to get to class! Wally realized with a start that thanks to Correy's ride...he actually might make it on time!


By the time anyone could respond, Wally was off running. This time...he would make it!

And for once in Wally's short life: He was actually right.

When it came to fill out the ballots, Wally didn't really have much of an idea...well Flynn obviously, since he was his friend and...oh look! Belle was in teh running!? Wally frowned. Weird, that didn't happen often. She was on the council wasn't she? Although she was probably going to win anyway...an idea came to Wally's mind, a grin on his face, he made his own circle at the very bottom of the sheet.

The name? Correy Gavin of course.
The ride was interesting at best. Christina found Correy's younger sibling to be the absolute antithesis of her older sister, and probably the quintessence of everything that Christina found fun in younger people who were nothing short of unafraid to voice their opinions. It represented a kind of freedom that she held dear...

"...Is that your girlfriend?!"

On second thought...

"OH MY GOD you are so badass and pretty, dude, Wally, you are frickin' lucky man!"

Christina couldn't refrain herself from the blush that threatened to show past her hood. Turning her face toward the window where she knew the hood would best obscure her increasingly embarrassed expression. The duration of the ride proceeded with Christina's silence, having less to do with the implication that she was romantically involved with Wally, but rather, at the mention of her being considered “pretty” … “badass”, even. It was an uncomfortably fuzzy feeling she had and she couldn't have been happier that the ride was over. Ostensibly, she was grateful for the ride, however, and even as Correy proceeded to class, Christina gave a sincere thanks before waving goodbye to her, Wally and the young girl who seemed more preoccupied with her new furry friend. Heading to class, she quickly began to sprint through the halls until she'd made it to her homeroom, stopping nearest the door to catch her breath for a moment before calmly walking in as if she hadn't nearly had a heart attack a few minutes prior at the mere inkling of possibly being late. Walking to her desk, she took a seat and took a look at a small sheet of paper, taking note of the contents.

Homecoming...” She'd been familiar with it and by now it was routine... of course the ballots for prom king and queen were worth noting. “Hm...” She thought, striking a sly grin. “Considering I'm now an executive, I don't quite believe it my place to stick my nose in the business of the voters.” Coyly, she dismissed the paper, though on second inspection, she carefully took it and struck a few marks on it, folding it over such that the contents of her mark remain ambiguous. Afterward, she'd have turned to the instructor and proceeded with the day's lesson...

The school day would've continued as per usual, with the instructors giving their lessons and the students trying their hardest to either understand the material or keep their heads from slamming into their desks in exhaustion. For Ms. Watson, however, this wouldn't have been a problem in the slightest, as she had ways of making sure her students were wide awake in her class and paying the utmost attention, even if logarithmic functions were the most boring of boring mathematical topics. “Don't worry, you lot...” She'd often iterate... “This is nothing compared to sex education!

Lunch Time

12:30 p.m.

Christina counted her blessings as yet another bell rang. Before long, lunch would've arrived, giving students the free reign to temporarily reunite with their “beloved” companions, that is, until the bell rang and classes were to resume. If no one would've had detention, they'd have gone about lunch as per usual, with individual tables melodious with the latest gossip. Some rumors, so deeply entrenched into school's lore that they just couldn't be avoided, helped to even gather a few tables together in a form of socratic discussion.

Ingratiatory musings were common in such an atmosphere, and the fell silence that would consume a group of people when the subject of their harsh words stood nearby only further spoke for the false pretenses that many of these students put on. It wasn't all bad, though, as some rumors were just for laughs and many in fact knew that they weren't true. However... there was something to be said for that one voice that seemed to ring louder than the rest.

“Oh my freaking GOD are you serious!?” This familiar voice would've pervaded the focus Christina kept on the table she sought to claim as she walked by with her tray of food. She'd passed the group of a well known gossip, and took notice of how silent the table suddenly became as she passed by a few seconds before; a tattletale sign that brutal gossip was afoot. But as soon as her back was turned and she was believed to be out of earshot... “They really picked him!?

Another voice could be heard, snickering. “Oh-em-gee! You are soooo rude, Chas! It's a girl!”

“Well shit, are they sure!?” The table would've erupted in laughter at the response. “Damn, I'm prettier than that!”

…The one making the pretentious remarks was none other than Chastity Barnes, known well for his flamboyant nature and abnormally large number of friends.

Having come out as a homosexual male as a freshmen, Chastity actually began his years at Springpine High as a commodity to the students, as everyone wanted a chance to be near the kid who just plain didn't give a damn what people thought about him. This infectious attitude gained him more popularity in a week than most students would've expected in their entire high school careers. Of course, this came with its own dose of rumors and false statements about him, many of which were simply the run of the mill stereotypes that could be brewed about any closet homosexual,
and they were cruel. Soon, Chastity came to realize that the same way he created his popularity was the way in which he'd destroy the high school careers of his enemies. And before long, one of his greatest oppressors was suspended and almost expelled from the school on trumped up sexual harassment charges, which he'd convinced the faculty was none other than a hate-crime. With his family being in high wealth standing, and Chastity's father being more than capable of taking the school to court on the accusations should they be neglected, the school was left with little alternative but to overkill on the punishment of the other student, suspending him and convincing any outside officials that the statements on Chastity's behalf didn't warrant the expulsion of the other student on the grounds of lack of proof. Of course, the unnamed defendant ended up leaving the school entirely, as having to come back to the rumors of trying to have harassed the gay kid was probably a worse fate than being expelled. And with that, Chastity, who was clearly as persuasive as he was fashionable, became the head of the debate club, and soon... the SpringPine High Homecoming Committee.

Christina remained silent, stopping in place for a moment, debating on whether or not she should turn back on her steps and confront the boy. For a brief moment, she could feel a shudder in her backpack as it suddenly felt warm against her spine. She could almost feel a bloodied aura beginning to sift along the nape of her neck, and was reminded that she had a lion spirit in her backpack. Mentally calming herself, the shuddering soon stopped, and the backpack returned to normal temperature. She went to have a seat and continued eating her lunch without a word, though the dejection was written all over her face. Before long, though, the loud gossip stopped and Chastity stood.

“Anyway, Sam, you got the papers for the meeting today? I think the Student Council's might like the ideas we got.” He spoke, taking his manpurse and putting it over his shoulder.

“Yeah, I was gonna print them out but then you told me to hold off since Woodbridge High already... y'know.” The girl named Samantha spoke, and waved her hand in a slight circular 'y'know, that thing we have to keep on the DL' motion.

“Right, right. Well just print them off and make sure I have a copy, k babe?”

“Kk! Kisses!” The two gave each other air kisses on each cheek before Chastity turned and left the table, hips swinging as if they couldn't possibly lie.

I'm aware that a few times either the term "sex" or "sexual harassment" were mentioned in this post, however, due to site regulation I made it a point to refrain from explicitly stating anything that would potentially garner unwanted negative attention from the admins of the site. And to any admins or GM's reading this, if it appears that I've stepped near a boundary that I'd rather avoid for the sake of my continued usage of the site, as well as with my friends in this rp, I sincerely ask that you notify me as such via a PM. Thank you!

TL;DR I kinda tread into territory that I wasn't expecting mid post and after posting it I saw it looked a lil sketchy. DON'T TASE ME BRO!!
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Robert was fairly happy at school, now. He'd made a few friends in class, usually ones he'd sit with at lunch and in lessons. There were four of them, so it was rare that they found themselves forced apart, though Robert was pretty content on his own. It was nothing like being the billy no-mates he had been before - perhaps it was because he was getting older and people began being more mature. He was certainly glad of it, in any case, as they all enjoyed each other's company, and they had some pretty good banter between each other.

Homecoming was approaching, and Robert doubted that he'd be going. Parties, discos, dances, balls et cetera weren't really his thing. He always found himself either bored out of his mind or desperately trying to leave - not so much claustrophobia as not enjoying being surrounded on all sides by people, people, and more people. He supposed that he'd need to vote, though, so when he did he simply listed the name of the first reasonably popular person he could think of for this year:

Flynn Wright and Belle Arieye

Obviously Robert had never been one for politics or social whatnot so he'd no idea that Belle wasn't really supposed to be going for queen. Not that it would make a single hoot of a difference to him.

As it would (hopefully) do most days, lunch came around, and he went off to the canteen to get himself his share. Moving along the line, he saw a boy- no, girl looking a little dejected, and he could tell why. Behind her was Chastity, a complete arse and a huge gossip... evidently he was talking behind her back. Something about her getting elected. Something like Vice-president of the council, wasn't it? Some people really needed to learn some manners, doing that to the poor girl.

He decided to go and see if she was alright. What was it, Christina? Hopefully.

Walking up to her, and plucking up his courage, he asked her, "Hey, uh, are you ok? I know Chastity can be a bit... unkind."

Belle would usually sit with whoever managed to wave and call her over first. But today, she wanted a quiet table. So before she entered the cafeteria, Belle pulled up her hood over her face. Well, er, she supposed her big sparkly purple backpack and hummingbird gave her away, but she slid into a seat at an empty table quickly. Well, not totally empty. Christina was sitting there! Belle lifted her hood to wave at CJ before pulling her lunch, and her sketchbook out of her backpack. She also pulled out a page of math homework, which had been covered in sketches of dresses. Belle took one bite of her dad's PB & J sandwich before getting to work.

“Oh my freaking GOD are you serious!?” Belle flinched, a pencil stroke flying off course and making a dark streak in her almost finished sketch. Belle grumbled. She tried to continue to eat and draw but the loud gossip was too distracting. Belle put down the pencil to furiously glare at Chastity. And only then did it occur to her they were talking about CJ.

Belle could see the anger in CJ's eyes, and furrowed brows. Belle put a hand on CJ's shoulder, and gave a small smile and nod. It's not worth it, her smile said. Belle watched as Chastity walked away, silently promising herself she would flick him in the forehead someday.

"Hey, uh, are you ok? I know Chastity can be a bit... unkind." Belle grinned. Aww, what a sweetie! She waved at the boy before returning her gaze to her sketchbook.
Christina would've resumed eating her lunch, her expression unchanged as suddenly a familiar face walked up.

"Hey, uh, are you ok? I know Chastity can be a bit... unkind." It was Robert, another member of the Urban Exploration Club. She hadn't found herself speaking to him at all, before that moment but for the time being, it was nice to see another person capable of seeing past all the airs put on by the different students, and just ask an honest question. Of course... Christina was never one to be open about her feelings, especially not so soon. Belle was also present, expressing concern for the girl's wellbeing.

She remained silent for that brief instance, looking back to notice that Chastity was gone, but some of the people from his particular group of friends had remained, of course they weren't nearly as loud and robust as they'd been when he was present. How unnerving, that they could so hastily dig into someone's very persona with their gossip without a second thought, rummage around and probably cause anyone they pleased an insurmountable amount of emotional damage, and then five seconds later pretend as if they'd done nothing wrong... as if the person whom they'd just verbally slain stopped existing when they stopped thinking about them and moved onto their next prey. It was ugly... they were ugly...

She turned back to those at her own table, raising an eyebrow. “Hm? Was he talking about me?” She put down her fork and then waved a hand in dismissal at the statement, pretending as if she hadn't given the musings a second thought. “Don't mind him. I'm sure he was probably talking about himself for most of the time anyway. People like that always like to push their insecurities on other people before they're willing to admit it to themselves.” She took another bite of the salad and then swallowed, debating on ways to change the subject... “Speaking of... have you both any plans for the homecoming events?” She nodded toward the sketches on the nearby papers...
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Wally had, unfortunately, missed the situation that had just gone down. It was fortunate for Chastity however, as had Wally heard the conversation he most likely would have simply punched the smug kid in the face.

If you couldn't tell, Wally wasn't a big fan of Chastity. The two hardly had a good history, and Wally had long believed that a large number of the rumors that made everyone afraid or hate him originated from Chastity. Wally back in his more violent days had debated punching him then, but even back when Wally was more violent, he didn't risk attacking the popular kids. After Chastity started using his power of popularity, Wally was glad he never did anything to him.

Doesn't mean he liked him though.

Still, Wally was in a good mood. Thanks to Correy he had actually managed to get to school on time, students everywhere stared at him wide-eyed.

It was a good day.

Sitting down next to the others, Wally nodded before digging into lunch with vigor. If there was anything Wally liked, it was food.

And Wally really liked food. As he dug in and listened in to the conversation that went on, he only occasionally butted in to say anything. For once Wally was in a good mood and content to just listen to his friends. Should he be pressed as to homecoming, he'd reveal he didn't have much plans at all. No tux, no date, nothing. As Wally put it himself: "Most of the people around here, especially girls, would prefer to run away then talk to me, let alone go to a dance."

Wally did have plans though, although it would be a wonder if Belle didn't pass out upon hearing them. "Honestly, I'll probably just stay home and try and finish the renovations."
Belle didn't really pay much attention to the conversation after that, because she'd suddenly drawn a very beautiful dress idea, and was furiously scribbling over it, making edits and changes and thinking, this must be the one! The only thing Belle caught CJ saying was, “Speaking of... have you both any plans for the homecoming events?

Belle slammed her sketchbook against the table, staring at Christina wide-eyed. "DO I." She yelled. "I was just sketching dress ideas - I'm probably gonna make it from scratch or get a plain dress and add all the details. I'm thinking floral prints. Floral prints are so pretty, don't you think? But I need a color. I want to wear a necklace that I have that's emerald so it should match emerald. Maybe like, cyan. Lots of blues. Oh maybe it'll be like, kind of floral prints on the bottom like a little garden and then the rest will be like pretty blues of the sky! I'm still deciding on the length - definetly somewhere below the knees but do I want long and flowy, at risk of tripping all of prom?" Belle inhaled, and giggled.

"Honestly, I'll probably just stay home and try and finish the renovations."
Belle's jaw dropped. "WALLY. NO." She shrieked. "Prom comes only once a year, just for four years of highschool! No! You have to enjoy it." Belle stood up, grabbing Wally by the shoulders with an incredibly firm grip, a fire in her eyes. "I will make you the most handsome man prom has ever seen."

"You know what, all of you! Come to my house, with whatever you're gonna wear to prom. I will make it ten times better. And Wally, come early."
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Robert was mostly relaxed, perhaps a little apprehensive, when he had first started talking to Christina, having begun relaxing as they talked. He was glad to hear that she hadn't taken Chas' words to heart, hurtful as they were, though he wasn't sure if he had perhaps detected a slight hint of uncertainty there, as if she didn't entirely believe the words as she said them.

He decided not to press the issue, as he didn't really know her that well, and would hate to offend her by prying into something that wasn't his business.

Then, she mentioned homecoming, and he became somewhat less relaxed. He REALLY wasn't one for parties, dances, balls, et cetera, but it would be kind of awkward to explain it...

Then Belle started her waffle about her dress... she was evidently a talented artist, and blimey did she like to talk. Her reaction to Wally's dismissal of prom was a tad terrifying to him, but worse was when he rounded on the rest of them, and now he was rather stuck in with going... damn, this was going to be hell.

At least the one suit he had was ok. It was fairly simple, a black tie affair, no fancy upturned collar, frilled shirt or anything, just a white shirt, black jacket, black tie, and black leather shoes.

"Uhh... yeah, sure. When do you mean? And, uh... whereabouts do you live?"
Belle paused. "Whup. Forgot to tell you. 739 Ficus Drive. The light blue house. Everyone, 7pm, Wally, at least 6pm. Bring your outfit."

(Quick reply x3)
Christina was taken aback by the girl's sudden outburst of unabridged information pertaining to her most recent designs for dresses. T'was no wonder Belle was so popular with everyone, she apparently wanted to be a fashion designer. Christina remained silent until the discussion turned to everyone, including Wally who arrived a bit later, planning to go to Belle's house to plan for the festivities to come the following weekend.

She briefly... very briefly considered it, and then rose an eyebrow, closing her eyes at the statement. “Pass. The Student Council's having a meeting this afternoon and I can't afford to keep missing these...” She quickly stood up, throwing her backpack over her shoulder and nodding to everyone. “Also, please tell Leona I'm sorry I won't be at the club meeting, either. I promise I'll make it up to her, later!” She grabbed her foam food tray, tossed it in the trash and began walking to her locker.
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