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Realistic or Modern Hᴉdden

Off To Class...

Parting with Belle and Wally after her last words, Correy headed down the halls towards the classroom. She'd spent a good part of the week memorizing the map of the school. All part of the plan to blend in. Not that it would matter if she pulled out a map now, the halls were emptier than the last flask of whiskey at socialites' party. So much for skipping out during lunch. So much for any plans I made today. Let me guess, next a vortex is going to appear and completely swallow up the beach, making it never possible to go there! She scoffed to herself, turning the corner and opening the door without heed--

Smack! "Ow..." she scowled, looking up-- to realize she'd run into a redhead. Wait, not just any redhead, that weirdo who was manhandling that dog from earlier. Great, just my luck. Next thing I know, she's gonna wanna punch me out for this lovetap. "Sorry," Correy muttered at the redhead, not sorry at all, but keeping up appearances, she gave the girl an apologetic smile before turning to face the teacher, whom with her stunt, she'd clearly disrupted. "Sorry for being late, first day, you know..." she trailed off, wondering if her attempt to connect with the teacher would go anywhere. He was certainly young enough that he'd remember school... Correction, he looked young, for all she knew, he was eighty and just had a young face.

Correy had to refrain from smirking.

Flynn quickly petted the dogs head one last time after his 'hilarious pun' before quickly rushing into school. Of course he didn't make it very far into the new high school since he had no idea where he was going. This was never usually a problem whenever he moved to a new high school since he was never late and would have gotten a brief tour of the school, or at least some directions. Damn. Can't be helped that my duty as this towns hero called so soon. I'll take a guess then. Flynn looked around for a few seconds, his fellow students already running or walking off to their individual classes. He stopped and looked towards Wally and Belle for a few seconds. Eh, they seem about as smart as me. Even if I'm wrong I'll still be close to the correct class. Flynn sighed before following the two, slowly catching up to them so he could act like he knew where he was going.

"You guys got math now?"

Flynn looked towards, or rather looked up to the giant student. It took a moment for Flynn to respond. Despite having already saw the boy and his surprising height, Flynn didn't realise how tall the student was until he was walking next to him and having to look up to make eye contact. Flynn nodded in response, and smiled as the boy explained his lack when it came to maths.

"So, dog boy."

Although Flynn didn't really like the title, even if Wally was just joking, he retained his smile.
"My name's Flynn. I wouldn't worry too much about maths. I'm not too great at it either." Once Flynn had reached the door to his class, he didn't bother looking to check if the others were behind him, Flynn was to busy being nervous of the possible verbal onslaught directed towards him once he showed up late. He just hoped that his teacher wasn't the kind to implode with rage with things such as punctuality. And while Flynn did have a reasonable excuse, at least he was pretty sure it was reasonable, it sounded about as legitimate as the 'the dog ate my homework' excuse. He took a deep breath and opened the door to the classroom, ready to face the music.


Mr. Robertson (Math Studies p.I)

As the two girls burst in, Mr. Robertson turned to look at the two of them.
"Sorry for being late, first day, you know..." He stared at them for a moment, face expressionless, before a small smile appeared on the young mans face. While the teacher was completely aware of the possibility that she was lying to him, he didn't feel it was right to call her out as a liar with no proof or suspicion. He was just happy the two of them showed up, despite being a bit late.

"It's fine. Please take a seat and open your textbooks to the first chapter. We're currently learning Pre-calc" He instructed with the same soft spoken tone. He then returned to the board and continued writing as the students in his classroom flipped through their books to the correct page.
Ms. Watson (College Algebra)

On cue, the woman looked to the door not even a nanosecond upon the clicking of the knob from its place that held it shut. It opened and in trotted two boys, the first of which was exceptionally tall and the second of which sported black and rather untamed hair. By cue, she tilted down her glasses, her pupils glaring to the two like daggers, eyeballing the two latecomers as though looks would call a piano to fall from the sky atop them for daring to disrupt her silent class. There was a distilled silence as the sounds of textbook pages hovered about the disquiet seemingly in unison. The eyes of numerous students about the room met the figures of the tardy students. They were the center of attention.

So is this going to be a one time thing or are you two going to be the dilatory duo that never seem to know exactly when class starts?” Regardless of their answer, she'd have tersely spoken to cut them off, once again. “Give me your names and have a seat so I can at least mark you as present for today's attendance. We're skipping to chapter five to prep you for the upcoming worksheet. Make sure you take notes, okay boys?” After giving her instructions, she'd have returned to her filing, then turning to the computer to mark the attendance books for the day.

As Imogen stood by the door, looking around the classroom to locate herself a seat. Her cheeks were still pink from the realization of being late on the first day, and the sadistic reminder of sudden detention was a little depressing. She thought to herself while messing with her sidebag about the entire situation she had just been through. It was ridiculous, really. The blonde with the dog was a huge airhead, not even remembering that there were treats on her person and that the dog would want them enough to give chase. She gave a pouting expression when she felt the bottom of her bag, pulling her fingers away with slight dirt on her fingertips.

Then, as she had been wiping off the smudge from her fingers onto her jeans, she had been bumped into be someone, forcing her to take a staggering step forward, almost losing her balance in the front of the classroom. When regaining herself and her balance, she looked back behind her to see a tallish blonde with an apologetic smile on her face, but she almost looked like she was expecting something when running into Imogen. The blonde apologized, so she thought she would as well. "Hey, it's alright. Accidents happen." she said coolly, looking over to the teacher when the blonde spoke to him.
MR. ANDERSON (Math Studies p. II)

"Uh... would it be alright if I went to see him?

"Yeah!" Diana whispered back, glancing again at Mr. Anderson, who seemed to be preoccupied lecturing out of the book, "Definitely."

"I kind of forgot to feed him before I gave him to you..."

"Oooh, yeah? I totally didn't notice," Diana coughed nervously. "He's a good dog! Already bonding with some of the students," she said. It'd have been more accurate had she said 'one', but hey, same difference.

"Ms. Janoska, Ms. Ridley. I'm lax about chatting in the classroom, but could your in-depth conversation wait until after?" Mr. Anderson suddenly commented from where he was heavily leaning over the podium.

"Oops," Diana whispered as she snapped her neck to the math teacher. "Sorry sir, just some SBC stuff we're taking care of!"

"...Doesn't the Student Body Council have meetings for that?"

"We do, Mr. A, we just have so much to tie up and stuff."

"..." Either he was tired, bored, or just didn't care, because he went on lecturing without replying to Diana.

"You should run for VP this year, I'd back you," Diana suddenly said, soon as Mr. Anderson resumed. Though at this point, she was whispering even more softly.

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Christina shifted in her chair at Mr. Anderson's remark about their talking. As much as she hated being scolded, it felt really odd to be scolded about talking to someone in the classroom. And in front of other people, whom she attempted her best to divert eye contact from should they be staring as students always did when someone became the center of attention for negative reasons, it made her feel as though she was one of those girls who was getting a talking to for talking to a “friend” during class. Stranger things have happened, but still...

"You should run for VP this year, I'd back you," Diana suddenly said, soon as Mr. Anderson resumed. Though at this point, she was whispering even more softly.

This caught the girl by surprise. So much that her temporary focus that she'd attempted to regain on Mr. Anderson was broken once more. “V-VP?” She whispered back, albeit just as soft as she could manage to match Diana's but such that the girl in front of her could hear. “You mean... like Vice President... on the Associate Student Body?” She tried to laugh softly, if for no other reason than to dull down the following denial of Diana's kind words, leaning in a little more just to make sure the girl could hear. “Heh... sorry, but I don't think I'm cut out for a thing like that. I'm not what you'd call the brightest of the bunch...

The girl had been so immersed in the conversation that she'd attempted to lean forward, her buttock sliding from the chair on which she sat so much that it slid backward. With her feet hoisted in the air on the second chair, it was impossible for her to use her feet to restore her balance. Bottom first, her chair slid entirely backward and she crashed from the chair to underneath her desk in a hot second, the last of her words going from whispers to agonized shouts. When all was said and done, the girl rubbed her bottom in an ache, complaining under her breath at whatever omnipotent being could be behind such embarrassment: “Jeez, I already told her I ain't the brightest of the bunch, you didn't have to go so far as to make a point of it...
"I...I wasn't being creepy! I was just...wondering if my old friend was back in town." "That's.. sweet, but still creepy." Belle harumped. Helistened to him speak about Correy, all longing-like and almost depressed. Huh. They musta been close or something. She winced at her own memories. "Thanks for at least trying to get me moving again, we're probably going to make you late huh? Sorry about that." He sighed, turning back to Correy. "You really should stop teasing her Cords, it's not fair to the girl, she hardly knows you." Belle nodded vigorously but left it at that. Suddenly, Correy yelled out; "Race you to the finish!" Hey! Belle was unprepared for this. You have to say three, two, one, go! Or one, two, three, go.. eh. All the same anyway. Wait. Wait! She should be running! She ran, and ran, and ran.. and then..


What! WHAT! This was an outrage! She hadn't done anything! She had just got here! No! She was going to have a clean streak, make her dad proud, get goods grade this time.. five seconds in.. DETENTION?!?! Belle's jaw fell. "Nooooo..." She whispered, not wanting to get in trouble anymore but having to voice her frustration somehow. Wally trudged off into the school with a glum look on his face. Belle gazed at all the other kids silently, then let out a long sigh and followed Wally. She slinked behind him, afraid trouble would catch her wherever she went if she was walking in plain sight, so she crouched as she walked.

"You guys got math now? So do I, I can show you where the class is, but once we get there..." Ohh. Yeah. She had forgot she actually had a class to go to, her job was not just crouching behind this sweet creep-o all day. Wally went on to talk about how math wasn't his subject, and Belle brightened for a moment, happy to have something in common with someone, but then deflated as she realized she couldn't help him at all since she was probably even worse at it then him. "So, dog boy." This made Belle realize someone else was walking with them. "I'm Wally, this girl here is Belle, before we head into math, whats your name?" "Uh, hi." Belle said quietly to the boy. "My name's Flynn. I wouldn't worry too much about maths. I'm not too great at it either." "We can be the bad-at-maths team." Belle muttered.

So is this going to be a one time thing or are you two going to be the dilatory duo that never seem to know exactly when class starts?Was she talking about her? No! Wait! She was talking about just the boys! Haha! Hiding behind Wally worked! Woo! Belle slowly sneaked over to an empty seat and then sat up perfectly straight, looking as alert as possible. Everyone had their books open, but Belle couldn't figure out what page, so she brought out her book, flipped to somewhere in the middle and pondered if she should ask the teacher what chapter. But wait. Then the teacher would know she was late.. aw..

@TerraBooma @Flabbysaurus @storm3510
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MR. ANDERSON (Math Studies p. II)

Diana was trying so hard not to burst out laughing. It wasn't easy. She had both hands over her mouth, turning red in the face as her cheeks expanded. Mr. Anderson looked over the seats to see his student on the floor, and shook his head, sighing. "Would you like a pass to the nurses's office?" Without waiting for an answer, he wrote up one, signed it, and sent it to the back using the power of 'pass this back'.

The sun-blonde took it put it on Christina's desk, before getting up to give the fallen girl a helping hand, quite literally. "Let's talk about this over lunch, yeah? I'll be in room 102B." Diana very unsuspiciously left out that that was the lunch detention room.

The Day Goes On...

Correy was... surprised, actually. After the morning start she'd had, she'd expected the girl to be mean and the teacher to be grumpy at her. Yet, they were... kind...? Correy sniffed and scratched her head in her seat. What are you grumbling about, did you wanna be pummeled in the face and get double-detentioned? she inwardly huffed at herself. She subtly eyed the redhead from her place by the window, for a moment, but shook her head before facing the Mr. Robertson. Correy wasn't going to figure out the girl over one class period, and certainly not at a glance.

Mr. Robertson, as it turned out, gave out a chill, laid-back sort of air. Not apathetic, just, not hardcore. It was refreshing considering her last math teacher. The class went on without much of a hitch, with Correy taking notes like a 'diligent' student, and leisurely packing her back a minute or two before the bell rung.

Second period went by without a cinch, and Correy was looking forward to lunch-- only to have her in tact memory remind her of the fun fun lunch detention she'd procured earlier this morning.
This day. This. Day. She wanted to crumple her fists in frustration, but there were too many students around in the hallway to make such a display.

Let's just get this over with... she sighed, where is it again? The pale-blonde looked at the detention slip. "102B," she murmured under her breath, making her way down the hall. So much for the beach.
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Flynn didn't bother to try and excuse his late arrival. He'd already been given detention, there was no reason to anger another teacher and possibly get another one. "Sorry for being late. My name is Flynn Wright." And with that, the now strangely less energetic teen sat down at one of the few empty desks and began to take notes.

For Flynn, the maths class seemed to drag on for what felt like hours. Always glancing at the clock to see how far it had moved, only to see a couple of minutes had went by at best. As well as always worrying that the intimidating teacher would snap it him. He felt that if he even simply dropped his pencil she would give him an evil, unflinching stare as if he just insulted her whole family and everything they stood for. Once the bell finally rang, Flynn let out a quiet sigh of relief and was quick to go to his next class, which seemed to go by much quicker. However, he had remembered the unfair detention given to him once class had ended. So much for lunch I guess... Flynn took a look at the detention slip given to him. He recited the class name aloud and proceeded to stumble around the school for a few minutes in search of it. Eventually he found it after having grumbled about not being given a guide whatsoever and having been thrown in the deep end with this school. He walked into the classroom and slumped in his seat like an angry child. Pouting and all.

Much to Christina's dismay, not only had she just made a complete and utter buffoon of herself with the small stunt she'd just pulled with her seat, but it appeared that Diana still hadn't caught the hint that I really wasn't the type for such a position as Vice President of the Associate Student Body. Even having proven so by falling inexplicably out of a chair for no apparent reason, the reality that Christina wasn't the brightest of the bunch still somehow managed to evade Diana's perception. She didn't even hear Mr. Anderson ask her about a pass to the nurse's office, but she was present enough to receive the slip from Diana, as well as a helping hand. She gently took the note and then received the hand, standing.

"Let's talk about this over lunch, yeah? I'll be in room 102B."

Alright...” Christina replied in kind, sighing heavily before taking the pass and quietly exiting the room. In actuality, she wasn't hurt, so instead she decided to use the remaining minutes of class to head to her locker and remain there until things died down. When class was over, she returned to class to grab her things, then heading to the next course.

Eventually, the day would've passed on to lunch. After such a rough start, Christina relished in the idea of a good salad with the tea she'd decided to make that morning, but the moment was quickly tarnished when she recalled Diana's proposition. The girl's mind was already set on refusing the offer, so she couldn't further offend the girl by completely disregarding the meeting, despite knowing its inevitable outcome. “Guess I can't really refuse...” She spoke aloud to herself, turning down the hall with her bag and heading toward the room.


Outside room 102B

By the time she'd reached the room, Christina looked about the area in question... “Why... would she choose this room of all places? Is it a meeting place for the Associate Student Body? Oh God... I hope she didn't think I'd accept and took the initiative to sign me up, already!” As soon as she'd arrived, the girl was already plaguing herself with cognitive nonsense, trying to resist the urge to recoil in the face of such embarrassing thoughts of having to give a speech during which she'd have to give a civilized reply to her rejection of the Vice Presidential position... what a quandary that'd be. Shaking her head to free herself of further trifles, she looked at the door and opened it, entering and taking a seat in the nearest seat to the back of the room, putting on her hood so that it covered her face. Every so often, she'd peek outward to see just who was present on the council, and possibly who her competition would be. “Hey, wait a minute! I'm rejecting the offer! What am I getting so stressed for?
Wally sighed as he stared face down at his desk. Math drove him up the wall sometimes. Nothing ever really made sense to the large boy, and when you thought it about it, it was almost ironic. Back at home, he could manage the till of his Grandma's shop with no problems, but put a paper and pencil with some complex issues and his brain seemed to cut into two.

With a frustrated groan he leaves the math room, he still had a class to go before lunch....His stomach rumbled, and he silently lamented having to spend it in the detention room. Man...he was hungry.

One more stomach-growling class later, he found himself released to go to detention. "Room 102B....I swear, I visit you way too much." Wally sighs and starts walking towards the Detention hall. So much for a quiet year...maybe this would be the only time?

As he starts to walk into the room, he notices he's the third person there. Flynn from before is somewhat familiar, but based on the sour look on his face, Wally figures it might not be a good idea to approach him just that second. That left the other person in the room. Sitting in front of her, Wally looks behind him, a puzzled look on his face. Whoever was hiding under that hood clearly didn't want to be here. With a chuckle, Wally thinks to himself that he was in the same boat.

After a few minutes of the figure peering out from under her hoodie, Wally thinks he's figured out who it is. "Hey...Christina right? I know Detention isn't the funnest place to be, but you don't need to act like we're going to eat you alive." He chuckles. "Lighten up a little." A pause, "Anyway, how'd you get sent here? Ms. Ericon catch you late too?"
The day was a blur. Really. Belle couldn't focus on a single thing. To start the day with math was the complete and utter worst thing that could ever possibly exist. She just couldn't grasp the idea of X equals YZ because 2 +.. whatever. It just didn't make sense to her, and Belle was so sure it was impossible to do math that she didn't even bother to try.

"You have a good head for it. I know you do. You have to give it a chance." Her father would say to her. And she tried, just for him.. but it never worked. She'd get distracted, or frustrated, anything would happen except math. So that class wasn't fun. At all. She was really pulling her hair out, trying to understand the math problems they were given. When she left the class her head hurt.

The day dragged on. She perked up a little during art, but was saddened once more when someone spilled paint all over her jeans. Somebody high-fived somebody else and there was lots of laughing. She shrunk down in her seat, turning terribly red. That just made her even more grumpy. And she didn't have anymore bright purple to use for her painting.

So, she walked to detention, her jeans splattered with bright purple paint, and slumped down in a seat, grumbling. "I don't even deserve to be here. I didn't do anything." She mumbled to herself. She was also really hungry. Her stomach growled but she tried to ignore it, banging her head against the desk in frustration. Her dad would not be happy.
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The day went by at a rather moderate pace, and Imogen found herself to be constantly daydreaming. She just couldn't pay attention to all the first-day spiels that she didn't care much about anyways. Slumped over forward in her seat, she leaned her hand into the palm of her hand, her elbow rested on the table: typical bored student position. Classes on the first day were always grueling to sit through, so all she could think to do was pass the time with some doodles. Nothing really exciting was going on in Imogen's day, and it was even worse when she had remembered that she had been assigned detention. And on the first day. That sounds just like my luck...

Finally had her last class ended, as she exited her class with her sidebag handing off her shoulder. She cursed to herself when she realized she didn't know where the detention classroom was, so she decided to ask around, inconspicuously, of course. She finally located the room while wandering around the school's campus, and opened the door. Inside was a handful of other students, and that was a little surprising as well as disappointing. As expected, the boy with Imogen at the dog scene was there, and she caught his eye briefly before taking a random seat next to someone(this can be anyone except for Correy/Flynn). The blonde girl that had bumped into her in first class was present as well.

I wonder what a girl like her could have done? she asked herself, implying that the blonde from before looked like on of those 'good girls', as she then lifted her bag off her shoulder and placed it on the desk in front of her. But then again, Imogen looked back at her case for getting in trouble, so maybe the blonde's case was similarly as random and idiotic? Asking would be weird, so she just slumped forward in her desk again, with a bored expression and her chin resting in both her hands with elbows on the desk.


Finally finding 201B, Correy entered through the doors and took in the room, and the people. Oh look: One of the three 'dog wranglers' were here: Correy recognized the boy as the one who'd had the large stick in his hand. He was slumped in his seat, pouting like a dejected child. Hah, looked like Wally had made it here before her too. He was in the back of the room, talking to a new face. Whoever this dude was, he had his hood pulled up so catching any visual details was a chore. A delinquent in the making, Correy inwardly sneered, working to keep it off her face. Oh, look, Wally's-not-girlfriend was here too-- with the biggest stain of bright-purple paint on her jeans. Pfft.

"Trying on a new color?" she lightly teased the girl, slipping into the seat behind her. You know, this wasn't half bad. There was a small enough group that she could harass talk to whom she wanted without dealing with whom she didn't. Not that she had a large list of 'unwanteds' as of yet, save Wally. But that was a small problem... I'm supposed to be at the shoreline, with the sand between my toes and the salty sea-air in my nose, she reminded herself. Right. She was supposed to be miserable, and she wasn't going to let some halfassed spark of hope change that.

Click. Correy looked to the door on instinct, seeing the redhead come in and take a seat. Two outta three, she thought. Once that other blonde came in, it'd make the dog-wrangler trifecta.
Not much time had passed since she'd arrived in the room, to which she was unknowingly admitting herself in the form of confinement. Unbeknownst to her, she was stuck in the the middle of a lunch detention, and yet had she, to realize such a thing. And then came a young boy... tall... to sit in front of her. Not only that, but when he sat, she caught numerous glimpses of him whenever she'd looked out from under the hood.

Who the hell is this creepazoid? I didn't know the student council had-- hey wait a minute. This boy... isn't he that tall delinquent kid everyone talks about? Since when the hell did they let people like him on the student council!? … Well then again they are considering me, too, so I really shouldn't be so surprised. What's his name again..?

Suddenly, he spoke, breaking her from her cognitive colloquialisms."Hey...Christina right? I know Detention isn't the funnest place to be, but you don't need to act like we're going to eat you alive."

...Like you're going to eat me alive? Hmph, please. Like I'd ever be afraid of a bunch of detention kid-- wait huh?” Immediately, she shot him a glare. “What the hell did you just say this was? Detention? You mean this isn't the Associate Student Council room?” “This airhead talked me into joining her in a prison hold!? What type of--” One wouldn't notice without seeing her face... but her eyes were filled with a deadly fire, her right hand balled into a blazing fist (the flames being metaphorical, of course). “That girl is going to get a serious talking to, when she gets here!
Mr. Robertson - Detention Class 102B

As the students in detention conversed with one another the door to the classroom 102B slowly opened. Without even glancing to see which students were currently trapped in the detention room, Mr. Robertson entered. A half eaten sandwich in one hand, a bottle of water in the other and a newspaper under his left arm. He sat down at the wooden desk at the front of the classroom, placing all of his items onto the desk in front him. The man took another bite of has sandwich and looked up to see the number of students already in detention on the first day. It was quite the band of misfits. A hooded individual talking to another taller boy. Both looked like the stereotypical 'bad kid' that always ended up in detention. Another girl banging her head against the desk, purple paint had been splattered down her jeans, while another student sat slumped in his seat like a child. Then there were his own two pupils, Correy and Imogen.

Mr. Robertson simply stared at the students, mouth slightly agape. Clear confusion in his eyes. How do so many pupils have detention on the first day? Taking the last bite of his sandwich, Mr. Robertson cleared his throat to address the classroom. He had hoped to finish his crossword but his curiosity had been peaked. It could be solved at another time.

"I don't mean to intrude but... How are so many of you here? What could you all have possibly done so early on the first day of school to land you all in detention?" Mr. Robertson's voice was one of concern for the entire class. Worried as to what resulted in these students getting into trouble. He hoped it was just a misunderstanding, or if not, something he could help with. He hated to imagine these teenagers continuing to get put in detention and let themselves fail their classes and throwing away their education.
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While Flynn was pouting in his chair like an upset child, he payed little attention to the students that entered the room. The grumpy teen simply grumbled in his chair about how unfair the situation was and how he would allegedly starve to death because he was being deprived of his lunch. It was a good thing he was mumbling since no doubt he would only embarrass himself further if he said these things aloud along with current childish attitude to the detention he had been given. It was until Mr. Robertson entered the classroom that Flynn looked up and began to have a more serious look on his face. However, the teacher that arrived wasn't who Flynn expected. A male who seemed nice enough. He had to be at least better than Ms. Ericon, the teacher Flynn had hoped would enter so he could give her a piece of his mind. It seemed that would have to wait until later. Looking at the soft spoken maths teacher, Flynn noticed a perplexed look on his face. Turning around, Flynn noticed the band of misfits that were also in detention. He recognized the trio who were late, one of whom had seemed to manage to cover her lower half with purple paint. As well as Imogen, who had assisted him in his dog chase. The only one Flynn didn't know was a hooded...person sitting next to the giant that was Wally.

"I don't mean to intrude but... How are so many of you here? What could you all have possibly done so early on the first day of school to land you all in detention?"

The moment Flynn heard those words his head whipped back around to face the teacher, almost jumping out of his seat as he began to vent to the maths teacher. "I'll tell ya why! I was wrongly imprisoned by that old hag Ms. Eri...Uh..." Flynn's passionate rant was cut short as his memory failed him. "Whatever, either way I saved a girls life and was given a detention as a reward. What kind of school is this?!" Flynn slumped in his chair again once he was finished ranting. Completely oblivious to how ridiculous his exaggerated story of his 'brave deed' was.
Wally blinked for a few seconds as he processed the girl's questions. He starts to speak but stopped as he realized just how fired up she was. Did he say something wrong? He didn't think so. And was it really that surprising they were in the detention room? He sighs, frustrated with himself. So much for not getting in trouble. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he finds he's having trouble figure out what to say. There's something in the tomboy's eyes that screamed to him; watch what you say or I will tear you apart.

So that was proving fun.

Slightly scared, Wally spoke up again. "So uh... Christina. I'm not sure how you got her ebut this is detention...not the student council." He pauses, then gulps. "Actually abo-"

Before he could continue however, he was interrupted by the teacher walking in, and Flynn's complaining about unfairness and the like of the school. Turning his attention (Somewhat gratefully) away from CJ, he spoke up. "Me and a few of the others were late sir. Ms Ericon Caught us and...well, you know how she is." He makes a helpless hand gesture.

In truth, Wally wanted to use somewhat stronger language, but he felt it wouldn't help his situation.
The click of the door handle turning, and in came another detentionee; the blonde from this morning, the dog chased, and the culprit who'd managed to drag a non-detentionee into detention: Diana.

"Hey Adam!" she said breathlessly, clearly she'd been jogging to get here, "Sorry I'm la--" the girl trailed off, noticing the small gathering of students. " 'Ho man! You guys work fast! I thought I'd be the first one here after club sign-ups," catching a glimpse of Imogen and Flynn, she cracked a larger smile, "Fancy seeing you two here!"

Correy attempted to keep a straight face as she refrained from rubbing her temples. Three outta three, doggie trifecta. But man, did this girl just waltz in like she owned the place? All late an unapologetic, jesus of nazerath, this girl was gonna be a bucket of sunshine to deal with.
And who's Adam?
The boy in front of Christina proved to be at least somewhat informative. He'd confirmed the girl's suspicions of Diana having somehow arranged her voluntary entrance into the makeshift hall of delinquentry without her having realized it until it was far too late in the matter, and unless someone held records of who was in detention and who wasn't, it was safe to say that, even without the tomboyish and abrasive expression the girl always wore, it would be difficult convincing the “warden” that she wasn't supposed to be there, even though she'd technically only been there for a matter of minutes. “And speaking of the jackass in front of me... why the hell is he acting so damn nervous? It's not like I'll bite him. Well, not right now, anyway.” Just as soon as her thoughts turned on him, his own discussion somehow maneuvered to the teacher that presided over the detention hall's upkeep. And soon enough, Diana made her entrance. Just that quick, as if she were dangling from the side of a building, Christina's hands went sweaty. It was a bad habit of hers to be blunt when it wasn't necessary, so being around ditsy sweethearts, who were always the type to take harsh words to heart, never was her idea of hanging out with good company. So normally she approached these girls like a nervous wreck, and it was even worse when these girls presumed her a guy... “How unsightly. Now how the hell do I get this girl's attention without making a scene?

Without a second thought, Christina threw her hand in the air, the rest of her body remaining stoic, as if the hand had a mind of its own, and waved it about unconvincingly to signal Diana that she was present and accounted for... no matter how little she wanted to be.
Wally blinked as a new girl came into the room, he thinks he's seen her around before, and besides just this morning. She had to be a local like himself and Christina. That was the only way she could have known about sign ups an-


Sign ups.


Groaning, Wally puts his hand over his face. Of course, sign ups, how the hell could he have forgotten? With a frustrated sigh, he puts his head in his hands, and then looks up at the blank stares more then a few of the out of town students are giving them. He might as well explain to them what they had just missed. "Signups are..." He sighed. "For clubs, it's mandatory to sign up for at least one." He pauses, clearly thinking. "Things get full up quickly, since we're in here...we probably missed all the spots on the normal clubs." He sighs, then turns back to the teacher, pleading would be the only chance they had. "Ad-" Er..."Mr. Robertson, could we please be dismissed early? We have to signup!" Wally knows his words are falling on deaf ears, but he had to try. At this rate, only a few clubs would be left!


Meanwhile, in the other side of the school, an older man sighs, annoyed. A single nametag the only thing to reveal his Identity: Adrian. He walked with a purposeful stride, and was clearly in a sour mood. Many seniors and other teachers simply stepped out of the Janitor's way, he was always angry this time of year, they all said. Many chose to just stay clear of him and stay out of his way. He knew where his daughter was, and when he found her he was going to yell his head off. Restraining anger, he slams the detention door open, relaxing slightly at the sight of a familiar laid back teacher. "Adam, I know it's detention and all, but could we give the kids a break for today? It is the first day after all."
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"Fancy seeing you two here!"

Flynn was not amused by the comment from Diana. If he hadn't bothered to help the currently carefree girl then he wouldn't be in his current situation. Stuck in detention, hungry, and now apparently missing club sign-ups. It seemed like Flynn's bad luck was finally reaching its pinnacle, but he certainly wouldn't be surprised if it continued to screw him over further. By this point the angry teen simply had his head in his hands as the door was slammed open by the janitor. Flynn didn't seem to care at this point and continued to hold his head in his hands.


Mr. Robertson - Detention Class 102B

Mr. Robertson gave a slow nod as responses were given to his question. He simply sighed at the realization it had been Ms Ericon who had sent them all off to detention. "We-" Before he could speak, Mr. Robertson was disrupted by another student entering the classroom.

"Hey Adam!"

The man looked towards Diana and smile when he noticed it was her. She had always been a good friendly student to him. "Hello Diana. Please don't tell me you've been given a detention as well?" Mr. Robertson asked. But before he could get a response, another person entered the room, this time a bit louder to say the least.

"Adam, I know it's detention and all, but could we give the kids a break for today? It is the first day after all."

For a moment the young teacher was startled, however noticing it was Adrian his cheery appearance was present once again. "Hello Adrian. It is awfully busy here today I must admit but that is besides the point though. I was just about to talk about letting these students out. It seems Ms. Ericon has been her usual self and I personally don't agree with her choice of punishment. Especially on the first day and for new students who have joined the school." He turned to face the class of students. "You are all free to leave. Don't worry about Ms. Ericon. If she sees you outside of detention just direct her to me please. I will deal with her." And with that Mr. Robertson took a gulp of water from his water bottle before reaching for his newspaper and continuing his crossword.

For a brief moment he glanced back up from the puzzle
"Oh, and remember to head to the club sign-ups." And with that, his had was once again analyzing the crossword.
Catching Christina's hand, Diana beamed, waving back at her, efficient but friendly. 'I'm glad you came,' she mouthed to her future VP.

"Hello Diana. Please don't tell me you've been given a detention as well?"

"I did, sir! There was a dog, a damsel, and two dashing heroes..." Diana trailed off as she saw Adrian's face...
Oh man, I'm in for it. Sure, he was talking all nice and pleasant-normal to Adam, but she could tell-- that man, he was not happy, and she was certain that she herself was the cause.

But hey, at least he'd gotten all of them out of detention! "Thanks Adam! And da-- er, Adrian!" Looking at the students, and then Wally, she said, "How 'bout we two show them where the sign-up board is? No good in getting lost and delaying the process even more," she said to her fellow local. Any chance to post-pone the incoming shitstorm, Diana was totally about that! "So many transfers here, man," the sun-blonde whistled.

Beckoning Wally, she, the 'benevolent guide,' began walking out the door she had almost just come in from.

Mandatory club sign-ups? Correy grimaced. She didn't even bother hiding it this time, but was sure it wouldn't matter. What, with the girl, Diana, and then some janitor named Adrian, and then Wally too, all speaking, and most likely taking the attention. There had better be a 'pretend your in a club and go to the beach' club. Utterly ridiculous. What sort of new form of torture was this?

And apparently they'd been going on all through lunch...
Don't tell me... Oh hell no. They were going to get the scraps, weren't they.

Figuring out Adam was the first name of their laid-back math / detention head teacher was little consolation.
Belle was really upset. How could she allow herself to get into detention? Now the anger had passed and it was just guilt and self-hate."Trying on a new color?" Belle looked up from her desk-harassment and whined as Wally's friend, Correy (right?), teased her about the paint splatter on her jeans. "Nooo! It's not my fauuuult.." She cried, then fell on the desk again.

"I don't mean to intrude but... How are so many of you here? What could you all have possibly done so early on the first day of school to land you all in detention?" "I'll tell ya why! I was wrongly imprisoned by that old hag Ms. Eri...Uh...Whatever, either way I saved a girls life and was given a detention as a reward. What kind of school is this?!" "Me and a few of the others were late sir. Ms Ericon Caught us and...well, you know how she is." Hmph. Ms. Ericon. That was her name, the name of the devil! How dare she! Belle would be certain to add that name to the list of people she hated when she got home. Yes. It was an actual existing list.

Wally spoke. "Signups are..For clubs, it's mandatory to sign up for at least one. Things get full up quickly, since we're in here...we probably missed all the spots on the normal clubs. Er...Mr. Robertson, could we please be dismissed early? We have to signup!" Belle jolted upright. Clubs! Signups! Oh no, oh no! The art clubs! The sewing clubs! Could she have missed spots for them all? Belle covered her own mouth and stifled a wail.

Out of nowhere a man appeared. The janitor, by the looks of his uniform and nametag. Belle squinted to see it, she had sat in the third row from the front. Adrian? "Adam, I know it's detention and all, but could we give the kids a break for today? It is the first day after all." Belle's eyes widened. "Please?" She mumbled hopefully. She watched intently as the detention teacher spoke to Adrian, (she forgot his name) she was practically biting her nails as he talked, praying he would let them all go.

"You are all free to leave. Don't worry about Ms. Ericon. If she sees you outside of detention just direct her to me please. I will deal with her."

Belle's face completely lit up. "WOO!" She yelped happily, grabbing her bag. She was out of there within seconds. She flew out the door.
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Adrian watched as the kids filed out of the classroom, one at a time, with something akin to a scowl on his face. It was clear to anyone that looked at him, that he was in a bad mood, and the students who had been around for a few years explained that he always got like this at this time of year. The only problem was nobody was sure why. Rumors circulated as they do, Some said he had a sickness, others, a more personal issue. But one thing was for sure...nobody could truly explain why he got so irritable this time of year.

But god help anyone who stood in his way.

With a grumble, he grabs the back of Diana's neck as she leaves the room herself. "Oooh no Missy. Your coming with me. We have work to do, and you know it's important." Leading her away, he grumbles to himself, words that nobody can really hear. But plenty more rumours would circulate.

Wally sighed as Diana got marched away by the Janitor. He figured he might be her father, especially since she almost seemed to Say Dad. Taking the lead from Belle, he points to the hall on the right. "Down this way!" As he leads the group, he half-walks half-runs. Risking getting ANOTHER detention in order to try and sign up for something good. (Wally is not good at this whole "Avoid trouble" thing.) As he approaches the board, he sighs. Just as he thought. Most of the normal clubs were full, and couldn't take any more attendees. In Truth, there was really only one club left that wouldn't condemn them to a bad reputation or be forced a bad teacher. With a sigh, he looks at it.

"Urban Exploration....?" He frowns, puzzled. "That's new, but don't people sign up for it?" He mutters to himself, but shrugs. It was better then the "Good Students" club. Which was basically just clean garbage up that the Janitors don't have time for.

Urban exploration looked more appealing, really. With a sigh, he signs up for it. "Trust me guys, this is the best option, the other options are uh...basically signups as labor for the school." He shrugs.

After the group signed up for their clubs. He looked around at them, having just escaped detention, he...didn't really know what to do. Looking at the others, he shrugs. "You guys want to eat in the courtyard or something? I'm starved."

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