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Realistic or Modern Hᴉdden


Madam Stabby-Stab

The Story So Far... A band of misfits find themselves falling into the secrets of their city, and coming into the power that can stop that which threatens ruin.


Chapter 1: Recurring Dream

Run by

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Chapter 2: Oracle Island

Run by


Chapter 3...

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Chapter 4...

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This RP is invite only.

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Meanwhile at the Beach House... "She's sealed it."

The heavier man moved away from the window-wall, sighing with annoyance. It was early, the sun just barely peeking from the waters, soft pinks and oranges streaming through the window and lighting the combined dining-kitchen-living room area. He kept looking at an antique-but-restored pocket watch, finally putting it into his pocket before addressing the other. "That isn't permanent. There are ways--"

"What is this to you, a movie?"

"I didn't even--"

"I know what you were going to say. And I'm going to say again if we try anything short of
polite convincing, she can go to the police."


"We might be in the middle of this ridiculous...
war, but it doesn't change the reality we're smack dab in the midd--"

"You like hearing yourself talk, don't you?"

"E-excuse m--" he began, flustered.

"Or does lecturing others make you feel like the bigger man," he paused, looked down at his rounding self, and chuckled.

The other man's frown faltered, and he began chuckling himself.

"There's another way... we'll find it." The heavier man said, returning to face the sunrise.


Chapter 1: Recurring Dream...

"Oh my, my..."

Correy broke out of her daze, refocusing on the haggard woman in gypsy layers, a red-and-yellow embroidered cloak topping off her clothing. Fake gold coins dangled from the border of the hood, catching the full-sun's light and throwing it into Correy's eyes.

The blonde blinked.

Before her, under the wrinkled woman's hands, a layout of tarot cards. In the center...

"The World..."

On each side of the Card, north, south, east, west, lay two cards each. Face down. The woman reached with her weathered hand to the next card, the top east card...

The sun glinted off the tarot card, burning Correy's eyes. Burning... burning...


Correy's eyes fluttered open. She frowned. "Kim!! Don't open my blinds!" she yelled past her semi-ajar door. "Every time..." she grumbled to herself, glaring at nothing in particular as she made no move to leave her bed. The start of the semester... Already... Junior year was here, and Correy was... so ready to go back to bed. But Anne didn't raise her daughters that way, and hell would be wrought if one decided not to go to school because she didn't 'feel like it.'

Correy pushed off the bed.

"I had to!" In burst Kim, with a startling amount of pep. Her delayed response took Correy a moment to process. "I pulled this card for your today, see?" Kim produced a tarot card, holding it out between two fingers, showing it off proudly. "It means you'll be ambivalent abo--

Successfully giving her younger sister a face full of pillow, Correy dusted off her hands. "I had that same weird dream thanks to you," she grumbled at her sibling, then headed to her closet.

"It's a sign!"

Correy aimed a hanger at the smaller girl.

"Eep!" she squeaked, disappearing out the door.


"Do your friends know you're this much of a butt?"


Her sister whizzed away in a trail of giggles.

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"I'm late I'm late I'm late....this is baaaad." Wally grumbled to himself as he raced down the sidewalk, half eaten toast in his mouth. This was bad. He was a local, he was supposed to know what he was doing, not be late. With a sigh, he pushed on. He...might make it in time right? There were just enough blocks that, if he was lucky....he might make it

he hoped.

As he raced down the street however, he felt his feet slowing. A familiar tradition long abandoned when he and Correy had drifted apart. Her old house still stood there, and he wondered if she still lived in it. They had been good friends a few years ago, back in elementary, but they had drifted apart since then, and so he found his footsteps slowing before stopping. Turning and leaning against a nearby fencepost, he watches the door, doubts flying through his head. She might hate him, she's probably at school....many thoughts like this, and more.

But hey, what was life if not with some variety in it.
"Belle." The first time the voice said her name, it was definitely a female's voice. Calm. Gentle, but bright. Was that her mother?

"Belle..." The second time, the voice was different. Definitely not her mother. A guy, perhaps? She stirred.


"Ufff... shaddupppp..." Belle moaned, and with her eyes half closed she grabbed her pillow and swung it at the voice. "Eugh!" The voice yelped at the sudden pillow-attack. Then there was a loud thump. Belle rubbed her eyes, and now with clear vision, saw her father on the floor, who had fallen against her dresser. "Dad? Come on. We talked about how you have to wake me up. You have to pour a bucket of water on me, remember? Otherwise that happens." "I told you I wasn't going to do that, Belle." Her father chuckled as he stood up and dusted himself off. "Alright, fine." Belle yawned and rubbed her eyes once again,then looked at the clock. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. It read 8:15. "8:15! 8:15?! OH MY GOD, DAD, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!!" She shoved her father out of her room and slammed the door in his face. He rubbed his temples in a confused manner.

Quickly Belle got dressed and shoved last night's homework into her backpack. She'd stayed up late and was not going to forget it at home again. Of course, Belle would have liked to shower, or spend a little more time picking an outfit, but Belle of course, is always prepared fashion-wise. Belle has a special outfit set out at all times which she called the 'Break glass in case of emergency outfit." Jeans, a simple but flattering t-shirt, converse, and a necklace with a green gemstone. Definitely not her best but certainly not the worst. She poured herself a small bowl of cereal, ate a few bites, and flew out the door. "Bye, dad!" "Bye, dear."

Belle huffed down the street, holding onto the straps of her backpack for support. If I run, I can make it in time. Because if I run like 20 yards per.. per.. uff. Never mind. If I run I can make it. Right. She tried not to get distracted by anything, especially that cute black cat that Belle always stopped to pet. She saw a boy leaning against a fence post. Had she seen him at school before? What the heck was he doing, just hanging around?

"EY, EY! DUDE! Snap out of it! We're gonna be late! I can't be late, not again. Absolutely not." Belle said, stopping only for a moment to wave her hand in front of his face and wake him up.

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Flynn reached around for his bed with one arm, eyes still closed. Wanting to get every last moment of rest that he could before the first day of school in the new town of Springpine Coast started. Eventually the sleepy teen finally managed to grasp his phone and look at the time. Flynn lazily opened his eyes to look at the screen on his phone. It took him a few moments before he could see the time clearly. He yawned as he got out of his bed, he had some time before school started. Enough so that he didn't need to run around the house in a wild frenzy trying to get ready for school as fast as possible

Flynn nonchalantly walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As he had made his way from his bedroom to the bathroom he had smelt breakfast being made downstairs. He hoped his brother had made enough for two by the time Flynn was downstairs. After showering and getting dressed in a plain white T-shirt, jeans and a blue hoodie, Flynn wasn't one particularly concerned with fashion, he made his way into the kitchen where the smell of bacon hit him. Flynn glanced around, still out of it somewhat after having woken up despite the shower. Instead of finding his older brother, he found a note next to a plate with some bacon. At least he left me some bacon before going out. He thought to himself with a smile before taking a bite from one of the rashers.

As the morning son rose above the horizon as Flynn made his way to school he finally felt himself come out of his zombie state that he always ended up in whenever he woke up for school. Soon enough he was walking with a bit more pep in him. His usual grin was plastered upon his face once more, still excited from having moved to a new town. Looking around he noticed a few other students making there way to school, although some seemed to be going at a much more hurried pace. Looking at the time on his phone again he realized he needed to hurry. He sighed, not being that enthusiastic about school but he didn't want to be late on the first day in his new high school. Flynn sighed again, as if there was someone next to him that he could display his annoyance to, before beginning to jog along his route to school.
This morning began like any other morning, as a short asdolescent teen girl rose from her bed, a red mess of hair shrouding her face and curling out at strange angles all around her. (Imagine sort of like Anna from Frozen in the first scene on coronation day when waking up, but with way thicker and longer red hair.) With an elongated sigh, stubby fingers rose up to pat down masses of red, smoothing down the many watts of static. Albeit this, the red was still slightly damp from the shower the night before. She arose from her bed with another sigh, this one more pained and unenthusiastic, and stood to her feet. The floor was wooden panels, so a shiver ran up her spine from the cool air and equally cool floorboards as her warm bare feet trudged to the middle of the room.

On a dresser that was hers in the shared girls' room lay a labeled sticker written "Imogen D." in a printed standard computer scripted font. She didn't own much, being in an assisted living home that seemed more like a jail cell, but she did have a dresser all hers. The girl—more formally known as Imogen—looked around the room. She was the last to get up, like always. She didn't understand why all the other girls had gotten up so early this morning, until it finally hit her while gazing over the calendar on the back wall between the two windows. Today was the first day of school. Another deep sigh. She rummaged through the top drawer in her dresser to fish out a brush, only soon to run it deftly thought her thick locks.

While doing this—because managing her hair took quite a while with all the mass tangles—Imogen made her way out of the girls' room while fighting massive red ringlets, she found her way into the kitchen and pulled out the necessary items to create a bowl of cereal. She did so, brush still in her hair, while pouring the sugary flakes and milk into a plastic bowl. She fished out a spoon from the utensil drawer, and took a seat as some of the other residents joined her. Quite a few of the assisted living adolescents liked being around Imogen, because she was cool and calm. She was fun to be around, and the majority of everyone agreed.

Finally done with her hair for now, Imogen set the brush down and began to eat, a nod of greeting as a male her age and another female a little older then her joined at a seat each. "First day of school, already?" the male her age mumbled, also had being set back a year in high school, except that he was a junior while Imogen was a senior. "Yeah, it sucks." she said, eating a spoonful of cereal. The female mentioned something about her full-time job, and the redhead rolled her eyes. She herself had a part-time job at a music store, but the hours were usually on the weekends, but now might change. The rest of her meal was in silence, as the boy named Jack had gotten up form his seat at the table and had retreated off to the boys' room. The female, her name was Emily, left to go to work as previously mentioned.

Soon after had Imogen finished her cereal, and went to the girls' room and grabbed her bookbag. School sucked, and it was always the least place she wanted to go. The fact that it was her fifth year was depressing, and it was all her mother's fault. Either way, it had to be done so she could just get it over with and move on with her life. 19 years of age and still in the twelfth grade. Awesome, just great, because that doesn't make me look like a total idiot. she thought, leaving the house as she began walking. She didn't live far from the school, so it would take Imogen only a couple minutes to get there. She sighed of lack of motivation, as she ran a hand through her thick red hair. But hey, I didn't go to this school last year, so nobody even has to know, right?
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Meanwhile, on the School Grounds... The school grounds extended past the front of the school for a few yards.
The ground itself was a hard layer that had the color and consistency of a baseball diamond. Trampling feet kicked up the fine tan dust ankle-high. A handful of students were crossing the entrance to get inside, while others were grouped around, chatting away whatever time they had to spend before the school bell would ring. For so early in the morning, the temperature was fairly mild, though on the colder side. The sun was out, already shining down on the large palm and other assorted trees and shrubs grown around the campus grounds to give it a 'greener' look.

As Imogen and Flynn entered the school grounds, they'd be one of the many trudging in. The murmur of voices filled the air, interjected by intermittent bursts of laughter and--


A few students looked towards the source of the sudden outburst. From around the corner, she came running--

With a bulldog charging right behind her. It was a terrifying dog, large and wide-eyed, as if crazed. "SOMEONE STOP THE DOG!" she yelled, running forward as fast as she could.

And as good highschool students do, they scattered to get out of the way.

By the White Picket Fence

"You're gonna be late! Take the car!"

"I'll be fine, Anne!" Correy yelled back into the house. Grabbing her shoes, she pushed out the front door before shutting it behind her.
Time to ditch and go to the beach, Correy thought as she rolled her eyes, throwing her shoes down and squishing her feet into them.

No, seriously, how bad would that be? She thought as she started out down small path towards the sidewalk. What's the first day other than introductions and sylla--... What's that dude doing by the fence? He was a tall redhead, by some tall chick. Well, compared to him, he was a good head taller. Going through the gate, she stole another look at them when...

That red hair...


That just kinda dropped out of her mouth before Correy could stop herself. But looking at his face this close, there was no doubt. Blue eyes, that face, yup. She stared impolitely, and then:

"Wally!" she closed the gap between them, and gave her childhood friend a tight hug. "Holy shit, when did you grow?" Letting him go, she looked over at the girl, "Your girlfriend is so cute!" Correy then hugged the stranger to her. Letting her go, she then reached over and squished Wally's girlfriend's face. "You really are. Look at your face."
Squish squish.

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Hands in her pocket, sidebag at her, well, side, Imogen trudged along the sidewalk that lead to the school. With yet another sigh of lack of motivation, she finally found her way at the high school after a mere couple minutes. The school was all more than she had ever expected. Never would she imagine in her nineteen years that she would be going to such a rich-looking school. Vibrant colors and architecture, all fit to the tee with a beautiful onset of feverous aspiration from all the bright students. I don't belong here... Not in a million billion years... Imogen thought many things about belonging to herself, approaching the front of the white-dominated building fit with an enormous analog clock at its center front. It was incredibly impressive, and the redhead stuck out like a bruised thumb.

With her rather casual appearance—today was a pale blue crop top that fit more like a regular shirt, barely revealing a small strip of the lower section of her abdomen, as well as a pair of faded black jeans with tears here and there which weren't present when first bought—anyone could pick the adolescent out from a crowd. And she actually didn't mind it to an extent. Today was different, because she didn't belong, like usual, but the situation was different still. Being nineteen and still in high school, her second year at that, she wasn't your usual high school teen. She wouldn't tell anyone, however, so no one would know of the academic state of this troubled girl named Imogen. This being the first day of school, everyone was distracted by everything else. There was much excitement and laughter and happiness, while she tried to stay in the midst of the crowd. Turquoise ear buds set in her ears emitting upbeat indie rock music, this was all droned out to Imogen's ears.

She stood in the cluster of people and moved her hips softly to the consistent drumming beat, kind of dumfounded at the point when everyone began to quickly disperse. "Hmm..?" Imogen mumbled as she lowered the volume of her ear pieces and looked around, somewhat dazed from being so immersed into what was her love of music. Effeminate screaming sounded itself from around the corner of one of the sets of school buildings, a woman who's fear was highly prevalent screaming and sprinting down the side of the corner. Behind her was a crazed bulldog, with dilated eyes and sharp fangs barring as if hunting for its kill. And, that's what it was doing. Imogen shut off her music, the woman's screeching words of terror finally audible. Being in a group of students, as the redhead had learned, the bystander effect was taking place right before her eyes.

This was the proven hypothesis that no one will help an individual in distress because they assume someone else would do it. Imogen was smart, very, but just incredibly lacking motivation. Everyone usually believed that the girl was dumb as rocks, only because she never thought to give the effort in school and prove herself to anyone. Very intellectually intelligent, she analyzed the situation and scanned all that was around her. If no one was going to help this woman that was being hunted by a vicious animal, she thought that she might. But, that would bring attention to herself, and she didn't want to be known as some 'hero'. But, no one else was going to do it. Imogen looked around to see maybe anyone who would have stayed, a male catching her eye.

He was of decent height and somewhat lanky, and he seemed to not run away in the predicament. So, he would be of her assistance. "Hey! Dude!" Imogen yelled, looking at him with hard green eyes, her voice rather cool pertaining the desperate situation. She wasn't sure what she would help with. Both him and her weren't too muscular, so it all depended on intellectual muscle in order to somehow coax the raging animal. Imogen was stuck here, trying to decide quickly what she should do. So, she dropped her bag and MP3 into a pile on the floor, and ran out into a full on sprint out into the side flanking both individuals. Hey eyes were set of the dog, as adrenaline obliterated all senses of fear at that moment.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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Flynn walked onto the school grounds, feeling almost giddy with excitement now that he was in a new high school. It felt good to not be in the snooty, uptight schools he had been in previously. No more uncomfortable mandatory uniforms either. It felt strangely liberating to Flynn. He knew this school would be different. His experiences in boarding school would no doubt contrast his here. Well, that's what Flynn thought at least. He had no experience to base his assumption off of, but he was very optimistic that overall, the rest of his school years here would be great. Flynn looked around him, eager to meet all the other students here. No doubt there would be a few other transfers, hopefully, Flynn had moved schools enough times to know the feeling of moving to a new school and saying goodbye to all your old friends and having to start over again. It was a daunting experience to say the least.

Despite the urge to start introducing himself to the other students around him, Flynn restrained himself. Usually he would get time to do that at the start of class anyway.


Flynn's head snapped towards where the commotion was coming from. Unsure of how to react as he saw an unfortunate girl being pursued by a wild eyed bulldog. As the girl sprinted past them screaming for help with the bulldog still in hot pursuit, Flynn continued to stand where he was, unsure of what to do as the other students around him scattered, leaving the girl to be hunted down by the dog. Flynn wanted to help, but he didn't need to look at himself to know that he wasn't muscular in the slightest. He wouldn't be surprised if the bulldog could easily overpower him.

"Hey! Dude!"

Flynn looked towards the girl who shouted at him. Before he could ask her what she wanted she had already dropped her belongings and chased after the girl and the animal. Shit! What do I do? What can I do?! Looking around, Flynn noticed a loose branch from one of the nearby trees. Maybe he could use it to distract the dog.? Or he would just piss it off more and it would attack him, but at least he could use this to stop it from biting him. He hoped. Flynn grabbed the branch, pulling it off the tree with ease before chasing after the bull dog and the girl, yelling and waving the branch in the air in an attempt to get the dogs attention. This is such a stupid idea. What the hell was I thinking?! I guess it's too late to stop now...
Wow. This kid was, like, totally unresponsive. Seriously, what was he doing just staring at this house? Was it his house? She wasn't sure. On the first day, was he really planning to be late? But if she stood here and waited for him, then she would be late. She didn't want to be late. Belle was always late, and she really wanted to change that. "Alright, well.. stare at the house if you wanna. I gotta-"

"Wally?" Belle froze. Who was this? Had he been waiting for her? Oh.. that explained it. She was talking to him, hugging him, and then the girl turned to her. Belle's eyes widened. "Uh, hi-" "Your girlfriend is so cute!" What? Girlfriend? But she didn't even know this guy! She just met him five seconds ago. Not even met him yet, they hadn't introduced themselves. Apparently his name was Wally. Okay. Good info to know.

Then she was crushed by a hug, to which Belle turned a bright shade of red. "H-hey, I'm not-!" "You really are. Look at your face." Squish squish. Belle was really unsure of how to feel right now as the total stranger messed with her face. "Stop, stop! What the heck!" Belle yelped, pulling away and rubbing her face. "Even if I was his girlfriend that would still be super weird. If you were his girlfriend I wouldn't go and just squish your face!" Belle cried. "Only, like, grandparents and aunts are allowed to do that." She said, crossing her arms. "And it's not fun, no matter who does it."

@TerraBooma @Kal
Wally stood leaning against for a few minutes, he knew he'd be late if he didn't hurry, but it was worth a shot to see his old friend, even if the odds of her also being late, living in the same house, and using the same route to get to school. There was no way he could, wait a sec, someone was beside him and waving in his face. "M-Moving? I know that it's ju-"


Wally spun around, to face a much older Correy then he remembered, although he supposed that would make the most sense. You know, time and all that. His mind drew a blank, how was he going to explain being here? was it creepy? He regretted this, he'd have to find up a reason he and his girlfriend were he-

Wait a second.


Stuttering, a flushed Wally attempts to speak. "N-No! Y-you've got it all wrong Correy!" After a few more seconds, he gathers his thoughts, backpedaling. "I just met her, she was trying to get me to hurry up to school, I was uh...wondering if you still lived here." He chuckles. "As for hieght, I had a bit of a growth spurt huh? I remember back when you were taller then me." He chuckles, and turns back to the new girl. "Sorry about Correy here, she's...well, she's Correy." He goes to speak, when he remember the place they kind of have to be. "Shit! School! Introduce yourself on the way there, but we gotta move!" Motioning the the other, he adjusts his bag and starts to pound the pavement.

This was not going to be good for the first day.
Meanwhile, on the School Grounds... The dog seemed to have one mission: Get this running girl. With the campus cleared out now of everyone save Imogen, Flynn, the running girl, and the running dog, the only obstacles were the trees and bushes. "JESUS CHRIST I DON'T WANNA BE MAULED TO DEATH!" she cried out to the sky, to whatever divine entity that happened to be listening.

Thankfully for her, both Imogen and Flynn rushed towards the running bulldog. They were flanking the furry creature from either side, managing to reach the dog's peripheral zone.
"Arow?" the animal sharply looked to its left and right, confused by the sudden moving objects on each side of it.


"Arow!!" It tripped suddenly, over its own two feet, toppling headfirst into the sand-tan ground. "Mmm, mmm," It whimpered, but got back onto its feet, shaking the dust off its body. "RuFF!" It barked, moving its head frantically to find its target-- only to stop on Flynn. Flynn, and the large stick he was holding.

Mmm... mmmmmmm," it whined suddenly, putting its nubby tail and its ears flat against its own body as it began to back away, one paw at a time, whilst facing the scary stick. It was backing up towards Imogen without realizing, but of course, so focused it was.

The girl, the one who had been running, was no-where to be seen. She had probably kept running in fear and turned the corner.

By the White Picket Fence --> Schoolward ho!

Correy wanted to laugh at the flustered Wally. Correy also wanted to ask that kid who she was calling weird, cuz certainly she didn't just call Correy weird. But Correy did neither of these things, how stupid would it be to act as herself around them. "Aww, don't pout, I didn't mea--" she halted mid sentence, her eyes growing the size of dinner plates. "Your pout-face is adorable!"

"Sorry about Correy here, she's...well, she's Correy."

"Shush, beanstalk. What's that supposed to mean anywa--"

"Shit! School! Introduce yourself on the way there, but we gotta move!"

Shit. Now that she'd been spotted by Wally and his not girlfriend, there was no ditching to go the beach. Not in front of these witnesses, anyway. Great... Well. I can always slip away during lunch. Following right behind Wally, Correy jogged lightly to keep pace. "Oh yeah, I never said: I just moved back to the house two weeks back. I mean, An-- my mom did, and, well, now I'm here. Back once more!"

Her backpack shifted up and down with her motion, the noise slightly annoying her. But Correy kept on the half-crooked smile as she turned to Belle and said, "I'm Correy, by the way. Correy Gavin. This here goliath is none other than Walter Provin," the blonde introduced. "And what might I call you, Wally's not-girlfriend?"

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Oh, here we go. Finally, after Belle had been face-squished and called a girlfriend, finally this kid came to life. He was stumbling over his words, staring at this girl and talking about height and stuff. Alright. This was definitely turning out to be a weird day. So this girl's name was Correy, apparently. "Aww, don't pout, I didn't mea- Your pout-face is adorable!" Belle's eyes widened as well, as she stared at this girl. "I literally, seriously, just told you that it's weird too-" "Sorry about Correy here, she's...well, she's Correy." "Shush, beanstalk. What's that supposed to mean anywa--"

"Shit! School! Introduce yourself on the way there, but we gotta move!" This knocked Belle out of her thoughts once again. Oh, gosh, he was right! They were going to be late!! Trying to figure out what these two were on about was definitely confusing her. Friends, probably. Old friends? Quite possible. Then she blinked. Ohmygod! Belle, snap out of it! Late, late! Gonna be late! Everyone started to jog, so Belle tagged along behind them. She was still curious over them.

"I'm Correy, by the way. Correy Gavin. This here goliath is none other than Walter Provin, And what might I call you, Wally's not-girlfriend?" This sentence triggered Belle's pouty face again. "Belle. Belle Arieye." She huffed while they ran. "You two know each other? Why was he standing outside your house all creepy-like?" Belle said, pointing at Wally.



Despite the fact that the bulldog had chased down a girl in quite a ferocious manner Flynn couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as it toppled over face first and collided with the ground. Flynn began to take a few steps back as the dog recovered and soon after, set its eyes upon Flynn. He prepared to swing his stick in case the dog charged. He certainly didn't like the idea of beating a dog with a branch, but he was sure those worries and guilty feelings would soon pass if they dog attacked him. Flynn doubted it would feel guilty while it snapped his teeth it him. If it did.

Flynn's reaction was one of surprise though, as the dog backed away, fearing the stick in Flynn's hands. As it backed away Flynn quirked an eyebrow. The bulldog had been so bold and ferocious while chasing the girl, but the mere sight of a branch fazed the animal so quickly. Flynn lowered the branch, and crouch down slightly so he was slightly above eye level of the dog. Trying to not look very threatening, but also not wanting to completely expose himself to an attack.

"Maybe he isn't as much of a big bad dog as I thought..." Flynn said, a puzzled look still on his face as the dog continued to slowly back up into Imogen. Could we maybe calm the thing down? Maybe that girl that was running pissed it off, or maybe its owners have raised it to be this way?

"I think we might be able to calm this dog down. Even if it does start up again, it seems to be afraid of this stick so we don't need to worry too much."
Flynn slowly approached the dog, hands clenched into fists just so he wouldn't loose a finger. He slowly moved his left hand towards the bulldog so it could sniff the back of his hand so it could sniff him. Flynn hoped it would maybe calm down then. And if not, he always had the stick in his right hand behind his back not so discretely. "Come on boy. Not gonna bite me, are ya?"

@Kal @PlaguedWithInsanity ((I guess this is a thing I should do???))
Wally had a feeling that between Belle and Correy, today was going to be a stressful one. He was glad that they were running so desperately, it gave him time to flounder in what would look like huffing and puffing. He collected his own thoughts first. Why exactly WAS he outside Correy's house? Until not too long ago, he thought she had still left town, along with the rest of her family. The chances that she had moved back were slim but...a part of him had hoped out and here she was, in the flesh. But there was something...off. About her from the Correy he knew, shrugging, he passes it off as the time she's been away.

Now back to the joint interrogation.

"I...I wasn't being creepy!" Wally protests in between puffs, leading the group in their race toward the school. With a sigh, he tries to explain his presence, and takes him a few more moments to do so. "Is was just...wondering if my old friend was back in town." He sighs. "Correy's family here moved out awhile ago, I saw the sold sign, got curious." He shrugs, then cuckles. "Thanks for at least trying to get me moving again, we're probably going to make you late huh? Sorry about that." He sighs then, turning back to Correy. "You really should stop teasing her Cords, it's not fair to the girl, she hardly knows you."



Imogen kept running at full speed towards the canine, as the male who had been with her before...had ran off to go get a branch.? Well, that seems plausible. A distraction, at least. They seemed to have flanked out to the dog's peripherals, because at first when going towards Imogen, the dog soon didn't know what to do as the other male ran to the side of him parallel to herself. Then, from confusion mixed with running, the dog had tripped and fallen, seemingly stuck on the sight of the male's large branch that he had brought over to assist them in some sort of way. That was odd.

Imogen looked up at the boy across from her with hard green eyes, trying to assess the situation. Was the dog scared of the stick? But didn't dogs like playing with sticks? She had never owned a pet, so she had no real idea of how they worked, only knowledgeable of stereotypes of them stuck in her skull. Then, while distracted by the stick and the boy, she noticed the dog begin to back up into her, probably without even knowing. This was her chance to do something, anything, to stop this deranged dog. What was strange, however, was that once the girl had left from being ran after, the entire dog's composure changed drastically, to more of a scared and confused puppy. But, this was a bulldog they were talking about, meaning it could easily snap off one of their fingers if provoked.

A thing she noticed was that the boy helping her looked rather scared, and Imogen knew that dogs could sense fear. She, herself, had learned how to deal with fear as it was a daily part of her life, so this wasn't a problem. She just had to breathe..right as the dog was unintentionally backing up into her. With a moment's hesitation, of both worry and studying the dog and what she could do at the moment, Imogen clenched her fists and then opened her hands to be flat-palmed. Then, this seeming as the only plausible solution, she jumped out towards the dog, pinning it down on its side. It wasn't the most common sense thing to do, but it was something. She just hoped the dog wasn't going to bite her, as her hand pressed down on the bulldog's neck to the ground as well as another at his side, and her hip pressing on its side as well to restrain.
Made It!

Correy hadn't heard her pet name in a long time. It... it was nostalgic. It reminded her of a time long past. And, atop it, it irritated her. So, she did what she did when irritated. She plastered on a impish smile, picking up the pace. "Race you to the finish!" she cried out, laughing as she began to shift the jog into a run. For the moment, she had the lead, which was her endgame. To let that frown come out and have its way for just long enough.
Why? What the hell is wrong with me. It's just a pet name. It wasn't even the name, no, she'd never disliked it. Not even now. Then why--

I'm wasting time, thinking about this. She dismissed it with that, focusing on running forward, her legs smacking the pavement as her hands held fast the straps of her backpack.

No matter who ended up 'winning' their impromptu race, the three reached school just in time to see the schoolgrounds empty, save for the most peculiar sight of... three students, and a dog.

Meanwhile, on the School Grounds... "Aroowwww!" The doggie whinned as it was pinned down by Imogen. The element of surprise on her side, the redhead was able to subdue the animal before it could use its hind-legs to push against being downed. Its large, dark brown eyes looked pleadingly towards the human with the stick, Flynn. "Mmm, mmmm," it whined. (In the background, the late bell rang. It would remind the kids that the warning bell had rung five minutes before, at 8:25, but inbetween all the chaos, it wasn't a shock if either had missed the sound entirely.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21943f9d_Diana(3).jpg.4514c8efd425bfecafb783632cd29d11.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21943f9d_Diana(3).jpg.4514c8efd425bfecafb783632cd29d11.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Where did that... OH!" Jogging back hurriedly, the girl who'd been chased returned to the scene. "YOU MUTT!" she proclaimed at the dog, pointing an accusatory finger at the pinned creature. It was then she looked at the redhead, and the young male teen with the stick. "Thank you, seriously... No-one else was bothering to do anything," the sun-blonde rolled her eyes. Then, beamed at them with a satisfied smile, "Seriously! Though, I have no idea what's wrong with that damn dog. It was fine until I started jogging away to get some water for it. Ungrateful little... I even brought you bacon! You know that?" the girl narrowed her eyes at the dog. Patting the back pocket of her skin-tight jeggings, she produced a ziploc-bag of two strips of bacon.

When she held it out, the dog's eyes lit up. "Ruff!" it barked excitedly from its pinned place under Imogen, it's stumpy tail beginning to wag back and forth. "Ruff! Ruff!" It tried, in vain, to wriggle out of Imogen's grasp.

"Wait... don't tell me..." The girl teen moved the bag to the left, and to the right. The dog followed it with frenzied eyes. "Are you serious! You were chasing me for-- Gawd," she smacked her forehead. "I'm dumb. No,
you're dumb!" she pointed at the dog, which looked at her with a dopey dog-smile. "Don't look at me like that, geez!"

"I'm sorry, guys..." she looked at Imogen, and then Flynn, apologetically. Her cheeks were beginning to flush, presumably from embarrassment. "Would you like to feed him the treat?" Reaching in the bag, she took out a strip in each hand held them out to either of the two that had helped her.

Today was not a good day for Ms. Ericon. Though often compared to her two brothers, who were also teachers at SpringCoast High, she wasn't like them in the least. Her younger brother was a rule follower, her elder a rule maker and bender. She, on the other hand, was a rule enforcer. It was, to her, about respect. Which was why the first day of any semester grated on her nerves the worst. Sure, there was the occasional truly lost student. And then there was everyone else, who just had fun being late. Such lack of respect! What was this toddling about the vending machine, trying to get out that stuck bag of skittles? Or getting the side of your coat caught into the locker? Such excuses! Or, the best one she'd heard today, 'running away from a loose dog'. Hah. As if. Did that dollop think she'd fall for that? Storming down the empty halls in a huff, she made her rounds, getting closer to the school's entrance doors. I swear, if one more student pulls one more stunt, I won't stand for it! If I see one more student running la--

Walking out the entrance's double doors, Ms. Ericon stopped in her tracks. Three students, huffing and puffing, and three more students, all surrounding a...

The woman had never turned so red in the face.




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Wally heard ms. Ericon's screech as he was still doubled over, gasping for breath. Because of his longer legs and general strength, he ended up being the first of the three to get to the school, but clearly he wasn't fast enough, becuase he knew that when Ms. Ericon handed out a detention, it was pretty much impossible to get out of it. With a sigh, he turns to the others, shaking his head. "There's no point in arguing, trust me." He sighs, frustrated. "On the first day too...this bites." He nows better then to try and talk about being late, but there isn't much he can do. With a reluctant sigh, he nods to the others. "I guess I'll see you after school then, but let's get to class so we don't get more detentions, trust me. Not much we can do."

He waves to Flynn and Imogen, repeating the same warning. "Just get to class and do what you can." With a sigh, he enters the school.

So much for the first day being a fresh start.
Flynn hadn't expected the actions of the red headed girl. He probably should have considering that, for all they knew, the animal could quickly lash out again at the either of them. At first, Flynn actually wanted to reprimand the girl for her actions. However, Flynn restrained himself from doing so. Realizing what she done wasn't wrong, but it annoyed Flynn to have seen the somewhat pacified dog to now being restrained and whining desperately towards Flynn for help. While he did try to keep a neutral expression, there was a clear uncomfortable look on Flynn's face as the bulldog pleaded for his help.

"Are you su-" Before Flynn could finish asking Imogen a question, he was abruptly interrupted by the girl who had been chased. Flynn smiled as the girl thanked the two for helping her. After she had explained what had happened and revealed the bag of bacon, Flynn began to chuckle as he put the pieces together just as the girl did. Now knowing the bulldog wasn't as violent as they thought, Flynn threw the stick aside, away from the dogs view. Now no longer needing to intimidate it. Not that Flynn had really wanted to anyway. When offered, Flynn gladly accepted giving the dopey dog a treat. Flynn would simply hold out a strip of bacon for the dog to eat before petting its head.

"How could you not love this little guy?"


"Wait, what?!" Flynn looked behind him, confused as to who the detention was being given to. Looking around, he noticed a group of three other students, huffing and puffing. Clearly they had been running late. Crap. That means we're late as well? No way, at least us three have an excuse.

"There's no point in arguing, trust me."

"What?! I was out here saving lives dammit!" Flynn yelled, exaggerating his actions but his anger at the wrongful detention didn't exactly help in his decision making. However, despite his yelling, it seemed the decision was final and that he would be better simply going to class. Despite the damper to the first day of school, Flynn looked to the group of late students with a smile.

"Man...this first day is gonna be ruff." Flynn snickered at the pun, restraining himself from completely bursting out laughing.
¶My Perspective (Homeroom; Math Studies II; Mr. Anderson's Class)

CJ... alright, guaranteed, I'll go by that name from here on.” The girl thought as she sat nearest the back window, pondering the subtleties that were to be evident in the every day life of a student. Her feet, covered in worn sneakers were hoisted onto the chair next to her, and considering hers was the seat farthest left to the window, it was a blatant display of disregard for anyone else that should have a desire to sit near her... “Not that anyone would, really.” She resumed in cognitive disdain for the impending student body that would soon flood through the doors. She remained still, recollecting her morning as it had been. “Gotta give these people credit, I get to school early for once and all of a sudden it's like they make the first day of school the 'I'm gonna be late' day. Man, sometimes not having friends sucks. I don't find out about school-wide events until after they happen, or even worse, I find out before they do and I end up just not participating! Hmph... not like they're having that much fun, anyway. I suppose this just means that I'll get a good grade. Hell, might even get to be a teacher's pet, this year around.” The girl quickly looked at her jeans, and then ruffled the oversized sweater she wore, the hood so large that even without looking down, she could conceal her entire face, a bulky lock of hair shielded one of her eyes from view. In entirety, her body was completely covered in clothing with the exception of half of her face and her hands... “Guess it's a good thing it's not too hot out, today... I wonder how that girl's doing with Sparky... God I hope she doesn't notice that I forgot feed the poor thing, this morning...

¶Ms. Watson (College Algebra)

The rays of the sun began to peer into the room that the woman overlooked, filled with students, on time and ready for their minds to be molded. Though the term “ready” proved operative time and time again. Every year in fact, it was merely a battle of wills with the students and it was something that Ms. Marianne Watson had known ever since she'd started teaching, but denial can prove to be a powerful fringe drug-like effect of optimism. Nonetheless...


Good morning students!” She began in as optimistic a tone as she could muster, the energy cost of which was her breath for a moment. She resumed: “I hope you all enjoyed your summer break, because it's time to get right back down to business! My name is Ms. Marianne Watson, and since I imagine many of you will be heading off to college soon, I know you've got the urge to refer to your superiors by their first name since we're technically supposed to be treating you like adults, now!” Her face suddenly became stone cold as a few strands of her crimson hair fell in front of her right eye, giving her a nearly demonic appearance. “Don't do it.

As if on instinct, the students nearest the front row recoiled at the sudden change in nature of the woman. Of course this was to be expected, a woman as attractive as this needed to harbor a “less than friendly” side to keep the crazies away... unfortunately it didn't just filter out the crazies...

So a little bit about myself...” She went on to describe the home town from which she hailed, her college life, and strangely, each time she mentioned a man or marriage the conversation began to take a nose dive for the worst of awkward moments, but it would quickly be restored again upon finish. By the time she was done... more than half of the class was left blank faced as if they'd just been given a crash course lecture on the nature of atomic nuclei. Luckily, this was only College Algebra.

Now students, while I go through and fix some of these damn-- I mean some of these documents and get the lesson plan set up for the semester, I'd like for you all to go through and skip to the 5th chapter in your textbooks that introduces the nature of quadratic equations using discriminants. You'll have a worksheet to deal with later on so make sure you take notes.” And with that, the woman retreated to her desk and began sorting through file after file, tilting her glasses down every so often to make sure the students were doing as told.

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Mr. Robertson (Math Studies p.I)


As the students slowly trickled into his classroom, Mr. Robertson greeted them all with a warm smile and a wave or a friendly 'hello'. Once everyone seemed to have arrived, he stood up from his chair and slowly walked towards the whiteboard. "Hello everyone, welcome to my class. My name is Mr. Robertson" He said with a soft spoken voice as he wrote his name up on the white board. Despite having a cheery smile on his face, it seemed to fade slightly as he turned back to the class and noticed the empty seats. "A shame to see some missing students but..." His warm, friendly smile returned. "I'm sure they have their reasons. Anyway, I should talk about the work we will be doing." He began to explain the type of work they would be doing, and then a small spiel about what he expected from his students, but also what they would have expected of him and how they should meet each others expectations.

"I understand some of you, in fact many of you might be dreading the following months. It won't be easy. But I hope to not overload you all with work. It sounds like a difficult equilibrium to reach but... I am quite optimistic" He let out a small chuckle as he spoke, before turning back to the board and continuing to write. "To start off, we will be learning pre-cal. If you could turn your textbooks to the first chapter please..." And with that, Mr, Robertson's lesson had begun.

@Kal @PlaguedWithInsanity
The dog whined at Imogen when pinned, yet she retained a rather irritated expression. She hadn't noticed, but the late bell had rung. Her hands were tightly poking into the dog's neck at each angle, her knubby fingers pressing down right above its collar. Despite this, the bulldog had pleading eyes, whilst its eyes staying stuck on the boy a couple feet away from her. Only then did the girl from earlier come racing back into the scene. With hard eyes, Imogen gazed at the blonde. She yelled at the dog, and then thanked both the redhead and the boy with a bright smile.

Imogen's expression fell, and to be frank, she was incredibly unamused. She mentioned something about bacon, and pulled out a package of the crispy red meat. The dog's eyes lit up, and it began to wriggle under Imogen's grasp, escaping as she was distracted from her grip. The redhead fell onto her hand on the concrete, then remaining on her knees, practically dumbfounded at the situation. The blonde wiggled around the bacon between her fingers to tease the dog. She apologized, and Imogen sighed deeply as she offered if both of them wanted to feed the dog.

"Umm, no, I'd rather not." she said, then looking around as she stood up from being on her knees. All the students were gone and those two were just with this girl and the dog. Now rubbing her forehead, she spoke sharply at the girl. "Now look what you've done... So much for a decent attendance record." Imogen said as she jumped up and ran back over to get her bag, slipping it over a shoulder.

She gave a small wave at the blonde and began to run back to the school. By then the other kid was gone. She cursed to herself and ran to her class. In a loud and feminine voice sounded a detention call, and Imogen frowned, running to her class. She had eventually made it there, and opened the door quickly and stepped inside, trying to calm her rapid breathing. She was late and everyone was watching her as the teacher stopped mid-lecture to wait for his late student to take a seat.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Meanwhile, on the School Grounds... The bulldog happily took the bacon from Flynn, basking in the attention he gave it, panting and wagging its nubby tail.

"How could you not love this little guy?"

"Oh, sure, take to him why don'cha," the blonde muttered in mock-envy, then smiled, amused at how happy the dog and the boy looked.

"Now look what you've done..."

"Aha..." the sun-blonde grinned sheepisly and scratched the side of her head. "Sorry, really!" she called after the retreating redhead. The bacon that Imogen didn't take, the sun-blonde resealed into the baggy, which she put in her back pocket. Approaching Flynn and the doggie, she softly started, "Think I can split you two up? I need to drag him back to the back--"


"Ah-wha--no--..." The blonde stopped herself, biting her lip to shut herself up. As a local herself, she knew the tall kid was right. Arguing with Ms. Ericon sometimes worked, but sometimes it just made her more stubborn. And she just wasn't feeling her gambler's luck today.

"Man...this first day is gonna be ruff."

"Aaagh, really?" the blonde mock groaned, but the grin on her face gave away that she was just as amused as the pun's creator. "Come on, Sparky. As much as I hate to tear you away from your Romeo here," she patted her thigh before slipping her hands under the dog's collar.

"What is that animal even doing here, Diana?" Ms. Ericon glared at the four-legged creature before doing the same to the blonde. "I expect more from the Student Body President."

"It's for the mascot debate, ma'am," the blonde explained with a nervous smile, "I have permission from the Principle, if you wanna see the sli--"

"No need," the teacher dismissed sharply. "Just put him away and get to class."

"Yes ma'am!" Throwing an apologetic smile at Flynn, the blonde clicked her tongue and lead Sparky away.

You've Got to Be...

Huff, huff," Correy heaved, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. The race had reminded her of back in the day, when she used to be bigger than Wally. And she'd win all the races. Damn long legs. She sniffed, amused. Not sure why, though. She was surprised at herself, for not being irritated at losing. I'm crazy, it's official.

"I think... we're late... we should--" she stopped when she say a scowling woman come out of the double doors. She took one sweeping look of Correy and her travelmates, and then these three weirdos surrounding a dog, and opened her mouth,


Correy almost let out an audible groan, if not for last minute restraint. I shouldav ditched. Shouldav taken the car and ditched.

"There's no point in arguing, trust me."

She did, considering she had nothing else to go off of. And plus, if Wally was anything like how he was when she'd left SpringPine Coast, there was no reason to doubt his word. He'd always been a straight shooter kinda guy.
Someone needs to change that.

But did they, really? Wasn't it, in a way, refreshing? Correy shook her head strongly,
Boring. Boring is what it is. Jeez, the hell is wrong with me. Too much nostalgia for a day. No, more like, for a year.

Correy shrugged her backpack to a more comfortable position, and gave a well-made false smile to Wally and Belle. "See you at lunch."

Lunch detention, more specifically. Today was gonna be all sorts of

MR. ANDERSON (Math Studies p. II)


The class was practically full when in came a tall man, with wispy, delicate-yellow blonde burst through the door, hugging to himself three large textbooks, while his book-bag awkwardly dangled off his elbow.
"Phoo!" he exhaled, letting the textbooks fall out of his arms onto the podium with a loud thud! before taking two long strides to his desk, where he let his bag drop to the floor. "There we go," he breathed, cheeking his lollipop. That was when he looked up at the rest of his class. "Am I late, or is everyone just early?" He gave a wry smile as his eyes followed the wall up to the circular analog clock in the back of the room. For all his frantic actions, his voice and expression were eerily calm. As if there was a disconnect between his body and face. "Right, late."

"If it's any consolation, Mr. Anderson, I'm late too..." came a blonde walking in, grinning sheepishly.

"Diana?" The teacher blinked twice. "Yeah, you're fine, go sit down," he waved her towards the seats, where it was obvious several students were trying to choke back their laughter.

"So everyone's here for Math Studies, Part Two? CRUNCH!" He bit his teeth down onto the candy, pulling the stick out of his mouth. Dropping it into the receptacle with one hand, he opened up the textbook onto top of the stack with his other. "Everyone knows this is an accelerated class, where you won't just be learning the second part of Pre-Calculus, but also the first half of Calculus? It'll be a boon once you hit College, but it'll be nightmare to live through now." His hands rested on the podium as he leaned his tall frame over it, "So, reconsider. Unless you're a genius who never has to study for math..." Chewing his lip, Mr. Anderson paused, sweeping his eyes across the classroom, catching a student's eyes, before moving to the next one. "...I'm Mr. Anderson, and I'll teach you and make this as smooth as I can. No homework on long breaks, no tests after either, or after the weekend. But the material, I can't change..." he continued on. It wasn't so much of a ramble as it was pertinent information mixed with well-meaning advice, mixed together and shot out without thought of smooth transitioning or flow.

"Hey Chris," Diana whispered as she went to sit down next to the girl, noticed the feet, and without skipping a beat, sat in the seat right in front of her. "Thanks, again. For lending Sparky," she glanced quickly at the girl before returning her eyes onto the math teacher.

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Wally sighed as the group drifted apart, trying to get to each of their classes and frantically explain their absence, they already had a single detention, and Wally knew any more would make helping his Grandmother with the shop extremely difficult, it wasn't a complex job, but she was an old lady, and he had to do whatever he could to stay out of trouble.

But that was really hard sometimes, Wally hoped this was not one of said times.

With a sigh, he starts walking down the hall, and is surprised when Belle and the boy with the dog walk in the same direction as him, and, seeing as he hadn't been off to a great start, he might as well try and help SOME people find their classes. "You guys got math now?" He sighs. "So do I, I can show you where the class is, but once we get there..." Wally thinks for a few seconds. "Just help me out alright?" He chuckles. "Math is my weakest subject, and we're late on the first day, I'm really screwed." The large boy was telling the truth, as smart as he seemed at times, math just...didn't sit right. "So, dog boy." He says, looking to Flynn. "I'm Wally, this girl here is Belle, before we head into math, whats your name?"
Not much time had passed before the class had begun and students began pouring into the scene. And with that, the instructor also made his entrance, just as avante-garde as one would expect him to have been. Christina had found a certain admiration for his man upon sight, his laid back conduct exemplified in the way he handled something as insignificant as a lollipop. He went on about his musings and about how he entered the class late. Shortly after, another of the students entered, blonde, but a familiar face nonetheless. “Diana?” The girl thought, as she entered the room, expressing her consolations to the instructor, and headed over to her area, apparently much to a few of the other student's amusement. “Hmph. The hell are you all laughing at? I got here before any of you did-- Hey, wait a minute, she's coming back here? Must be to talk about--

"Hey Chris," Diana whispered as she went to sit down next to the girl, noticed the feet, and without skipping a beat, sat in the seat right in front of her. "Thanks, again. For lending Sparky," she glanced quickly at the girl before returning her eyes onto the math teacher.

Well, as expected, the conversation began on the subject of Sparky, but she wasn't coming back to lecture her about him biting her or anything, she was actually thanking the girl for loaning the dog to her. Strange... but nonetheless, Christina had questions of her own. “U-uh... sure. No problem.” She whispered back, hopefully not loud enough to draw Mr. Anderson's attention. “Glad I could help. Uh... would it be alright if I went to see him? I kind of forgot to feed him before I gave him to you, this morning and I'd hate for him to think I'm neglecting him.

That and I don't want him to think that instead of Kibbles N' Bits, I gave him a pretty blonde girl for breakfast. God, I'm so irresponsible!


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