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Realistic or Modern Hᴉdden

Wally didn't quite get what was so bad about missing homecoming, but Belle seemed to be more than a little determined to make him go. "I dunno Belle..." He said , a bit unsure. "Listen, I'll talk to my grandparents about it. I kinda told them I'd finish it tonight..." Wally yawned as if to emphasis that he really, really wanted to get this project done.

Man, he wished sleep.

Wally continued eating down his food (As well as anyone else that didn't give him a glare or were clearly still eating) he had an odd tired look on his face, even for Wally. He decided to go lie down for a nap, the roof was pretty easy to get to, that place would work. Probably. Either way he was exhausted from countless nights working. He'd be up for class! There was an alarm on his phone, he just had to set it.

Wally stood up and waved at the remaining group. "I think I'm going to catch a few Z's, I'll try and catch you guys later." He grinned before turning around and bounding off.

God he could use a nap.
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Correy, unfortunately, had rolled a 1 in life and had gotten detention thanks to the ray of sunshine known as Ms. Ericon. Nevertheless, she spent it not alone, since Flynn and Imogen were there with her. Flynn talked their ear off about 'Charlie this' and 'Charlie that' while Imogen looked amused and Correy pretended to care while secretly thinking that she could feed a family of ten with that mush. The little caterpillar rested in her pocket, and Correy wondered why she couldn't use it to make Flynn 'go bald' all of a sudden. She snickered at the thought, which happened to coincide right as Flynn finished a joke. Perfect timing.

After Lunch Classes: Would go pretty normally, Flynn and Charlie pulling off another prank where confetti popped out of Ms. Watson's desk drawers when she opened them. Correy weirdly had a moment to talk with Imogen, though it was mostly Correy talking fluff and Imogen (presumably) politely listening. Correy just didn't get the girl. Belle's posse would be EEEEEEEing over her name on the ballot. Wally's third class ended up having a substitute teacher, who put on a movie and altogether forgot the class existed, giving Wally some time to grab shut-eye. C.J. kept catching Student Council members in between classes, they throwing her reminders and asking her details as they passed by to class. Diana too, giving C.J. a wink and a nod and a gun-finger-point and then a, 'Hey wasn't that your friend on the ballot?'.

After Last Class: Clubs officially started after fourth period. This meant UE for everyone except C.J., who was going to meet up with the joint Student Council and Homecoming Committee meeting to discuss, well, homecoming.

Urban Exploration Club Meeting @ Portables: P200 was one of four 'portables', basically buildings that weren't connected to the main high school. Either way, it was north of Northfield, where Leona had meant for the club to meet had it not been for Correy's mishap in remembering. But that was long forgotten!

Leona was sitting, hand in chin, her face squished with the amount of pressure pushed on it by her knee. "Boring..." she told the radio, "Booooring..."

The storm that hit just recently..."

"BooOOoOOoriiiIIiIinnngggggggggg," she drawled, smacking the radio off and letting her hand and leg fall, smacking her head against the desk. "Soooo BoOOooOOrrriiIiing."

"I can fix that!" Flynn came bounding in, big smile on his face. He'd yet to be caught (or as far as he knew) for the confetti prank.

"Not even you can, bouncy, the stupid storm makes the haunted island gross, and that was where we were supp--"

"Haunted Island?" Flynn paled slowly, "Ehe...heh-heh... What haunted island?"

"The only island close to here," Imogen informed, coming in through the portable door, "Oracle Island."

"OooOo, that place isn't haunted!"

"There're a lot of stories around it, though," Correy helpfully added, coming in herself. In truth, she just wanted to see Flynn squirm more. And it was working. Though she did know a little of the island and its rumors, since being in the know kinda happened when you were constantly on the hunt for current info. For... reasons...

Your chars can come in and continue the convo. One or two lines, or even short posts, are allowed, as Leona's gonna change the subject quick as a bird. You'll be making Flynn squirm tho! (Or not if you go comforting him!)

"Oracle island? Yah...I know some stories." Wally said with a shrug. "But it's mostly cliche stuff, the murderer with one hand and a hook, undead haunting the place...nothing but the usual gather round a campfire and terrify your classmates thing." Wally had taken up his normal spot of sitting next to the window and spending most of it staring out. It wasn't that he wasn't paying attention to the important stuff, but he had quickly discovered that the meeting could take a few minutes to get started. For now, that meant zoning out as Leona fiddled with the Radio. Still...Oracle island had caught his attention, if only a bit.

"Hey Leona, why don't you just pick a station and wait for something to come on?" He offered. "You barely hear the song before you switch, how do you know it's boring?" Wally gave a puzzled frown, but didn't push the matter further. That's when he realized her words.

"Wait, we're going to a haunted island? That means we're traveling to Oracle then?" He paused, still puzzled. "Why would a storm stop us? How far away can it be that a bit of rain stops a boat or plane or however we're going to get there?" Wally was still more than a bit tired even with the movie-nap, so his brain was having a hard time processing much of...well, anything. "'Sides, when were we going to go? It can't be tonight because I'm pretty sure Belle would die before missing homecoming, and we need permission or...something like that right?"

In truth, field trips were somewhat outside Wally's field of expertise. He hadn't gone on many after Correy moved away and during his more...unstable years Wally had detention on a...much more regular basis, and getting suspended from them had been a common punishment. Since trying to clean his act up Wally had the chance once or twice...but he wasn't quite sure he was going to be ready.

The thought of going to Oracle island actually excited him quite a bit...probably more than a spooky old island should.

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