Other Gym? Workouts? Yoga? Nothing?


"Dying for the stars to fall"
Just interested in what kind of workouts people do. As I'm a trainee ballet teacher it's interesting to know these kinds of things and what you feel works for you the most.

I go to the gym every day, lift weights, cardio and loosely diet (i sometimes give in to unhealthy food), I also take ballet classes twice a week. I used to do yoga and pilates but I'm just too busy at the moment. I'd like to know what others do and maybe give me an idea to try.
I used to hate the gym but I’ve gotten used to it over the past year. I never go in the weights bit cause it still scares me
I don't really have a weekly routine but.

If the whether is good and my knees/shins are up to it, I'll jog a 10k. My pace isn't that great right now, especially after having been couped up all winter. Generally at least twice a week. On days I'm not feeling my best I just walk the route.

I go to Taekwondo. It's about 1/2 an hour of stretching and 1/2 an hour to 3/4 an hour of techniques depending on how on- schedule class is. Generally on Tuesdays and Fridays, but I can go other hours of the week.

Yoga. Extremely erratically. Sometimes I'll do it every day for a week. Sometimes I'll go a month without doing one session. (Usually just through youtube or DVDs)

I usually start each day with 50 sit ups cause belly muscle helps to support my tourqed spine I earned from years of hauling schoolbooks up a hill.
Tuesdays and Thursdays I practice my Brazilian Jiu Jutsu, our workouts vary there.
Monday: 10 mile run after 15 minutes stretching
Wednesday: Legs and Core- Varying workouts for 2 hours
Friday: Upper body- Varying workouts for 2 hours
Weekend: Fucking rest my tired body
These are all so good! I've just got home from a leg day and I think I'm dead
I was walking/jogging 5 miles in the morning, lifting weights in the afternoon (alternate lower and then upper half), and then another 5 miles in the evening every day. That was until I got married and became, well, fluffy. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things but it's difficult. Lol.
I try and work out 5 days a week. I do boxing, but lift a few times a week and go on runs, 3-5 miles.
I try to go Yoga and about five minute stretches every morning after I wake up.
It helps make my morning flow a lot easier
Cardio at the gym and a shit ton of crunches, leg lifts, scissor kicks etc so basically cardio and core
Stationary bike for an hour, stretching for 30 min each day, compound lifts 3 times a week.
I have weights at home but I mostly run, hike, and bike outdoors for exercise. I like being active but I have trouble sticking to a routine, I just do my best to get about 45 minutes of exercise daily, even if it's just walking and "lifting" my little 5-7 pound weights.

Marching band used to be the only thing keeping me in shape, but I mostly just exercise to keep myself feeling strong and refreshed, since I'm too busy to put a gym membership to much use.
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Ugh, this reminds me that I really need to jump back into exercising. I always end up slacking on it during the winter.
I used to do actual workouts, but now I primarily just play tennis for exercise. It basically works out as both cardio and upper body strength training for me, and I actually have fun doing it, haha. I know some people love the gym and routine workout, but I've always just found them so monotonous. Running without a purpose is probably the worst for me. I can run miles if I'm doing a sport or something that keeps me engaged, but running for the sake of running has no appeal to me. Unless it's stairs; I love a good stair workout.
I struggle with working out for the sake of working out. I have to genuinely enjoy the thing I'm doing. I often do distance running, hiking and horseback riding...things I enjoy. I find it difficult to drag myself to the gym, although i know it's good for me.
Marching band used to be the only thing keeping me in shape, but I mostly just exercise to keep myself feeling strong and refreshed, since I'm too busy to put a gym membership to much use.

I was about to ask if marching band counts

I've got some damn good calves

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