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Fandom Gurren Lagann Before The Fall Of The King

Mio grabbed his hand and climbed. "Whoa!"
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru yelled from Satoshi. "I'll stop saying it when it stops being true!"

Al laughed a little as he climbed up to Kami with her "I will stab you..." He said looking down at Haru
"Hey!" Mio said. "You're looking for trouble, aren't you?" She said to Haru jokingly.
Al smirked "HERE GOES NOTHING!!!" He yelled happily as he started it up
"AHH!" The sudden noise scared her. "What exactly is this?" She said, fiddling nervously with the strap of her gun.
"AHH!" The sudden noise scared her. "What exactly is this?" She said, fiddling nervously with the strap of her gun.
Al smiled "This is our Gunmen!" He said happily "What? Wanna take the wheel?"
"N-nah.." Mio clung onto Al's shoulder. It was certainly an odd experience.(Dear lord, I forgot how they worked and looked..)
"N-nah.." Mio clung onto Al's shoulder. It was certainly an odd experience.(Dear lord, I forgot how they worked and looked..)
Al laughed happily "It's fine everything will be fine" He said happily
"Huh?" Mio was getting a little lost in the tide; everything had been happening so quickly. She blushed at Al's smile a bit.
"Huh?" Mio was getting a little lost in the tide; everything had been happening so quickly. She blushed at Al's smile a bit.
Al tilted his head and poked her cheek "Are you okay? Your face is getting red" He said happily
"Uh- yeah!" she said smiling with her eyes closed, unknowing how red the blush was.
Al smiled "Well...It looks painful....Oh Mom taught me this if something hurts a kiss makes it feel better" He said being a usual idiot before kissing her cheek
"Uh- thanks!" she said, turning away shyly. This was a certainly interesting day.
Al laughed a little "Sorry sometimes I'm a bit of an idiot" He said nervously
"But you're a pretty cool guy!" she said with a smile. Her stomach growled. "Say, do you have any food?"
Al laughed a little "Thank you" He said happily "As for food.....Umm........We didn't think of that did we.......?"
Haru pushed his levers forward making the gunmen move forward. "Let's just look you know like anyone would do who knows wemay find something!"
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru pushed his levers forward making the gunmen move forward. "Let's just look you know like anyone would do who knows wemay find something!"

Al shrugged "Good plan bro!" He said happily
@shortyshot8 @Nenma Takashi

The smell of food nearby floated by them Saigon was busy eating food he had taken before he left the underground regions he used to live at. "Can't go hungry" he said watching the ramen and chicken he had stolen cook.

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