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Fandom Gurren Lagann Before The Fall Of The King

Haru smiled nodding his head. "Just like I thought like always my guess was right. Take notes Al maybe one day you to can learn the secret art of the cup guess!" He laughed.
Mio shrank back at the blunt sexual harassment of Haru. Hoping to change the subject, she then asked -now trying to be careful with what she said-, "When are we going?"

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Theon made it back to the nearest base, only to be greated with his higher-up's anger when he learned that Theon left the humans to walk freely. Theon was brutally punished and sent back out to kill the humans. He sighed, setting Pack to auto pilot after some quick repairs. "Killing them would be too boring. Perhaps I'll observe for now. Keep patrols away from here..." He said, rubbing his ear, which had a fresh gash through the middle, along with others on his arms and face. Theon decided to set up his camp on a ridge above where the group of humans, which seemed to expand within the day, were.

He traded out his assault rifle for a sniper, using the scope to watch them quietly.
"Im picking up heat signatures, 3 human, 1 mech, and.... animal!" Ryota notced. pointing to a cliff, he told Yolko to aim at the heat signature that was animal.
"Speaking of meat..." Mio said. "Do you have any at home?"

She was feeling full, but it was not unlike her to eat what she couldn't take. She also felt a bit tired.

@nemna takashi

"Speaking of meat..." Mio said. "Do you have any at home?"
She was feeling full, but it was not unlike her to eat what she couldn't take. She also felt a bit tired.

@nemna takashi

Al looked confused "Home? We don't have a home" He said softly
Haru laughed. "What are you talking about Al!" He hut his fist against his chest. "Home is where ever you want to be!" That was his way of agree but trying to make him feel better.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru laughed. "What are you talking about Al!" He hut his fist against his chest. "Home is where ever you want to be!" That was his way of agree but trying to make him feel better.

Al laughed a little "Yeah I guess so" He said smiling up at Haru "Where should we go next!?"
Haru sat down ontop of Kami then had an idea. "I got it that dog guy said something about other humans meaning maybe there's a human base camp somewhere!" He looked around. "If we find it we'll get in no problem they'll be begging for us to join. I mean we manged to steal a gunmen and hold our own against a piloted gunmen."
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru sat down ontop of Kami then had an idea. "I got it that dog guy said something about other humans meaning maybe there's a human base camp somewhere!" He looked around. "If we find it we'll get in no problem they'll be begging for us to join. I mean we manged to steal a gunmen and hold our own against a piloted gunmen."

Al smiled "Sure why not!" He said happily as he began to climb up the leg of the Gunmen
"Oh.." She gave a sad smile. "I know how you feel." Hoping to lighten up the mood, she smiled and closed her eyes. "Maybe we can all find a home together!" Mio said happily. Mio skipped toward Haru."Well, we should be on our way, huh?"
Al nodded "Yeah" He said happily "That would be nice" He said staring at her
Moo embraced Al in a tight hug. "As long as you have other people, You're fine!" Mio was happy that she found new friends.
Moo embraced Al in a tight hug. "As long as you have other people, You're fine!" Mio was happy that she found new friends.
Al was shocked "Ye-Yeah" He said hugging her back "I guess....You're right"
The girl grinned even wider. "Thank you Al, for being my new friend!"
Al smiled a little "No problem" He said happily "Anything for a friend!"
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru had tears in his eyes. "My lil bro all grown up it's so beautiful!" He gave a thumbs up. "Go for it Al!"

Al facepalmed "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked
He wiped a tear. "You'll know one day you'll know one day." He clapped his hands together. "Now get in Kami Shorty you to Jugs." He got in Satoshi.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]He wiped a tear. "You'll know one day you'll know one day." He clapped his hands together. "Now get in Kami Shorty you to Jugs." He got in Satoshi.

Al sighed "A new name for her huh? ALSO I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!!" He yelled
Mio was slightly dense. "Huh?" She asked, crossing her arms with a confused face. Mio then covered her face because the light glare from the gunmen. 'How scary..' She thought. It was Damn huge.
Mio was slightly dense. "Huh?" She asked, crossing her arms with a confused face. (Recall the previous with her bewbs) Mio then covered her face because the light glare from the gunmen.
Al sighed "Forget what he said....Let's go!" He said happily holding out a hand to her as he climbed

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