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Fandom Gurren Lagann Before The Fall Of The King

[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru woke up from nis nap to hear his little brother. "What's up Al?"

Al smiled "I was just thinking......It's about time we got out of this pit!"
Haru smiled. "You just now started thinking that where the heck have you been Al." He playfully pushed him. "Got a plan?"
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru smiled. "You just now started thinking that where the heck have you been Al." He playfully pushed him. "Got a plan?"

Al smirked "Indeed I do my plan is to take this her-" He was interrupted by a loud crash "Is it the tremors again Bro?" He said with fear in his eyes
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru pushed Al back. "Get down stupid!"

(You are so slow xD ) Al looked shocked "D-Damn it not again!" He said as he covered his head
(Sorry was doing something in between post) Haru shielded Al and looked in awe as a giant robot smashed through the roof and landed roaring and swinging a huge club.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi](Sorry was doing something in between post) Haru shielded Al and looked in awe as a giant robot smashed through the roof and landed roaring and swinging a huge club.

Al looked shocked "Wha-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!!!" (It's fine)
Haru shook his head and pointed past the robot to the sky. "He Al look the sky it's right their it's so close hahaha let's hear that plan little buddie!"
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru shook his head and pointed past the robot to the sky. "He Al look the sky it's right their it's so close hahaha let's hear that plan little buddie!"

Al smiled and looked in awe "This is what I was hoping for come on!" He said as he ran off to the Gunman like an idiot
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru followed behind him grabbing a katana and throwing it to Al. "Catch!"

Al smirked as he grabbed it "BRO THROW ME ON IT!!!" He said while still running
Al yelled "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Before landing on it's head and searching "Hah! There it is!" He said as he unsheathed the katana and stabbed it in a crack trying to force it open "D-Damn this thing is to strong!!!"

(We are now Brothers of Team Dai-Gurren xD )
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi](Awesome!) Haru yelled at Al. "Come on put your back into it let's show some effort!"

Al looked annoyed and yelled "BRO GRAB ON!!!" And he thought "Man I really hope this works!" He thought as he jammed it in harder making the Gunman lose control and begin to fly up "NOW BRO!!!"
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru ran and leaped off a cliff onto the gunmen's leg. "Now this is the way to travel!"

Al laughed as the Gunman launched into the air Al yelled "JUMP NOW!!!" He said as he jumped off "IT'S GONNA BLOW!!!"
Haru let go as well and landed on the ground staring at the sky. "It just seems so close that you can just reach up and grab it right Al."
Al watched as the Gunman exploded and he raised his hand to the sky "It's not as if we can.......It's as though we will!" He said with determination in his eyes
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Haru smiled. "Yeah and you know what I want right now one of those robots!"

Al smiled "Then let's go find ourselves one!" He said with joy on his face as he began to run off

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