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Fantasy Guardians of Sin

"fuck..... I don't know, I went to check on him and halfway there a messenger gave me a letter that said he was eating anything he wants......including chairs.....with shit stains on them"
“Wait he’s really out? FUCK!” Sparky thinks for a minute “Okay we can’t tell other me and you need to find him and calm him down and capture him again if we can.”
" yeah that's not gonna happen, sloth doesn't listen to anybody but sloth, hes also pissed because the light realm put spears through him and left him there, so hes hungry angry and wounded which means hes more likely to go on a rampage if we try to stop him, hes basically a angry demon toddler that stubbed his toe"
Chapter Two

Oli sighed. He had just gotten of from a long day at work at (HVAC) and was super bored and tired. He plopped down into the couch and pulled his phone out to check his Facebook notifications. After browsing through his feed for a while he decided to look into joining a Facebook group. “If I’m to make any friends I need to start somewhere” he told himself. As he scrolled through the recommended groups he found a post on one group called “The Champions Challenge”

“That’s an odd name” he thought frowning as he scrolled through the page and he noticed there were only two posts. The first said:


It is required that to be enrolled in this group that you solve the following riddle: This thing all things devours:

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays king, ruins town,

And beats high mountain down.

Who am I?

(And the following post which was the instructions)

Oli started reading


The winner of this challenge will take on a great responsibility to save the universe fro-

“Gah! This is to long!” He said to himself, “who reads instructions anyway? And besides, this riddle is to easy, everyone who has seen the hobbit knows it!” He scrolls down to the multiple choice answers and reads:

a. Dragons

b. Bananas

d. Sloths

c. Time

e. wars

f. All of the above

As he laughed to himself about the absurdity of the choices and then he choose c.... then everything went black
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The phone vibrated in voids hand, he had not yet placed it down since picking it out of the trash. “IT IS ALIVE! WHAT EVEN ARE P-HON-EH’S”

It began to glow as he dropped it, Light began to pour from the screen as a hand emerged.
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Everything around them went blindingly white causing them to cover their eyes in pain, and then everything went black for a moment as their eyes were adjusting the saw a form of a man sprawled out on the floor. As Aqua lowered his hand from his eyes he announced “Well, that was faster than I expected” the man on the floor groaned loudly and managed to mumble “W-w-where aam I?” Before he passsed out
Void blinked twice before staring for 15 seconds, “Do most P-hon-ehs do that? Or was that just the enchantment?”
Sparky hears a commotion in the room and walks in not wanting to talk about sloth anymore “What ju- who is that” he said as he pointed to the human on the floor
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"OUR HERO!!!" Nature exclamed and ran to the human boy, helping him off the floor and patting him down "welcome welcome! I see you answered our riddle"
“Um ok, I have something more important to figure out, you tell him what’s going on and I’ll go fix ... go do the thing that is more important” sparky stands there awkwardly
"oh what could be more important!! We have our gardian! Now we can free the others!, oh yes. Human. What is your name?" Nature smiled with a caring yet curious look upon his face
“I cannot tell you it’s ... um ... it’s just important okay ... Ig I told you it would change everything so just wait ... when he gonna wake up” sparky said trying to change the subject
"what do you mean wake up! Arent humans supposed to be like this??" Nature continues to ask the sleeping human a bunch of questions, mainly including ones about the com.po.ta
Void picks up the phone and sees the human’s profile, “It says right here that his name is... Geo Dude... fitting for a human”

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