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Fantasy Guardians of Sin

"is anyone else confused" sparky asks then grabs thecomputer and throws it in the trash "this thing is evil, i will never know why humans want this shit"
“It isn’t evil, but you may be... we need to watch what we give you”, Void gets a concerned look on his face
Aqua chuckles quietly shaking his head and then asks “How long do you think it will take before we get our champion? And what will we do if he isn’t the right one??”folding his arms
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"who knows how long we will have to wait, and if they arent the right one, we will have to do something that is unspeakable, hopefully it doesnt coem to that" sparky walks out of the room
banished walks into the room again with a half eaten chair "that may take a while" he looks at the chair and tries to hide it behind his back but kinda fails
“You like to eat wood” sparky looks at him “why would you eat wood off of a chair that has had like tons of peoples asses on it”

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