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Fandom Guardian High

"Both good observations. What else?"

Epsilon shakes his head. "Memory banks are corrupt...how could anything live like this?"

"Well, that's the thing. It basically zombifies the target."
She smiled as her own group seemed to be the best, or at least the fastest.

No wonder she fell for both of them, she could never leave them.
There's a general look of anxiety. "So...how do we avoid becoming Mew zombies?" asks Cassiopeia nervously.
The anxiety was not lost on Illaoi, her nerves high. She had no clue, and patiently awaited the answer to the question.
"Well, there are several steps," replies Deliope. "We'll start with being smart in your interactions. Technology is a Mew's biggest temptation. Name some best usage practices."

Epsilon tilts his head.
Illaoi raised her hand. "Only using technology that you know it's exact purpose and parameters." She said, the sentence did not have perfect grammar, but it got the point across.
"Right. That's an excellent start. As psychics, we very rarely need technology to do our jobs, but we like pretty flashy bright objects, and screens are excellent for that. Now, I'm going to show you several examples of Mew management -- if you ever see these, RUN."
Illaoi nodded, readying her pencil as she wanted to learn as much about this as possible. She still was trying to remember who it was she knew with mew management, but she blanked still.
"This first one is called 'Saturn.' It preys on emotional wavelengths to stimulate affection, then once defenses are lowered, it gains control of the command center and wipes all memories. It's the first one ever made...and the nastiest."

Epsilon notes it. A few Mew only look at it sideways, as if worried it'll affect them.
She looked at it carefully, writing down what it looks like with her mind, she shook her head, hardly believing that anything would make these.. some people were truly monsters.
"This next one is called 'Stiike.' Stike uses strong psychic suggestions to try and overwhelm thought patterns. It's easy enough to defend against, but sometimes it's accompanied by distractions that make avoiding it much harder. When it gains a hold, it goes for the body's command center, meaning the target knows they're being controlled, but cannot do anything about it."

Cassiopeia shudders, and Epsilon looks distressed.
"that sounds truly awful... To know you're a slave but unable to do anything"

She found herself shuddering along with her son, that sounds like a punishment truly awful... And familiar again...
"There are others, but we'll stop with those. Now, I want each of you to use these models in your analysis of how the brain functions in our species. Remember, these are active threats and may still harm you. Take them seriously."

The students murmur assent.
Illaoi nodded, swallowing as the dress of these were drilled into her, she shuddered once more, end thinking about one of these being used on Cass or Epsilon.... It scared her.
"Alright. I know class was a bit intense today, so feel free to speak with me if you have concerns. You are dismissed."
She had no questions to ask, except who the mew that she had seen with this might've been, but she doubted Deliope knew that. But Deliope was a friend so she decided to talk to her anyway, offering her hand to Cass as she floated.

"Hey, Illaoi. Cassiopeia. Epsilon."

Her boyfriend has stayed behind, noticing her pause.

"Are you alright? What can I help you with?"
"Yes I'm alright, a but confused, but good, how are you feeling today? " She smiled, friendly.
"Oh nothing.. just some vague memories, nothing that's not normal." She said shrugging. "I wanted to say thanks again. For last night"
"Helping me and Epsilon out... It was really nice of you."
"Well, I didn't think it fair to leave you to figure it out on your own. Anything else we can help with?"
"Nothing that I can think of... Besides maybe times we should keep open for testing. You Epsilon?" She looked back to boyfriend.
"Well, no. I mean, class was hard, but that's about all. I do appreciate the help."

"Well, thank you! Regarding test times, don't worry. A command will be streamed to your brains and you'll simply report when needed."

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