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Realistic or Modern growing up in seattle - main thread

ava jane morrisson

♫/national anthem - lana del rey/♫


happy, sweet, eager


emily's house in queen anne





emily & tori neverbackdown neverbackdown

ava awoke to much chatter in her home; downstairs was always lively, but today her father had a big part in the charity golfing tournament taking place just blocks away at the country club. by eleven, there was already a congregation of neighbors in their living room filling up the huge space with noise as they got ready.

“isn’t the reception supposed to be at 6pm?” the girl groaned, fumbling her hand atop her side table–eyes still shut closed.

upon checking her phone, a knock arose from behind her door but not her own. amanda was definitely making her rounds waking up all the morrissons to get up and socialize.

“shittt..” she griped again, forcing herself up and into her walk-in closet–tossing clothes around until she found a formidable pair of bootcut jeans and a slouchy cashmere sweater. washing her face, the knock finally came about her own door. “come innn,” ava hollered languidly.

“ava jane, you have no idea who just showed up!” her mom came in practically stomping in excitement. looking up for a split second through squinted eyes to acknowledge her, ava finished up. and before she could utter a question of who, her mother perked her head up to make sure there was no one walking by who’d hear. she then whispered, in dramatic fashion, “orlando bloom.”

“who?” ava raised her brow, brushing her hair through–barely matching effort to her mother’s energy. she just didn’t quite have much in her to even pay attention, much less understand exactly who she was talking about.

“ava!--legolas!” she exclaimed, hushing up quickly after.

“holy shit! legolas!!! oh my god is katy perry here too???..” ava blurted, turning her direction with her eyes wide–accompanied by shushing from amanda. “her plane is late, but i think she’ll be here for the reception tonight.”

proper laconic freakout commenced, she sat next to her mom on the bed jokingly pretending to call someone to tell all about it. ava couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear, taking her chance to poke fun at her mom’s crush on the actor, “sooo are you gonna talk to him?”

“oh god no. i mean, i don’t know! i was just trying to be a host and he just pops up out of nowhere! i ran up here and jesus…”

ava couldn’t help, but giggle into a laughing fit.

“you know, i think i’m an introvert honey. i really am, this is too much!”

introvert was nowhere near her vocabulary–the day amanda morrisson becomes an introvert would be the day pigs fly and ava knew it was bullshit so she called her out. her mother laughed along, then waltzed towards ava’s door. “alright, baby, i’m going back out there. you’re still going out with emily tonight right?”

“yea tori too, i’ll probably hang out here a little then head over to em’s.”

“oh tori! i haven’t seen nancy or stephan in so long, probably busy with the firm... tell her i said hello will you?” –with that her mother exited.

after a vigorous bit of the afternoon, ava made her way over to emily’s house in queen anne.


“hey tori!” ava rushed over to the girl standing timidly at the steps of emily’s home. she hugged her, starting to talk about legolas and her excitement of the nights festivities when emily welcomed them in.

“to a good night.” she chimed, downing the shot with no hint of a wince. placing her options for the night down on emily’s bed, she nibbled on her thumbnail. cycling through the different combinations, she spun around, “what do you think?--kinda much, but honestly i’ve been needing to wear this coat–”

“oh wow tori you look.. so good.”
ava smiled, feeling a bit teary. her and tori were never super close growing up mostly due to her timidity, but it made her happy seeing the once really quiet, studious 5th grader at the front of class coming out of her shell. although ava had never been able to fully relate, she knew it was probably a little tough.

“don’t be shy about the vodka ok tors? seriously like i literally brought a whole other bottle in my bag.” she searched for it, then rose the bottle of ginger zest belvedere up in triumph. shooting a look at emily she immediately remembered what she had to tell her, “dude.. i hear this party is actually gonna be insane. like i was in the starbucks’ drive thru this morning and overheard some people talking about it. AND THEN, at my parent’s little golf thing some of the parents’ KIDS were talking about it, who.. BY THE WAY are not even from seattle–like isn’t that crazy?!”

usually luka tellegio’s parties ran pretty wild when he wasn’t absolutely grounded from the ones before it, but it seemed like word had gotten out more than usual. it was safe to say, ava was completely thrilled.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

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allusion to drugs & sex

luke tellegio

♫/xerces - deftones/♫




his house in magnolia hills




gulp. gulp. gulp.

luka ran fingers through his bleach blonde hair, happy to have not broken too much of a sweat. disposing water ardently from the glass he put it back onto his side table and though he didn’t look back over at leon directly, he motioned to the glass as if to say the boy should have some. leaving the heater running during the act was not in his intention–purely accidental and wound up a bit too much for both of them by the end of it. neither would even bother getting up to turn it off though. but luke didn't mind–nothing like a little work-out to get his body running properly before completely trashing it in tonight’s affairs.

luka turned down the speaker on his phone blasting deftones and the rustling paired with minimal chatter from the people he hired to set up was finally coming into auditory range again. the sight of the bleeding sun through his blinds took him back to reality.

softly pushing out a sigh, he got up off the bed and pulled his garments back on–throwing his shirt into the laundry basket on the other side of the wall. he sniffled a bit, pressing his forefinger on his left nostril.

suddenly music starting playing from downstairs–a door opening and chatter from a group emerged. shit i forgot i told them to let whoever in if i wasn’t there. luka let out a small snicker, turning to leon. “i guess the party’s starting.” he buckled his belt and scruffed his messy locks back to some sort of normal. “hey you wanna shower first?--i’ll be back, just gonna say wassup real quick.” no need for luka to show the boy around, leon knew how his shower worked by now. a part of him didn’t really want to leave, but it was probably best not to have leon exit his room before he did–for whatever mental gymnastics his mind would resort to if there were people around when they hooked up, which was pretty much never.

before leaving the room, he decided last minute to throw on a random t-shirt–just for his peace of mind. door closed and down the stairs, he said hello to his guests–skate park kids some from roosevelt, some not; but all of 'em definitely knew leon. fuck it, no one's even going to notice. these guys are drunk as hell already.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Last edited:


filler! ignore


filler! ignore

  • Emily Thomas

    The Girl Next Door

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡


filler! ignore


filler! ignore

  • Tori Wheeler

    The Overachiever

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡

ava jane morrisson

♫/national anthem - lana del rey/♫


happy, sweet, eager


emily's house in queen anne





emily & tori neverbackdown neverbackdown miyu Miaow Miaow

“lovely! amazing! just astonishing, love—both of you.” ava chimed—twirling the words around in her fake british accent as she motioned for another round of vodka. reaching for a can of cherry coke, she wash it down quickly letting out a wooo with a shake of her head. two shots in fifteen minutes? that was probably enough for right now.

ava attempted to multitask the fastening of her tights as she chugged her coke, “dude i don’t know either! i swear to christ almighty that boy gets grounded after everything he throws. this one might be overkill though i won’t lie..”

standing in front of the wooden mirror, the girl squinted with her eyebrow raised—trying to put the finishing touches on her accessorizing for the night. she dreaded the make-up part though. ava knew she wanted to partake in a liiittle, but it was pretty much void of practicality. it would surely be wiped, smudged and on her clothes by the end of the night. “emmy can i use your highlight pretty pleee—thank yaa!” ava sat criss-crossed on the carpet and returned to the task, but when tori piped up she put the palette down and turned over, “honestly ..yeah. me and ems have been going for the past like i don’t even know how long. most of them aren’t like project x-crazy or anything, but they can get a bit wild..”

“like—emily. remember that one graduation party in eighth grade—“
ava grit her teeth in a flush smile, trying not to burst out laughing at emily’s expression over the memory. “basically some dude got his head stuck in the dining room wall—not really funny, at least for him—we were fucking dying though..” her eyes meeting emily’s for a second in pure amusement, “he was just like SCREAMING and no one on the couch cared—not even giving a fuck that someone was driving a mini ATV in the living room.” the memory of luke, laury, jack, and a handful of others just drunk and high preferring to focus on mario party was probably the funniest part.

“anyway, moral of the story: it’ll be hella fun.” she beamed, trying to provide some reassurance after such a silly retelling.

ding dong

with comedic effect, ava dramatically peeked through the blinds. upon recognizing the small, dark-haired figure as the new freshman she’d met at lunch the day before she rose from the floor, “oh shit miyu’s here!!!”

ava hurried out of emily’s bedroom to open the door, nearly slipping on the tile in her socks. she waved her hand and welcomed the girl to enter—being careful as to not attack her with a hug like she did the first time they met.

“miyu!! come in, come in~”

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© weldherwings.



Car Lights
— James Marriott

nervous and cold

the jumper | the skirt | the shoes | hair and makeup

Ava, Emily, Tori

doedeer doedeer

Miyu Nagase

― "the invisible."

Miyu had initially had a difficult time convincing Haru to give her a ride to Emily's house, but when their mother overheard - or rather saw - their argument, she demanded Haru take her. It was cold, she'll catch her death out there!

He grumbled as they squeezed themselves into his crappy car, shoving the trash littering the seats into the back.
"We're literally going to the same party, why can't I just drop you off when I go,"
He complained as he started the car, the engine initially spluttering before coming to life.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you have to put your curlers in,"
She teased, signing as she spoke.
"Shut up--"

"You need extra time to put your makeup on-- Maybe you should get ready at Emily's too,"
She grinned.
"I'll fucking leave you here I swear,"
He threatened as he pulled out of the drive, fiddling with the knob of the car radio.

He soon pulled up on the curb outside of Emily's house.
"If you get too drunk I'm not picking you up, I'm not having you throwing up in my car,"
He warned.
"Your car smells like crap anyway,"
Miyu responded as she clambered out of the car, signing goodbye to him as she headed up the driveway.

She rang the doorbell, bouncing on her heels as she waited. It was freezing out there, and she wasn't exactly dressed for the cold. Her eyes lit up as Ava opened the door, though she could feel the air was thick between them, like similar poles of a magnet pushing each other apart. She wanted a hug, but she knew she shouldn't. However, she did appreciate the sentiment. She waved politely before stepping inside.

She slipped her chunky heels off by the door so she didn't scratch their nice flooring.
"I wasn't really sure what to wear, so..."
She explained verbally, looking down at her sweater. She liked parties, she liked the loud music and dancing, but she didn't get invited to them very often.

"Umm... is Emily upstairs?"

coded by xayah.ღ


jack soren ronnenfelt

♫/trashy - yung lean/♫


lil anxious, overall good mood


laury's house




laury Sugarnaut Sugarnaut

after their reunion, it was like a switch in his brain had turned on. coming to the realization that everything really would be okay. and things really could return to normalcy–it hit him like a hurricane in the best way possible. jack wouldn’t lose his best friend. and he wasn’t going to lose himself ever again either. there was just no point.

aside from their plays sky-rocketing from a measly 10,000 monthly listeners to 88,000 in months, it mattered more to jack to not do anything to put their friendship–their lives–in jeopardy ever again. it was like a huge weight had been lifted off his chest. what restricted him in the dark the last five months seemed to have a light after all.

practically throwing the headphones off his ears, jack shook his head, “dude–yes. you’re a genius..the lead too–fuck.” he sat back in the leather chair, soaking up the ardor practically radiating from the last listen through before they decided to take a break. they’d spent nearly all afternoon working on music and catching up on essentially everything jack had missed–in rehab and while he was blacked out on drugs the months leading up to it. it felt good to finally talk with laury. with all the craziness that had happened in the last year it was easy to forget who’d been there from the very beginning and who meant the most to him at the end of the day. if things really were looking up like they seemed to be, maybe they’d be experiencing the fruits of their labor sooner than they imagined. it was still a pipe dream, but jack was happy regardless.

“i don’t even wanna go..but i guess i have to.” jack confessed, his head down tinkering around with a rubber band somehow wound up in his possession. he looked up, “the party i mean. and i don’t think wendy’s even going–not that that matters or anything.”--correcting his posture.

he flinched, hearing olivia laughing about something on her phone across the room before she left out the bedroom door. “dude i have like $130 to my name right now, it sucks so much..” jack continued, tossing his head back and suspending himself in the swivel chair--looking up at the ceiling. “i’ll probably just.. go to the studio room, try and make some money and work on this to be honest..” jack really was looking forward on mixing the couple tracks that had some decent potential. it was fun messing around with laury's voice. plus, the melodies they seemed to be able to come up with together were just unmatched. jack had almost forgotten how natural it felt to sesh with them.

he closed his eyes for a second. everything with music–and his best friends not cutting him off made life feel a little less bleak than usual. he actually had some hope to hold onto for once. still, things felt off in other areas. first of all, he owed a ton of money to cam. and he was lucky enough the guy was so cool about it. surprisingly, he’d never done it to him before and that was probably why he got a second chance in the first place. it seemed a little silly to have even stressed about the matter since cam and him–for the most part–got along quite well in the past. however, unintentionally messing with street gangs was not something jack desired to be involved with. it was just unpredictable and maybe even out of cam’s control if it came down to it. either way, he needed to make it all back plus extra to re-up and that was definitely in limbo if luke’s party didn’t have as much of a turn-out.

aside from his financial situation, his mom still hadn’t bothered to show up. had she forgotten her own son was in rehabilitation for severe opiate addiction? probably. too busy gambling in cabo or god knows where with god knows who. it was too exhausting to include this in his long list of anxiety triggers. what’s the use of holding onto any hope here?

though he was used to it all these years, un-admittedly it still just.. hurt.

hopefully tonight was promising to knock out one of his issues. jack had his game plan. 1. get to the party. 2. sneak out to the studio. 3. sell as much as he could without having to leave the room. make all the money back, pay cam and re-up. haha.. sounds easy huh..…

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


opallo walker collins

♫/free shiest life - big 30/♫




araña gym




“ahh..” opallo’s head wavered, his eyes then fixating on the leaky pipe hanging on the ceiling. drip.. drip.

he rotated his shoulder, feeling the throbbing unrest the underside of his arm. the images of the erratic event flashing once more. he knew cam had his back. kat had his back on the first day of school too, yet he still got nailed. if he slipped up, it could cost him his life. opallo hadn’t really felt this way for a long, long time.

however, what would be worse was somebody he cared about getting hurt in his place–without at least an attempt of interference by himself. there was no telling how random the shootout really was, but if STK or anyone else really was out for blood–araña blood–then who’s to say they wouldn’t be after more than just opollo.

he turned his head back over to his cousin, “aight. let’s go. fuck that kid, but least it’ll be poppin’. we deserve it after handling this fuck-ass deal alone.”

the seventeen year-old enjoyed a good party as anyone else his age did but this time around, a low profile was favorable. and he’d most definitely be strapped and ready on the off chance something did go down. well, i fucking hope so.

“shit, so.. what the fuck actually happened between you and ave?” he said, finally packing up his belongings, “you never really told me–something about a fight–but how come?” his suspicions of the fist fight having a connection between his own scuffle just an hour after were doubtful at best, but gathering information was important. they’d never had a good relationship between the los vegas cartel. even araña had business with other cartels in the past, but never with them. and opollo wouldn’t really put it past their higher ups to take out someone of great value to mariano.. or make a deal with someone else to do the dirty work for them.

it was all just a feverish headache. opollo felt he should be focusing on the his spring debut for UFC, training and honing all of his mental energy into preparing for his first professional fight. instead, he was worrying about far worse. but what’s new really?

as the two discussed both events, opallo decided it most likely wasn’t connected to los vegas. perhaps..neither was it a hit on araña at all. with gang violence on the rise, it merely could’ve been a random act of initiation. it seemed stupid and reckless to rest on something like that, but it was completely plausible. and opallo was just tired of cycling through the thoughts in his brain.

“shit. i’m rolling up. you wanna smoke? talking about work makes my head hurt.” he sneered half-heartedly, throwing his beanie over his head and zipping his hoodie up half way. opallo grabbed his backpack and headed up the concrete stairwell.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.



filler! ignore


filler! ignore

  • Beth Howard

    The Comedic Relief

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
Last edited:








  • home (filler tab)



Penny greeted Mallory at the front door, and gave her a cheery welcome, letting her inside the house and leading the two up into the girl's room. It was typical for the two of them to get ready together before parties, getting a little pregaming done beforehand, just in case. Tossing her bag onto the floor, Mallory's head lifted up as Penny started expressing how excited she was for the party they were about to attend.

"It's gonna be amazing, just like always." A smile spreads across her face as she opens her bag, revealing her outfit for the night while Penny was turning on some music for the two to listen to while they got ready. The blonde motioned toward her dresser, pointing out the alcohol that she had snagged for them to drink while getting ready. Carefully, Mallory stood up and walked over to the bottle, pouring out each of the girls a shot.

Lifting the glass up, she gives Penny a grin, "Cheers!" She tilts her head back, letting the liquid run down her throat, leaving a warm feeling behind as it trailed down. Mallory shook her head gently, letting out a small "woo" before walking back towards her bag to retrieve her clothes to get ready for the night. Quickly changing, she stands at the mirror in Penny's bathroom and touches up her makeup, making sure that her eyeliner was still sharp.

It didn't take too long for her to get ready since she had already applied her makeup before school, so at this point, Mallory was killing time on Twitter. It didn't take long for her to get slightly annoyed about Lauren practically begging people for crab rangoon. It didn't seem like anyone was caving, nor did it seem like an end in sight, so the girl goes online and orders some to be delivered anonymously. Making sure to leave a note saying, "Now shut the fuck up on Twitter."

At this point, Mallory had her plans lined up for the evening, arrive at the party and find Jack, retrieve the goods from him, then return to the party and get absolutely shitfaced. Sam wanted her to come over after the party, but honestly, she didn't see that happening if the night went how she had planned it to. "I hear that this party is going to be the biggest party in Seattle." Her eyes had moved towards Penny to talk with her, while also trying to gauge how much longer she was going to be.

♡coded by uxie♡







girl ur pussy is just hanging out



neverbackdown neverbackdown

tw: mentions of pedophilia

scroll for post

Ayden Thompson

Life without wheels was hard.

Ayden never really comprehended just how much he relied on his skateboard to get around town. These days, he had to either get to places by foot, hitchhiking (which probably wasn’t the safest option) or sneaking on and off buses and trains. It took quite a skill to jump onto public transport and sometimes even took a lot of running to avoid being called out by security. Having no skateboard also took away the safety net at night time. There were certain nights when he found comfort in knowing his board was there, ready to be used so he could get as far away as possible from the house. However, the lack of transportation meant those peaceful nights of sleep were no longer possible. He would spend his nights tense, flinching at every and any sound he heard.

Sleep-deprived and washed with aches and pains from the tenseness of his body, Ayden was keen for a party. He was ready to get wasted, high, and blow off some steam. He had been so keen that he even accepted a ride from a stranger who had said they had were heading in the same direction. Honestly, the red flags were there. Ayden had just decided to ignore it. The overweight, cheerful sixty-something-year-old man kept side-eyeing the boy who sat in the passenger seat, only to quickly turn back to the road. Ayden knew what the man was doing. He’s practically undressing me Ayden thought to himself, his face scrunched up as if he had consumed a sour lolly. The older gentleman sniffled, his thick moustache wiggling as he flared his nostrils. “So uh…” the older man began, speaking the first time in fifteen minutes since picking up the boy from the side of the road “You uh… you’re eightee-?

Ayden cut him off, speaking in a tone-deaf blunt voice as he kept his eyes on the road they travelled. They were near the skate park, thank God. There was no way he was going to stay another minute in this car with this disgusting bastard. “I’m not interested in sucking your tiny cock off

I-I-I’m sorry? W-wh” the older gentleman began to blubber, floundering around as if the thought never came to his mind to begin with.

Slowly, Ayden turned his gaze from the road to look at the older gentleman, giving the man a classic deadpan ‘Ayden look’. His voice, once more, blunt and straight to the point. “Your dick is not going anywhere near my mouth” he spoke slowly, as if the man was hard of hearing hence why he didn’t understand the first time “Now. Drop me off here before I start screaming out the window that you’re a pedophile

The older male’s face whitened, doing precisely what the boy had ordered and pulled to the side to park the car. Satisfied, Ayden unlocked his seat belt and was about to exit the car without even a thank you. That was until he heard a mutter. A sweaty, KFC grease-covered lips, no-balls mutter. It was soft, quivering and low, but he had heard it clear as day. “Then why were you standing on the side of Anderson Street

Ayden’s mouth drooped slightly, his eyes narrowing as he gazed in disbelief at the chubby grandfather whose white face began to fade to shades of scarlet. “You’re a sick fuck, you know that?” he uttered to the male before pushing the car door open and pushing himself out of the car. With a swift movement, he slammed the door shut - somewhat hoping it caused some damage to the car - before hopping along his merry way towards the iconic skate park; not before flipping the bird towards the old man who remained in the car in complete and utter shock.

As he approached the park, there were two things he noticed. The first was how quiet it was. Everyone must’ve been at the party. Of course, everyone was planning on being there after all. The second thing he noticed was the runaway board that was slowly and surely gliding towards him. Was this fate? Was karma finally on his side? As the board was close enough, he placed his foot upon it to stop it and took hold of it. Karma be damned, he knew whose board this was. Beth’s. A frown etched upon his face as he gazed from the board in his hands to see where Beth could possibly be. It was at that moment that he saw someone lying on the ground wearing… a short dress of sorts? No way that was Beth. But maybe she knew where Beth was?

Placing the board back down onto the floor, he gracefully stepped upon it and started to glide towards the girl. As he got ever so closer, he realised that… wow, that was Beth. He had never seen her so… dressed up? Was she trying to get laid tonight or something? Once again, he picked up the board and instead began to walk the distance between the pair of them. Finally, he stood before her, his feet by her head and his face gazing down at her upside-down face that seemed to be… in some other dimension without a care in the world.

Oi,” he said before realising she had headphones in. This resulted in him using his foot to nudge her shoulder to get her attention, along with a thick attention-seeking whistle to slip past his lips. “Yo! You gonna lie here all day, showing the world your pussy for free?

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.



filler! ignore


filler! ignore

  • Beth Howard

    The Comedic Relief

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡


filler! ignore


filler! ignore

  • Penny Jones

    The Airhead

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡


jack soren ronnenfelt

♫/18 - bladee/♫




laury's house in south seattle




interactions: laury, liv Sugarnaut Sugarnaut mentions: luka, emily neverbackdown neverbackdown , wendy

since he’d been back life was a complete turn around from the last two months in rehab. after his reconciliation with his bandmates–his brothers, but with emily too.. everything seemed to have been worth it.

and more than that, it went so much better than he expected it to. his friends welcomed him with open arms. all of a sudden it was just like old times again. in these last couple days, he’d practically been cooped up in lauren’s house in south seattle making music with him like they’d always used to. it was a little different now that he was living with a mini popstar slash diva, but nevertheless it was just what he wanted.

jack was just happy to have his best friend back in his life and return to what was most important to the both of them. the music. and by the looks of it, it seemed like their following was only growing since the winter break. 11,000 monthly listeners on spotify rising steady towards 90,000 in a mere month was insane, though jack tried not to pay too much attention to the numbers. all of their social media accounts were suddenly gaining huge traction as well–luke and laury’s more than his own, but still. people were finally noticing and it was something to hold onto.

that meant a lot to him after being imprisoned around four white walls and three bunkmates, nearly paler in comparison.

jack’s spirits were as high as ever, quite the rare occasion–especially considering he owed over a thousand dollars to a gang-affliated drug dealer. things could be way worse though. and he’d deal with his financial woes soon enough. tonight was luka’s party and though he loathed being around so many people at once, it was the most ideal situation for making back what he did owe as fast as possible. if he could somehow pull that off..

“holy fuck. this is… dude, this is—so good.” jack exclaimed, connecting palms with laury–the excitement on his own face matching that of his friend’s. he tossed the headphones over his neck and pressed save on the project file. throwing his head back, he closed his eyes—reveling in the high.

they’d been making music all afternoon that day. getting buzzed off fruity seltzers and taking turns with liv on the glass bong as they took turns fucking around on laury’s set up. a successful skate sesh and it would’ve nearly been a perfect day.

there was something about working with another musician who knew production and engineering as well as he did. it was fun working with lukey alone and of course, they could easily come up with something good together. the fucker’s ability to just punch in on virtually anything and it be near gold was not to be overlooked. however, collaborating with laury was different. his best friend was extremely talented in all areas of their endeavor. having jam sessions with him inspired jack like nothing else. if jack punched in a flow or an addition to the beat, laury followed suit with something that perfectly matched–most times enhancing it tenfold. he loved it.

this. this is what it was all about.

he looked down at his phone for a split second, catching glimpse of plain out rejection by wendy about whether she was going to hang out with him at the party. a short pang of confusion licked at his insides like a bonfire. a date? was she just fucking with him? whatever.. i guess.

wendy was difficult to figure out. prior to rehab, he felt like they were getting somewhere. there wasn’t too much jack could easily recollect from the last few months but he did know something for certain. she was into him. at some point.. i think.

though thwarted by luke and nat, their momentary hangout on the couch during the lockdown seemed to have went well too. they were even texting the entire night after, but come friday she seemed to brush him off in first period. the feeling of rejection encouraged him to ditch the other classes they shared and after that, he preferred to distract himself with music and friends. he didn’t really bother asking her about it either. this dynamic between them was nothing new, but admittedly it did bother jack a bit.

the thoughts like race cars on track halted by a laughing fit coming from livy in the other room. jack rubbed his face, hoping the runaround wasn’t plastered all over his expression prior. a part of him wanted to ask laury about this supposed date, but before he could--liv called out to the both of them. something about somebody being here to..see them?

“wait who?” jack responded, shooting a look at laury who seemed just as unaware as he was.

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© weldherwings.








damn this girl must be SO HIGH



neverbackdown neverbackdown

tw: just ayden being ayden

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Ayden Thompson

Beth’s half-assed shrug and response won her something that not many people got to see every day; a singular huff of air that closely resembled a chuckle, with a half smirk that one could only assume that Ayden had enjoyed her joke. Her giggles rumbled from the pit of her stomach and spewed from her mouth, trying her darn hardest to fix her skirt. “Oh, you’re cooked, aren’t you?” Ayden commented, more to himself than anything. Lucky bitch the intrusive comment ran through his head with the sudden want and desire to get drunk or high or anything to forget how painful this last week, month and year had been.

You saved my board

The giggles has surpassed and the girl who laid on the floor, completely baked, was finally noticing the board that was in his hand. “Your board?” he responded, tilting his head to the side, pretending to act confused. “You must be mistaken because I found this board. And you know the saying; finders keepers, losers get their backs blown out during anal.” He raised the board, holding it with both hands as he inspected the detailing, all the chips and scratches, the application of the grip tape and the wheels on the bearings. The corner of his mouth drooped, resembling a rather unenthusiastic toad as his eyes ran their course over the skateboard. “You know what, you can keep it. Where did you get your trucks and wheels from? Fucking Wallmart?

As Beth motioned for him to come and lie down next to her, the boy tilted his head towards the sky and closed them for a moment. Spag Lord, give me peace he silently prayed to the Spaghetti Sky Monster above him. Her confession of being stoned was enough to fuel the jealousy running through his body already. Releasing a long, hard and heavy exhale through his nose, he allowed his head to flop back from its position and look back down at the high girl before him. “Fine, hold on” he muttered, stepping aside for a moment.

Ayden safely placed the board on the floor near them, flipping it to its side so it couldn’t go on another cheeky little adventure rolling off into the sunset. As he stood to his full height, he looked back down at Beth who was just… lying there like that. Ayden was known for his classic disgusted resting bitch face, and this occasion was no different. If anything, he could feel the corners of his mouth attempting to touch his chin as he stood there with a sense of dismay. He really should help her out. “Fuck” he hissed under his breath as he began to slide his long-sleeved flannel shirt off. The bruises once trailing his arms, as witnessed and commented by the bald-headed baby in the bathroom, were in their final stages of healing. Spots of yellow and brown painted down his forearms, finally leaving their blue and green phases behind.

With the flannel in hand, he waved it against the breeze to open it as far as possible before placing it upon Beth’s lower half to cover her legs. “There. Now your pussy isn’t going to be on every crusty white fifty-year-old male's blog. You’re welcome” He muttered before circling his way back to where she had been patting. And, like she had instructed him to do so, he took a spot on the floor; Laying on the ground, his body pointed in the opposite direction and his head next to hers. Without even an invitation or asking for permission, he reached towards one of her earphone pieces and took it out of her ear. He then placed it into his own ear and closed his eyes for a moment, breathing out a deep exhale of contentment.

That was until he heard the song playing.

It took him a moment or so to realise what it was, as he had been getting lost in the tranquillity of simply lying on the concrete floor, the sun pouring its rays upon them and the subtle breeze combing its fingers through their hair. But as soon as it connected in his head, his eyes flung open quicker than a pull-down curtain being released. “What the fuck…” he muttered under his breath before turning his head to the side, lifting it up ever so slightly to look at Beth in the eye rather than her nose and lips. “Girl, your music is shit. What the fuck. Are you sure you’re not listening to this for like… satire? Are you really this fucking high that you think that this is good music?

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

not understanding that youre a horrible person doesnt make you less of

a horrible person
the sinner
fell asleep and forgot to die
the weekend
mac miller
mood: oh its fuckin time
location: luke's place
interactions: doedeer doedeer - luke | Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy - thelma
Leon’s chest heaved slightly as he lay on his back, arm bent so his forearm covered his eyes despite them already being closed. It’d been entirely too hot while he and Luke were mid-coitus, and not just in the fun way. He wasn’t, like, grossly sweaty; it was more like uncomfortably sticky.

Hearing the glass clink as it was set back down on the bedside table prompted his eyes to snap open. Reaching behind Luke, they grabbed the glass and sat up before chugging the remaining water it contained. The whole while they watched as Luke fidgeted with the music on his phone. There was a slight tinge of admiration in his gaze, not that he’d ever admit that. In his mind, Leon just wasn’t used to him with the blonde and so they were looking.

“Yeah, for sure,” he responded, stretching before he stood. “No sweat, I’ll see you around eventually,” he called out with a lopsided grin, letting Luke know he didn’t need to come back. He didn’t want Luke feeling like he was a needy hookup or something, and he definitely didn’t want him worrying about being seen.

Because, let’s be honest, if anyone saw Leon Pierce coming out of someone’s bedroom, it wouldn’t take very long for the dots to be connected.

He paused in front of the mirror, examining himself before hopping in the shower. He didn’t bother waiting for it to heat up considering he’d left it as cold as it could go. The common belief is that water hot enough to burn skin is the only way to scrub yourself clean of self hatred, but water cold enough to resemble the treatment he typically received from his partners.

It was a quick one, too. Too much time meant too many thoughts, and that was the last thing Leon needed before the year’s first party.

Towel-drying his hair, he exited the bathroom and scanned the room for a shirt. He couldn’t remember, exactly, what he’d shown up wearing, so he went for the first thing that caught his eye: a long-sleeve white sweater. As he threw it on, the question of whether or not it belonged to him lingered in the back of his mind. Surely no one spent enough time with Luke to recognize a plain white shirt if it did belong to him.

He knew where his pants were - a feat he mentally patted himself on the back for - but spent a few minutes looking for his tote bag. There were some goodies in there he’d rather not have to come back to Luke’s room to find later on. Once he found it, he made his way out and towards the noise.

Along the way, he greeted a handful of folks from the skate park and from school, the attention tearing his mind away from any negative thoughts. No one seemed entertaining enough to share his little sheet of goodies with; most of his friends had yet to arrive, so he wandered around aimlessly for a little while until he ended up outside.

“Thelms!” A semi-wicked gleam appeared in his eyes, and he wore a smile to match it. After a light jog to place himself next to them, he wrapped an arm around their shoulders. “Imma be real, I wasn’t sure you’d pull through,” he said as he guided them gently towards the home’s entrance. “‘M glad, though, ‘cause we’re gonna have a great time.” As they reached a slightly more secluded area, he reached into his bag and pulled out the sheet covered in equal-sized squares of strawberries, waggling his eyebrows with a softer smile than earlier.
© reveriee

finally party time!

Nat rolled her eyes at Teo’s self-invitation to get comfortable. The nerve to just flop on her bed, immediately after insulting her… unbelievable.

“You can just make yourself at home,”
she mumbled, a slight uptick visible in one corner of her mouth. She took a seat on the corner of her bed - the only space not occupied by Teo. For such an average-sized dude, he sure as hell knew how to occupy maximum space.
“You’re just too soft to look this good,”
she said, poking his calf firmly.

When Teo turned his head, Nat instinctively knew that the next words that would fall out of his mouth would be nothing short of idiotic. She stood up, wanting to avoid violence this early into the evening, and made her way to her vanity.

Her instincts were proven correct as the sentence that fell from Teo’s mouth prompted yet another eye roll from her. Fortunately, her mascara application was only aided by the motion.
“Y’know, if you’re so jealous that I look so much better than you,”
she began, turning to face him with one of her eyelashes finished,
“I can help you out.”

She looked back towards the mirror, resuming her artistry. She kept an eye on him through the reflection, her gaze pointed and slightly venomous as he spouted on about her ovulation.
“We are not getting fertilized,”
she clarified, though her words were slightly warped as she’d begun applying lipstick. The rest of his words, however…

Hold on, why the fuck was he yelling? More importantly, why was he yelling about getting her dick. Not even good dick, just mid-tier dick at best. It was, frankly, offensive.

She could get her own C-tier dick, thank you very much.

Natalia turned around as he rambled on about the “slim pickings” available at Roosevelt, rubbing her lips together to finalize her makeup. Quirking an eyebrow at Teo’s extended hand, she rose to her full height in front of him.
“We have a deal,”
she said, a sickly sweet edge to her voice that matched the obviously false smile plastered on her face.

With a hand placed on her hip, she walked towards the end of the bed where Teo’s legs were. Using the bedframe to gain some leverage, she stood on the same corner of the bed she’d sat in earlier for a second, fully considering what she was about to do before following through.

Teo should be beyond glad she didn’t put her full weight behind the kick she delivered straight to his groin, and that she wasn’t wearing a pointed toe.

She dropped down on the bed, resuming her seated position and facing Teo, all sweetness gone from her expression and voice.
“You, unfortunately, are now D-grade dick at best.”

Her feet landed on the hardwood floor loudly, and the heels continued clicking as she moved to grab her purse.
"You comin', or what?"


♡coded by uxie♡







Overexcited brain go zoom

Luke's place

This, + an old hand-me-down winter coat || forearm crutches

doedeer doedeer purplecowdutch purplecowdutch

Leigh Fallon

As soon as Leigh Fallon heard that a party was happening on the other side of town at Luke's place, he was consumed by a burst of giddy excitement.
It wasn't every day that he got to go to a party. In the weeks since winter break, though, it seemed that everyone was already sick of school and itching for something more carefree and chaotic. And Leigh, being a Fallon, just couldn't pass up a sweet opportunity to do something crazy and get into trouble. He couldn't help it; it was genetic, down to the core of his very nature.

Leigh wasn't sure if he really remembered who Luke was, though. There was probably more than one kid named Luke at Roosevelt High, and he didn't really know any of them very well. But this Luke had to be that super tall Italian kid with the vape and all the tattoos, right? Wasn't he like... rich?
Maybe Carter knew him; not that Leigh could ask his brother anything right now, because Carter wasn't home. He was out on a date. Again.

Bummer, thought Leigh, grumbling to himself as he lay on his stomach, rummaging around under the bed looking for his winter coat.
Parties were way more fun with Carter. Carter was older and knew more people... and it always just seemed like he knew how everything worked. Nothing ever seemed to faze him, he got girls, and it seemed to Leigh like he was the peak of popularity.
Maybe Carter could drop by the party later, or at least come pick him up when it was time to go home.

Well, in any case, it looked like Leigh was just going to have to do some improvising to fit in at this party. Not like that would be a problem. The wayward 14-year-old was actually quite good at pretending he knew people: a smile, a fist-bump, and a nice friendly "hey, dude!" could go a long way towards convincing a stranger that they were somehow already acquainted.

Leigh finally found his coat, pulling it out from under the bed and triumphantly brushing off the dust and lint before zipping it on. Getting up from the floor was a bit of a challenge though, with his stiff unstable legs, but he managed to drag himself back to standing eventually, breathing heavily with fatigue and wincing a bit as he readjusted his weight back onto his forearm crutches... Damn, he should really stop leaving things on the ground when his brother wasn't around to give him a hand back up.

At long last, checking the directions one last time on his phone, Leigh was ready to head out. Giving the cracked mirror on the wall a quick glance, he ruffled his hands through his soft brown waves of hair, just to get the tangles out, then gave his reflection a saucy thumbs-up. He looked like a homeless elf, but that was just fine with him. At least he looked like himself, and he wasn't going to waste his time trying to look like anybody else.

Lingering by the front door and thinking for a moment, he slowly texted his brother "going to lukes party. come find me when youre done being a ladies man cart" Before hobbling down the trailer steps towards the city bus stop at the end of the block.
The bus was always late, and it smelled like piss and cigarettes, but it was the only way to reliably get around Seattle when you're too young to drive and walking long distances isn't possible. The bus was a necessary evil, like so many other things in life... but hey, sometimes the other passengers were pretty funny: like the drunk guys belting out Mariah Carey, the old people arguing, or the ladies with bibles and pamphlets who would sometimes grab Leigh's shoulders and start praying over him like they thought Jesus was going to change his mind and take away the cerebral palsy.

20 minutes later, the King County Metro Bus dropped Leigh off nearby the apartment complex that Google Maps pointed him to. The party. He'd finally made it. It wasn't too hard to find the apartment that was blasting music and rattling with raucous conversation and laughter.

Confidently, like he'd been here a million times before, he rang the doorbell and waited to be let in to join the soirée.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Last edited:





hahahah my precious dick

nat's house


Nat ( TheVoidQueen TheVoidQueen )

tw: lots of dick talk

scroll for post

Teo Choi

Honestly, he didn’t think Nat would’ve said it was a deal. If anything, he thought she would’ve scoffed at him, throw a pillow or two and go red in the face. You know, playful banter. But there was no denying that the pair of them didn’t have a playful bone in the pair of them. Oh, no. Their dynamic was more hands-on I suppose. Either it was trying to trip the other one over, or seeing who could out-embarrass the other; Nat and Teo had an interesting dynamic that only grew over the holidays. It had first started off as being bored at church and had blossumed into something much more of a … intriguing dynamic, I suppose was a way to describe it.

Teo watched with a curious brow as Nat climbed upon the bed; but rather than sitting down as she had been previously, she stood. He should’ve known he was in danger from the wild look in her eyes. The way she had been so willingly to dive into his deep, crazy ideas no matter if they were real or a joke. And then - it took him by surprise. The girl pulled back her leg and released all hell between his own legs as her foot attempted to assassinate his precious babymakers.

Despite lying down on Nat’s bed, as soon as her foot met contact with his balls, Teo folded like a lawn chair. The wind knocked out of him and instantly, a horrifying dull pain crashed through his body like a tsunami. It started as a slow pulse from the location of where she had kicked before radiating upwards into his abdomen. Time slowed down and each passing second felt like an excruciating hour. Every muscle in his body felt like it was being electrocuted, and a wave of nausea was brewing in the pits of his guts. Arms clutched around his waist, as he gasped momentarily for air. An anaconda’s death grip constructed every muscle while he internally screamed to himself do not puke on Nat’s bed or she will do it again. The girl was wild. “Fuckkkkk” he hissed through his teeth, feeling the corners of his eyes water as he took his time to nurture the pain.

He had to hand it to her, though; had he not been doubled down in such immense pain from the kick, he would’ve high-fived her for her D-grade dick one-liner.

You comin’, or what?

Oh, like she could say it so casually.

Unhurriedly, he mustered all the energy he had left in his body to push himself up into a seated position on the bed. One arm still cradling his stomach and the other hoisting his body up, Teo scrunched his face and looked over at Nat with dismay. “I’m going to kick you up your glory hole one day. Just you wait. See how you like the pain” he grunted at her, removing his arm from his stomach and using it to aid in pushing himself up from the bed and onto his feet. Oh, the pain was still there. In a gentleman manner, he turned around, so his back was facing Nat. Teo quickly released the clasp of his belt, unbuttoned his jeans, and dug his hand right into the front of his pants and underwear. He needed to re-arrange himself considering how Nat just kicked them so far back up into his body. With a little leg shake here and a deep dive there, he felt that it was the best it was going to get.

Whipping his hand out of his pants, letting out a sigh of some sort of relief, he turned back around to the girl as he began to button his pants up once more. “Okay. I won’t help you tonight because apparently you’ve got some good dick radar or something” he shot at her, rolling his eyes at the mention of the dick radar as he adjusted the clasp on his belt “You obviously had been around enough dick to be a master of all dicks far and wide. You are a dick guru. I will not deprive you on your journey of collecting all the dicks and becoming a dick master of the world.

Making his way over to her with a slight hobble to his walk, he extended out his arms in the air, reaching out for an embrace. “Okay, okay,” he tutted her, closing the gap between them and wrapping his arms around her “We’re making up now. We’re besties again, okay?” He spoke as if he didn’t have a devious plan up his sleeve. “But, as you are a dick master, can you do me a favour? Here, smell this” His hand, which had once been in his pants rearranging himself was now evidently close to the girl’s face as his other arm remained around her body, pinning her against him to give him the advantage of the situation. “What grade dick would you say it is from just the smell alone?” he chuckled, his face lighting up with absolute joy. It was nice to have fun like this. Even if fun came in the form of getting kicked in the balls and then attempting to shove his dick hand into Nat’s face.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.






my fault dude

luke's place


Chimney Swift Chimney Swift - Leigh

Sebastian Sotos

Friday nights were easily Sebastian’s least favorite day and time of the week.

Friday mornings, at least school was there to take up his time. Saturdays, there was always something to do, be it trouble or learning. Friday nights, however, seldom had offerings of such reprieve.

It’s not that he doesn’t like staying at Marcus’s house. Who would take issue with being able to chill in a mansion on the weekends? No, the problem arose whenever Marcus decided he needed to play the dad role, meaning Seb had to reprise his role as the son; one he had given up years ago and had never associated with Marcus to begin with.

The problem stemmed from his own inability to move on from something everyone else had seemingly recovered from: mom was doing fine, Marcus was unbothered as always, and Seb had even heard that his dad had finally made tenure.

In fact, he’d heard the news this morning. So he’d spent the morning behind a locked door, poring over the academic literature of the man who’d raised him from within the walls of the house of the man who’d ruined him.

Safe to say, his head was all over the place.

He felt as though he was split into three distinct mindsets and none was willing to be fully explored: the part of him that was proud of his dad and all he’d accomplished; the part of him that was miserable he’d managed it all without Seb; and the part of him that felt pathetic for even caring.

What kind of complete idiot keeps tabs on the dude that walked out on them seven years after the fact?

He’d given up on stuffing his brain with democratic theory and global justice around three in the afternoon. Despite his best efforts, the strange feeling of fragmentation still lingered. By this point, school and debate practice had been missed, breakfast and lunch both inadvertently skipped, and music the farthest thing from his mind. The day had been effectively rendered useless.

For all these reasons, Sebastian found himself drinking alone at Luke Tellegio’s start-of-year party. He could’ve not been alone. He had friends and potential lovers. He usually would’ve immediately sought someone’s company, would’ve gladly spent the next couple of hours chewing their ear off about whatever he pleased.

The fact that he hadn’t was, honestly, pretty concerning.

He was relieved when Billy texted the group chat asking for him specifically to meet him outside. Had Billy not requested him, he wouldn’t have answered. But being summoned meant he had an obligation to fulfill, so he stood up from the couch he was occupying and set his Solo cup down after emptying its remaining contents.

The journey to the front door felt eternal despite being less than a hundred feet away. He heard a vague knocking but failed to attribute it to the door in front of him. It was probably some horny couple getting it on in a bedroom nearby or something.

He opened the door without a second thought, looking straight ahead so he could scan the area for Billy. Instead of successfully completing his mission of locating his friend, he damn near ran over someone that was just… standing at the door.

“Shit, sorry, little man,” he said, putting a hand on the kid’s shoulder in an attempt to help him find his balance. Seb had just barely bumped into him, and for someone of normal stature, it probably wouldn’t have even been a problem, but Seb literally towered over the guy and didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.

He stepped out of the way of the door, operating under the assumption that the boy intended to party. “There’s, uh, liq in the kitchen, I can walk you there if you want.” Waiting the two minutes it took Seb to do a good deed - was inviting a child to get drunk a “good deed?” - wouldn’t kill Billy.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.








Overexcited brain go zoom

Luke's place

This, + an old hand-me-down winter coat || forearm crutches

purplecowdutch purplecowdutch doedeer doedeer TheVoidQueen TheVoidQueen

Leigh Fallon

With Seattle being less than 100 miles from the Canadian border, it was awfully cold on the front steps of Luke’s obnoxiously extravagant house on this late January night; cold enough that Leigh could feel his fingers starting to go numb as he continued texting his brother to pass the time until someone let him into the party.
They were talking about girls, mostly, since that was all Carter seemed to have on his mind… this date he was on with Wendy Sheary… Leigh didn’t know how he felt about it all just yet. Wendy seemed chill enough when Leigh briefly bothered her on social media earlier, but he wasn’t friends with her the way he was friends with Carter’s exes.

Part of Leigh was always going to be trying to hook his older brother back up with his past flings, just to spend some more time with them himself. Especially Calliope Byrne. He missed her. He missed having her around the trailer, talking about silly nonsense, feeding the city pigeons, stealing snacks for her at the corner store…

…are you okay?

Yeah I’m fine, Calli is just something else. Maybe she’ll realize Luke is the biggest dumbass ever someday.

wait what’d luke do??? im like… at his party right now

He went on a date with Calliope. Spill a beer on their carpet, I beg you.

you got it bro 😎

Leigh stared down at his phone screen, his jaw dropping in disbelief at what he'd just agreed to do.

Was it a catastrophically bad idea to spill something on Rich Boy Luke’s pristine carpeting? Definitely.
Was it wrong to get involved in petty relationship drama on behalf of his brother? Absolutely.
Was it mean, immature… perhaps even a little tacky? Yes.

But he had to do it.

Leigh wasn’t a salty bitch by nature, but his bond with his beloved older brother Carter meant more to him than Luke’s carpets ever would.
He’d make it up to Luke later if it turned out that this was a mistake.

Now Leigh had a mission.
Well, he would have a mission, once someone let him in. He knocked, as loudly as he could, pretty sure that the doorbell wasn’t working or they were purposefully ignoring it. He could hear them all in there, having fun without him. Rude. But he waited patiently, like a dog locked out in the rain, for a couple more minutes...

Then someone swung open the door and ran out so fast that they nearly knocked Leigh off of his crutches.

Caught off-guard, Leigh staggered backwards and pitched towards the railing… the taller boy grabbed onto his shoulder before he could fall, though, giving him time to rebalance.
Leigh, who was very good at falling and very bad at getting back up, was definitely grateful for the gesture.

And really, this guy’s plunging cheetah-print shirt was absolutely iconic. Dude had style.

“Oh hey, whassup my guy?” Leigh gave him a bright sunshiney smile and a set of enthusiastic finger-guns, as though greeting his best friend in the whole world. “I’m Leigh. Leigh Fallon. You know this place? Damn, it’s super nice, right? Took me long enough to get out here from trailer town, eh? Like a whole new world.”
While Leigh babbled out a stream of cheery small talk, the tall curly-headed boy stepped aside to allow him entry to the extravagant party mansion, offering to walk him to the kitchen where the liquor was. Wouldn’t be a party unless everyone was a little buzzed to start with, of course.
“Sure, man!” Chirped Leigh, following along, though he already knew what he planned to do with his drink once he had it in his hands.
After all, he had a mission.
First drink of the night was going to be a toast to Carter and Calliope. And Luke's carpet.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.









  • home (filler tab)



With a compliment from Penny about her outfit, Mallory knew that tonight would be off to a great start, the two of them proceed to take another shot, cheers-ing to "a good kind of messy night", in the words of Pen. This night would 100% be messy as fuck, especially with the mixed crowd that would be attending, including some people that they didn't even know.

There was a little worry in the back of Mallory's mind about seeing Sam though, the two had gotten into an argument earlier that day which ended up with him being blocked on Twitter. He was upset about the fact that she was planning on buying Xanax while at the party, but honestly that wasn't going to stop her from getting it in the first place.

A voice interrupted her thoughts, it was Penny, she was announcing that she was ready to go, but before that, the two stepped in front of her floor-length mirror to snap a picture. Putting on the biggest grin manageable and pushing her head up against Penny's, Mallory waits until she hears the camera noise from her phone before stepping away. The two had gathered their things and hopped in the car, setting up the music and heading towards Luke's house.

Arriving at the mansion, Mallory looked at Penny as she got out of the car, "I gotta use the bathroom, we should totally catch up later." With a quick side hug, the girl was off into the house to find Jack. She shot him a quick text, getting a quick response giving his location, and without missing a beat, Mallory was on a mission to find him. The $60 she would owe him was crumpled up in her hand as she opened the door to find a whole bunch of people in the room.

There was no way that she would be staying in here with all these... individuals. So, as quickly as she could, she makes her way over to Jack, and they do a quick exchange of money and a sandwich bag, speaking almost no words except for a "Thanks." from Mallory. She was out of the room just as fast as she had made her way in, making her way back into the main part of the house where the party was, stopping at a table and taking a few shots before heading out onto the dancefloor.

♡coded by uxie♡


filler! ignore


filler! ignore

  • Beth Howard

    The Comedic Relief

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡





ig we're getting kids drunk rn

luke's place - kitchen


Chimney Swift Chimney Swift - Leigh

Sebastian Sotos

A lopsided grin formed on Sebastian’s face at Leigh’s finger guns. Say what you want about the kid, he was definitely charismatic.

Seb walked beside his newly acquired friend and had to make a conscious effort to match his pace. He didn’t want to lose him in the crowd during the trek to the kitchen. The crutches didn’t go unnoticed for long, but he wasn’t nearly drunk enough to ask about them.

“I’m Sebastian,” he said, “but most folks call me Seb.” The offering of his entire given name was a courtesy more than anything, a habit he hadn’t managed to shake. No one called him by his full name unless he’d done something seriously fucked up, and he preferred it that way. “And you’re Carter’s brother,” he added, brows furrowed slightly as the dots connected when Leigh provided his family name.

Seb didn’t know much about the elder Fallon brother and didn’t really care to. All the information he had about Carter had been learned against his will thanks to Twitter and it didn’t really spark his interest.

Leigh seemed like a fun little dude, though, so he didn’t find himself in a rush to exit the premises.

The kitchen was, thankfully, mostly empty. Most people seemed to have already gotten their first drinks and weren’t quite in need of a refill yet. “You’ve never been to a function in Magnolia?” The redundancy of the question wasn't lost on him, a mere repetition of information Leigh had already implied.

He had to stop himself from letting the bitterness pour out, biting his tongue when he wanted to say I bet this place is pretty nice when you’re not forced to visit every week ‘cause your dad wasn’t actually your dad. Rather than trauma dump on the nice kid he’d met literally two minutes ago, he let himself smile as he searched for another beer, instead opting to say, “The rich live in a whole different fuckin’ universe.”

After cracking open his own can, he leaned against the counter facing Leigh. “Alright, what’s your poison, my man?”

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.








Overexcited brain go zoom

Luke's place

This, + an old hand-me-down winter coat || forearm crutches

TheVoidQueen TheVoidQueen purplecowdutch purplecowdutch doedeer doedeer

Leigh Fallon

(Mild CW for mention of substance abuse: remember guys, do not ever mix benzodiazepines and alcohol under any circumstances.)

“Alright, what’s your poison, my man?”

The two boys had finally reached the kitchen, where as promised there was a wide array of bottles and glasses of every size and color spread all out over the counter.


Leigh instantly spotted a crystal-clear bottle of vodka, perfect for his usual drink of choice: just a splash of clear liquor in a glass of orange juice. But right now, he wasn’t picking something out for himself. Not yet, anyway.
He pensively leaned forward and rubbed at his chin, perusing the nerve-wrackingly expansive selection, wondering which brand of beer would cause the worst carpet stain…

But then Leigh had an idea.
An awful idea.
Leigh had a wonderful, awful idea.

An idea that took a bad idea and made it into something that was probably going to get him strangled.

“Y’know, I usually start out with a glass of wine, actually.” The little elf hobbled up to the counter and grabbed the darkest, reddest bottle he could find. “Levels, right? Start with the lighter stuff, grab a few shots, by the end of the night ya see if anyone’s got something really crazy…” Still talking as he struggled for a few moments to pull the cork, he poured himself a giant brimming glass of Sangiovese.

From the bottle alone, this old Italian wine looked woefully expensive… all the better (or worse, depending on perspective) for what Leigh planned to do with it.
But just standing there looking at the blood-hued liquid shimmering in its glass container, he was getting nervous. Still smiling and chatting away, but deep down his stomach was full of nauseous butterflies.
What’s the worst that could happen, he kept asking himself– He never got invited to another Luke party again? He got yelled at? Luke Tellegio beat him to death with his own crutches?

Leigh kept telling himself that this was for Carter. This was all for Carter. His own brother asked him to do this, and there was no way in hell he was going to let his brother down.

“Hey, let’s find somewhere to sit, yeah? Some of my friends are here I think. I can introduce you if you want. They're all real nice, I promise.” Leigh waved his new friend Seb over and started off towards the main room of the house where the lightest-colored and most expensive-looking carpets were.
He was already struggling to carry the overfilled glass while pulling himself along on his crutches. It wouldn’t be too hard, he supposed, to make this look like an accident. Who was going to beat up a disabled kid over a little spill, even if the wine and the carpet probably cost more than all of Leigh’s life savings and internal organs combined?

He was really going to need a drink after doing this. A drink, maybe two drinks, a blunt, maybe a Xanax, maybe two actually, and a hug from somebody. Preferably Calli, if he could find her here… Poor Calli didn’t even know that he was doing this horrible carpet crime because of her. She didn’t deserve this, and he knew that, and he felt guilty, so horribly guilty that he could feel his lungs trying to escape into his intestines… but what’s a brother to do?
This had to happen. Family first, party second.

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© weldherwings.


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