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Fandom Grishaverse OOC

. . . .

Sorry for the silence, these couple of days have been kind of busy for me and it doesn't help that RPN hasn't been sending me proper notifications for a while now.
Addressing whatever conflict may or may not be happening (I only skimmed through the past few pages), stop acting like children and slinging mud everywhere.
Sorry, I thought I picked up a mild fight somewhere in the middle of all of that. I encourage you guys to discuss issues that occur; I'm still new to hosting a roleplay on this site, so the functions of it all are still pretty fuzzy.
I agree with Ayama Ayama that we should have a turn-based system now that I know that we're going to be on the more active side of things as a group.
Sometimes in text, tone and such can be lost in translation and lead to squabbles, which I think we can all agree are no good for anyone.
It was all in good fun, but when I throw mud in the future, I'll do my best to keep it off the fine Zemni rugs :P
I think it's probably best for you guys to sort out the order between yourselves. I think it goes without saying that I go first, considering I'm the gm

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