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Realistic or Modern Grand Scarlet Guests



black magic and cigarettes
Valued guests of Grand Scarlet New Orleans, please take a moment and fill out your guest information forms and turn them into our front desk as soon as possible!
please submit a picture of yourself with this form, make sure it is up to date and a realistic representation of your appearance !
Guest Name: (First, Middle Initial, Last)
Guest DOB: (Birthday and age)
Guest sex and gender:
Guest's romantic preferences:

Guests eye color:
Guests hair color:
Guests height:

About this guest: (personality)
Guests preferences: (likes and dislikes)
Guests vices and virtues:

Guests history:

Extra guest information:
Louis James Deveraux :: THE MAGICIAN
25 (11/3/1995) // male // demisexual
face claim: Avan Jogia

Guests eye color:
Dark Brown
Guests hair color: Brown
Guests height: 5'10''

About this guest: In front of the camera and his adoring fans, you might find a very charming and charismatic young magician, indeed. Full of quick wit and friendly but occasionally equivocal humor, Louis really knows how to command an audience. He appears to extend true southern hospitality when rubbing elbows with fans and other big names in the magic industry, going so far as to remember even small, intricate personal details one might share and using them later to afford him a hand up in being well liked by his peers. He is someone that every apprentice magician looks up to, and all the masters of the craft seem to be slightly envious of. From his sleight of hand to his dashing smile, there is nothing about Louis that doesn't impress.

In reality, when the cameras are off and the venues are empty, Louis is the complete opposite of what he presents to the public. He is self centered in many ways, preferring his own comfort to be catered to above the wants of others, and his "friendly humor" can turn into him just making fun of people with his condescending word selection and judgmental gaze. Louis is not a desirable individual to be around, and he doesn't seem to even care, at least not on the outside.

Digging a little deeper you might find Louis, while no less selfish and undesirable, to be a lost and confused soul. He is deeply interested in philosophy and the general questioning of existence. Unanswered questions run rampant in his mind all the time, which is part of the reason he finds solace in his magic. Still, his inability to find and cling to any real moral code or set belief is not a good enough excuse for how he treats the people in his life, and he does, deep down, know that.

Guests preferences:
+ Old books/bookstores
+Cards/card games
+Dim lights such as candles and low-glow lamps.

-Bright lights/sunlight
-Listening to people talk pretty much at all
-Tending to any of his few actual responsibilities
-The sound of large crowds
-Stage lights

Guests vices and virtues:
Misanthropic (for the most part)
-Self centered
-Liar (rarely keeps his word, that is)
+Highly intelligent
+Dedicated (when he cares enough)
+Creative and innovative.

Guests history: Louis was always quite the character. He was born and raised in the city of New Orleans, and has lived and breathed its weird culture from the moment he could stand upright.

His parents were good, church going people by day and by night they were, well, of a questionable variety. There is no telling what all they were responsible for, some illegal substances sold on the streets here and there, a little adventurous romantic exploration and a whole lot of fighting and tumultuous living, it was difficult for little Louis to keep his head on straight.

It didn't take too long to realize that his parents barely noticed his comings and goings among his five other siblings and their own flair for drama, and Louis was roaming the streets by the time he was twelve years old. Learning this and that, working jobs odder than he could describe but somehow building quite the little savings for himself. Eventually somewhere on Frenchman Street he ran into an old magician doing his work out of a little corner store he had turned into more of a magic shop. It was mostly silly, kid stuff but Louis took it all in real nice and quick. Eventually Louis had mastered entry level magic and he spent most of his free time (which was most of his time in general, because he had dropped out of high school by sixteen and was essentially a missing person as he had taken up living on the streets of New Orleans just to get away from the chaos of his home life) studying deeper and deeper magics.

Louis was eighteen when his talent was scouted by different talk show hosts and celebrity parties. All of the sudden, people cared about his craft and he managed to get his own TV show. At first it was fun and games, but his magic has gotten stranger and stranger, and even more over the top over time. Doesn't much matter to Louis if people buy into it or not anymore, it's quite enough that the world knows his name.

For some time Louis lived in an apartment in the quarter, but eventually after performing several magic shows for the fine guests at Grand Scarlet, he was enchanted by its magic atmosphere and saw fit to make that his home base. Louis has been living in a luxury suite on the 13th floor for two years now. He doesn't plan on leaving any time soon.

In those two years he has become rather close with the Hotelier, and happens to be a founding member of his curious cult- which is of course, kept quite secret.

Extra guest information: Louis is usually found in Grand Scarlet's jazz bar, but if he isn't there he is roaming the streets of the quarter in search of some trouble to pass the time until his next magic show.
Last edited:
Christian A. Holland

December 11
The Hotelier
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lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper

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