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Fantasy God Save The Queen

Thanks, did you already made the rp thread?

Also sorry didn't notice what you wrote about Israel xD . Yes the capital is Jerusalem and it is pretty (depends on where you at though)
Appearance and Backstory


Damian grew to a rich family of aristocrats, one would consider him to be a walking sob story, but he only remembers the important parts. at the age of 6 his house was broken into by slavers they killed his father and took him and his mother to be sold, as a slave he saw sights he never wished to anyone else to see, his mother was constantly raped until she took her own life, and he was sold soon after to a diamond mine, to dig for the rest of his life, of course he was saved few years later, by a hired assassin who was ordered to kill his master, of course his master forced poor Damian, tried his best he even managed to get in a hit, after finishing his job, the assassin saw the potential in Damian so he took him under his wing, Damian was more then happy to escape his hell life and he was willing to do what ever it takes.

after years of training and studying the ways of the shadow and saboteur, whilst in his training he found himself fond of poisons and so his mentor bestowed upon him the tittle of Hemlock, when he was done with his training ventured out to earn his mentor gold and riches.


HEIGHT: 1.87m.

HAIR & EYES: Black, White both eyes.

BODY TYPE: Ectomorph, Slim but strongly built.

MARKINGS/SCARS:Scars all over my back, and a mark of a slave.

TATTOOS: Tattooed hands and the mark of a free man on the neck.


NAME: Damian Zoolo


AGE: 23


QUIRKS/HABITS: Loves cooking, and gets lost in thoughts.


GENERAL STRENGTHS: Explosives and poisons, His weapons and equipment vary to the mission at hand.

PHYSICAL SKILLS: Over the average speed.

MENTAL SKILLS: Smart in the ways of trapping and sabotaging.

SOCIAL SKILLS: very talkative, and a lady's man


Demian is not the guy who would usually rush into battle, if he is forced into one he will try to back out and plan his counter attack, he really loves women and sometimes has hard time keeping his hands to himself, he loves cooking although he first started cooking to Impress said lady's.
Ok, Sorry I haven't replied. Theres a baby bird next to me

OK THREAD IS POSTED! iT is under fantasy and is called: God Save The Queen

it is also casual

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