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Gifted Buildingaspaceship & xx0mittens0xx

Kira glances over at the door as she hears it being unlocked. She definitely wasn't going to try jumping him again, definitely needing a plan much more subtle and sneaky than just force. Plus her neck was still sore. "I'm on the bed" she states, her voice verifying she wasn't at the door and that she was in human form to be speaking. She turns her head to look at the door that was slowly opening, chuckling under her breath at the fact she had him wary of her. Though she doubted her amusement would last long. She had changed out of her sleeping clothes while waiting around and into a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt.
As Gerard walked into the room and twisted the remote in between his fingers. "I'm bored." He states, and raises his eyebrows before leaning on the wall. "It's your job to entertain me, am I correct?" He asks her, and he looks at her while smirking slightly. "So... Do something to entertain me." He jerks his head towards the doorway, signifying for her to leave.

((Sorry for these incredibly short replies, I'm trying to paint a masterpiece .-.))

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Kira watches the remote move between his fingers just hoping he'd drop it. She turns her attention back to him when he speaks. "I wouldn't exactly call it a job... I didn't choose to do this" she says with a snarky tone before rolling off the bed and makes her way out of the room. She tries to think of how she was going to entertain him. At least kids were easy for the most part a dog to play fetch with was more than enough and then sometimes you had the spoiled brats who wanted you to change into a new animal before you finished with the previous one. "What do you wish me to do. I can be anything from a mouse to tiger to a horse and everything in between. But no reptiles or bugs I can't do them, my body chemistry just isn't compatible and it doesn't end up having me feel exactly up to par" 
((It's quite alright I hope it ends up being everything you want it to be))
"Surprise me." He says boredly as he walks down the stairs and into the living area, he sits in the middle of the couch and spreads out his arms, watching her with eyes like a hawk. "Do something." He shrugs his shoulders and smirks at her, wondering what exactly she would do. He didn't know much about mutants, or shapeshifters, or anything specifically outside of the company he owned.

((Its going.... Ehhhhh))

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Kira sighs, hoping he'd choose something, not quite sure what would impress him. She walks out into the living room in front of him, a little nervous at the fact he kept staring at her. A small smirk came across her face as she was tempted to change into the jaguar form yet again just to see if it would make fear appear in his eyes. She however decides against it at remembering the consequences of this morning and doubted he would find the joke as funny. She decides on a maned wolf, something probably he'd never seen. Everyone knew about the big cats, that wasn't as impressive, at least not to her. She figures a maned wolf was exotic enough to amuse him for the time being and it wasn't nearly as threatening as a jaguar figuring he may still be jumpy about that. She strides over to him with her stilt like legs tilting her head as she approached him, watching him to evaluate his expression.
Gerard watches in amazement as she changes into the wolf, his posture still relaxed, his hands still on the remote if anything happened. He wouldn't allow her to get away with anything, she'd had her warning yesterday when she attacked Maria. Speaking of Maria, she entered the room to see the wolf and approached Gerard warily, leaning down to whisper into his ear. Gerard nods as she tells him that lunch was on the table. And as she turns to leave, he quickly grabs her arm. "Kiras, too?" Maria shakes her head and Gerard narrows his eyes slightly, causing Maria to hurry off while mumbling something about eating with mutants.

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Kira gives a growl in Maria's direction hearing her mumbles but was a bit surprised when he asked about her lunch too. She takes a few steps back and shakes a bit before shrinking down in size as she shifts into a genet. She jumps up on the couch walking along the back of it and across his arms poking the side of his face gently with her nose before jumping from the couch and towards the kitchen, shifting back into her human form before looking back at him, looking rather impressed with herself. She liked showing off creatures most had never seen before, the only possessions she ever owned was National Geographic magazines which she would read over and over, mostly liking the animals they featured. She however lost them a year ago for attacking Damien, he burned them. She continues to watch him, waiting for him to say they could go eat lunch. She felt a little bad about jumping him this morning and was glad she didn't get her teeth into his arm. Damien would have left her in her cage all day without food for a stunt like that and this guy was still going to feed her lunch and alongside of him apparently.
Gerard stood up from the couch as she turned back into her human form and he smiled, pushing his hair out of his face and gesturing for her to follow him as he walked in the direction of the dining room. "I find that being polite is the sincerest form of... Welcoming." He says, shrugging his shoulders as he takes a seat where his food was already placed, Maria walks in, her face plastered with the mixed expression of disappointment and damaged pride. She sets down a less fancy meal for Kira, before leaving the room quickly, smoothing out her dress as she went.

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"Yes well politeness isn't something that's given to me very often..." She states as she follows him into the dining room, taking a seat the table, feeling strange sharing a table with a normal. It wasn't something that happened. She looks over at Maria, holding back a laugh at remembering her face when she scared her. Finding it rather amusing she wasn't pleased with her sitting at the table and couldn't help but want to taunt her about it. Her face turns her attention to Gerard though, immediately deciding against it. She waits until he started eating before doing so herself, definitely hungry from not getting breakfast and only having a sandwich the night before. She watches him for a moment, a bit disappointed that he was taking Damien's words about the remote to heart, but after this morning she supposed she couldn't blame him. But it wasn't like she was trying to actually kill him, she could've done that with one bite to the neck, she just wanted her freedom. She sighs a little and looks down at her food continuing to eat.
"You can't have had a very nice life then. But then again, you are a mutant, and Damien had you." He says as he begins to eat. He keeps his eyes on Kira. He watches her eat for a moment, before speaking again. "What's it like? You know... Changing? Or whatever you call it..." He asks her, before taking a mouthful again.

(Sorry I'm still painting the goddamn eye .-.)

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"Just because I'm a mutant doesn't mean I'm that different from you. I still feel and think the same things" she days with a sigh debate whether to answer his how it felt to shift question. "You can call it whatever I call it shifting but I don't know how to explain it. It used to hurt but Damien had me do it so offend it's second nature. I guess it feels like cracking your neck or back but just everywhere..." she states before continuing to eat her meal. 
(How's it going by the way?)
"I can't imagine how that feels." He says as he shrugs his shoulders, leaning back in his chair as he eats, smirking slightly. "You're a mutant, in most peoples opinion that causes you to feel and think differently to normal people. It's like the segregation of black people in the 1900's, except this time there's something literally... Wrong with you." He raises his eyebrows. "Most people think you're dangerous, a threat, and by what happened this morning, I'd say that they have reason to think that way."

(Have the skin to do now and then I'm done :3)

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Kira looks up at from her food seeing Gerard's smirk not regretting this morning. "There's nothing wrong with me I'm just different, better than you even and perhaps I am a threat. If it wasn't for this collar I'd have you entertaining me instead of the other way around" she says with a snide tone. She knew she could never put someone in the position she was currently in but what he said offended her and she could at least threaten. "And besides what I've had happen in the past several years I think I have every cause to attempt an escape. If I had wanted you dead you would be..." she turns her gaze back down to her food finishing what was left.
"You don't want me dead?" He says, raising his eyebrows and he pushes his chair away from the table, standing up and, walking over to the end of the table where a glass and a bottle of whiskey sat, he pours himself one and then walks back with it, sitting down again. "I don't mean any harm to you, Kira, honestly, so why should you want me dead? I haven't done anything to you except defend myself and accept a gift." He shrugs his shoulders, leaning forwards slightly. "I've been considerably nice to you since you arrived, for a mutant."

((Eyelashes now .-.))

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Kira huffs and looks away, knowing he was correct in being nice to her. She glances over at the glass of whiskey as she catches a whiff of it wrinkling her nose a bit and tilts her head curiously never having seen or smelt anything like it. She turns her attention away after a moment and leans back in her chair, slouching a bit. "I don't want you dead. Damien... well I wouldn't mind if something unfortunate happened to him and as for the whole accepting a gift thing... that phrase doesn't bother you? Accepting another human being as a gift. I'm not just a gift, I don't exist strictly for your amusement. Even if everyone thinks mutants do but I refuse to think that. I may have something different in me but it doesn't make me less than you...."
"You're not a human being. You're a mutant. There are worse things I could do to you. Aren't you glad I accepted you as a gift, Kira? Really? If I had declined, and left you with Damien, tell me, would you be happy with that?" He asks her, raising his eyebrows accusingly. He grabs his glass of whiskey and quickly drinks it all in one go, feeling the familiar burn of it as he puts his glass back down on the table. "Damien could have given you to someone much worse than me. I don't particularly like... The whole... Owning a mutant idea, I don't like people like Damien either, the ones who hurt them for fun. Didn't you see me last night? All I did was try and keep you from my friends harm." He shrugs his shoulders. As a child he had been fascinated by the whole idea of mutants, but it had quickly been kicked out of him by his father, until now.

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Kira folds her arms across her chest looking away from him. He was correct in saying he was a better alternative than Damien, she had her own bedroom and a bed that took some effort to get out of because it was so comfortable. She was sitting here eating recognizable food rather than scraps. She turns her gaze back to Gerard. "Fine so you're nicer than Damien. Can I go?" She asks not wanting to admit that he was tons better than Damien. He was right in what he said, other than the still being on the mutants are less thing but she figured it was a pointless battle to keep bringing that up. No one believed mutants were equal, they were scared, fascinated, or hated them but never considered equal. She thought about her freedom, what it would feel like not to wear the damn collar. Sure if she ran off that'd be great but where exactly did she have to go? She'd be out on the streets, she wouldn't be able to get a decent job without a background check and the fact she was a mutant would be written in red on that. She grits her teeth together a bit not liking when humans had the upper hand which Gerard very much had it at this moment.
"No. You can't go." He shakes his head and smirks slightly as he finishes the last bit of his meal and pushes the plate away from him. "I want... Infact, never mind. You are... Dismissed." He says and shrugs his shoulders before he pushes his chair back and stands, walking away from the dining room and upstairs. He didn't look back to see what Kira would do with her momentary freedom, and made sure he still had the remote in his pocket as he walked into his bedroom and opened the doors of his wardrobe, changing into a gym kit. When changed, he sticks the remote in his pocket and walks downstairs, wondering what Kira would be doing right now. He shakes those thoughts from his head, because why should he care what she was doing? He walks down a hallway and into the home gym that he had, though small and only a few exercise machines.

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Kira gets up from her spot when she was finally dismissed wondering what he apparently didn't seem brave enough to get her to do and watches him head upstairs. She picks up her plate along with his and takes them in the kitchen to clean them. She makes her through the house to get a feel for it since she hadn't had a chance to. She stops at a bookcase reading over the titles before grabbing one and makes her way upstairs to her room. She laughs a little at that thought, she had an entire room for just her.
Gerard does his usual routine in the gym, working up a sweat, his mind preoccupied by routine, replacing mutants. When he's done however, he remembers whose in the house, and he sighs slightly. What was he supposed to do with a mutant? He walks up the stairs to his bedroom, then into the en suit. He undresses, then showers, before getting redressed in a grey tee with unrecognisable white writing on it, and a pair of black jeans. He couldn't be bothered to keep up with appearance today, and plus, he was trying not to work. He hadn't looked at his phone all day, and he was itching to look now.

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