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Gifted Buildingaspaceship & xx0mittens0xx

Gerard doesn't look up from the article in the newspaper as he speaks, "You're going to keep your mouth shut, you're going to play the piano, and you're going to do as my guests ask." He says slowly, a bored expression on his face as he reads about what he already knew. He folds the paper up with a sigh and puts it on the table, before digging his phone out of his pocket and checking it. No emails, nothing. He smiled happily and put it back in his pocket before closing his eyes and leaning his head back, sighing slightly. He wasn't accustomed to having constant company, and a mutant not the less.

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Kira sighs and turns her face back to the piano, at least she didn't have to speak to the guests and make small talk, she hated that kind of thing. She rolls her eyes once she was facing the other way, apparently this man was rather stiff. He couldn't take a joke and seemed to be all about making sure he came across the right way. She doubted there was a fun bone in his entire body. At least he wasn't as trigger happy with the remote as Damien was, he gave her warnings rather than just repercussions. She flips the page of the booklet of sheet music on the piano, working on playing that particular song, getting more smooth with her playing the more she practiced.
"You don't need to play the piano when we are eating. I'd like you to be present in the room, there's a sofa that faces the table. Sit there." Gerard runs his hands along his chin, and a moment later the doorbell rings, and he stands immediately. "If you do anything out of line, Kira, my guests would find great entertainment in some high voltage fun." He says as he walks towards the front door, opening it himself this time, and offering a welcoming smile to his guests. Men in suits walk into the house, accompanied each by a woman on their arms, dresses that matched their husbands ties. He complimented each pair, and then lead them into the the fancy dining room. "Kira." He calls, expecting her to follow his order of sitting on the sofa. As people take their seats, Gerard sits at the head of the table, leaning back in his chair and placing his palms face down on the table.

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Kira shrinks a little at his threat of doing anything out of line and had no intention of entertaining the guests with that kind of fun. She hears her name and quietly gets up from the piano bench. She walks over to the couch, smooths out her dress and sits with her hands folded in her lap, looking at the people who dressed in the same manner as Gerard and women who dressed more covered up than her and some who were much more provocative. She lets out a small sigh as she listens in to their conversations which weren't highly stimulating since she didn't have anything else to do while sitting on the couch.
As dinner was served, and conversation flowed, Gerard happily joined in on the fake conversations that ensued. However, as someone finally noted that a mutant was sat in the room, they cleared their throats and raised the question to Gerard, who beckoned Kira over to stand next to him. Everyone's eyes turned to look at her, the conversation dying down, you could hear a pin drop. Gerard holds his wine glass in one hand and sips at it, watching the table. "Make her do something, Ryves." One of the men says, a devilish grin on his face. Gerard looks at Kira, trying to think of something to make her do. Instead, he decides to make Kira do the thinking. "Kira. Do not disappoint." He says, looking directly in her eye.

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Kira was starting to get lost in her own thoughts, since their conversation was as boring as could be. She blinks a bit as she heard her being mixed into the conversation before taking a deep breath and makes her way over from the couch to the table, swallowing at the thought of everyone staring at her. One would think she'd be used to it by now but she still had yet to get used to it, even with all her performances. She turns her attention to the man who asked her to do something before narrowing her eyes and turns her attention to Gerard as he suggests she choose something. She couldn't help but smirk at the idea of changing into a rat or a snake, sending all the men's wives screaming and running from the table but knew that would not be taken as well by Gerard. She bites her lip while thinking, a wolf wasn't impressive enough, a tiger would be too cliche. She finally decides and changes into a melanistic jaguar, whatever she shifted into was usually black in color, the same shade as her hair color. She gives a growl mixed with a snarl, baring her teeth smirking internally as their eyes widen with fear. After watching their reactions she takes a seat next to Gerard's chair, sitting calmly and awaiting further instruction, hoping the scare wasn't overstepping her boundaries. If he wanted something impressive, she was going to do so. She wasn't going to change into a simple house cat or a dog that would hardly be impressive.
Gerard watches in disbelief as the girl, the mutant, in front of him changes into a jaguar, a black predator. He was fascinated, and as she sat by his chair, a chorus of conversation erupted, some people talking in excited hushed voices, some in a scared tone. Gerard simply sat there, smirking at the end of the table as people surrounding him gawped at the jaguar by his feet. The man sat closest to Gerard reached out to touch Kira, but moved his hand away when Gerard's smirk changed into a straight line of disapproval, his eyes narrowing slightly as he shot the man a look that clearly told him to stay away. The meal progressed soon after the impressive show, and Gerard slowly rejoined the conversation, forgetting about the jaguar at his feet. When the time came that the meal itself had finished, they moved into the living room, though Gerard held back for a moment to talk to Kira. When everyone had gone from the room, he looked down at the jaguar. "You may change back now. And resume playing the piano. You're good enough to scrape by." He says boredly as he leaves the room.

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Kira listens to the excited conversation about her change, feeling a bit proud at herself and if they weren't impressed by a jaguar sitting willingly at Gerard's feet she didn't know what would be impressive to them. She glances over at the man reaching over to her, ears flattening back against her head half tempted to bite him but lucky for him he pulled his hand away. She sits there patiently, sniffing the air slightly since the food smelled absolutely wonderful. She looks up at Gerard as he instructed her to return to the piano and changes back, rising up to her feet. She walks to the other side of the living room, sitting down and doing her best to play as perfectly as she possibly could.
He sat on one of the couches with a few of the others, each couch was full and the laughter was loud as more drinks were passed around. Soon, conversation turned to the mutant once again. "Gerard, what does the collar do?" The guy who had wanted to touch her earlier asks, narrowing his eyes as he looks at Kira. Gerard looks from the man to the girl, and then pulls the remote out of his pocket. "It keeps her under control." He says, winking and showing everyone the remote. "If she does something I don't like, then I just have to press this button." He says as he points to the button, tempted to press it to see what would happen.

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Kira hits a wrong note at hearing someone ask about the collar before continuing with her song, trying not to pay attention to the people talking around her. She bit her lip as she played, sighing a bit since she figured it was too loud for anyone to really be listening to her playing but didn't stop since Gerard hadn't told her and he had the damn remote. She was tempted to just sit there and act like she was playing but she forgot how much she enjoyed the piano even if she could feel the stares of everyone on her back.
"What happens when you press the button?" Someone asks, and a few people raise their eyebrows as a question. Gerard purses his lips and then grins slightly, "I would imagine it gives her an electric shock. You can change the voltage, look." He shows it to someone next to him who makes the appropriate noises of appreciation. A few people begin to tell tales of their own encounters with mutants, when someone asks Gerard whether or not he had pressed the button yet. Gerard shakes his head and the person scoffs, "If you haven't pressed it yet, you should do it now, so we can all see!" Gerard furrows his eyebrows at this statement and shakes his head.

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Kira grits her teeth tensing up not because she was expecting a shock but because these people wanted her shocked for the hell of it. She closes her eyes to soothe her temper before she said something that would cause her to get a shock. Her playing momentarily stopped because she was slamming keys down too hard and fast ruining the song. She should be used to people's stares and words by now but she hadn't. She wanted to snap back at the people edging Gerard on wishing they could get a shock themselves but he had not pushed the button to please his guests and she had no intention of giving them what they wanted.
Gerard's guests resumed their usual conversation as he himself fingered with the remote, messing with the voltage absentmindedly as he watched Kiras back, listening carefully to her playing. He couldn't hear it so well because of his guests, but he could tell that she wasn't happy by the way she was pressing the keys. Gerard looks at the button that would send the shock to Kira. Something in him was very tempted to press it, but he wanted to watch that on his own. He didn't want to share his new toy. As the night wore on and people began to leave, the house grew quieter and quieter, and as Gerard shut the door on the last guest, he breathed a sigh of relief and pulled off his tie and leaned his head against the door.

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Kira resigned to sitting at the piano bench not playing since no one mentioned she wasn't or requested anything. Her shoulders relax at hearing the last guest leave, her back sore from sitting in that position most of the night. She didn't dare look back at any of the guests for fear of what they'd say or what she'd say in retaliation. She hears his sigh and looks over at Gerard leaning against the door. She didn't realize how much of a trained pet she seemed to be. She knew it was just because of the remote, she wouldn't ever do something on command that she didn't want to if it wasn't for the remote. "Am I done for tonight?" She asks hoping it was so, she could feel her stomach growl at smelling food all night and not having eaten anything today. Damien didn't bother giving her anything, too worried about his own and her appearance for earlier.
"Yes. Yes you're done." He says and stands up straight, looking down at the floor for a moment before looking up at Kira. He beckons her over and walks into the kitchen, knowing that she must be hungry. He pulls out a plate that wasn't fancy, and a glass, and sets it on the side. She could make her own meals, after all that was one of the things she could do, but he didn't want her using the fancier dishes. Gerard leans against the wall across from the counter. "Get yourself whatever, I don't care." He says as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and begins to answer the emails that he had received over the night.

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Kira gets up from the piano rolling her shoulders a bit before walking over to the kitchen and looks at the glass and plate thankful to finally eat. She moves around the kitchen looking around in every cabinet and drawer. "I know I'm being nosey I'm just figuring out where everything is..." she states simply before making herself a simple grilled ham and cheese with a glass of milk. She wasn't much on fancy meals she could cook them of course but grilled cheese was her favorite. She chuckles at herself at eating something so simple in a fancy dress. Once she had finished she cleans up her mess. She turns around and looks back at him. "You apparently have curious friends..." she states, especially noting the one who tried to touch her and seemingly ask most of the questions. She was grateful Gerard wasn't willing to share her, whether for selfish reasons or not she didn't care. Damien let his friends poke and prod and make her do whatever tricks they desired.
"Who wouldn't be curious?" He says, and slips his phone back in his pocket, making sure he still had the remote when he did. He notes she had finished cleaning up, and jerks his head for her to follow him up the stairs. He leads her down the hall and into a small room, the bed freshly made and a small wardrobe in the corner, which he had instructed Maria to fill for her. A door in the room led to a small bathroom with a shower, though the windows to the rooms were locked in a way that they could only open enough to let in a small amount of air, and the glass thick. He holds the door open, "You'll be staying in here. I will let you out in the morning." He says as he shuts her in the room, locking the door behind him.

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Kira glared at the Who wouldn't be curious but sighs since it was true, not everyone found shifting normal, actually she was probably the only one who did. She follows him looking around the room for a moment, it was so much nicer than the cage she was kept in. She looks back at him as he speaks and opens her mouth to say something only to have the door closed and hear it being locked. She frowns wanting to make small talk, to get close to him so she could reach his pocket. She turns to look around the room, trying the windows though she knew he wouldn't be that dumb. She takes her hair down and slips out of the dress before finding something to sleep in in the wardrobe. She looks over at the door and smirks a little as a plan formed in her head. She would be in her jaguar form ready to pounce and hopefully distract him enough to tear the remote from his pocket. She figured the jaguar would be the most amusing to choose after the dinner party. She climbed into bed never really falling in a deep sleep making sure she was up just before sunrise sitting at the door listening for footsteps.
Gerard walked towards the door, his hair brushed out of his face, dressed in a pair of casual jeans and white shirt. He carefully unlocks the door, before putting the key in his pockets and switching so that he was holding the remote. He turns up the voltage, before knocking on the door gently. "You have five seconds to be decent, Kira." He says, and slowly counts down to five in his head. "Okay, I'm coming in." He pushes the door open, one hand still on the remote, ready to press the button if there was any sign of trouble. He supposed he would always have to live on edge with a mutant around.

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Kira heard him at the door before he even spoke her muscles tense at being given 5 seconds, ready to pounce. As soon as the door was open enough she was on him in less than a second, knocking him to the ground and immediately tears at his pocket not expecting him to be ready with the remote. She growls at only digging out a key before spotting the remote in his hand. She gives another growl and goes to bite the remote out of his hand hoping she could get her teeth in him before he could push the button or at least had the voltage down enough for her to fight through it.
The voltage had been on high, his fingers having slipped and moved it up there when he fell. Panicking and confused by the sudden jaguar attack, Gerard kicks at the large animal, momentarily forgetting about the remote until the moment that she goes to bite him, at that very moment he simply presses down on the button, while kicking her away. He scrambles as far away as he can, watching her as the shock ran through her collar.

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Kira grunts as she's kicked before crying out as the shock hits her. It was more intense than any she had felt in a long time, he was more than ready and she had underestimated him greatly. She rolls off of him shaking and twitching from the shocks. She grits her teeth together not even able to cry out between convulsions. She immediately regretted her choice in jumping at him.
Gerard scrambled up the wall and watched as Kira shook, he inched towards the door before stopping the shock. "Change back, or I'll do it again." He warns, his finger ready to press the button. He had been told she'd be a challenge, but in that moment he had feared for his life. "If you do that again, the voltage will be so much higher, girl." He spits and turns to leave the room, shutting the door behind him. He locks it, then leans against it as he breaths deeply.

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Kira changes after she was able to stop twitching stepping back in the room and listens as she hears the door lock thinking she should have eaten that damn key though he probably had spares. She sits back down on the bed and tries to regain her baring pulling at the collar to know use. Her neck ached like hell. She stares at the door for a moment and smirks, at least the look of surprise was amusing. She lays back on the bed staring up at the ceiling wondering if she'd ever get let out anytime soon if at all.
Gerard quickly walks down the hall and down the stairs, before grabbing a banana from the kitchen. He walks into the living area, sitting down on the couch and, for a few hours, watches TV, mindlessly flicking through the channels undecidedly. Soon, he grows bored, and figures perhaps Kira had rethought her actions by now, so he stands again, walking up the stairs and unlocking her door. He pulls it open slowly and stands in the doorway, one hand on his hip and the other holding the remote cockily.

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