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Realistic or Modern Ghost Town CS


Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check
[realistic picture]

Full Name:
Nickname/Alias: [optional]
Age: [age they turned into a monster]
Species: [human / monster (specify which kind)]



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Full Name: Hae Soon-Ja
Nickname/Alias: None; she despises any nicknames given to her.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: moster - ghost

Occupation: Cook (Owns her own restaurant)

-She makes a mean sundubu-jjigae
-A talented cook
-Although some might not see it as a skill Soon-Ja can argue until the next day if one puts her up to it.

-Can not bake for her life
-A bit naive at times

Personality: Soon-Ja is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable, and independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause. Soon-Ja tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Soon-Ja can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

A side most do not get to see to often is that Soon-Ja is a bit of a control freak. She can not stand not knowing, and something that is out of her control can and will drive her crazy. She can become very meticulous with her work, often driving those around her crazy.

Background: While her memories come in bits and pieces Soon-Ja never really pushed to know more of her past. It's not that she is afraid of what happened, but more so because she does not care. Believing that why should she reflect on her past life when she was happy with where she is now?

From what Soon-Ja could recall she did not come to the town on realitvely good terms, perhaps it was a disagreement between her and her parents. Only believing this could be a possiblity because of the feeling when ever she tried to dig up the memories of her past. Soon-Ja knows only the basics of her past, how old she was when she was cursed, the reason behind coming to Suchun, but that was about it. At time she has flashbacks to a time before but they are normally small and fleeting moments.

Living in Suchun Soon-Ja prospered. Opening her own resturant as well as creating ties within the community. Being one of the older residents within Suchun has its perks, mainly giving Soon-Ja a free pass to scold with out question.

code by pasta
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"she looks for adventure around every corner"
Name: Chae Hye-Sun
Alias: Sunnie
Age: Twenty-One
Gender: Female
Species: Gumiho

Body Shape - Petite and small-framed
Height - 5 feet
Weight - 98lbs
Eye color - Dark Brown
Hair color - Jet Black

Occupation: Factotum [Jack of all Trades]
Skills: Hye-Sun is quite skilled in multitasking, being able to do so many things at once. Sometimes, it's amazing that the young girl's head is still on her shoulders and quite well-intact. She is always seen doing something as practically running around everywhere, never staying in one spot for too long.

She is quite agile and great at free running, or also known as parkouring. As someone who is used to doing odd jobs and tackling anything that is thrown at her, it's best that she's quick on her feet to the point that nothing would stand in her way.

Talents: Hye-Sun absolutely loves dancing, especially when the music plays and her feet are swept away. If one was lucky enough to catch her dancing, one would be quite enthralled and mesmerized by the young girl's graceful, elegant, and fluid movements. She's quite a dancer!

Not only is Hye-Sun a dancer, but she absolutely loves playing music. She mostly messes around, however, she has a knack for picking up notes quickly. Hye-Sun plays by ear since she doesn't know how to read sheet music and only follows the melody, beat, and tempos of songs.

Last but not least, she loves humming and is incredible at kareoking. Although Hye-Sun is rarely seen singing, she actually enjoys kareoking and Hye-Sun believes that's a talent in itself. Usually, she rarely sings correctly since she doesn't really take her singing seriously. She loves belting out songs and acting like a fool. However, if one listened to the young girl's vocals well enough, well, one would think she'd have the talent to actually make it in the music industry.

Flaws: She isn't much of a good listener and rarely obeys rules. Despite being relied on for odd jobs and being held responsible to get easy, simple task finished, Hye-Sun is quite the prankster. She thinks everything is fun and games and is usually running around Suchun wrecking havoc everywhere she goes.

Hye-Sun isn't dumb but she isn't smart; just mediocre. She hates reading, especially novels that goes on for miles on end. Hye-Sun would rather doodle in her notebooks then pay attention to her lessons. She is all about the fun! At the same time, Hye-Sun isn't a good cook nor is she able to patiently wait for things to finish. She is always in a rush and can't be tamed.

She is not well-versed in painting, sculpting, drawing, or anything of the sort that requires artwork. Although she loves fooling around with paints and painting anything she can get her hands on, she's just like a child that makes a mess out of everything.

Personality: If there was one adjective to describe Hye-Sun, it would be an energizer bunny. There is no stopping the young girl the moment she starts going and running off. It's quite ironic since the young girl is in fact a gumiho: a mythological nine-tailed fox that has the ability to turn into a beautiful young woman. Gumihos would lure men to them by appearance only to eat their heart and liver. However, it seems the young girl is filled with paradoxes as she is quite lazy. She would never solely go out of her way just to find a "prey" unless she needed it. Nevertheless, despite her being lazy, she can be quite energetic, especially when she finds herself a victim to pull pranks on. Hye-Sun likes to have fun so whenever she finds an opportunity to do so, she takes it. She hates being bored and is quite interactive with those in Suchun and tourist.

Hye-Sun has selective participation. She won't indulge herself in necessities unless it excites her. So while she may be the jack of all trades and surprisingly upholds her responsibilities as one that the others can trust in Suchun, there are times when she dillydallies, but it isn't like the others don't know of her behavior. Nevetheless, the young girl is care-free and does what she likes when she wants. She is aloof and a little odd, but nevetheless, it can come off as an annoyance or endearing, depending on the person. Hye-Sun doesn't stay with particular groups for so long and can be seen bouncing from one place to another. She is a little jittery and a social butterfly. However, she is independent and rarely relies on anyone when it comes down to the nitty gritty.

Herstory: The young girl was always known for venturing off on her own, a little distant and in her own world. She tended to disappear for long periods of time and it was normal to do so. Perhaps, that's the reason why her parents never believed she was missing, always coming back to them when she wished. It was as if she was a stranger in their own home, a person they just adopted and not their own. Hye-Sun wasn't an attached child, much more independent than ever. She got average grades, an average life, and everything was just average, that is, until she found her love for music and adventure.

Hye-Sun yearned for a life outside a day-by-day routined one. She wasn't happy. At least, that's what she did remembered from the bits and pieces she envisioned her dreams whenever she found herself sleeping. Her so-called family had vacationed in Suchun, but, Hye-Sun was the only one who never made it back.

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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Sin Min Jong
Sin Min Jong
Aka: Sin , Min Min , Minie
Male / 20 / Ghost

Height; 5'8
Weight; 128 LBS


This boy can't say he isn't flirty without getting called out on it. The reason: cause he flirts like there isn't a tomorrow. Sin Min Jong is a out going person who likes to be in the center of attention and can be seen as a popular person. He cares deeply for others before himself, but can some times come off as selfish person due to his flirty nature. He has no hesitation , nor morals when it comes to flirting.

Min Jong is compassionate and loyal, a good (and sometimes annoying) friend to have. Disorganized, rule breaker, and mischievous. He just trouble hiding behind kind eyes and a sweet innocent smile.
in depth
Sin Min Jong remembers everything before what happened to the town, but if you mention it,
He will talk about something completely different or just shake his head and walk away to do something else.

He runs a small flower shop with his apartment on top and a vast garden in the back. Because it was his sister's business he always helped in. So he feels indebted to keep it up since she killed her self the night the town was cursed. Despite everything life has thrown at him and the town , he still is a content and flirty child.


coded by @lorde
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Joo Jae Woo
Joo Jae Woo
Aka: JJ, Jaewoo.
Male / 21 / Banshee
Artist // Painter
Face claim; Min Yoongi
Height; 5'9
Weight; 132 LBS


Serious, quiet, with loner tendencies. Enjoys solitude and tends to sit back and observe. Private, rarely talks about their feelings. Can be insensitive to the hardships of others. A planner. Well-organized and hard-working. Works steadily towards identified goals. Focused, with well-developed powers of concentration. Will usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. A perfectionist. Clean, thorough. Finishes tasks. Responsible and dependable. Prepares for worst case scenarios, cautious. Interested in security and a peaceful life. Would rather be friendless than jobless. Holds people to high standards and does not accept apologies easily.
in depth

Jae Woo can't remember his life before the curse, except fragments he gets from his nightmares. He remembers his family dying, and how he doesn't know. He remembers chaos and the time he became one of the cursed, the screams the emitted from him as others died.

Ever since then, the boy rarely talks to anyone about before the event. He mostly stays to himself and paints quietly in his home. Occasionally goes out to keep himself sane and not going berserk. Jae Woo likes to roam the streets at night, but not when he sense someone's death is near, because he doesn't like the shadow of death that he is apart of.


coded by @lorde
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So Ja-Hyun
Nickname » Yunnie , Bun Bun, Ja-Hyun/ age » 20 / gender » Female / species » Vampire

Outgoing, social, great people skills. Good at getting people to have fun. Physically affectionate. Attention seeking, loves crowds. Seductive, open, revealing, loving, empathetic, attachment prone. Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities. Needs to live life in accordance with their inner values. Disorganized. Prone to losing things. Irresponsible. Acts without thinking. Rule breaker. Easily distracted. Comfortable in unfamiliar situations. Attracted to strange things and counterculture. Non-punctual. Likes to stand out. Easily talked into doing silly things. Spontaneous. Wild and crazy. Pleasure seeking, risk taking, thrill seeking, fun seeking. Adventurous. Hyperactive. Irrational. Likes to try new things, unconventional, energetic, impulsive, dangerous.

Yunnie was a reckless bottle of sunshine before the curse, however she knew if she wanted she could have it, often using that against others. She spent her time exploring and doing the most wildest things she could think of. She had a few friends, but they fell away after awhile unable to keep up with the girl. When ever she was calm though, you could find her drawing diffent clothing designs and always asking to get a different style hair cut.

She doesn't remember much of her family, except she had a baby brother that she longs for deeply. Ever since she became a cursed, her personality shows more of a mature side of her, but when no normals are around, she back to her normal self. Wild and Dangerous.
more info
Occupation » Hair Dresser/Clothing Designer
FC » Bae Yoobin
height » 5'9
weight » 121 lbs

© hoseok
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Full Name:
Kang Ji Soo

Jackson Wang

Jiji (he hates it), Ji Soo, and anything else people decided to call him

22 (was cursed at 16)


Cisgender Male


Patissier/Pastry chef

Heightened senses, great reflexes, hunting, wonderful pastry chef, practices martial arts

Tends to get distracted easily when he's not cooking, will sleep the day away if he gets the chance, can be quite possessive/overprotective due to his animal instincts, acts on instincts instead of thinking things through.


Jisoo has always been quite free spirited and prone to going off on wild adventures without caring about the consequences. He's quite optimistic and is usually a bright ball of energy that can lighten up any situation. He is often quite stubborn and hard-headed which has been known to one of his major flaws. Backing down is the equivalent of losing to him and nothing bothers him more than losing. All of his emotions are usually amplified by his animals instincts that tend to cause some misunderstandings. Just because Jisoo is positive most of the time, it doesn't mean that he is a pushover in any way nor will he tolerate rude individuals. As long you're honest and upfront with him, there shouldn't be any problems.

Jisoo's family had always been interested in the occult and supernatural when they had a lot of down time. Every summer was spent visiting a new site which claimed to be haunted, cursed, or a good site to hopefully catch a glance of elusive creatures. Jisoo had instantly taken a interest in such things and discovered the rumored town where actual monsters lived and thrived in plain sight. His family instantly hopped on the idea and was more than happy to move even though his sister was a little hesitant. They were a little disappointed at first when they never noticed anything out of the ordinary until the changes took place within their own home. Jisoo will never be able to forget the fear that he experienced as he first shifted into a bipedal wolf with white fur, another consequence of the curse left him with whitish-blonde hair. He never got quite use to having a tail or ears on his head but it became easier to deal with as time went on. He still struggles with his craving for the hunt and eating anything that crosses his path whether it's human, animal, or another cursed being.

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Mun Ji-Woo

Full Name: Mun Ji-Woo
Nickname/Alias: Ji,
Age: 17
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Monster - Humaniod Phoenix (basically has the fiery wings and the beak but doesn't fully turn into a Phoenix)

Occupation: Waiter
Skills/Talents: Can sing, play guitar, does graffiti
Flaws: Doesn't have the best control over his fire abilities especially if he looses his temper.

Ji-Woo is a creative yet introverted kid. He was bullied for being so quiet and shy which only made him more quiet and shy. His father's abuse didn't help either. He is a singer and musician first and foremost. He writes his own music and plays covers sometimes. His curiosity made him really want to tour and play music which boosted his ambition. He could be considered a doormat in some areas and doesn't show his anger which could be a good thing, only when he's angry, he snaps, and a fiery side is shown. (bedumtss)

Background: Ji-Woo's family was broken even before all this shit went down. His father was an alcoholic and his mother had cancer whilst his older (by 5 years) sister became a dealer when she was 14. He however never did any of that. He tried his best to stay out of bad territory like his father and sister in order to take care of his mother. This soon went down hill after she died when he was 12. The entire family moved away 'for a fresh start'. His father became abusive towards the Mun siblings but due to the fact that his sister was never in the house it was mostly just Ji-Woo. He ended up moving out at 16 into his sister's place despite the fact that she was dealing out of her house. He got into graffiti and began spraypainting to relieve stress but when he doesn't have that he takes it out on objects like walls and doors. His temper was a problem and he hated it. To compensate he took up guitar and singing to distract himself when he was in or out of the house. He was actually fairly good.
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Cheong Nana 청 나나
demon || electrician || 5"7 in height || 120lbs || "The dark side isn't so bad."
Impulsive || Antagonizing || Unfriendly || Sarcastic || Manipulative || Insubordinate || Posessive
Observant || Consistant || Intelligent || Determined
S K I L L S / T A L E N T S
Altering with electricity and technology || Singing || Hiding || Manipulating || Invoking Negative Feelings & Emotions
Nana is not good at making friends or building relationships. In fact, she doesn't intend to. She just finds amusement in bringing out the negativity in people, whether she's messing with their electronics or reminding them about why they're sad just after they've gotten better. Then, she might mention something about revenge and try to get them to engage in dangerous or otherwise harmful activities. Obviously, she's a ray of sunshine.
Nana was never anyone's favorite cup of tea. She was actually, and has always been, an acquired taste. Cheong Nana grew up the only child of a doctor and lawyer, and with much income pouring into her home she never had to want for anything. Not only did she have everything, but she often made it known and showed it off. She created envy and negativity around her, the only thing masking it before she opened her mouth was her uncanny beauty. Even when her world seemed to go dark, and she started to wake up screaming without remembering the day after... her dark aura only worsened until she forcibly lost her humanity.

coded by nate
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Monster Twins (Reaper/Skeleton and Wendigo), Twin A has a Human Fiancee. Human (detective) Fiancee has daughter who is dying.



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[ Name ]
Kang Jae-jin

[ Alias ]

[ Birthday ]
June 26th, 1987 (death at 25)

[ Occupation ] Journalist for MBC TV

[ Relationships ]
Fiance - Park Mina
Twin Sister - Kang Mi-Jin

Monster - Hybrid of Death/Reaper

Positives and Negatives

He possess an inner desire to run, a lot, if he runs out of reading content. Over the years he has held the ability to beat the world record of a mile run at 3 minutes and 43 seconds.
Photographic memory

Be it boredom or simple curiosity, Kang Jae-jin has a knack for remembering anything and everything that he's read. One would call it a photographic memory, but he simply calls it "luck." Although, he doesn't remember the ongoing of verbal communication or dates, if he reads it then he will likely remember it until his existence ceases. This includes facial recognition which has helped in evolving his observational skills. He may not remember what you said, but he remembers how your face trembled when you spoke of your past.
In addition, he has a knack for story-telling. Perhaps it was from his past life or the fact that he runs a book shop...
Due to battling loneliness and finding a distraction, he looks to music and has discovered that he is rather musically talented. At least, he believes so... he hasn't really picked up an instrument to find out.

He easily comes across as a know-it-all or snob due to his lack of mouth-thought-filtering
He can't cook for the "life" of him
He's oddly insecure about his skeletal appearance
He cannot tell when a soul is about to die​


If you ask him to talk about his past, he'll likely offer you a book and state that a book is more educational and enjoyable than his life before the ghost town. He finds it unnecessary, to share that is. Who cares? Although, every now and then when he's lingered at the bars of the town, he's let his heart out. He's wrenched it from the abyss and splayed it out for all - anyone who cared enough - to see.

He comes from a fairly decent family, he had a fairly decent job, fell in love with a fairly decent woman, and had been ready to set a marriage date and expect a child. His life was normal, in a good way. Yet he had to end it all with the promise of a "juicy story" that would surely "get him the promotion of his dreams." The journalist business was hard, and he'd been afraid that once he tied the knot and the child came that he wouldn't make enough to continue to support himself and his family. It was only natural to take the challenge of wandering to Korea's infamous town that was barely spoken above a whisper.

He was foolish then, as he was sure all who'd crossed the barrier were, and he'd laughed at all the warnings and omens until he found himself trapped. His monstrous species is that of a Grim Reaper, but he - thankfully - doesn't have to take souls and what not, but he can see them.


He can be fairly talkative when in the mood. He's nowhere close to being anti-social, but he does have a bad habit of not keeping his thoughts to himself. It's only natural for him to speak his mind, but sometimes it can get him over his head. With this in mind he's also rather blind on people's true intentions and thoughts despite his ability to observe and read others. He can read their exterior, but hasn't quite mastered the interior reading quite yet.

When in the view of everyone, but his twin, he's relatively cheery. He finds it pointless to mope around, but when he's hiding amidst his books, he' can get a bit depressed. After all, he hasn't seen his fiance since he got trapped. He'll likely never see her.

He relies on his twin sister when it comes to remembering conversations and dates as well as for emotional support. After all, she's been there for him and with him since day one, and he's aware of how she'll take on any order or wish of his.

It's embarrassing for him to admit, but he hates looking in any reflective surfaces when he's in his "normal state," the skeletal appearance. Everything else he can handle, even the rotten smell that emanates from his decayed flesh.



ı ɔɐu'ʇ duıʇǝ ɔouʇɐıu oɹ ǝxblɐıu ɯʎ ǝʌıl ʍɐʎs, oɹ ǝxblɐıu ʍɥʎ ı'ɯ uoʇ sɐuǝ

kang mi-jin


[ Name ]
Kang Mi-jin

[ Alias ]

[ Birthday ]
June 26th, 1987 (death at 25)

[ Occupation ] Bartender

[ Relationships ]
Twin Brother- Kang Jae-Jin

Monster - Wendigo/Windigo

Positives and Negatives

It's likely due to her beastly side, but she seems to have a thing for hunting or tracking... not that it's helpful when in the town
Like her brother, she has a knack for photographic memory

Like Jae, Kang Mi-Jin shares his talent of a photographic memory; however, she tends to remember everything. This includes smell and sound as she has a very sensitive nose and pair of ears(not animalistic hearing).
Unlike her brother, she can cook and can even save the food he tends to ruin... even though he says otherwise.

Clumsy and always on edge
If it wasn't for bar-tending, talking would be a difficult pastime
She's incredibly bothered by her beastly side
Believed schizophrenia, but it's likely the beastly nature​


She's often confused to be Jae-Jin's little sister, it's likely based upon how she acts around him and depends on him. Ever since they were young, she's been his shadow. She'd followed him everywhere and copied every little thing he did until he'd gotten a journalist job and found the woman of his dreams. Although she would find excuses to see him at work and swing by his apartment. In addition, she'd find various, useful information for him to use in his journals and articles.

Unlike her brother's life, hers was utterly boring and silent. There was no career or future in bartending, but she did it as a way to get her parents to stop worrying about her lack of communication and socializing skills.

When she'd overheard Jae-Jin going to a town she'd yet to hear of, she insisted on going. She'd claimed two heads were better then one, they could cover more ground, and maybe actually hang out for a change since spending time was lately a rarity. She'd had to pester him for days,and finally got the approval when she'd threatened to tell his fiance of his true intentions.

Her brother detests his appearance, but she abhors her beastly side and the nature that it tends to bring.


Half the time it's like talking to a brick wall. She's not really into being cheery, but doesn't strive to be depressive and brooding either. She's simply there, existing. She tends to exclaim randomly, talking to another person who clearly isn't there, and suffers from bouts of apathy and fatigue.

She's not one to observe others like her brother, and reading isn't quite her forte. However, she does like to listen to others talking. It's clear talking is not something she enjoys and 9 times out of 10 when she does talk, it sounds like she's in pain. Some believe she actually is, physically, but it's more or less that it's... difficult for her to speak her words. She tends to stammer and she finds that humiliating so talking hard and abrupt tends to help lessen the stumbling of syllables.

There's nothing that she won't do for her brother. She's looked up to him since day one, and can be rather abrupt and unpredictable if she feels that her brother has been insulted or threatened. Then again, she's not prone to violence. She doesn't like the tinge of thrill that it brings, and definitely hates the sight of blood even if it does set off butterflies in her stomach. So... she will result to name calling and barking threats.

parĸ мιna


[ Name ]
Park Mina

[ Alias ]

[ Birthday ]
June 26th, 1992

[ Occupation ] Detective

[ Relationships ]
Fiance - Kang Jae-Jin
Daughter - Park Young-Mi/Yumi


Positives and Negatives

Mina has a rather unnervingly steady hand when it comes to wielding a weapon or wielding a pen. Sharpshooter, the word itself just doesn't do justice to describe it.
She can write a twenty page report in under five minutes and take on and complete a number of cases all at once. Her record last August was completing five cases in the course of four months.

Mina will be the first to tell you that she's not "talented," even though she can speak multiple languages and roundhouse your neck at a 180 degree faster then you can blink. She insists it's all skill (and in the way you hold your tongue).

She tends to get cocky at times
Although she's good with a gun she still hesitates firing it
If it's a case out of a horror movie, she tends to find a way out of it (easily frightened)​


Mina was to set a wedding with her fiance, a month before her pregnancy, but things took a turn for the worse when her soon-to-be-husband and sister-in-law went to Japan to do journalism on the Fiji mountains. It'd been a week without word that had made her grow worried. She hasn't seen or heard from either of them since. At that time, she'd been in the police academy and has since graduated and joined a crime investigation task force in Seoul, South Korea.

Whenever she has the time, which is rare, she tries to find private investigators and law enforcement from Japan to scour the mountains of Japan. Even after all these years she cannot get her mind off of her husband, and she's dead-set on him still being alive. However, after her daughter, Yumi, fell ill, she's had to reset her priorities.


Mina is painstakingly stubborn, and won't take no for an answer. She'd proven that well when she'd pestered Jae-Jin into dating her years ago, and now, when she takes on cases and prosecutes criminals with difficult cases. Her stubbornness is a bit of a flaw in itself as she isn't one to ask for help, unless it's to do with Jae-Jin's whereabouts or her daughter's deteriorating well being.

Despite having dealt with anything and everything when it comes to law enforcement, Mina still suffers wearing her heart on her sleeve. There's been many a time where she's come home in tears only to sit down and drown her sorrows in a bottle of alcohol. Of course, she was gifted a high tolerance to the substance so it does little to help.

Although her family is confident, she's come to the conclusion that her Yumi may die within the next few months... hopefully years. It makes it hard to focus on work and life in general as she doesn't know quite what she will do once she has to plan a second funeral.

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Kim Youn-Woo
Full Name: Kim Youn-Woo.
Nickname/Alias: Red.
Age: 24.
Gender: Male.
Species: Zombie.

Occupation: Chief of the town.
Skills/Talents: Persuasion | Hunting | Strength
Flaws: Dangerous | Slow

Personality: Polite | Patient | Problem solver | Dangerous (when lost control) | Blunt
Background: Due to having been one of the first ones that were cursed, he lost the memories of his past. It’s not known if he remembers now or not. Nobody had asked/persuaded him to tell yet.
The only things that are known about him currently that he is the chief of the town. Protecting those who need to be protected and doing everything he can in order to make people their lives better. However, as the sun goes under and the moon goes up, he tends to disappear from time to time. Like he vanishes from the earth. But once he returns in the morning, his eyes could have completely turned white which slowly transforms back after time passes.

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