• This section is for roleplays only.
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final girl. final girl. Hmm, I'll just use the Danish/French word for Mermaid then since I can't think of anything else that would work nicely >_<

edit: Okay! I'm all done with my application, unless you want me to pretty it up with a layout?
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You can, if you’d like! You don’t have to though!
I almost finished him and then the page refreshed and now I've lost everything
Omg these websites sometimes. I’m sorry about that.
Heck yeah! I just need to create the roommate roster and we can! Any requests?
I don't mind whoever I'm put with! Just place Rowen with someone she'll fight have a great time with ~
Okay, well let’s put her with Alice (because she a savage too), they’ll be great friends!
aaaye that would be fun, i'm just excited for this rp overall! first forum RP with people i've never interacted with before, so it's super cool to be introduced to more people in the community

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