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Realistic or Modern Gang rp. OCs and ooc]


Hit Me!
Alright guys we will post our Ocs together with their roles in here. If you have questions or want to discuss some things from the roleplay do it here.

•● Basics ●•



Amber Wang​






110 lbs​


Tattoos, Piercings, physical contact​


Spiders, skirts, being told what to do​

•Sexual orientation•





The informant


Amber is a friendly person who smiles a lot and jokes around, despite being in a gang. She hides her emotiones really well and doesn't like to show her weak side, especially not to strangers. She also is a really touchy person and likes physical contact, even if its just holding hands. Due to her bubbly persona people often underestimate her which can often be an advantage.

She makes a big secret out of how she gathers her informations and doesnt speak about her methods. Amber is a good fighter but prefers to not get her fingers bloody and only uses violence if really needed.

Amber is a good liar and likes to manipulate the people around her but of course not the members of her little family. She is also really stubborn and tends to act egoistic

•Backstory info•

Amber was born as the third child into a poor family. They lived in an old and shaby house, where she had to share a room with her two older brothers and younger sister. Their father was an unemployed and violent man with an alcohol problem while their mother worked nightshifts in a small diner.
Amber hated the house and her father. She was afraid of him and used to hide in the closer when he started to yell and hit.

When she was 8 her brother shot another man while robbing a gas station and was arrested in their living room. Her other brother ran away from home soon after.

Amber was a problem child. She started fights, did drugs and got her first tattoo at the age of 14 in the basement of a friend. She didn't finish school and ran away from home after another beating from her father, leaving her youngest sister behind.

She lived on the streets for a few month where she learned everything important to survive between gang wars and illegal buisness. Amber soon got the oppurnity to work in a small and dirty tattoo parlor and made some money on the side.

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Name: Leo ‘The Chameleon’ Sharp
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Right Hand Man

Personality: Leo is the kind of guy that hides his true emotions and thoughts behind a friendly smile and fake persona everyone seems to buy without question. In truth, Leo can be very dangerous exactly because of his skill to cover up his true self. Leo also learned how to take on different ‘roles’ early in his childhood so he is the perfect person to send somewhere undercover since he seems to directly slip into the role and personality he is supposed to be, besides that his smarts help to broaden the possible roles he can become. He is especially skilled at hiding his anger and so there is no telling if you pissed him off until there is a knife stuck in your chest or a bullet in your head.

Leo has flaws, just like any other person in the world but he is just slightly better at hiding them. Leo loves luxury clothing and items so he is extremely touchy if someone ruins some of those things and so rarely gets his hands dirty since it could mess up his style or dirty his suit. That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t act if he had to, in fact if you get him to the point where he has to do something himself he is able to surprise you with his cruel and cold way, again he much prefers to have others do his dirty work. When in action he throws caution to the wind and reacts on pure impulse and improvises. It often gets him in risky and dangerous situations he tries to defuse with his smarts, charm and sarcasm once it turns out his smarts and kind persona aren’t cutting it. At the end he isn’t a bad guy until he has to be and his loyalty and protective instinct towards the gang is strong and fierce.

Biography: Leo was born into a family living in a posh neighborhood. His parents were both a couple of con artists that made a decent living by swindling rich guys out of their money. The second Leo was old enough to talk his parents thought him how to put on an act so he could help them out with their cons. One day Leo’s father swindled the wrong person and got the family into a situation they couldn’t get out of. They started working for the man they had unsuccessfully tried to swindle, he had turned out to be a mob boss and since he recognized their skill he decided they just might be more useful to him alive than dead.

The guy took Leo under his wing when he saw him as a diamond in the rough that he could shape and form into a successful criminal that would bring him in a lot of money so Leo was mostly raised by the boss from then on since his parents didn’t dare do anything about it. During his time living with the boss he met the man and now close friend that put their current gang together.

Zane Tyler Williams

1544396648065.pngRole: Debt Collector
Age: 25
Height: 6'2"
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Smoker: Yes

+ Fast cars + Knives + Women + Steak + Fitness + Violence + Success + Winning + Loyalty + Numbers +

- Noise - Idiots - Cowards - Cops - Lawyers - Snobs - Religion -

To the small number of people he cares for and trusts, Zane is a friendly, generous and protective man. He can at times come across as serious, but usually he's just caught during a time he is focused on business and planning his next courses of action. Outside of that, he's been known to crack the odd dry joke or playfully wind up his friends. To him, the gang is a family and there comes a loyalty that should never be broken. If he trusts someone, then he expects them not to betray that, else they might be treated even worse than his enemies.

Away from his family and friends, there is another side to Zane and it's the side that makes him good at his role within the gang. If someone owes the crew, than Zane will go to any length to collect the debt. He isn't afraid to use mind games to threaten his victims and if he senses their fear, it only reassures him he's making progress. He's perfectly happy to inflict pain, maim or severely injure those who don't pay up. There's not much at all that can repulse him or turn his stomach. Business is business and he has yet to feel remorse for his actions, even if he knows the difference between right and wrong.

Backstory info
Zane grew up in an abusive home. His father was a lawyer who was eventually struck off after his gambling addiction was discovered. His mother tried to keep the family afloat, working two jobs whilst the man of the house gambled away what little earnings he made from his barman job. Zane's parents would often argue and it would end with his father hitting the woman. The cops had numerous opportunities to stop the abuse but they were always spun a tale and would leave without believing the woman's story.

Zane was 15 when he returned home to find his father had been slaughtered in the family living room. He learned his old man had owed the wrong people a lot of money and his failure to pay up had resulted in the gangsters murdering him. Whilst his mother was hysterical when she returned home to see the gruesome aftermath, Zane remained calm and collected, oddly unmoved by what had greeted them in their lounge.

As the years went on, Zane continued with his studies. Though he was intelligent and gifted with numbers, he could never really commit to school. He had no intention on going on to university and no desire to have a 9-5 job. He craved excitement and power. After briefly meeting Amber Wang and Richard Morrow, he eventually approached the gang leader again, offering his services and unquestionable loyalty to their crew. On one hand, he craved a sense of belonging, but the hidden part of him wished for an outlet of his pent up aggression. What better way than to put his skills to use?

Zane's mother was admitted to a psychiatric hospital 7 years ago, diagnosed with schizophrenia, and has remained there ever since.

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Name: Brandon Redick
Age: 24
Height: 6'0
Likes: Computers, Technology, Gadgets, Freedom, Sweets, Trouble, Danger, Hats, Coffee, Challenges
Dislikes: being rushed, ordered around, being underestimated, other hackers, government organisations, arrogant people/organisations who think they are safe, working out, chores, bossy people, smoke, being treated like a kid, hot weather
Orientation: heterosexual
Smoker: no
Role: Hacker
Brandon is a sarcastic and cocky youngster completely assured of his abilities. He is driven by his intense curiosity and doesn't care for anything that does not pique his interests. He operates on his whims and fancies and is a selfish chap who rarely does anything unless he has a stake or interest in it. He likes to rile others up because he finds it entertaining and enjoys pulling pranks on them for the same reason. Brandon lives by the belief that if you want something you got to pay for it. This leads him to require others to do something in turn for him when they ask for a favour. He takes great pride in his work and abilities, disliking the idea of anything sullying it.
He's extremely laid back and relaxed, the kind to stress people out in high stress, risky situations by not moving as fast or not taking it as seriously as he should. (He once took his time to stop a security breach waiting till the last possible moment.) He hates being ordered around and rushed and is the type of guy to do precisely what you don't want him to do especially if he doesn't like you or you get far too pushy. He doesn't let anything rattle him or at least he tries hard not to let it show if he's rattled.
From a young age, Brandon has loved computers, ever since he received his first one as a birthday present, he has been hooked exploring the device and its various features and capabilities.
He would spend more time with his machines than he did with people and after graduating was scouted by a top company. Brandon quit when his boss rushed him to stop a security breach by hackers while he was on a coffee break and blasted him for taking his time to resolve it. To punish his boss for rushing him and because he was bored, he hacked the security system shortly after and planted a virus into it while leaking company secrets. Shortly after, he joined the gang because there he had more freedom to do as he wished and because the leader intrigued him.
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  • Name
    Ricky "Snow" Huxley

    27 years / Six feet.

    Hair/eye color
    Brown / Hazel

    The dealer.

    Marijuana, cocaine and alcohol. Money. Jewelry. Expensive clothes. Nice cars.

    Cops. Other dealers encroaching on his turf. People ducking him for payment. Any music that isn't rap. Poor people looking for a handout.

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Richard ‘Ox’ Morrow



Smoking, booze, quiet, planning, his good jacket, women, people keeping their word

Liars, unloyal people, quitters, cowards

Sexual orientation:


The Leader

Ox grew up with his single mother and younger sister. His uncle was the one that got him involved in this business. His uncle never had any children of his own, and so he treated Ox like a son, closest thing Ox had to a father anyway. Curse when your ‘father’ sticks a gun in your hand at age twelve and tells you this is your future it’s not exactly what anyone would image their ‘father’ doing. He learned quick on his feet, joining up with his uncle’s crew at the ripe age of fourteen. In his twenties, he was branched out, see his uncle was part of a system, a small system, only three of them at the time. But they linked up often, and so Ox was sent to the other group to learn different dynamics. That’s how it was done when you looking to expand you don’t just hire up any guy, one of your own takes the lead. They find others to help hire up, and that’s how you build. Ox learned real quick what leadership was like in this business. You take no ones shit, your word is final. You always do what is best for the group, and most importantly, take out all rats.

Took some time to build up this crew he had going here, still wasn’t entirely ready, but he’d been working at it. He and Sharp got things done. Sharp did well sneaking about, figuring who was really who with their recruits and Ox told them how it was. You join, then great, do your job. You don’t.. That’s fine, but you better keep your fuckin’ mouth shut or you’re dead.

Ox was harsh, but he was just and fair. He didn’t mess around with tom-foolery like some of his lower comrades. No. You had a job, you got it done, you did your work and you moved the fuck on. Loyalty was everything and never under any circumstance did you ever throw another member under the bus. If you did… well, Ox almost wondered if anyone would try that one out.
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Hey, since we have most of the roles I'm thinking about starting this soon. The other two could jump in at some point later? Or do you guys want to wait ?
How are our characters relationships? (Do we make up something or discuss it?)
They all know each other pretty well and have a strong bond with each other. But of course there can be fights sometimes, like in a real family. Your character can choose with whom they're the closest or get along the best though. Amber for example tries to be close to every member. But the relationships can also change throughout the play.

  • Name: Kendall Martin
    Alias: Robin Bell
    Nickname: N/A
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Race: Caucasian
    Height: 5' 2"
    Weight: 103lbs
    Eye Color: Dark blue
    Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
    Distinguishing Features: Scare behind right ear; other non-visible scars

So this is how I vaguely imagine the base.


This is kind of the "hidden" exit.
Its nothing fancy since they just made it the base. Imagine just some necessaries like chairs, a table, some shelfs and a desk upstairs.

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