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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Theo leapt at fox, axe held in preparation to swing. The only thing running through her mind was the intent to kill fox and keep everyone safe.


Will realized he still had his Long sword he had made with his bare hands... well the bare hands of his uncle. He uncapchalouged the sword and hung the scabbard by his belt and unsheathed it


Kersin observed the fighting with a strategic gaze; how in the universe were they to defeat someone with such power. Surely attacking all at once would do the trick, but that would have to be a very coordinated attack.

Duke: Have a mishap happen causing you to do something stupid and painful

Unable to use his DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG as a shield, in its current state, Duke was forced to take the thing head on. However, the energy wave caused the DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG to become unbalanced and teeter. Also, the wave of energy caused Duke to accidentally slide his fingers across several keys while the DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG was currently pointing diagonally downwards. This caused a burst of energy to be sent from the DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG, in turn causing it to be launched backwards with it still around Duke's waist. With that said, Duke was sent flying...literally.

Duke: Once again get schooled by Sir Isaac Newton

You hit the ground, more pissed than you ever were before. You hustle your way onto one foot and try to get back up.
Duke: Converse

Yeah yeah yeah, we get the joke already, you can't speak. Just post a memo or something already.

Duke: Post memo

You cannot post a memo for once again your COSMIC SPECS are shattered...

*Heavy sigh*

"Here let me try this. Sovarótita, na ton kratísei geioméno!"

You cast a spell on Duke.

"If I did this right... this should keep you from getting blown away again, and also lessen the impact of those energy attacks."

Duke: Do the Alchemist Soul thing

You do so and make yourself a pair of COSMIC SPECS for like the seventh time.

QA: That only solves half the problem.

QA: He's still an untouchable asshole.

QA: I can barely land a shot on him.

QA: Even when I do, he takes it like nothing.

QA: ...

QA: It's just making me so pissed.

QA: I just wanna go up to his face and go "Waa-bam!"

QA: ...

QA: And that was my poor attempt on making a punching sound.

Theo got knocked backwards and skid a ways away from the group.




This caused Will to face palm, had he taught her NOTHING about strategy!

QA: Ugh...

QA: I don't know how.

QA: Don't even know how I did it in the first place.

QA: All I can recall was that I was really piss and focused on kicking someone's ass.

QA: Then it just sort of happened and then he died in a game of chicken.

QA: Then the dude came back with other dead person.

QA: THEN I realized Hell exist.

QA: Still not sure how I feel about that, Hell's real.

QA: Kind of makes me not want to die.

Duke: Theorize

...you guess that would make a lot of sense.

Duke: Get pissed!

God, you are just so pissed at this guy! Who does he think he is, coming here and wrecking shit up!? You wanna just kick this guy's ass so bad! You know what, WHY NOT!

Duke: Aggrieve

You grab you weapon and start charging at him, ready to do that one thing you were thinking about.

Duke: Examine chest

You slowdown a bit to see that your symbol is starting to flash...Do it.

Duke: Do the treasure thing

You activate the treasure, focusing on the final Hex member.


Switching your DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG to disc mode and hop on. You pick up some speed, before you attempt something stupid. Still heading towards Mort, you grab the rim of your DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG and start going into a spin. You were like a coin flipping in mid air, except in one direction. You were about to perform something very stupid, but man would it be satisfying to actually go up to his face and go "Waa-bam" like you though about. In position, you were right behind this guy ready to slam the DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG in his face.

Fox turns around just in time for Duke's attack to connect with his face. He falls over, hard, while Duke lands and gets off his disc.

"How the hell did you...?!"

He gets back up and glares at Duke, blood running down his nose.
Wanna go at em together


Theo held out her axe for Will to jump on, then she spun around and around as fast as possible and then launched Will straight at fox foot extended and sword at the ready.


As theo said this will landed and managed to block with the long sword.


He then ran further from Fox to avoid anymore uneven combat, although a mortal fighting a god was pretty uneven anyways.


Will took the knock back and his sword was knocked out of his hand, despite his rock hard grip.


He had finally said after regaining the breath that had been knocked out of him.

Sophie: !!!

Will was getting beaten! And bad... You clench your fists.

"Hey, jerk! Leave Will alone."

You shout, equipping your whip. He had no right to be so rude!

Aura: Agree

"Ken, we should help!"
Will rolls towards his sword as well as dodging the attack.


Theo yells this as she charges towards Fox, axe raised in preparation to attack or block if necessary.

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Afrien : Attack


There is no point in fighting a futile battle. There is no slaying a being like this...

Israel : Attack!

You are dragging this motherfucker down to Hell with you! You lunge at Fox, Dagger drawn, and slash with a Shadow Energy blade.


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